12 min

Open Public Meetings Laws Keep the Public’s Business Public Legally Speaking

    • Governo

Whenever a meeting involves the public’s business—whether it’s a city council, the legislature or any branch of state or local government—that meeting is subject to the Open and Public Meetings Act (OPMA).
These days, there are many meetings in our state, and controversial issues are often discussed. The Utah Attorney General's Office is one of the entities authorized to field concerns about open meetings and enforce OPMA. The job belongs to the Civil Review Committee, led by Assistant Attorney General Elliott Clark, who joins Legally Speaking to discuss how OPMA works.
OPMA in Utah Code
OPMA Brochure

Whenever a meeting involves the public’s business—whether it’s a city council, the legislature or any branch of state or local government—that meeting is subject to the Open and Public Meetings Act (OPMA).
These days, there are many meetings in our state, and controversial issues are often discussed. The Utah Attorney General's Office is one of the entities authorized to field concerns about open meetings and enforce OPMA. The job belongs to the Civil Review Committee, led by Assistant Attorney General Elliott Clark, who joins Legally Speaking to discuss how OPMA works.
OPMA in Utah Code
OPMA Brochure

12 min

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