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Spellogy Kilton Fernandes

    • Educação

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    Aula #16 - Italian Students to Study Climate Change from 2020

    Aula #16 - Italian Students to Study Climate Change from 2020

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    Aula #16 - Italian Students to Study Climate Change from 2020

    Starting in September 2020, all Italian public school students will have to study climate change. Education minister Lorenzo Fioramonti said they will study about 33 hours of climate change – almost one hour per week of school.

    ""Citizens of the future need to be ready for the climate emergency,"" Fioramonti's spokesman said. On November 5, more than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries released a study called ""World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency.""

    Climate change will be taught in civics classes, where students learn about their responsibilities as citizens. Topics like sustainable development – growing the economy while protecting nature – will also be added to subjects like geography, math, and physics.

    In September, Fioramonti encouraged students to take part in protests against climate change instead of going to classes.

    He has also said that extra taxes should be added to plane tickets and plastic. Flying produces more carbon dioxide per passenger than other kinds of travel, and some people have begun avoiding taking planes to reduce their effect on the environment.

    The UN says that 8 million metric tons of plastic go into our oceans every year – half of it from China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The oceans could have more plastic than fish by 2050, and tiny pieces of plastic have even been found in snow in Antarctica.

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    Minister - a senior member of a government

    citizen - a person who belongs to a particular country and is allowed to live and work there

    responsibility - a duty to deal with, care for, etc. someone or something

    encourage - o make someone want to do something; to urge or persuade

    protest - the act of saying or showing that you strongly disagree with something

    carbon dioxide - a gas that is produced when particular fuels are burnt


    - Do you think students in your country should learn about climate change in school? Why? Why not? 

    - If you had kids, would you encourage them to take part in climate change protests instead of going to classes? Why? Why not? 

    - Would you consider giving up flying to reduce your impact on the environment? Why? Why not? 

    - In your opinion, is your government doing enough to fight climate change? Please explain your answer.

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    • 16 min
    Aula #15 - China Bans Eating and Drinking on Subways

    Aula #15 - China Bans Eating and Drinking on Subways

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    Aula #15 - China Bans Eating and Drinking on Subways

    China is banning eating, drinking and other impolite behaviors on subways from April 2020.

    China Daily reports that the government will also ban standing on seats, playing music on speakers and lying down on the nation's trains. However, young children and people with some medical conditions will still be allowed to eat.

    There are 33 cities in China with subways, including Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Qingdao. This is the first time that the government has made subway rules for the whole country.

    Some cities already have their own rules about what people can and can't do on the subway. Beijing banned food and drink on its subways in 2015, and anyone who eats or drinks has to pay 500 yuan (around $70).

    Wuhan banned eating and drinking on its subways in 2013. Some local people are still not happy about it, however. Chen Xiang­ru told news website AsiaOne that local people enjoy eating the city's famous hot dry noodles "while walking, riding a bus, taking a taxi or even on boats," and the smell of eating on the subway would not be a problem for her.

    However, Zhang Han, a 26-year-old government employee, supports the new rule. She told AsiaOne that because subways are public spaces that don't have very good ventilation, all food should be banned, even if it doesn't smell.

    China has 4,600 kilometers of subway, with 669 kilometers in Shanghai, 617 in Beijing and 473 in Guangzhou.

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    subway  - a railway system that runs underground

    impolite  - ot having or showing good manners

    speaker  - a piece of electrical equipment which produces sound

    condition - an illness or medical problem

    ventilation - the act of providing fresh air to a building, room, etc.


    - Is there a subway system in your town or city?

    - If so, how often do you use it? If not, do you think there ought to be?

    - Are people allowed to eat and drink on public transport in your country?

    - Do you see this as a good thing?

    - Have you ever sat next to a rude passenger on public transport? If so, please share your story.

    - Do you have any complaints about your country's public transport system? Please explain your answer.

