213 episódios

Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!

FluentFiction - Welsh FluentFiction.org

    • Educação

Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!

    Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins

    Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in Welsh Ruins
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Ar fer pistyll, roedd Carys yn archwilio hen adfeilion Cymru.
    En: Near a waterfall, Carys explored the ancient ruins of Wales.

    Cy: Yr haul yn cynhesu ei hwyneb, a’r gwynt ysgafn yn siglo’r blodau gwyllt.
    En: The sun warmed her face, and the gentle breeze swayed the wildflowers.

    Cy: Roedd hi’n chwilio am atebion, am arwydd i’w dyfodol.
    En: She was searching for answers, a sign for her future.

    Cy: Mae'r adfeilion hyn, wrth eu bodoli mor hen, wedi adfeddu rhinwedd o wybodaeth a straeon hen amser.
    En: These ruins, by their very old age, had reclaimed a virtue of knowledge and ancient stories.

    Cy: Cerddodd hi trwy'r glaswellt a’r cysgodion carreg.
    En: She walked through the grass and stone shadows.

    Cy: Roedd Carys yn fyfyrio.
    En: Carys was reflecting.

    Cy: Ai’r llwybr roedd hi arno yn y bywyd yn gywir i hi?
    En: Was the path she was on in life the right one for her?

    Cy: Ai arthog teimlo felly?
    En: Was it wrong to feel this way?

    Cy: Roedd hi'n ansicr.
    En: She was uncertain.

    Cy: Roedd y cerrig a'r wal yn siarad, fel pe bai ganddyn nhw gyfrinachau i rannu.
    En: The stones and the walls seemed to speak, as if they had secrets to share.

    Cy: Mae'r lle hwn yn aros gyda hanesion.
    En: This place held stories.

    Cy: Pob carreg, pob hollt yn dwyn i gof hanesion hen.
    En: Every stone, every crack, bore memories of the old times.

    Cy: Carys yn edrych dros y dyffryn tawel.
    En: Carys looked over the quiet valley.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n gwybod bod yr ateb yma rywle.
    En: She knew the answer was here somewhere.

    Cy: Wrth iddi gerdded ymhellach i’r adfeilion, trodd y ffordd yn anoddach.
    En: As she walked further into the ruins, the path became more difficult.

    Cy: Roedd y tir yn anwastad, y drenau a’r mieri yn rhwystr iddi.
    En: The terrain was uneven, and the brambles and thorns were obstacles.

    Cy: Roedd gorgyffwrdd rhwng y bywyd modern ac yr hen adfeilion.
    En: There was an overlap between modern life and the old ruins.

    Cy: Ei feddyliau oedd her fwyaf iddi, yn troi ac yn tynnu.
    En: Her thoughts were her biggest challenge, swirling and pulling.

    Cy: A ddylai hi gadw i ddod o hyd i’r ateb, neu a ddylai hi droi nôl?
    En: Should she keep looking for the answer, or should she turn back?

    Cy: Roedd ei chorffynnau’n dechrau teimlo’r blinder.
    En: Her limbs began to feel the fatigue.

    Cy: Rhoes hi eistedd ar garreg fawr, wrth fwyngloddio ei meddyliau.
    En: She sat on a large stone, mining her thoughts.

    Cy: Feddyliai Carys a oedd hi'n gwneud gwaith cywir yno.
    En: Carys wondered if she was doing the right thing there.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n ansicr.
    En: She was uncertain.

    Cy: Yn y funud hon, daeth hi o hyd i rywbeth anarferol.
    En: In that moment, she found something unusual.

    Cy: Yng nghanol yr adfeilion, canfyddodd hen enaid carreg gyda hen ysgrifen arno.
    En: Amidst the ruins, she discovered an old stone soul with ancient writing on it.

    Cy: Agosodd at y carreg.
    En: She approached the stone.

    Cy: Yr arysgriff, er ei fod yn ddiffygiol ac yn amser-wedi darfod, yn crybwyllai “Calon gadarn, llwybr clir.”
    En: The inscription, though flawed and time-worn, mentioned “Steadfast heart, clear path.”

    Cy: Wrth ddarllen y geiriau hyn, teimlodd Carys...

