23 episódios

Hello everyone (or two hellos!) and welcome to the Arabic podcast 'Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn'. My name is Saira and I've been learning Levantine Arabic since 2019. I'm so grateful to have a platform to share my love for the language. In the following episodes, I have conversations in Arabic and openly make mistakes. I hope this encourages you to speak Arabic confidently and without fear. Remember, slow progress is still progress! If you have any questions, please send me a message. I would love to hear from you!Instagram: @marhabtayn_ 

Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn Saira

    • Educação

Hello everyone (or two hellos!) and welcome to the Arabic podcast 'Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn'. My name is Saira and I've been learning Levantine Arabic since 2019. I'm so grateful to have a platform to share my love for the language. In the following episodes, I have conversations in Arabic and openly make mistakes. I hope this encourages you to speak Arabic confidently and without fear. Remember, slow progress is still progress! If you have any questions, please send me a message. I would love to hear from you!Instagram: @marhabtayn_ 

    Episode 23: The Year 2023!

    Episode 23: The Year 2023!

    Marhabtayn! It has been a while, but I'm back with one last episode for 2023. Firstly, I hope you're all safe and well. My heart is broken because of what is happening in Palestine and I'm praying everyday that things get better InshaAllah.

    In this episode, Lina and I reflect on the year 2023 but in a very light-hearted way. The last few months have been difficult to process and wanted to record something funny and light. My Arabic is a bit rusty so please be patient with me, my mistakes and my essays! I hope you enjoy it and learn something new :)

    شو أطول مدة متواصلة لبستي فيها بيجاما في 2023
    What's your record for the most consecutive days wearing pyjamas?

    كم سيلفي أخدتي لحد ما لقيتي أحسن صورة للبروفايل؟
    How many selfies did you take before finding the perfect one for your profile picture?

    كم مرة حكيتي رح أبلّش ديت/ريجيم وبعدين أكلتي بيتزا؟
    How many times did you say 'I'll start my diet tomorrow' and then ate pizza?

    إذا حيوانك الأليف ممكن يعطيكي تقييم  لسنة 2023 من 1 ل 10، قديش ممكن يعطيكي *
    If your pet could rate your 2023 on a scale from 1 to 10, what do you think they'd give you?

    *In the end, Lina and I had different interpretations of this question haha

    كم مرّة فتحتي التلاجة وتمنيتي يكون فيها أكل جديد؟
    How many times did you check the fridge hoping new food magically appeared?

    إذا شنتتك بتحكي أي قصة بتضحّك رح تحكي عن رحلاتك هاي السنة؟
    If your suitcase could talk, what hilarious story would it tell about your travels this year? 

    أي موهبة مش عادية اكتشفتي إنها عندك هاي السنة؟ 
    What's the most unusual talent you discovered you had in 2023?

    شو أزبط حجة فكرتي فيها لما تأخرتي؟ 
    What is the best excuse you came up with for being late?

    لو حياتك في سنة 2023 كان إلها شعار، شو ممكن يكون؟
    If your life had a slogan for 2023, what would it be?

    لو ممكن توصفي سنة 2023 باستعمال الإيموجيز، أي إيموجيز بتختاري
    If you had to describe your 2023 using only emojis, what emojis would you choose?
    مفردات جديدة : new vocabulary

    الأزمة traffic

    زينة decorations 

    مريح comfortable  

    رسمي formal 

    رقم قياسي record

    تقييم evaluation 

    I don't like taking photos, I like someone else taking a photo of me 
    ما بحب آخد سيلفي، بحب حدا يصورني

    نشاط activity 

    قاعد sitting

    حيوان أليف pet 

    فاصلة comma 

    دموع tears 

    نقطة drop 

    تمه مفتوح his mouth is open

    الحقيقة truth

    دقيق في المواعيد punctual 

    موعد نهائي deadline 

    تقألم to adapt 

    • 36 min
    Episode 22: A conversation with Lina

    Episode 22: A conversation with Lina

    Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well! I know it has been quite a while since I last posted an episode. If I'm honest, I haven't had a lot of confidence in my Arabic recently. I was so nervous recording this, but I'm so happy I did and I can continue to share my love of Arabic with you all. Remember, mistakes are all part of the journey. In this episode, Lina and I catch up on what we have been doing this year. I hope you enjoy it :) 

    p.s I'm so happy to share that I'm back!! 

    مفردات جديدة - new vocabulary 

    حوت - حيتان whale 

    مرتفعات heights 

    كسلان lazy 

    رطوبة humidity 

    مكيّف Air conditioner

    مروحة fan

    أمان safe

    مستوى متوسط intermediate level

    مر الوقت بسرعة time passed quickly 

    شو كنتِ تعملي هاي السنة؟

    what have you been doing this year?

