64 episodes

Carolyn and Becca are two old friends reconnecting over their downs and ups. Some down downs leading to some up and up and ups!

Let them help you get unstuck, recommitted, or newly engaged in a life worth living through their weekly podcast about doing what you wanna and becoming the best version of you while you do it.

It all began in Philadelphia but the story continues in the South: New Orleans and Tampa where the sun is shining.

Kick in the Panties Kick in the Panties

    • Educação

Carolyn and Becca are two old friends reconnecting over their downs and ups. Some down downs leading to some up and up and ups!

Let them help you get unstuck, recommitted, or newly engaged in a life worth living through their weekly podcast about doing what you wanna and becoming the best version of you while you do it.

It all began in Philadelphia but the story continues in the South: New Orleans and Tampa where the sun is shining.

    Wrap it UP!

    Wrap it UP!

    Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

    In episode 7 The Panty Kickers talked about what to do when you fall off and how to get back on the old horsey. Today we wrap up this season with a recap of what we did, how we did, and where we are going.

    * Ultimately, was this worth doing?* When did I feel the best during this process?* What did I learn about myself?

    Carolyn says:

    * Yes! Establishing a focus helped me get on track.* When I had a couple of weeks of great progress I felt like I could achieve anything.* I’m not not a morning person.

    Becca says:

    * Absolutely, this was a bucket list item!* I felt best when I was actively playing piano on a daily basis. * I learned that playing music is important to me, and that playing music is like meditating to me.

    CAROL’S GOAL: Complete (THE RESEARCH) for a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”. Obstacles: Procrastination, Limiting beliefs, and Distractions. Support: Meetup groups, family to commit to watching Chase a couple times a week, Books about how to research effectively. Good habit to instill, getting up at 5:30am and putting clothes on in an effort to start the day.

    BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano. Obstacles: Time and Money. Support: Piano teacher & Emile to watch kids for 30 minutes. Good habit to instill: Taking a break from working when getting overwhelmed and take that time to do the meditative practice of piano playing.

    Welp, that’s it suckers! Another one bites the dust. We hope that you enjoyed this season and that if you did you would share it with a friend or two. Please, send us your questions for future episodes kickinthepanties@gmail.com or DM us on instagram at kickinthepanties!

    We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

    See you next season for something totally new and different, or more likely, more of the same good panty kicking!

    • 20 min
    Getting Back on the Horse

    Getting Back on the Horse

    Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

    In episode 6 The Panty Kickers talked about how to talk that talk til you’re walking that walk. Sometimes a little belief in what you can do or who you can become is really all you need to level UP! This week is all about what to do when you fall off and how to get back to getting to it.

    Carolyn says:

    * When you have real regrets about what you haven’t done, it might be a sign that those things are still worthy of being on the docket.* Don’t let time and arbitrary cut off dates define your ability to move forward. The only true cut off date is the day you die!* If the thing you want to do is who you are, then don’t ever be afraid to pick it back up.

    Becca says:

    * The amount of sticktoitivness that you have directly relates to the amount of time it takes to finish something.  * When have-tos get in the way of want-tos don’t beat yourself up, it happens to us all. Just start again.* Know & believe that you WILL move forward, someday.


    * Grit by Angela Duckworth* Kick in the Panties Season 1 – How Do I Get Out of a Rut?

    CAROL’S GOAL: Complete (THE RESEARCH) for a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”. Obstacles: Procrastination, Limiting beliefs, and Distractions. Support: Meetup groups, family to commit to watching Chase a couple times a week, Books about how to research effectively. Good habit to instill, getting up at 5:30am and putting clothes on in an effort to start the day.

    BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano. Obstacles: Time and Money. Support: Piano teacher & Emile to watch kids for 30 minutes. Good habit to instill: Taking a break from working when getting overwhelmed and take that time to do the meditative practice of piano playing.