    • 16 min
    The Shoreline of Memories: A Heartfelt Journey Beyond Loss

    The Shoreline of Memories: A Heartfelt Journey Beyond Loss

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Shoreline of Memories: A Heartfelt Journey Beyond Loss
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Ar draethlin tawel, o dan leuad lwyd llydan, sefai Cerys.
    En: On a quiet shoreline, under a wide gray moon, stood Cerys.

    Cy: Roedd y noson yn dawel, a’r tonnau yn rholio’n gerddorol ar y traeth.
    En: The night was calm, and the waves rolled musically onto the beach.

    Cy: Roedd yma atgofion.
    En: There were memories here.

    Cy: Atgofion o cariad, chwerthin, a hapusrwydd.
    En: Memories of love, laughter, and happiness.

    Cy: Cerys a’i phriod, Dafydd, treuliodd bob haf yma.
    En: Cerys and her husband, Dafydd, had spent every summer here.

    Cy: Nawr, roedd hi yma ar ei phen ei hun.
    En: Now, she was here alone.

    Cy: Y golau lleuad yn castio cysgodion hir ar y tywod.
    En: The moonlight cast long shadows on the sand.

    Cy: Roedd y cwsg mor bell.
    En: Sleep was so far away.

    Cy: Roedd y dyddiau gyda Dafydd fel breuddwyd.
    En: The days with Dafydd seemed like a dream.

    Cy: Tynodd anadl ddofn a cherdded tuag at y don.
    En: She took a deep breath and walked towards the wave.

    Cy: “Wyt ti’n cofio?” dywedodd hi'n feddal, fel pe bai Dafydd yn dal i wrando.
    En: “Do you remember?” she said softly, as if Dafydd were still listening.

    Cy: Eisteddodd ar y tywod, y tu allan i hen le cudd.
    En: She sat on the sand, outside their old hiding spot.

    Cy: Roedd y llanw ar ei ffordd i mewn, gan adael cragen haul newydd sbon ger ei throed.
    En: The tide was coming in, leaving a brand-new seashell near her foot.

    Cy: Cymerodd hi’r gragen a dal at ei chalon.
    En: She picked up the shell and held it to her heart.

    Cy: Nofiodd cofion melys trwy ei meddwl.
    En: Sweet memories floated through her mind.

    Cy: “Rydw i’n dy golli,” whispered hi'n dawel, gan wylio’r tonnau’n rholio.
    En: “I miss you,” she whispered quietly, watching the waves roll.

    Cy: Roedd y tonnau yn ffrwydro ar y lan, megis ei theimladau ei hun yn ffrwydro yn ei chalon.
    En: The waves crashed onto the shore, mirroring her feelings crashing in her heart.

    Cy: Roedd aros yn mynd yn anodd.
    En: Staying was becoming difficult.

    Cy: Tynnodd ei hun i fyny, a cherdded i’w hoff le gyda Dafydd.
    En: She pulled herself up and walked to her favorite spot with Dafydd.

    Cy: Roedd hi’n ei wybod ymlaen llaw.
    En: She knew it by heart.

    Cy: Bob tro roedd Dafydd yn codi pabell fach, a gwylio’r ser gyda’i gilydd.
    En: Every time, Dafydd would pitch a small tent, and they would watch the stars together.

    Cy: Yn y fan honno, symudodd y tywod a darganfod hen bapur, wedi hir amser ei gladdu.
    En: In that very spot, she moved the sand and found an old paper, long buried.

    Cy: Roedd y galon yn curo wrth weld ei ysgrifen.
    En: Her heart raced upon seeing his handwriting.

    Cy: "Cerys, cariad fy mywyd, pan fyddi di’n darllen hwn, byddaf efallai wedi mynd. Ond cofia byw bywyd llawn a hapus. Cariad, Dafydd.”
    En: “Cerys, love of my life, when you read this, I may be gone. But remember to live a full and happy life. Love, Dafydd.”

    Cy: Y llanw yn dod yn nes, a’r dagrau’n llifo.
    En: The tide was coming closer, and the tears were flowing.

    Cy: Teimlai llaw Dafydd fel pe bai’n dal ei dwylo eto, megis gynt.
    En: She felt Dafydd’s hand as if he were holding hers again, like before.

    Cy: Llwyddodd i wenu trwy'r dagrau.
    En: She managed...