    انبسط - بينبسط to have fun 

    الثقافة البريطانية British culture 

    متحف - متاحف museum 

    مواصلات transportation 

    بنية تحتية infrastructure 

    عطف compassion 

    حنان - kind

    لطيف مع حاله kind to oneself 

    موجة حر heatwave 

    موجة حارة - heatwave (you can use either one)

    • 24 min
    Episode 21: The Year 2022; الحلقة الحادية والعشرون: السنة ألفين وإثنان وعشرين

    Episode 21: The Year 2022; الحلقة الحادية والعشرون: السنة ألفين وإثنان وعشرين

    Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well. I can't believe 2022 is already coming to an end. Where has the time gone? In this episode, Lina and I reflect on the good moments in 2022, if there's anything we wish we did, what we're grateful for, how we took care of ourselves and how we would describe this year in 3-5 words. 

    I wish you all a wonderful festive period and a very Happy New Year! I'm so looking forward to making more episodes in 2023 :) ان شاء الله
    See you soon!

    P.s Lina was right - I said 2001/2002 at the start rather than 2021. The joy of learning a new language  😄 

    If you have any questions, you can message on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ 

    1. شو كانت اللحظات الحلوة في هاي السنة؟
    ?What were the beautiful moments of this year

    2. شو بتتمني لو عملتي هاي السنة؟
    ?What do you wish you did this year

    3. لشو إنتِ ممتنة هاي السنة؟  
    ?What are you grateful for

    4. كيف اهتميتي بحالك هاي السنة؟ 
    ?How did you take care of yourself this year

    5. كيف بتوصفي هاي السنة بتلات لخمس كلمات؟
    ?How would you describe this year in 3-5 words

    New vocabulary مفردات جديدة 

    العواطف emotions
    كأس العالم world cup
    مش كتير عادل not very fair

    بيشجع To cheer for

    مين فريق شجعتي ؟ ? which team did you cheer for

    شجعتي - (past tense (feminine

    رابط link

    بيفوز to win

    ما عندي اهتمام مين بيفوز I don’t care / I don’t have an interest who wins

    إمكانيات possibilities

    بيخسر to lose

    بيستاهل to deserve

    يكسر القلب breaks the heart

    بشكل شخصي personally
    ضغط دم blood pressure

    دعم to support

      15minutes خمس عشرة دقيقة

    لازم اعمل جدول احسن  I need to make a better schedule 
    مش ندمانة على شي I don’t regret anything 

    بشكل منتظم regularly 

    ممتن grateful 

    سجل to record

    تحمّل to bare

    مش مؤكد uncertain 

    قوة strength 

    رحت اتمشى I went for a walk 

    اهتم ب to care for

    النتيجة the result

    الامتحانات exams
    ممتع fun/exciting
    نمو growth

    سلام peace

    • 19 min
    Episode 20: Holidays; الحلقة العشرون: رحلات

    Episode 20: Holidays; الحلقة العشرون: رحلات

    Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well! In this episode, Lina and I talk about holidays. 

    This was a difficult episode for me to record because I haven't been studying Arabic as much as I would like to and I didn't feel very confident speaking, but I hope it encourages you to keep going no matter if you feel like you're having  a bad day with language learning (it happens to me all the time) . Slow progress is still progress and making mistakes is all part of the journey!

    If you have any questions, you can message me on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ 


     إذا فزت باليانصيب بكرة وين أول مكان بدك تسافري؟

    If you won the lottery, where is the first place you would travel? 

    2. عمرك راحت عليكي طيارة؟ شو صار؟
    Have you ever missed a flight what happened? 

    3. لشو بتشتاقي أكتر إشي لما بتسافري؟
    What do you miss the most when you travel? 

    4. شو أطول فترة كنتي فيها بعيدة عن بيتك؟ وحسيتي حالك مشتاقة للبيت؟
    What is the longest period you've been away from your home? 
    Did you feel like you were missing home? 

    5. بالنسبة إلك، قديش لازم يكون طول العطلة؟ قديش وقت بتاخدي عشان تصيري مرتاحة؟ 
    In your opinion, how long should a holiday be? 
    How much time do you need in order to be relaxed? 

    6. شو أهم بالنسبة إلك لما بتسافري، الراحة والاسترخاء ولا التجارب الجديدة؟
    What is the most important thing when you travel, peace and relaxation or new experiences?  

    7. شو بتاخدي معك لما تسافري؟ بتحاولي تضبي شنتة خفيفة؟
    What do you take with you when you travel? 
    Do you try and pack your bag light? 

