283 episódios

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

Fluent Fiction - Danish Fluent Fiction Network

    • Educação

Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

    School Year Adventures Begin: Emilie and Magnus Explore Tivoli

    School Year Adventures Begin: Emilie and Magnus Explore Tivoli

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: School Year Adventures Begin: Emilie and Magnus Explore Tivoli
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: I Tivoli Gardens er der lys og musik.
    En: In Tivoli Gardens, there are lights and music.

    Da: Emilie og Magnus står ved indgangen.
    En: Emilie and Magnus stand at the entrance.

    Da: Det er første dag i skolen efter sommerferien.
    En: It's the first day of school after summer vacation.

    Da: De er spændte og nervøse.
    En: They are excited and nervous.

    Da: Tivoli er et vidunderligt sted at starte skoleåret.
    En: Tivoli is a wonderful place to start the school year.

    Da: Emilie elsker karusseller.
    En: Emilie loves carousels.

    Da: "Magnus, lad os prøve den!"
    En: "Magnus, let's try that one!"

    Da: siger hun og peger på den store karussel.
    En: she says, pointing to the large carousel.

    Da: Magnus nikker og smiler.
    En: Magnus nods and smiles.

    Da: De køber billetter og går hen til karussellen.
    En: They buy tickets and go to the carousel.

    Da: Vindene blæser i deres ansigter, mens de kører rundt, og begge griner højt.
    En: The winds blow in their faces as they ride around, and both laugh loudly.

    Da: Efter karussellen går de hen til et isbod.
    En: After the carousel, they go to an ice cream stand.

    Da: "Hvilken smag vil du have?"
    En: "What flavor do you want?"

    Da: spørger Emilie.
    En: Emilie asks.

    Da: "Jordbær," svarer Magnus.
    En: "Strawberry," Magnus replies.

    Da: De nyder isene og ser på de andre børn legende rundt.
    En: They enjoy their ice creams and watch the other children playing around.

    Da: Da de har spist deres is, ser de et stort pariserhjul.
    En: After eating their ice creams, they see a large Ferris wheel.

    Da: "Skal vi tage en tur?"
    En: "Shall we take a ride?"

    Da: spørger Magnus forsigtigt.
    En: asks Magnus cautiously.

    Da: Emilie nikker ivrigt.
    En: Emilie eagerly nods.

    Da: De går op i en kabine og ser ud over hele Tivoli.
    En: They climb into a cabin and look out over the entire Tivoli.

    Da: Fra toppen kan de se farverige lys og mennesker overalt.
    En: From the top, they can see colorful lights and people everywhere.

    Da: "Jeg er lidt bange," siger Magnus.
    En: "I'm a bit scared," says Magnus.

    Da: "Bare rolig, jeg er her," siger Emilie og holder hans hånd.
    En: "Don't worry, I'm here," says Emilie, holding his hand.

    Da: Det hjælper Magnus til at slappe af, og snart nyder de udsigten sammen.
    En: This helps Magnus relax, and soon they enjoy the view together.

    Da: Da det begynder at blive mørkt, beslutter de at tage et sidste rutsjebane.
    En: As it starts to get dark, they decide to take one last roller coaster ride.

    Da: "Det bliver sjovt," siger Emilie.
    En: "It will be fun," says Emilie.

    Da: De går ind i vognen og føler sommerfugle i maven, mens de rutsjer ned.
    En: They get into the carriage and feel butterflies in their stomachs as they zoom down.

    Da: Det er vildt og hurtigt, men de elsker det begge to.
    En: It's wild and fast, but they both love it.

    Da: Efter rutsjebanen siger Magnus, "Det har været den bedste første skoledag nogensinde."
    En: After the roller coaster, Magnus says, "This has been the best first day of school ever."

    Da: Emilie nikker enig.
    En: Emilie nods in agreement.

    Da: De går langsomt mod udgangen,...

    • 13 min
    Nyhavn 2040: Engineering the Future of Clean Energy

    Nyhavn 2040: Engineering the Future of Clean Energy

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Nyhavn 2040: Engineering the Future of Clean Energy
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: I Nyhavn, år 2040, var luften renere end nogensinde før.
    En: In Nyhavn, the year 2040, the air was cleaner than ever before.

    Da: Solens stråler reflekterede i kanalen, som nu blev strømforsynet af vind- og solenergi.
    En: The sun's rays reflected in the canal, which was now powered by wind and solar energy.

    Da: Det var en rolig morgen, og de glatte, automatiske både gled lydløst forbi de farverige huse.
    En: It was a calm morning, and the sleek, automated boats glided silently past the colorful houses.

