22 episódios

🇫🇷 Bonjour! Bienvenue dans "Les Règles du Jeu", le podcast qui permet aux femmes qui travaillent de se dire "je peux le faire!", et de le faire. 
Je suis Clara Moley, ancienne trader dans un environnement 100% masculin, et je partage ici mes enseignements de "terrain" pour vous permettre à votre tour de surmonter vos challenges du quotidien, un jour, une réunion, une négociation à la fois. 
S'approprier les bons leviers de réussite, s'affranchir des freins intérieurs, se libérer de la dimension infantilisante du monde professionnel, ... vous trouverez ici de vraies réponses pour reprendre la main sur votre parcours, donner toute votre mesure, et lâcher les chevaux.
Bonne écoute!

🇬🇧 Hello! Welcome to "The Rules of the Game", the podcast that allows women at work to say to themselves "I can do it!", and to do it.
I am Clara Moley, a former trader in a 100% male environment, and what I share here with you are all the lessons I learned on the ground, in order to allow you to overcome the challenges of your daily life at work, one day, one meeting, one negotiation at a time.
Embrace the right levers of success, get rid of your inhibitions, free yourself from the infantilizing dimension of the professional world, ... here you will find concrete answers to regain control over your career, express your full potential, and let go horses.

Instagram: @claramoley
LinkedIn: Clara Moley

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Les Règles du Jeu par Clara Moley // The Rules of the Game by Clara Moley Les Règles du Jeu par Clara Moley

    • Negócios

🇫🇷 Bonjour! Bienvenue dans "Les Règles du Jeu", le podcast qui permet aux femmes qui travaillent de se dire "je peux le faire!", et de le faire. 
Je suis Clara Moley, ancienne trader dans un environnement 100% masculin, et je partage ici mes enseignements de "terrain" pour vous permettre à votre tour de surmonter vos challenges du quotidien, un jour, une réunion, une négociation à la fois. 
S'approprier les bons leviers de réussite, s'affranchir des freins intérieurs, se libérer de la dimension infantilisante du monde professionnel, ... vous trouverez ici de vraies réponses pour reprendre la main sur votre parcours, donner toute votre mesure, et lâcher les chevaux.
Bonne écoute!

🇬🇧 Hello! Welcome to "The Rules of the Game", the podcast that allows women at work to say to themselves "I can do it!", and to do it.
I am Clara Moley, a former trader in a 100% male environment, and what I share here with you are all the lessons I learned on the ground, in order to allow you to overcome the challenges of your daily life at work, one day, one meeting, one negotiation at a time.
Embrace the right levers of success, get rid of your inhibitions, free yourself from the infantilizing dimension of the professional world, ... here you will find concrete answers to regain control over your career, express your full potential, and let go horses.

Instagram: @claramoley
LinkedIn: Clara Moley

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    🇬🇧 Introduction

    🇬🇧 Introduction

    The professional world is not school: it plays by its own rules.
    Welcome to "The Rules of the Game", the rules that are everywhere but that are taught nowhere!
    Here, we explore how to navigate the everyday life at work, the challenges of the business world, and what is in our power to overcome them.

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    • 32 s
    🇫🇷 Introduction

    🇫🇷 Introduction

    Le travail, c'est pas l'école: il obéit à ses propres règles. 

    Bienvenue dans "Les Règles du Jeu", ces règles qui sont partout mais qu'on enseigne nulle part!

    Ici, on explore comment naviguer au quotidien dans l'entreprise, les défis du monde professionnel, et ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour les surmonter. 

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    • 34 s
    🇬🇧 Rule #10 - Takes two to tango

    🇬🇧 Rule #10 - Takes two to tango

    The professional world is not school: it plays by its own rules.
    Welcome to "The Rules of the Game", the rules that are everywhere but that are taught nowhere!
    Here, we explore how to navigate the everyday life at work, the challenges of the business world, and what is in our power to overcome them.
    10 x 5 minutes of concrete and actionable advice to make the most of the situation you occupy and take your next best step.

    Themes of Rule #10: how to prioritize one's interest, how to explore one's horizon, how to take initiatives.

    Creation, direction, production: Clara Moley

    Translation: Helene Gaudin

    Montage: Vincent Rochette

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    • 5 min
    🇬🇧 Rule #9 - Tomorrow starts today

    🇬🇧 Rule #9 - Tomorrow starts today

    The professional world is not school: it plays by its own rules.
    Welcome to "The Rules of the Game", the rules that are everywhere but that are taught nowhere!
    Here, we explore how to navigate the everyday life at work, the challenges of the business world, and what is in our power to overcome them.
    10 x 5 minutes of concrete and actionable advice to make the most of the situation you occupy and take your next best step.

    Themes of Rule #9: how to defend one's interest, negotiation, how to take advantage of one's situation.

    Creation, direction, production: Clara Moley

    Translation: Helene Gaudin

    Montage: Vincent Rochette

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    • 5 min
    🇬🇧 Rule #8 - You cannot please everyone

    🇬🇧 Rule #8 - You cannot please everyone

    The professional world is not school: it plays by its own rules.
    Welcome to "The Rules of the Game", the rules that are everywhere but that are taught nowhere!
    Here, we explore how to navigate the everyday life at work, the challenges of the business world, and what is in our power to overcome them.
    10 x 5 minutes of concrete and actionable advice to make the most of the situation you occupy and take your next best step.

    Themes of Rule #8: how to prioritize one's interest, assertiveness, how to fit in one's professional environment.

    Creation, direction, production: Clara Moley

    Translation: Helene Gaudin

    Montage: Vincent Rochette

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    • 5 min
    🇬🇧 Rule #7 - Opportunity knocks but once

    🇬🇧 Rule #7 - Opportunity knocks but once

    The professional world is not school: it plays by its own rules.
    Welcome to "The Rules of the Game", the rules that are everywhere but that are taught nowhere!
    Here, we explore how to navigate the everyday life at work, the challenges of the business world, and what is in our power to overcome them.
    10 x 5 minutes of concrete and actionable advice to make the most of the situation you occupy and take your next best step.

    Themes of Rule #7: overcoming the importor syndrome, there is no such thing as perfection, companies do not do charity, timing.

    Creation, direction, production: Clara Moley

    Translation: Helene Gaudin

    Montage: Vincent Rochette

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    • 3 min

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