300 episodes

episodios diarios sobre inovacao, cultura e tecnologia

radinho de pilha rene de paula jr

    • Tecnologia
    • 4.9 • 37 Ratings

episodios diarios sobre inovacao, cultura e tecnologia

    a garotinha nos avisou em 1992, Aldous Huxley nos avisou em 1961, Harari nos avisou em 2024

    a garotinha nos avisou em 1992, Aldous Huxley nos avisou em 1961, Harari nos avisou em 2024

    Laerte Coutinho no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laerteminotaura/

    Ben JonesBen JonesFounder, Sundogs.ioFounderThis is the same thing with advertising. We sang quieter for a little while. But now louder and less interesting. and we just got megaphones. with amps. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7194087719319289856/

    1961: Aldous Huxley on the power of TECHNOLOGY! | In Conversation | Classic Interviews | BBC Archive https://youtu.be/ZCOGFSwrGNc?si=gmZY97ef_6gt_gjk

    The 12-year-old who tried to warn the world about climate change | BBC Ideas https://youtu.be/EjCfQt4OEOA?si=qp4Li9V7WLiXAXVs

    Which Dystopian Novel Got It Right: Orwell’s ‘1984’ or Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/13/books/review/which-dystopian-novel-got-it-right-orwells-1984-or-huxleys-brave-new-world.html

    Severn Cullis-Suzuki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severn_Cullis-Suzuki

    Story of most murderous people of all time revealed in ancient DNA https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24132230-200-story-of-most-murderous-people-of-all-time-revealed-in-ancient-dna/

    The rise and fall of the mysterious culture that invented civilisation https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24933230-900-the-rise-and-fall-of-the-mysterious-culture-that-invented-civilisation/

    In a first, orangutan seen using plant to heal injury https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p0hwpqst/in-a-first-orangutan-seen-using-plant-to-heal-injury

    Agricultural Revolution: Great Power, Great Consequences – Yuval Noah Harari and Ian Bremmer at 92Y https://youtu.be/bh6PXGDNOyE?si=FD_D76a5DDvdlTM2

    Solar Storms are disrupting farmer GPS systems during critical planting time https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/12/24154779/solar-storms-farmer-gps-john-deer

    O que é a lei das consequências imprevistas (e por que ela é tão importante agora) https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ciencia/2024/05/o-que-e-a-lei-das-consequencias-imprevistas-e-por-que-ela-e-tao-importante-agora.shtml

    • 35 min
    a completa insensibilidade da Apple, autismo não é só genética, o perigo da comida ultraprocessada

    a completa insensibilidade da Apple, autismo não é só genética, o perigo da comida ultraprocessada

    TRILLIONS of cicadas are emerging. Math can tell us why… https://youtube.com/shorts/bAe5Tg-EIxk?si=EpnmxxLi91A3j9QL

    The Insane Biology of: The Cicada https://youtu.be/0y5yTNdVb68?si=MwMGo-Uu7on4qxWp

    How Autism Can Look Very Different, Even in Identical Twins https://pca.st/1a7iq2xh

    conversando sobre impacto com… Edu Mancebo! https://vamosfalarsobreimpacto.today/2021/04/06/vamos-falar-sobre-impacto-com-edu-mancebo-2/

    Papo Raríssimo… com Edu Mancebo https://radinhodepilha.com/2021/12/17/papo-rarissimo-com-edu-mancebo/

    How Ultra-Processed Foods Took Over America And Can Even Pass For Healthy | Business Insider https://youtu.be/CECnIMoVxII?si=W1p0I53XKIYalpL7

    How big is AI’s carbon footprint? | BBC News https://youtu.be/fjNacsyp28s?si=SDEh7Z31JsGG9fyv

    Leia, Vale a Pena: Tábula Rasa, por Steven Pinker https://leiavaleapena.com/2017/01/14/blank-slate-steven-pinker/

    Crush! | iPad Pro | Apple https://youtu.be/ntjkwIXWtrc?si=0MawhBMEKkCNgTX8

    canal do radinho no whatsapp!https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDRCiu9xVJl8belu51Z

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    • 35 min
    Lucrécio o revolucionário, o lado B do Velho Oeste, a Cidade do Futuro com permissão para matar

    Lucrécio o revolucionário, o lado B do Velho Oeste, a Cidade do Futuro com permissão para matar

    (via ChatGPT) what is the importance of Lucretius’ poem De Rerum Natura? https://chat.openai.com/share/34f30cf8-bbb1-468f-b05e-0438cd78610b

    The science of mental health – with Camilla Nord https://youtu.be/sIdjde38toI?si=e0OuuVaWaE1IRygp

    Neom: Saudi forces ‘told to kill’ to clear land for eco-city https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68945445

    Civil War: Custer vs. Crazy Horse | Part 1 https://youtu.be/cYSyvPZuu-Y?si=lZZJfOSOC0lPg5IR

    Biography: Sitting Bull https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/oakley-sitting-bull/

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    meu mastodon: rené de paula jr (@renedepaula@c.im) https://c.im/@renedepaula

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    meu twitter http://twitter.com/renedepaula

    radinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilha

    aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

    para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

    minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

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    • 35 min
    saúde mental x saúde física, a seita da suruba, vírus x câncer, energia x “energia”

    saúde mental x saúde física, a seita da suruba, vírus x câncer, energia x “energia”