    Da: Søren gik langs kajen.
    En: Søren walked along the quay.

    Da: Han arbejdede som ingeniør for et stort energiselskab.
    En: He worked as an engineer for a large energy company.

    Da: Han havde netop afsluttet et stort projekt med at installere nye solpaneler på taget af flere bygninger i Nyhavn.
    En: He had just finished a major project installing new solar panels on the rooftops of several buildings in Nyhavn.

    Da: Emma, hans kollega og bedste ven, arbejdede ved hans side.
    En: Emma, his colleague and best friend, worked by his side.

    Da: Hun var specialist i vindturbiner.
    En: She was a specialist in wind turbines.

    Da: Sammen havde de bygget et system, der gav bæredygtig energi til hele byen.
    En: Together, they had built a system that provided sustainable energy to the entire city.

    Da: Frederik, der var Emmas lillebror, var også i Nyhavn denne dag.
    En: Frederik, who was Emma's younger brother, was also in Nyhavn that day.

    Da: Han studerede miljøteknologi på universitetet og var stolt af sin søster og Søren.
    En: He studied environmental technology at the university and was proud of his sister and Søren.

    Da: Imens han gik langs kanalen, så han en flok turister nyde udsigten fra en af de nye automatiske både.
    En: As he walked along the canal, he saw a group of tourists enjoying the view from one of the new automated boats.

    Da: "Se der, Søren," sagde Emma, mens hun pegede hen mod en af turbinerne.
    En: "Look there, Søren," said Emma, while pointing towards one of the turbines.

    Da: "En af bladene er stoppet."
    En: "One of the blades has stopped."

    Da: Søren kiggede op og nikkede med alvorlig mine.
    En: Søren looked up and nodded seriously.

    Da: "Vi må ordne det hurtigt," svarede han.
    En: "We need to fix this quickly," he replied.

    Da: De skyndte sig hen til vindturbinen.
    En: They hurried to the wind turbine.

    Da: Frederik fulgte nysgerrigt med.
    En: Frederik followed curiously.

    Da: "Kan jeg hjælpe?"
    En: "Can I help?"

    Da: spurgte han.
    En: he asked.

    Da: Emma nikkede.
    En: Emma nodded.

    Da: "Selvfølgelig.
    En: "Of course.

    Da: Vi har brug for alle hænder."
    En: We need all hands on deck."

    Da: Søren klatrede op af stigen og begyndte at inspicere turbinebladet.
    En: Søren climbed up the ladder and began inspecting the turbine blade.

    Da: "Der er en blokering," råbte han ned.
    En: "There's a blockage," he shouted down.

    Da: "Emma, send mig værktøjskassen op."
    En: "Emma, send up the toolbox."

    Da: Emma og Frederik arbejdede hurtigt sammen for at sikre, at Søren fik, hvad han havde brug for.
    En: Emma and Frederik worked quickly together to ensure Søren got what he needed.

    Da: Efter en time var vindturbinen repareret.
    En: After...

    • 15 min
    From Joy to Panic: A Copenhagen Adventure

    From Joy to Panic: A Copenhagen Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: From Joy to Panic: A Copenhagen Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Nyhavn var fuld af liv.
    En: Nyhavn was full of life.

    Da: Både vuggede i vandet.
    En: Boats swayed in the water.

    Da: Solen skinnede.
    En: The sun was shining.

    Da: Folk spiste og drak ved caféerne.
    En: People were eating and drinking at the cafés.

    Da: Emil gik langs kajen med et smil.
    En: Emil walked along the quay with a smile.

    Da: Han var på ferie i København.
    En: He was on vacation in Copenhagen.

    Da: Han havde hørt meget godt om byen.
    En: He had heard many good things about the city.

    Da: Emil besluttede at spise på en fiskerestaurant.
    En: Emil decided to eat at a seafood restaurant.

    Da: Han fandt en lille hyggelig restaurant.
    En: He found a small, cozy restaurant.

    Da: Bordene stod tæt ved vandet.
    En: The tables were close to the water.

    Da: Han satte sig og bestilte.
    En: He sat down and ordered.

    Da: “En tallerken med rejer, tak,” sagde Emil til tjeneren.
    En: "A plate of shrimp, please," Emil said to the waiter.

    Da: Hans tallerken kom hurtigt.
    En: His plate arrived quickly.

    Da: Rejerne lugtede dejligt.
    En: The shrimp smelled delightful.

    Da: Emil begyndte at spise.
    En: Emil began to eat.

    Da: Først smagte han på rejerne.
    En: First, he tasted the shrimp.