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    • 16 min
    Aula #14 - Toy Sales Up as Americans Stay Home

    Aula #14 - Toy Sales Up as Americans Stay Home

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    US toy sales have increased as Americans stay at home because of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Toy sales in the US rose 16% in the first half of 2020, according to research by The NDP Group. While sales changed little in January and February, they rose 16% in March as Americans started being asked to stay home. Toy sales were up 22% in April, 37% in May and 19% in June compared to the same time in 2019.

    It seems the growth has continued. US-based toy company Hasbro, which makes Transformers toys and Monopoly board games, saw a 21% increase in games sales in the third quarter, which ended in September.

    Another US-based toy company, Mattel, reported that its third-quarter sales were up 10% — its biggest increase in 10 years. Sales of the company's Barbie dolls were up 29%.

    Steve Pasierb, CEO of The Toy Association, told Marketplace there has been "huge growth" in the toy industry at a time when it is normally quiet. Pasierb said that he expects this to continue until Christmas because parents want their children to have "presents under the tree."

    Cara Santos Pianesi, who lives in Virginia, told Marketplace that she and her husband usually try not to "spoil" their kids with too many toys during the holidays. But she said they might buy more this year to make their two children happy — and to get them away from their screens.

    The NPD Group also said it expects rich families to spend more on toys at Christmas, since they have had to cancel expensive vacations.

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    based - showing the main place or area where someone works, lives, etc.

    board game - a game which involves moving objects around a board

    quarter - one of four equal parts of something; a period of three months

    dolls - a toy that looks like a person or baby

    quiet - having very little activity, excitement, etc.

    spoil - to give a child everything they want in a way that has a negative effect on them


    - When do children in your country usually get the most presents?

    - Do you do anything special to celebrate Christmas? Why? Why not?

    - What was your favorite vacation when you were a kid? Why?

    - o you prefer playing board games or video games? Why?

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    • 12 min
    Aula #013 - Bond with Your Cat by Blinking Slowly, Study Says

    Aula #013 - Bond with Your Cat by Blinking Slowly, Study Says

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    Bond with Your Cat by Blinking Slowly, Study Says

    Blinking slowly can help people bond with cats, according to a study by animal behavior experts at the University of Sussex.

    Researchers used two experiments to test the ""cat smile"" theory, which says that narrowing your eyes is equivalent to smiling to a cat.

    The study first looked at how 21 cats from 14 homes acted when their owners blinked slowly at them, keeping their eyes closed for more than half a second. Researchers found that a cat was more likely to slow-blink back at their owner when the owner had slow-blinked at them first.

    The next part of the study used 24 other cats from eight different homes. A researcher, who was a stranger to the cat, offered their hand to the animal. It was found that when the researcher slow-blinked before offering their hand, the cat was more likely to go to them.

    The researchers say this is the first study to look at how slow blinking can be used when cats and humans communicate.

    One of the leaders of the research team, Professor Karen McComb, said: ""As someone who has both studied animal behavior and is a cat owner, it's great to be able to show that cats and humans can communicate in this way.""

    Cats are the second most popular pet in the world. In 2016, data research company Growth from Knowledge surveyed over 27,000 people in 22 countries, and found that 23% owned a cat and 33% owned a dog. Cats were most popular in Russia, where 57% of people owned one, and least popular in South Korea.

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    bonded - to develop a special relationship with a person or animal

    theory - a set of ideas intended to explain something

    narrows - to make or become not as wide

    equivalent - equal in size, amount, etc. or serving the same purpose as something

    acting - to do something or behave in a certain way


    - What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?

    - Have you ever had a cat?

    - If so, what was he or she like? If not, why not?

    - Do many of your friends and family have pets?

    - Would you say that dogs or cats are more popular where you live?

    - Why do you think cats and dogs are the most popular pets?

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    • 12 min
    Aula#012 - McDonald's Burger Doesn't Decay After 10 Years

    Aula#012 - McDonald's Burger Doesn't Decay After 10 Years

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    A McDonald's burger and fries bought in Iceland still hasn't decomposed after 10 years. 