    Take a walk, at least 20 minutes with no devices where you think about this goal you set, how it went, where the hiccups were and see how it feels when you think about the times you fell off and the times you did well. Commit yourself to finishing strong and ask yourself:

    * Ultimately, was this worth doing?* When did I feel the best during this process?* What did I learn about myself?

    We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

    See you next week for episode 8 (the final one!) of Season Three, Wrapping Up

    • 29 min
    Act As If!

    Act As If!

    Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

    In episode 5 we looked closely at our good, bad, best and worst habits and how they relate to our ability to achieve our established goals and this week we talk about how to talk that talk til you’re walking that walk. Sometimes a little belief in what you can do or who you can become is really all you need to level UP!

    Carolyn says:

    * Think about who you want to be and ask yourself would that person keep the habits you keep? Eat the food you eat? Do the drugs you do? Make time for the “friends” you hang with? If the answer is no then… you know what you gotta do.* It should be feeling good to grow into the person you want to be, if it feels bad then maybe you’re on the wrong path.* Don’t be afraid to believe in what you can achieve, it may sounds corny, but becoming your biggest fan is powerful!

    Becca says:

    * Focus on who you are (or who you want to be) not what you do. * Share your plans with others, it will motivate you to get positive feedback!* Refer to yourself as what you want to be, don’t say, “I’m a person who plays music,” try, “I’m a musician”. Fake it til you make it.


    * “See It When You Believe It”, by Wayne Dyer* “The Success Principles”, by Jack Canfield

    CAROL’S GOAL: Complete (THE RESEARCH) for a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”. Obstacles: Procrastination, Limiting beliefs, and Distractions. Support: Meetup groups, family to commit to watching Chase a couple times a week, Books about how to research effectively. Good habit to instill, getting up at 5:30am and putting clothes on in an effort to start the day.

    BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano. Obstacles: Time and Money. Support: Piano teacher & Emile to watch kids for 30 minutes. Good habit to instill: Taking a break from working when getting overwhelmed and take that time to do the meditative practice of piano playing.

    HOMEWORK: Imagine a day in the life of the person you want to be. Is there something that this person does, eats, reads, practices, enjoys, that you can add to your life this week? Do it!

    We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

    See you next week for episode 7 of Season Three, Maintenance and Getting Back on the Ole’ Goal Horse

    • 29 min
    Examining Your Habits

    Examining Your Habits

    Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

    In episode 4 we talked about figuring out who we need to bring in to help us achieve our big goals. Friends, Mentors, Groups, or books can be powerful tools to propel us toward success. Nothin’ happens in a vacuum, so let’s link up to others to energize and optimize our goals! This week in episode 5, we look closely at our good, bad, best and worst habits and how they relate to our ability to achieve our established goals.

    Carolyn says:

    * Habits are your life. They determine whether you’re going to be successful more than anything else. I’m sue you could look at a person’s habits and tell whether they are leading happy healthy lives or not. * We have these neuropathways in our brains whose connections get stronger every time we do an activity which is really how a habit is made, the pathway gets so strong that a behavior becomes automatic and when you’re trying to change the behavior you are literally trying to carve out or create a new pathway.* Read this book Atomic habits by James Clear. It’s my favorite book on habits and I’ve read a lot of them, but this is the only book that has changed me. His book teaches that the tiniest improvements over time actually amount to huge results.* Focus on Keystone Habits, these are habits that tend to domino effect into other positive habits.

    Becca says:

    * Developing clear goals for life that align with strong habits will actually make you happier and change your brain chemistry. * Establishing great habits, that you don’t have to think about seems too strict or regimented (and it is for a time) but once you have it down you’re giving yourself more freedom.* Take advantage of present bias, and use temptation bundling – doing something you don’t want to do and something you love to do at the dame exact moment.