    Da: De var lækre.
    En: They were delicious.

    Da: Han spiste hurtigt.
    En: He ate quickly.

    Da: Han nød hvert eneste bid.
    En: He enjoyed every single bite.

    Da: Men så skete der noget.
    En: But then something happened.

    Da: Emil begyndte at føle sig mærkelig.
    En: Emil began to feel strange.

    Da: Hans hals blev stram.
    En: His throat tightened.

    Da: Hans ansigt blev rødt.
    En: His face turned red.

    Da: Han kunne ikke trække vejret ordentligt.
    En: He couldn't breathe properly.

    Da: Han vidste, at noget var galt.
    En: He knew something was wrong.

    Da: Han havde en allergisk reaktion.
    En: He was having an allergic reaction.

    Da: Emil prøvede at rejse sig, men han faldt.
    En: Emil tried to stand up, but he collapsed.

    Da: Folk omkring ham så panikken i hans øjne.
    En: People around him saw the panic in his eyes.

    Da: En kvinde råbte: “Han har brug for hjælp!
    En: A woman shouted, "He needs help!"

    Da: ” En ung mand løb hen til Emil.
    En: A young man ran to Emil.

    Da: “Har du en EpiPen?
    En: "Do you have an EpiPen?"

    Da: ” spurgte han.
    En: he asked.

    Da: Emil nikkede svagt og pegede på sin taske.
    En: Emil nodded weakly and pointed to his bag.

    Da: Manden fandt EpiPen og brugte den hurtigt.
    En: The man found the EpiPen and used it quickly.

    Da: Emil begyndte at få vejret igen.
    En: Emil began to breathe again.

    Da: Hans ansigt begyndte at få sin normale farve.
    En: His face started to return to its normal color.

    Da: Folk klappede lettet.
    En: People clapped with relief.

    Da: En ambulance kom hurtigt efter.
    En: An ambulance arrived quickly afterward.

    Da: Lægerne tjekkede Emil.
    En: The doctors checked on Emil.

    Da: “Du er heldig,” sagde en af dem.
    En: "You're lucky," one of them said.

    Da: Senere den aften lå Emil i sin hotelseng.
    En: Later that evening, Emil lay in his hotel bed.

    Da: Han tænkte på...

    • 14 min
    Jazz in the Rain: A Day of Music and Unity at Nyhavn Festival

    Jazz in the Rain: A Day of Music and Unity at Nyhavn Festival

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Jazz in the Rain: A Day of Music and Unity at Nyhavn Festival
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Der var en duft af kaffe og nybagt brød i luften i Nyhavn, København.
    En: There was a scent of coffee and freshly baked bread in the air in Nyhavn, Copenhagen.

    Da: Gaderne var fyldt med travle mennesker, og husene langs havnen glødede i sollyset.
    En: The streets were filled with busy people, and the houses along the harbor glowed in the sunlight.

    Da: Lars, Sofie og Mikkel var samlet på en lille café.
    En: Lars, Sofie, and Mikkel were gathered in a small café.

    Da: De var glade og spændte.
    En: They were happy and excited.

    Da: Årets store jazzfestival var lige om hjørnet.
    En: The year's big jazz festival was just around the corner.

    Da: Caféens ejer, Fru Jensen, var også begejstret.
    En: The café owner, Mrs. Jensen, was also enthusiastic.

    Da: "Vi skal gøre alt klart," sagde hun.
    En: "We need to get everything ready," she said.

    Da: Lars hentede ekstra stole og borde.
    En: Lars fetched extra chairs and tables.

    Da: Sofie pyntede med farverige bannere.
    En: Sofie decorated with colorful banners.

    Da: Mikkel satte lys op rundt omkring caféen.
    En: Mikkel set up lights around the café.

    Da: Der var meget at gøre, men de arbejdede hårdt og med smil på læben.
    En: There was much to do, but they worked hard with smiles on their faces.

    Da: "Skal vi ikke have levende musik?"
    En: "Shouldn't we have live music?"

    Da: spurgte Mikkel pludselig.
    En: Mikkel suddenly asked.

    Da: Sofie og Lars nikkede ivrigt.
    En: Sofie and Lars nodded eagerly.

    Da: "Det vil være fantastisk."
    En: "That would be fantastic."

    Da: De besluttede at få et lokalt jazzband til at spille.
    En: They decided to get a local jazz band to play.

    Da: Sofie ringede straks til en af sine venner, der spillede trompet.
    En: Sofie immediately called one of her friends who played the trumpet.