    The meal was bought just before McDonald's closed its three restaurants in the country. Hjortur Smarason heard that food from McDonald's doesn't decompose and wanted to find out if that was true. He bought his last burger and fries there on October 31, 2009, and they still have not decomposed. 

    The meal is kept in a glass case in Snotra House, a hostel in Hella in southern Iceland. People can even watch the burger and fries online. The hostel owner, Siggi Sigurdur, told BBC News, ""It still looks quite good actually."" 

    It's a fun thing, of course, but it makes you think about what you are eating. There is no mold, it's only the paper wrapping that looks old."" Smarason first kept the burger and fries in a plastic bag in his garage, but after three years, he gave them to the National Museum of Iceland. The museum later said it could not properly store food, and gave it back. After spending some time in a hostel in Reykjavík, they were moved to Snotra House. 

    There may be a good reason as to why the burger and fries have not decomposed. McDonald's has said that when there is not enough moisture in the air, bacteria and mold cannot grow, so food does not decompose. Food scientist Bjorn Adalbjornsson from the University of Iceland confirmed this, adding that without moisture"food will simply dry out.

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    decomposes - to be slowly destroyed by natural chemical processes 

    mold - a living thing that grows in wet, warm conditions, especially on food 

    wrapping -paper, plastic, etc. used to cover something stored - to keep or collect something for later use 

    moisture - very small drops of water in the air, on a surface, or in a substance 

    bacteria - extremely small living things, some of which can cause disease


    - Do you find it surprising that Smarason's McDonald's burger still hasn't decomposed? Why? Why not?  

    - How often do you eat at McDonald's? Please explain your answer.  

    - Do you like burgers?  - if so, what's the best burger place in your town or city? If not, why not?  

    - What are the most popular fast food restaurants where you live?  - How often do you eat there?  

    - Have you been to Iceland?  - If so, what parts did you visit? If not, would you like to?

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    • 15 min
    Aula #011 - Feral Peacocks Causing New Zealand's Farmers Problems

    Aula #011 - Feral Peacocks Causing New Zealand's Farmers Problems

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    Acompanhe o texto dessa aula - Feral Peacocks Causing New Zealand's Farmers Problems

    Farmers in New Zealand are complaining about a growing number of feral peacocks that are eating the grass and crops they use to feed their animals. 

    According to New Zealand Birds Online, some peacocks, which are not native to New Zealand, have become feral after being kept for display and then released. 

    They are growing in numbers because their natural predators, like rats, are being hunted as part of a project to make the country free of non-native predators by 2050. 

    Grant Adkins, a farmer from Whanganui, said that the birds ""weren't a problem at all"" until there were less predators. He says that the number has increased a lot in the last 12 years, and that there could be thousands of peacocks in his area. In some cases, it has been reported that there have been more than 100 birds in a single field. 

    The feral peacocks are mostly found in the upper North Island in places like Auckland and Northland. However, they have been found as far south as Christchurch and Dunedin in the lower South Island. 

    Adkins says authorities won't do anything about the problem. Farmers have tried to keep the numbers down by shooting the birds, but Adkins says the peacocks are smart and learn to stay far away once shot at by farmers. 

    In June, feral chickens also caused problems in Titirangi, West Auckland. Some people who live in the area said they were unable to sleep because of the noise the chickens were making and also complained because of the mess caused by the animals.

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    feral - (of an animal) wild, especially after being kept in captivity or as a pet native - existing in a place naturally or before others display - to allow someone or something to be free; to allow something to move, flow, etc. freely predators - an animal that kills other animals for food project - a piece of work that has been planned to achieve a particular goal


    - - Are there any animals that often cause problems where you live? - Do you think you'd enjoy working on a farm? Why? Why not? - What would you say are the benefits of living in a rural area? - Have you ever kept a bird as a pet? - Have you been to New Zealand? - If so, what parts did you visit? If not, would you like to? Is your country home to any unique birds? - What interesting animals can visitors to your country expect to see? - Have you ever come across a wild or dangerous animal? - What parts of the world do you think have the most interesting wildlife?

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    • 15 min

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