    New vocabulary مفردات جديدة

    يانصيب  lottery

    نباتات     plants 

    طيران  plane 

    أهل   family

    سرير  bed

    بكالوريوس  bachelors degree 

    مثالي  ideal 

    عيد الفصح  Easter

    توازن  balance

    مغامرات  adventures

    وزن  weight

     حجم  size

    ضب - بيضب  to pack

    جنوب آسيا  South Asia

    متعود على used to 

    شديد strict 

    امتحانات exams

    معقد complicated

    اليابان Japan

    بيشتاق To miss something

    اشتقت لأهي I missed my family

    راحت علي الطيارة I missed the flight

    جواز سفر passport

    شاحن charger 

    غير هيك other than that

    ممكن تعطيني نصيحة = ممكن تنصحيني

    شنتة كبيرة big suitcase 

    قوة خارقة superpower 

    جهاز device 

    سلحفاة turtle 

    سلاحف turtles 

    استراحة rest 

    حسب it depends 

    زرت   I visited

    كملي   continue!

    ما بيزبط    it doesn't work out

    عيد الميلاد Christmas

    أزمة   crowded 

    عطلة رسمية public holiday 

    بحس إني   I feel like

    خزانتي   my closet

    • 24 min
    Episode 19: Free Time ; الحلقة التاسعة عشر : وقت فراغ

    Episode 19: Free Time ; الحلقة التاسعة عشر : وقت فراغ

    Marhabtayn! I hope you're all happy,  safe, well and enjoying summer! In this episode, Lina and I talk about our free time. I hope you learn some new words!  

    (p.s. the 'Marhaba' at the beginning of the episode got cut out for some reason!)

    If you have any questions, you can message on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ 

    شو الأشياء اللي بتحبي تعمليها بوقت فراغك؟ 1. 
    What things do you like to do in your free time?

    قديش عندك وقت فراغ خلال الأسبوع؟
    How much free time do you have during the week?

    عندك وقت فراغ بكفي?.
    Do you have enough free time?

    شو رح تعملي إذا كان عندك وقت فراغ أكتر؟
    What would you do if you had more free time?

    بتفضلي تكوني برة ولا جوا لما يكون عندك وقت فراغ؟
    Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?

    شو معنى العبارة "الوقت من ذهب"؟ وشو رأيك فيها؟

    What is the meaning of the saying 'Time is gold'? What do you think of it? 

    مفردات جديدة : new vocabulary

    اشتكيت I complained
    بنية تحتية infrastructure
    شبكة - net e.g to catch insects or mosquitoes
    بيقضي وقت to spend time

    بيرتاح to be comfortable

    مدمن addict

    وقت فراغ free time

    مثالي ideal

    تركيز concentration 

    حسب depends 

    I said حاجة which means need, but I meant to say حجة - excuse

    بيستاهل to deserve 

    سباق race

    شبكة net

    حشرات insects

    ناموس mosquitos 

    مكيّف AC

    مروحة fan

    • 13 min
    Episode 18: Personality ; الحلقة الثامنة عشر: الشخصية

    Episode 18: Personality ; الحلقة الثامنة عشر: الشخصية

    Marhabtayn! I hope you're all happy, safe and well. It has been a while since I posted an episode, but I'm back! In this episode, Lina and I talk about our personalities. I hope you enjoy it and learn some new vocabulary!

    If you have any questions, you can message on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ 

    شخصياتنا - our personalities

    شو هي صفاتك الشخصية؟

    What are some characteristics of your personality?

    شو هي الأشياء اللي بتخليكي مبسوطة؟

    What are things that make you happy?

    شو هي الأشياء اللي بتخليكي معصبة؟ 

    What are things that make you angry?

    إنتِ خجولة؟ في أي مواقف بتكوني خجولة؟

    Are you shy? In which situations are you shy?

    إنتِ انطوائية أو اجتماعية؟

    Are you introverted or extroverted?

    إذا بتقدري تغيري أي صفات بشخصيتك، شو رح تغيري؟

    If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would you change?

    شو بتعملي عشان تتسلي خلال رحلة طويلة بالسيارة؟

    What do you do to have fun during a long car ride?

    مفردات جديدة : new vocabulary

    مركز الاهتمام - centre of attention

    مشمس - sunny

    دولة - دول - country / countries 

    عميق - deep

    إيجابي - positive

    بيخون ثقة  - betray trust

    بيكذب  - to lie

    بيستنى - to wait 

    خجل - shyness 

    توتر - stress 

    طاقة  - energy

    حساس - sensitive

    مميز - special

    بسوق - to drive  

    بيغني -to sing

    نقاش - discussion

    زمان in the past

    تمنيت I wished

    ساخر sarcastic

    ما بعرف إذا هاد الإشي صار معك  - I don't know if this has happened to you

    لطيف friendly 

    هادي quiet 

    محترم respectful 

    شعور feeling 

    خطة plan

    بيتوقع to expect 

    مجموعة كبيرة  big group

    طموح ambitious

    نوايا سيئة   bad intentions

    عنيد  stubborn

    • 19 min

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