    Da: "Hej, Frederik, vil du og dit band spille til vores jazzfestival?"
    En: "Hi, Frederik, would you and your band like to play at our jazz festival?"

    Da: spurgte hun.
    En: she asked.

    Da: Frederik var begejstret og sagde ja.
    En: Frederik was excited and said yes.

    Da: De aftalte et tidspunkt for bandets ankomst.
    En: They agreed on a time for the band's arrival.

    Da: Lars, Sofie og Mikkel fortsatte med forberedelserne.
    En: Lars, Sofie, and Mikkel continued with the preparations.

    Da: De ville sikre, at alt var perfekt til festivalen.
    En: They wanted to ensure that everything was perfect for the festival.

    Da: Endelig kom dagen.
    En: Finally, the day arrived.

    Da: Nyhavn var pakket med mennesker, der nød solskinnet og den gode musik.
    En: Nyhavn was packed with people enjoying the sunshine and good music.

    Da: Jazzbandet spillede fantastiske melodier, og stemningen var høj.
    En: The jazz band played fantastic melodies, and the atmosphere was lively.

    Da: Lars serverede kaffe og kager, Sofie hilste gæsterne velkommen, og Mikkel sørgede for, at alt kørte glat.
    En: Lars served coffee and cakes, Sofie welcomed the guests, and Mikkel ensured everything ran smoothly.

    Da: Pludselig kom regnen.
    En: Suddenly, the rain came.

    Da: Mikkel kiggede op og så de tunge skyer.
    En: Mikkel looked up and saw the heavy clouds.

    Da: "Åh nej!
    En: "Oh...

    • 16 min
    A Night of Magic: Freja's Unforgettable Holographic Adventure

    A Night of Magic: Freja's Unforgettable Holographic Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: A Night of Magic: Freja's Unforgettable Holographic Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Under den klare aftenhimmel i København spredte Tivoli Gardens sin magi.
    En: Under the clear evening sky in Copenhagen, Tivoli Gardens spread its magic.

    Da: Freja stod ved indgangen med store øjne.
    En: Freja stood at the entrance with wide eyes.

    Da: Hun havde hørt rygter om noget nyt.
    En: She had heard rumors about something new.

    Da: Noget magisk skulle ske i aften.
    En: Something magical was supposed to happen tonight.

    Da: Holografiske forestillinger.
    En: Holographic shows.

    Da: Freja var spændt og nervøs på samme tid.
    En: Freja was excited and nervous at the same time.

    Da: Hun havde aldrig set hologrammer før.
    En: She had never seen holograms before.

    Da: Freja gik ind i haven og blev mødt af farverige lys og glade stemmer.
    En: Freja entered the garden and was met with colorful lights and happy voices.

    Da: Hun gik forbi karusellerne, rutsjebanerne og de små boder, hvor man kunne købe brændte mandler.
    En: She walked past the carousels, roller coasters, and the small stalls where one could buy roasted almonds.

    Da: Hun fandt vejen til den store scene, hvor folkemængden allerede var begyndt at samle sig.
    En: She found her way to the big stage, where the crowd had already started to gather.

    Da: På scenen stod en høj skærm og nogle underlige maskiner.
    En: On the stage stood a tall screen and some strange machines.

    Da: En annoncør trådte frem og sagde: "Velkommen til en ny æra af underholdning!"
    En: An announcer stepped forward and said, "Welcome to a new era of entertainment!"

    Da: Lyset dæmpede sig, og musikken begyndte.
    En: The lights dimmed, and the music began.

    Da: Pludselig dukkede en stor fugl op på scenen.
    En: Suddenly, a large bird appeared on the stage.

    Da: Den var lavet af lys og farver.
    En: It was made of light and colors.

    Da: Fuglen fløj over publikum og dansede i takt til musikken.
    En: The bird flew over the audience and danced in time with the music.

    Da: Frejas øjne blev endnu større.
    En: Freja's eyes grew even bigger.

    Da: Forestillingen fortsatte med en hær af holografiske soldater, store drager og svævende stjerner.
    En: The show continued with an army of holographic soldiers, large dragons, and floating stars.

    Da: Hver gang noget nyt dukkede op, gispede publikum.
    En: Every time something new appeared, the audience gasped.

    Da: Freja følte sig som en del af en magisk drøm.
    En: Freja felt like she was part of a magical dream.

    Da: Det var næsten som at være i en anden verden.
    En: It was almost like being in another world.

    Da: Efter en time sluttede showet med et kæmpe fyrværkeri af lys og farver.
    En: After an hour, the show ended with a huge display of light and colors.