    • 17 min
    Harmony at the Harbor: Old Meets New in a Coastal Town

    Harmony at the Harbor: Old Meets New in a Coastal Town

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Harmony at the Harbor: Old Meets New in a Coastal Town
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Yn heulog haf, dychwelodd Eira i'w thref enedigol ar ôl astudio dramor.
    En: On a sunny summer day, Eira returned to her hometown after studying abroad.

    Cy: Roedd y dre fach arfordirol yn ei hatgoffa o'i phlentyndod.
    En: The small coastal town reminded her of her childhood.

    Cy: Dyma lle mae'r clogwyni serth yn cwrdd â'r traethau tywodlyd, a'r tai pinc a glas yn addurno'r tirwedd.
    En: This was where the steep cliffs met the sandy beaches, and the pink and blue houses decorated the landscape.

    Cy: Roedd cychod pysgota yn symud yn araf yn y porthladd, a'r môr yn sibrwd hanesion hen.
    En: Fishing boats moved slowly in the harbor, and the sea whispered old stories.

    Cy: Pan gyrhaeddodd Eira, cerddodd ar hyd y stryd fawr.
    En: When Eira arrived, she walked along the main street.

    Cy: Gwelodd hen ffrindiau ac adeiladau cyfarwydd, ond roedd y lle'n teimlo'n wahanol.
    En: She saw old friends and familiar buildings, but the place felt different.

    Cy: Roedd yr amser dramor wedi newid ei safbwyntiau.
    En: Her time abroad had changed her perspectives.

    Cy: Roedd un hen ffrind, Alun, yn pysgotwr lleol.
    En: One old friend, Alun, was a local fisherman.

    Cy: Yn gryf ac yn draddodiadol, roedd e'n caru ei dref a'i ffordd o fyw.
    En: Strong and traditional, he loved his town and way of life.

    Cy: Un diwrnod gwelodd Eira Alun wrth y porthladd.
    En: One day Eira saw Alun at the harbor.

    Cy: Gwelodd y peth yn naturiol i chwilio am safbwynt newydd arno.
    En: She felt it was natural to look for a new perspective on him.

    Cy: Hi a symudodd tua fe gyda gwên fawr.
    En: She moved towards him with a big smile.

    Cy: “Helo, Alun!
    En: "Hello, Alun!"

    Cy: ” meddai Eira yn llawen.
    En: said Eira cheerfully.

    Cy: “Shwmae, Eira.
    En: "Hi, Eira.

    Cy: Sut mae’r byd mawr wedi dy drin di?
    En: How has the big world treated you?"

    Cy: ” gofynnodd Alun, gan wersylla yn ôl.
    En: asked Alun, leaning back.

    Cy: "Mae'n wych.
    En: "It's great.

    Cy: Ond rwy'n hapus i fod adref," atebodd Eira.
    En: But I'm happy to be home," Eira replied.

    Cy: "Da iawn.
    En: "Good.

    Cy: Ond beth wyt ti'n meddwl am y dre?
    En: But what do you think of the town?"

    Cy: " gofynnodd Alun.
    En: asked Alun.

    Cy: "Mae'n iawn ond efallai y gallwn newid rhai pethau," meddai Eira yn betrus.
    En: "It's fine, but maybe we could change some things," said Eira hesitantly.

    Cy: “Newid?
    En: "Change?

    Cy: Pa fath o newid?
    En: What kind of change?"

    Cy: ” croesholodd Alun.
    En: Alun inquired.

    Cy: "Wel, rwy’n meddwl am wirfoddoli yn yr wŷl leol.
    En: "Well, I’m thinking about volunteering at the local festival.

    Cy: Efallai bod gormodedd o hen bethau," meddai Eira gan edrych i lawr yn betrusgar.
    En: Maybe there's too much old stuff," said Eira, looking down hesitantly.

    Cy: Cymerodd Alun anadl ddofn.
    En: Alun took a deep breath.

    Cy: "Okay, os wyt ti'n meddwl felly.
    En: "Okay, if you think so.

    Cy: Mi ti wirfoddoli yn yr wŷl, fi 'di dy dywys," atebodd Alun yn gryf.
    En: You volunteer at the festival, and I'll guide you," replied Alun strongly.

    Cy: Roedd y ddau yn gwybod bod hyn yn arwyddocaol—y newydd a'r hen, y modern a'r traddodiadol.
    En: They...