    The science of mental health – with Camilla Nord https://youtu.be/sIdjde38toI?si=N6MpsT6pQETlUH15

    Does COVID Cause Cancer? https://youtu.be/xG1vmGmuf-c?si=67cqt0q1wQZKRaz_

    Sexo, armas e meditação: ex-integrantes acusam comunidade do Osho no RS de abusos e agressões https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/cotidiano/2024/05/sexo-armas-e-meditacao-ex-integrantes-acusam-comunidade-do-osho-no-rs-de-abusos-e-agressoes.shtml

    Kids Shape Their Development to Match Genetic Tendencies https://neurosciencenews.com/neurodevelopment-genetics-environment-26051/

    Why The Centrifugal Force Is Not Real, According To Physicists https://www.iflscience.com/why-the-centrifugal-force-is-not-real-according-to-physicists-74102

    A teoria conspiratória que atribui às antenas Haarp inundações no Rio Grande do Sul https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/articles/czq52l4xgypo

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    radinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilha

    aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

    para xs raríssimxs internacionais,

    • 44 min
    você tem alma? 10 lições de um grande mestre, não aprendemos nada com a pandemia?

    você tem alma? 10 lições de um grande mestre, não aprendemos nada com a pandemia?

    10 Brilliant Insights from Daniel Dennett https://nautil.us/10-brilliant-insights-from-daniel-dennett-567922/

    Can the known particles and interactions explain consciousness? https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/consciousness-arise-particles/

    Do humans have souls? | Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder https://youtu.be/XovfK-IGbtw?si=dOGC9G_cy8WfShip

    NASA named an asteroid after me https://youtu.be/iiC1VO_uvrQ?si=jg4Ib8gU8sZgQi4i

    NASA Simulation’s Plunge Into a Black Hole: Explained https://youtu.be/chhcwk4-esM?si=ZPAd2QD4vx9evp-r

    Vulcan (hypothetical planet) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulcan_%28hypothetical_planet%29

    In Our TimeMercury https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001yqp3

    Science In ActionCrossover infections https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct5vcn

    Weekly: Is climate change accelerating?; Anger vs heart health; New sensory organ https://pca.st/tzg8w8lb

    AI Outperforms Humans in Moral Judgments https://neurosciencenews.com/ai-llm-morality-26041/

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    • 45 min
    entenda a Partícula de Deus, o culto a Caetano, as maravilhas da Ignorância

    entenda a Partícula de Deus, o culto a Caetano, as maravilhas da Ignorância

    A SÍNDROME CAETANISTA https://piaui.folha.uol.com.br/materia/a-sindrome-caetanista(via ChatGPT) Creation Myths from Diverse Cultures: https://chat.openai.com/share/8fb190ea-a69e-42c9-9db2-f94a512b0372There’s No Single Cradle of Humankind https://youtu.be/WqcoMOxGWfs?si=_UH7a2j5h9pwvEOeSomething Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein’s Math https://youtu.be/6akmv1bsz1M?si=awoazdH5zx_fe_0FYuval Harari: Science Is Ignorance | YNH Short https://youtube.com/shorts/DSKKJVF060Y?si=7iOIbW3FqCKju-1oFrom Quarks to Galaxies: A tour through the forefront of modern physics with Frank Wilczek https://pca.st/05zwlrhiWaves in an Impossible Sea: How Everyday Life Emerges from the Cosmic Oceanby Matt Strassler https://a.co/d/gPEHoW5canal do radinho no whatsapp!https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDRCiu9xVJl8belu51Zmeu perfil no Threads: https://www.threads.net/@renedepaulajrmeu perfil no BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/renedepaula.bsky.socialmeu perfil no t2: https://t2.social/renedepaulameu perfil no Post: https://post.news/renedepaulameu canal no Koo https://www.kooapp.com/profile/renedepaulameu mastodon: rené de paula jr (@renedepaula@c.im) https://c.im/@renedepaulameu “twitter” no telegram: https://t.me/renedepaulajrmeu twitter http://twitter.com/renedepaularadinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilhaaqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissimapara xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolabmeu livro novo na lojinha! blue noteshttps://www.ko-fi.com/s/550d7d5e22meu livro solo https://www.ko-fi.

    • 56 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
37 Ratings

37 Ratings

JP Barbosa ,

Informação aprofundada e contextualizada

Podcasting conectado à realidade, mas sem cair na esquizofrenia, repetição e parcialidade da mídia de massa. De forma raríssima, o "radinho de pilha" foca no aprofundamento e na contextualização dos diversos temas que passam pelo canal de segunda à sexta, sempre em áudio cristalino de seu apresentador Rene de Paula Jr.

Alissonsp ,


Minha companhia diária há um ano, é o melhor podcast para saber sobre conhecimentos gerais e temas pouco abordados mela mídia mainstream. Um conteúdo pra quem gosta de expandir seu horizonte e refletir.

alecostafig ,

Ótimo podcast!

Os assuntos são muito dinâmicos e sempre abordados de uma maneira muito leve e que nos faz refletir sobre os mais diversos assuntos. É um podcast que eu adoro acompanhar!

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