    * Atomic Habits by James Clear* Change your Brain, Change your Life by Daniel Amen

    CAROL’S GOAL: Complete (THE RESEARCH) for a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”. Obstacles: Procrastination, Limiting beliefs, and Distractions. Support: Meetup groups, family to commit to watching Chase a couple times a week, Books about how to research effectively. Good habit to instill, getting up at 5:30am and putting clothes on in an effort to start the day!

    BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano. Obstacles: Time and Money. Support: Piano teacher & Emile to watch kids for 30 minutes. Good habit to instill: Taking a break from working when getting overwhelmed and take that time to do the meditative practice of piano playing.


    Identify the QRR (Cue, Routine, Reward) and use one of these methods to practice that new habit this week.

    Example: Anxiety, yoga, smoothie

    Overwhelmed by work, Piano, chocolate covered almonds

    Use streak building if that motivates you! Go for 5 this week and don’t take no for an answer.

    We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

    See you next week for episode 6 of Season Three, Act as if It’s Already Done. Believe It!

    • 47 min
    Spring, Easter, Birthday Break

    Spring, Easter, Birthday Break

    Hi Panty Havers! Thanks for tuning in. Today is my birthday and it also happens to be Easter week and Spring Break all rolled in to one. Carol and I tried a couple of times to meet up and record but there was just A LOT going on (per usual :)), so as they say, HEY ITS OKAY!

    My husband, Emile, admitted that he hasn’t even written his passion test yet, so that got us thinking that you all might be a little behind as well, and that another week to get out of your own way, think about what you might like to do, and start examining your good and bag habits wouldn’t be so bad – so do that!

    We will see you next Monday for a deep dive on habits, and for this week, this is Becca saying, “what are you gonna do this week?”

    • 1 min
    Supporting Characters

    Supporting Characters

    Your Personal Panty Kickers are back with a Karate chop and a high kick to your BOOTY! Season Three of Kick in the Panties is all about GOALS: setting them, achieving them and moving you to improve your daily life and ignite your self love.

    In episode 3 we talked about REAL and IMAGINED obstacles that get in the way of achieving our goals, and how to kick them in the panties. We review those obstacles this week and then move on to figuring out who we need to bring in to help us achieve our big goals. Friends, Mentors, Groups, or books can be powerful tools to propel us toward success. Nothin’ happens in a vacuum, so let’s link up to others to energize and optimize our goals!

    Carolyn says:

    * If you get off track try to do something small every day in the service of your goal.* Doing something will give you so much more clarity than sitting around thinking about it. There are only so many unique ideas for you to have with out input from others.* Ask for something specific if you need help, NOT “could you watch my son sometime”, YES “Could you watch Chase for 90 minutes on Tuesdays at 6:00pm for the next 6 weeks”.

    Becca says:

    * Keep the bigger goal top of mind (with intention) and keep your ears and eyes open for ways to move toward your goal. * Linking up with others who have like interests always produces more ideas and vision for the future. Opportunities and energy come from interactions with others. * Always follow up with people when they say they will help, otherwise you don’t seem appreciative and they won’t be willing to help next time.

    CAROL’S GOAL: Complete (THE RESEARCH) for a course for C the Girl’s Girl called “Dating to Exclusive”. Obstacles: Procrastination, Limiting beliefs, and Distractions. Support: Meetup groups, family to commit to watching Chase a couple times a week, Books about how to research effectively.

    BECCA’S GOAL: Learn to play the piano. Obstacles: Time and Money. Support: Piano teacher!


    This week we want you to identify 1 person who could help you reach your goal and reach out to that person with a clear request for help, ie: Could you meet me on Tuesdays at 10am for 1 hour for the next 6 weeks to hash out my thoughts?  or watch my kid? or take a video of me doing my thing, etc.

    We are available on ITUNES, STITCHER, OVERCAST AND SPOTIFY!  Please rate, review, and share a favorite episode with a friend!

    See you next week for episode 5 of Season Three, Examining Your Habits

    • 36 min

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