    • 20 min
    Harmony in the Hills: Love and Labor on a Welsh Farm

    Harmony in the Hills: Love and Labor on a Welsh Farm

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Harmony in the Hills: Love and Labor on a Welsh Farm
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Am ben bore, pan oedd y haul yn codi dros fryniau gwyrdd Cymru, cerddodd Rhodri trwy ei gaeau.
    En: One fine morning, as the sun rose over the green hills of Wales, Rhodri walked through his fields.

    Cy: Roedd ei fferm yn hardd.
    En: His farm was beautiful.

    Cy: Roedd y blodau'n blodeuo a'r defaid yn pori.
    En: The flowers were blooming, and the sheep were grazing.

    Cy: Mae Rhodri yn ffermwr ifanc.
    En: Rhodri is a young farmer with dreams.

    Cy: Mae ganddo freuddwydion.
    En: Yes, he wants to expand his farm.

    Cy: Ydy, eisiau gwneud ei fferm yn fwy.
    En: But he has a secret.

    Cy: Ond mae ganddo gyfrinach.
    En: He loves music.

    Cy: Mae'n caru cerddoriaeth.
    En: One day, Ffion walked onto the farm.

    Cy: Un diwrnod, cerddodd Ffion i'r fferm.
    En: She was a photographer who loved capturing rural life.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n ffotograffydd.
    En: She wanted to create a book of photos.

    Cy: Yn caru tynnu lluniau o fywyd cefn gwlad.
    En: She thought Rhodri’s farm was the perfect place.

    Cy: Roedd hi eisiau creu llyfr o luniau.
    En: “Hello,” said Ffion.

    Cy: Roedd hi'n meddwl bod fferm Rhodri yn lle perffaith.
    En: “My name is Ffion.

    Cy: “Helô,” meddai Ffion.
    En: I’d like to take pictures of your farm.

    Cy: “Fy enw i yw Ffion.
    En: Can we work together?”

    Cy: Hoffwn dynnu lluniau o’ch fferm.
    En: Rhodri was hesitant.

    Cy: Allwn ni weithio gyda’n gilydd?”
    En: He worries about his farm.

    Cy: Roedd Rhodri yn betrusgar.
    En: He doesn’t like strangers.

    Cy: Mae'n poeni am ei fferm.
    En: His farm is challenging and involves a lot of work.

    Cy: Nid yw’n hoffi pobl dieithr.
    En: But he saw passion in Ffion’s eyes.

    Cy: Roedd ei fferm yn anodd a llawer o waith.
    En: “Alright,” Rhodri said eventually.

    Cy: Ond, gwelodd angerdd yn llygaid Ffion.
    En: “You can stay.

    Cy: “Iawn,” meddai Rhodri yn y diwedd.
    En: But you must respect my farm and my work.”

    Cy: “Gallwch chi aros.
    En: In the following days, Ffion took pictures.

    Cy: Ond, bydd rhaid parchu fy fferm a pharchu fy ngwaith.”
    En: Beautiful pictures of the sheep, flowers, and fields.

    Cy: Y dyddiau nesaf, bu Ffion yn tynnu lluniau.
    En: But she also saw the hardships.

    Cy: Lluniau hardd o'r defaid, blodau a'r caeau.
    En: The storms, the long and hard labor.

    Cy: Ond, roedd hi hefyd yn gweld y pethau anodd.
    En: Rhodri saw Ffion taking pictures of the hardships as well.

    Cy: Y stormydd, y llafur hir a chaled.
    En: He was worried.

    Cy: Roedd Rhodri yn gweld Ffion yn tynnu lluniau o'r caledi hefyd.
    En: “Why are you taking pictures of this?” he asked angrily.

    Cy: Roedd yn pryderu.
    En: “It doesn’t show the farm at its best.”

    Cy: “Pam ydych chi'n tynnu lluniau o hyn?” gofynnodd yn grac.
    En: “Rhodri,” said Ffion softly.

    Cy: “Nid yw’n dangos y fferm ar ei gorau.”
    En: “This is what farm life is.

    Cy: “Rhodri,” meddai Ffion yn feddal.
    En: The hardships are also beautiful.

    Cy: “Dyma beth yw bywyd fferm.
    En: They give character.

