9 episodes

Welcome to the Faithful With A Little podcast! I believe we desire more in life because we weren’t created to be stagnant. What if I told you the secret to more was to first be faithful with a little? You'll quickly learn that I avoid small talk like the plague while I thrive on authenticity. I don’t shy away from what’s hard today in order to help you get to where you really want to be tomorrow. Throughout this podcast, I’ll bring you raw, honest conversation about what it takes to faithfully walk out whatever life throws at you. I'm convinced that God has purpose for the in-between season of where you are and where you want to be. From simple finance concepts that will help you get ahead to hearing from a variety of guests on how they tackle their in-between seasons, being faithful with a little won’t be easy, but it sure will be worth it!

Faithful with a Little Lori Bradley

    • Educação

Welcome to the Faithful With A Little podcast! I believe we desire more in life because we weren’t created to be stagnant. What if I told you the secret to more was to first be faithful with a little? You'll quickly learn that I avoid small talk like the plague while I thrive on authenticity. I don’t shy away from what’s hard today in order to help you get to where you really want to be tomorrow. Throughout this podcast, I’ll bring you raw, honest conversation about what it takes to faithfully walk out whatever life throws at you. I'm convinced that God has purpose for the in-between season of where you are and where you want to be. From simple finance concepts that will help you get ahead to hearing from a variety of guests on how they tackle their in-between seasons, being faithful with a little won’t be easy, but it sure will be worth it!

    Grieving Well with Kristen Myers

    Grieving Well with Kristen Myers

    Well guys, I know it's been a hot minute since the last episode, BUT I'm encouraged to bring you a new episode today called, Grieving Well with a very special gust, Kristen Myers. My plan was not to abruptly stop the podcast like I did, so I apologize for that! I was going to post a couple more episodes before taking an "Official break", but to be honest my business continues to take off, which leaves little to no time to post new content like I want in this season. Don't worry though, w...

    • 51 min
    Chasing After Your Dreams

    Chasing After Your Dreams

    What are your goals and dreams?In this episode, my hope is to help you identify them and then challenge you to get after those things in order to have more influence in the areas God has called you to! Matthew 13:23 says, “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”We can be in Christ and settle for sixty or thirty times what is sown, but I want to...

    • 26 min
    When To Speak Up with Keri Armentrout

    When To Speak Up with Keri Armentrout

    I got the privilege of interviewing Keri Armentrout, who along with her husband, has been on staff with Cru for the past 20 years. Kari is also a wife, mom, author and strong woman of God that I look up to. I met Kari when I was in Cru as a college student and have stayed connected with her through social media over the years. This past year I started hearing a lot of people say, “If you’re silent, you’re part of the problem” in regards to a lot of social injustices being highlighted in...

    • 27 min
    Overcoming Church Hurt with Justin Bradley

    Overcoming Church Hurt with Justin Bradley

    This is a hard topic for us, but we feel called to share our stories. The truth is, we’ve both been tempted to let the hurt we’ve experienced keep us out of being a part of the church, but we know God calls His people to be a part of the body of Christ.The enemy wants nothing more than to get you isolated. My hope is that our experiences encourage you to take your first step to get into the body, get back in if you’ve been out or keep you in if you’re tempted to step out in the future. B...

    • 46 min
    Combatting The Lies We Hear

    Combatting The Lies We Hear

    Do you realize how easy it is to believe a lie and then allow that lie to knock you off course? For those who are in Christ, the enemy cannot have your salvation, but he sure can deceive you. Matthew 13:8 says, "Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop-a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." How can you produce a crop that is a hundred times what was sown? It starts with having vision for the crop, but grows with faithful and consistent tilling of the soil. In thi...

    • 20 min
    The Fruit of Obedience with Undisclosed Guest

    The Fruit of Obedience with Undisclosed Guest

    How do you know what God’s will is for your life and what does it look like to experience the fruit of being obedient to that call? In this episode, I got to interview a friend of mine who is a missionary in Asia as she talks about how the Lord called her into her vocation, what she’s had to sacrifice to live oversees, the fruit of being faithful to the call on her life and also how you, whether you’re in vocational ministry or not, can glorify God wherever you’re at.For security purposes, I ...

    • 33 min

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