    Da: Annoncøren kom tilbage på scenen og takkede alle.
    En: The announcer came back on stage and thanked everyone.

    Da: Folk begyndte langsomt at forlade området med smil på deres læber.
    En: People slowly began to leave the area with smiles on their faces.

    Da: Freja stod stadig tilbage, overvældet af oplevelsen.
    En: Freja still stood there, overwhelmed by the experience.

    Da: På vej ud fra Tivoli Gardens kiggede Freja op mod himlen og tænkte på, hvad hun lige havde set.
    En: On her way out of Tivoli Gardens, Freja looked up...

    • 13 min
    Sweet Misunderstandings: A Day of Laughter at Tivoli Gardens

    Sweet Misunderstandings: A Day of Laughter at Tivoli Gardens

    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Sweet Misunderstandings: A Day of Laughter at Tivoli Gardens
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Da: Solens stråler dansede på himlen, og glade børns latter fyldte luften.
    En: The sun's rays danced in the sky, and the laughter of happy children filled the air.

    Da: Mikkel og Sofie gik hånd i hånd gennem Tivoli Gardens.
    En: Mikkel and Sofie walked hand in hand through Tivoli Gardens.

    Da: De nød dagen sammen.
    En: They were enjoying the day together.

    Da: "Vil du have noget sødt?"
    En: "Do you want something sweet?"

    Da: spurgte Mikkel.
    En: Mikkel asked.

    Da: Han pegede på en bod med farverige skilte.
    En: He pointed to a stall with colorful signs.

    Da: Sofie nikkede ivrigt.
    En: Sofie nodded eagerly.

    Da: Mikkel gik hen til boden.
    En: Mikkel went over to the stall.

    Da: Han så på menuen, men ét ord fangede hans opmærksomhed: "Køkkener."
    En: He looked at the menu, but one word caught his attention: "Kitchens."

    Da: Han tænkte, det måtte være noget særligt dansk slik.
    En: He thought it must be some special Danish candy.

    Da: Han smilede og vendte sig mod damen i boden.
    En: He smiled and turned to the lady at the stall.

    Da: "Jeg vil gerne have køkkener," sagde han selvsikkert.
    En: "I would like kitchens," he said confidently.

    Da: Damen i boden kiggede mærkeligt på ham.
    En: The lady at the stall looked at him strangely.

    Da: "Hvor mange?"
    En: "How many?"

    Da: spurgte hun.
    En: she asked.

    Da: Mikkel overvejede et øjeblik og tænkte, Sofie elsker søde sager.
    En: Mikkel considered for a moment, thinking that Sofie loves sweets.

    Da: "Ti styk," sagde han med et grin.
    En: "Ten pieces," he said with a grin.

    Da: Damen nikkede og begyndte at lave enorme mængder lyserød og blå candyfloss.
    En: The lady nodded and began making enormous amounts of pink and blue cotton candy.

    Da: Mikkel blev overrasket.
    En: Mikkel was surprised.

    Da: "Er det mange køkkener?"
    En: "Is this many kitchens?"

    Da: spurgte han.
    En: he asked.

    Da: Damen lo.
    En: The lady laughed.

    Da: "Nej, det er candyfloss," svarede hun.
    En: "No, this is cotton candy," she replied.

    Da: Mikkel rødmede.
    En: Mikkel blushed.

    Da: Han kiggede på Sofie, der stod og grinte.
    En: He looked at Sofie, who was standing and laughing.

    Da: "Jeg troede, jeg bestilte køkkener," sagde han og lo nervøst.
    En: "I thought I was ordering kitchens," he said, laughing nervously.

    Da: Sofie kunne næsten ikke stoppe med at grine.
    En: Sofie could hardly stop laughing.

    Da: "Det hedder ikke køkkener, det hedder candyfloss!"
    En: "It's not called kitchens, it's called cotton candy!"

    Da: forklarede hun.
    En: she explained.

    Da: Mikkel rystede på hovedet og smilede.
    En: Mikkel shook his head and smiled.

    Da: "Det er, når man lærer dansk!"
    En: "That's what happens when you're learning Danish!"

    Da: De bar den enorme mængde candyfloss rundt i Tivoli.
    En: They carried the enormous amount of cotton candy around Tivoli.

    Da: Mange børn kom hen og bad om en smagsprøve.
    En: Many children came over and asked for a taste.

    Da: Mikkel og Sofie delte gavmildt ud.
    En: Mikkel and Sofie generously shared.

    Da: Snart havde de hele Tivolis børn omkring dem.
    En: Soon, they had all of...

    • 14 min

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