    Cy: Mae’r caledi hefyd yn braf.
    En: They make the successes more meaningful.”

    Cy: Mae'n rhoi cymeriad.
    En: Rhodri felt confused.

    Cy: Mae'n gwneud...

    • 19 min
    Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly

    Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Strawberries, Art, and the Power of Friendship in Caerphilly
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Cael Haf bywiog oedd.
    En: It was a lively summer.

    Cy: Caerffili Marchnad yn llawn bywyd.
    En: Caerphilly Market was brimming with life.

    Cy: Stondinau'n gweiddi gyda lliwiau a synau.
    En: Stalls shouting with colors and sounds.

    Cy: Rai stondin gyda ffrwythau.
    En: Some stalls with fruits.

    Cy: Rai stondin gyda chrefftau.
    En: Some stalls with crafts.

    Cy: Roedd pobl yn cerdded, sgwrsio, a phrynu.
    En: People walking, chatting, and buying.

    Cy: Yn un stondin ffrwythau, roedd mefus coch iawn.
    En: At one fruit stall, there were very red strawberries.

    Cy: Rhys, artist lleol, a Megan, newyddiadurwraig newydd i'r dref, yn safio wrth stondin.
    En: Rhys, a local artist, and Megan, a new journalist in town, stood by the stall.

    Cy: Rhys yn edrych ar y mefus.
    En: Rhys was looking at the strawberries.

    Cy: Megan hefyd.
    En: Megan was too.

    Cy: Roeddent ill dau yn caru mefus.
    En: They both loved strawberries.

    Cy: "Mae'r mefus yma'n edrych yn flasus iawn," dywedodd Rhys gyda gwên fach.
    En: "These strawberries look very tasty," said Rhys with a small smile.

    Cy: "Ydyn, wir!" atebodd Megan, "Ydw i newydd symud yma. Dw i'n chwilio am straeon lleol diddorol."
    En: "Yes, indeed!" replied Megan, "I have just moved here. I'm looking for interesting local stories."

    Cy: "Ti'n newydd yma? Beth wyt ti'n meddwl o Gaerffili hyd yn hyn?"
    En: "You're new here? What do you think of Caerphilly so far?"

    Cy: "Mae'n lle hyfryd, ond dwi'n teimlo ychydig yn unig," cyfaddefodd Megan.
    En: "It's a lovely place, but I feel a bit lonely," Megan admitted.

    Cy: "Dwi'n artist," meddai Rhys yn swil, "Dwi eisiau cael fy ngwaith yn cael ei adnabod. Ond... mae'n anodd."
    En: "I'm an artist," Rhys said shyly, "I want my work to be recognized. But... it's difficult."

    Cy: Megan yn edrych â diddordeb. "Beth am i mi weld dy waith? Falle gallaf ysgrifennu amdani."
    En: Megan looked interested. "How about I see your work? Maybe I could write about it."

    Cy: Roedd Rhys yn petruso, ond teimlodd rhyw deimlad cyfforddus gyda Megan. "Wel, mae gen i arddangosfa fach nos yfory, os hoffet ti ddod…"
    En: Rhys hesitated but felt a comfortable feeling with Megan. "Well, I have a small exhibition tomorrow night, if you would like to come..."

    Cy: "Fyddwn i'n caru dod," atebodd Megan gyda charedigrwydd.
    En: "I would love to come," replied Megan kindly.

    Cy: Noson yr arddangosfa.
    En: Exhibition night.

    Cy: Rhys yn bryderus.
    En: Rhys was nervous.

    Cy: Megan yn dod i mewn, yn syth i'r galon y lle.
    En: Megan walked in, straight to the heart of the place.

    Cy: Golau cynnes yn ystafell, paentiadau Rhys yn sgleinio ar waliau.
    En: Warm light in the room, Rhys's paintings shining on the walls.

    Cy: "Wow..." oedd ymateb cyntaf Megan. Roedd hi'n wirioneddol syfrdanol.
    En: "Wow..." was Megan's first response. She was truly stunned.

    Cy: Rhys yn gwenu, ond teimlai'n ansicr. "Beth wyt ti'n meddwl?"
    En: Rhys smiled but felt uncertain. "What do you think?"

