34 episódios

Every seller has a story, and every story is a unique journey. Each month, host Georgea Mpampanis explores the challenges faced, the obstacles overcome, and the insights hard-won by some of our top sellers. The eBay Seller Spotlight podcast uncovers what motivates, inspires, and keeps these entrepreneurs on the path to fulfilling their dreams.

New episodes released the third Wednesday of the month.

eBay Seller Spotlight Podcast eBay

    • Negócios

Every seller has a story, and every story is a unique journey. Each month, host Georgea Mpampanis explores the challenges faced, the obstacles overcome, and the insights hard-won by some of our top sellers. The eBay Seller Spotlight podcast uncovers what motivates, inspires, and keeps these entrepreneurs on the path to fulfilling their dreams.

New episodes released the third Wednesday of the month.

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 033 - Never too late: Chi Swift on eBay as a second career

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 033 - Never too late: Chi Swift on eBay as a second career

    On this episode of the podcast: eBay seller Chi Swift of Chi Lin Gems worked at a Fortune 50 company for almost 30 years before diving full-time into her passion for selling jewelry. Join us for today’s episode where we’ll discuss how corporate experience shapes her business practices, why she strives to make every sale special, and her plans for growing her jewelry line.  Please share your comments / questions with us, call 888 723-4630 or email  podcast@ebay.com. 
    New links for Ep 033
    Store: https://www.ebay.com/str/chilingems
    Recurring links
    eBay for Business Podcast - ebay.com/podcast

    • 12 min
    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 032 - One brick at a time: Shannon Kramer on learning to succeed

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 032 - One brick at a time: Shannon Kramer on learning to succeed

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 032 - One brick at a time: Shannon Kramer on learning to succeed
    On this episode of the podcast: eBay seller Shannon Kramer of Brickeology had never touched a LEGO in her life until adulthood but found the toys to be a great way to bond with her family and earn income as a reseller. Join us this week to hear about her most beloved LEGO sets, how she’s benefited from the eBay community, and why failure is a necessary part of success.   
    Please share your comments / questions with us, call 888 723-4630 or email  podcast@ebay.com. 
    New links for Ep 032
    Shannon’s eBay Store: Brickeology - https://www.ebay.com/str/brickeology
    Recurring links
    eBay for Business Podcast - ebay.com/podcast

    • 17 min
    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 031 - Shooting your shot: Lauren Villarreal on the entrepreneurial mindset

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 031 - Shooting your shot: Lauren Villarreal on the entrepreneurial mindset

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 031 - Shooting your shot: Lauren Villarreal on the entrepreneurial mindset
    On this episode of the podcast: Lauren Villarreal of Round Two Avenue flexed her entrepreneurial muscles from a young age by selling lemonade, cleaning services, and handmade dolls. Eventually, she found an outlet for her talents on eBay and became a full-time seller. Join us this week to hear about her training as an appraiser, setting up an LLC, and how the eBay Up and Running Grant helped her grow her business. 
    Please share your comments / questions with us, call 888 723-4630 or email  podcast@ebay.com. 
    New links for Ep 031
    Lauren’s eBay Store - https://www.ebay.com/str/roundtwoavenue
    Recurring links
    eBay for Business Podcast - ebay.com/podcast

    • 13 min
    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 030 - Show up every day: Dave Ng on growing a full-time business

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 030 - Show up every day: Dave Ng on growing a full-time business

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 030 - Show up every day: Dave Ng on growing a full-time business
    On this episode of the podcast: eBay seller Dave Ng of Autolatch began casually selling on eBay in 2006, then gradually grew his auto parts business into a full-time career. Join us on today’s episode to hear how he gives new life to used car parts, how being a child of immigrants shapes his business practices, and the importance of self-teaching for sellers trying to grow on eBay.
    Please share your comments / questions with us, call 888 723-4630 or email  podcast@ebay.com. 
    New links for Ep 030
    David’s eBay Store
    Recurring links
    eBay for Business Podcast - ebay.com/podcast

    • 14 min
    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 029 - Thrift stores for the digital age: Eric Rader on bringing The Salvation Army online.

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 029 - Thrift stores for the digital age: Eric Rader on bringing The Salvation Army online.

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 029 - Thrift stores for the digital age: Eric Rader on bringing The Salvation Army online.
    On this episode of the podcast: Eric Rader is a long-time eBay user turned seller through his work with The Salvation Army. Join us this week to hear about his most unique eBay purchases, the process of taking a thrift business online, and how eBay tools helped his organization make almost $5 million for charity in one year.   
    Please share your comments / questions with us, call 888 723-4630 or email  podcast@ebay.com. 
    New links for Ep 029
    Salvation Army Austin TX eBay Store - https://www.ebay.com/str/thesalvationarmyaustintx
    Recurring links
    eBay for Business Podcast - ebay.com/podcast

    • 17 min
    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 028 - Save the world and look good doing it: Michelle Nguyen on sustainable fashion.

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 028 - Save the world and look good doing it: Michelle Nguyen on sustainable fashion.

    eBay Seller Spotlight - Ep 028 - Save the world and look good doing it: Michelle Nguyen on sustainable fashion.
    On this episode of the podcast: Michelle Nguyen of Emmi’s Closet on eBay is an entrepreneur and fashion designer with a knack for repurposing secondhand textiles into one-of-a-kind pieces. Join us this week to hear about how she got her start, ways to reduce waste in fashion and beyond, and her plans for starting her sustainable clothing brand. 
    Please share your comments / questions with us, call 888 723-4630 or email  podcast@ebay.com. 
    New links for Ep 028
    Michelle’s eBay Store: Emmi’s Closet - https://www.ebay.com/str/shopemmiscloset
    Recurring links
    eBay for Business Podcast - ebay.com/podcast

    • 12 min

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