    Cy: "Mae'n anhygoel. Dwi'n credu y gallai pobl hoffi dy waith yn arw," meddai Megan yn dawel, yn cofio ei hanes chwerw ac yn poeni rhag ymddiried eto.
    En: "It's incredible. I think people would really like your work," Megan said quietly, remembering...

    • 17 min
    Secrets Unearthed: Alys and Gareth's Hidden Bunker Adventure

    Secrets Unearthed: Alys and Gareth's Hidden Bunker Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Secrets Unearthed: Alys and Gareth's Hidden Bunker Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Cy: Mae'r haul yn tywynnu trwy'r coed trwchus, gan greu cysgodion ar hyd llawr y goedwig.
    En: The sun shone through the dense trees, casting shadows along the forest floor.

    Cy: Alys a Gareth cerdded yn araf tuag at fynedfa cudd y bunkeri gyfrinachol.
    En: Alys and Gareth walked slowly towards the hidden entrance of the secret bunker.

    Cy: Roedd y ddau wedi clywed am y bunkeri hon drwy'r gymdeithas hanes lleol, ac roeddent yn gyffrous i ddechrau eu gwaith gwirfoddol.
    En: They had heard about this bunker through the local history society and were excited to begin their volunteer work.

    Cy: Roedd Alys yn barod i ddarganfod straeon cudd o'r gorffennol, tra roedd Gareth eisiau deall pensaernïaeth y bunkeri er mwyn ysbrydoli ei brosiectau adnewyddu.
    En: Alys was eager to uncover hidden stories from the past, while Gareth wanted to understand the architecture of the bunker to inspire his renovation projects.

    Cy: Wrth agor drws trwm y bunkeri, fe gawsant eu croesawu gan arogl musty papur a metel rhydu.
    En: As they opened the heavy door of the bunker, they were greeted by the musty smell of paper and rusting metal.

    Cy: Roedd colau lampau eu pennau yn bownsio oddi ar wal y bunkeri, yn datgelu'r cofnodion hanesyddol wedi'u pacio ar y silffoedd.
    En: The beams of their headlamps bounced off the bunker walls, revealing historical records packed on the shelves.

    Cy: Roedd gwaith caled o'u blaenau, ond roeddent yn gwybod y byddai eu hymdrechion yn rhoi golwg newydd ar hanes.
    En: There was hard work ahead of them, but they knew their efforts would bring a fresh perspective on history.

    Cy: "Cawn ni ddechrau yma," meddai Alys gyda chyffro yn ei llais, yn pwyntio tuag at gabinet mawr llawn dogfennau.
    En: "We can start here," said Alys excitedly, pointing to a large cabinet full of documents.

    Cy: "Mae llawer o bethau i'w ddarganfod.
    En: "There are many things to discover."

    Cy: "Roedd Gareth yn edrych o'i amgylch, chwilio am unrhyw fanylion pensaernïol sydd a allai ddangos technegau'r adeiladwyr.
    En: Gareth looked around, searching for any architectural details that might reveal the builders' techniques.

    Cy: Roedd y bunkeri yn llawer mwy cymhleth na'r disgwyl.
    En: The bunker was much more complex than expected.

    Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i ni wneud yn gyflym," dywedodd, gan gofio'r pwysau o'i waith arall.
    En: "We need to work quickly," he said, remembering the pressure from his other work.

    Cy: Ond roedd Alys yn gwybod bod angen mwy o amser arnynt i wneud y gwaith yn iawn.
    En: But Alys knew they needed more time to do the job properly.

    Cy: "Dwi angen mwy o amser," meddai Alys yn ddi-oed.
    En: "I need more time," Alys said firmly.

    Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i mi archwilio'r dogfennau hyn yn drylwyr.
    En: "I have to thoroughly examine these documents.

    Cy: Bydd yn cymryd mwy o amser na'r disgwyl.
    En: It will take longer than expected."

    Cy: "Roedd Gareth yn meddwl am y prosiectau eraill oedd yn aros amdano, ond gwnaeth benderfyniad pwysig.
    En: Gareth thought about the other projects awaiting him but made an important decision.

    Cy: "Byddaf yn gohirio fy mhrosiectau eraill i dy helpu," dywedodd yn bendant.
    En: "I will delay my other projects to help you," he said decisively.

    Cy: "Rydym yn gallu cydweithio'n agosach i gyfuno ein harbenigedd.
    En: "We can work more...

    • 16 min

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