100 episódios

The Real Estate Sales Podcast is designed to provide actionable strategies that can be applied immediately in your real estate business. We will strive to educate, inspire, and entertain you in a way that helps you build the real estate business of your dreams! From interviews with top producing agents and industry leaders to quick tips on how to grow your business. There has never been a better time to build and grow a real estate sales business! This podcast will help you grow and build faster.

The Real Estate Sales Podcast Jimmy Burgess

    • Negócios

The Real Estate Sales Podcast is designed to provide actionable strategies that can be applied immediately in your real estate business. We will strive to educate, inspire, and entertain you in a way that helps you build the real estate business of your dreams! From interviews with top producing agents and industry leaders to quick tips on how to grow your business. There has never been a better time to build and grow a real estate sales business! This podcast will help you grow and build faster.

    Jimmy Burgess | 10 ChatGPT Prompts Every Real Estate Agent Should Be Using

    Jimmy Burgess | 10 ChatGPT Prompts Every Real Estate Agent Should Be Using

    Are you a real estate agent looking to revolutionize your business in today's digital world? 
    With Chat GPT, the possibilities are endless. Imagine having the power to generate leads, craft compelling property descriptions, and even optimize your social media presence—all at your fingertips. 
    Today, Jimmy Burgess dives into the top ten Chat GPT prompts designed to elevate your real estate game. Tune in and explore how to efficiently leverage AI to supercharge your real estate business and leave your competition in the dust.
    Prompt 1: Generating Listing Leads
    “Act as an expert real estate agent business coach. I'm a real estate agent who would like to generate two monthly listings in 2024. Provide me with 20 strategies to help me generate the seller leads needed to take the two listings per month I have set as my goal.” Jimmy shares that providing a foundation such as roles, specific goals, and expectations allows you to receive better results from Chat GPT. So, be sure to include specific roles, goals, and expectations when writing your prompt.  Prompt 2: Buyer Lead Generation
    “Act as an expert real estate marketer and provide me with 20 creative ways to generate real estate buyer leads in the current market environment.” You may receive more details on specific ones; if others need to be more detailed for you, go back and tell Chat GPT to clarify. Prompt 3: Online Review Generation
    “Act as an expert copywriter specializing in work with real estate agents. My goal is to increase the number of reviews on my Google Business profile page. Provide me with an email to past clients thanking them for their business and asking them to click on the link provided to leave a Google Business Review. The tone for the email should be conversational and gratitude-driven, based on them doing business with me in the past. Also, provide me with three email subject line options for this email.” Jimmy discusses that reviews are not only for businesses. The more reviews you have, the more likely buyers will work with you because it gives them confidence that you’re the right agent for them.  You can use this prompt to develop an email template to request Google Business reviews from past clients.  Prompt 4: LinkedIn Article Creation
    “Act as an expert real estate copywriter and provide me with a LinkedIn article with seven things a seller should do before listing their home for sale in your city in the spring. Number seven in the article should be to call and insert your name for free, no-obligation valuation analysis, and a list of things that can be done to the home prior to listing it to maximize the sales price. Number seven in this list should be a strong call to action.” Acting as a real estate copywriter allows you to craft LinkedIn articles tailored to your target audiences, such as potential sellers in specific market conditions. This prompt encourages the creation of engaging content with a strong call to action, enabling real estate professionals to attract potential clients. Prompt 5: Social Media Content Creation
    “Provide me with 20 Instagram post ideas to showcase me as the local real estate expert in [insert your city]. The goal of these posts is to increase engagement with the actual post and followers to my page.” You can use ChatGPT to develop 20 social media ideas to position yourself as a local expert, ultimately boosting engagement and follower counts. Prompt 6: Business Growth Strategies
    “Act as an expert real estate business coach. My goal is to increase my real estate sales business by 20% in the coming twelve months. Ask me as many questions as you need to understand my current business so you can provide me with the strategies and a plan of action that will help me achieve my goal of growing my business by 20% in the next twelve months.” “Feel free to ask me as many questions as you need to get an understanding of my business so

    • 18 min
    Jimmy Burgess | The Best Is Yet to Come for Your Business (If You Follow This Plan)

    Jimmy Burgess | The Best Is Yet to Come for Your Business (If You Follow This Plan)

    You must have a plan to succeed in your real estate business. Going into it blindly will set you up for failure; of course, this is something you want to avoid.
    Listen to this episode of "The Real Estate Sales Podcast" to help you develop a strategic plan of action to thrive in the changing market. Host Jimmy Burgess emphasizes that the best in the is yet to come and provides a comprehensive approach to ensure continued success and growth. 
    Let's dive into the key points and actionable steps outlined by Jimmy.
    Believe in Possibilities
    Jimmy stresses the importance of belief in one’s potential and the possibilities for success in the real estate business.  He encourages realtors to observe others who have achieved greater success, acknowledging that belief influences actions, prompting individuals to pursue uncomfortable tasks confidently in future results. Educate for Success
    Jimmy highlights education as a crucial component of success.  He prompts real estate professionals to enhance their skills, knowledge, and understanding of the market to align with their beliefs and improve the chances of achieving desired outcomes. Take Action
    Taking action is vital, and Jimmy advises against waiting for the perfect moment.  He encourages realtors to take steps, expressing that momentum builds as actions are initiated. Control Your Schedule
    Jimmy underlines the significance of purposeful scheduling, outlining the value of time-blocking for prospecting, learning, and client follow-ups.  Taking control of one’s schedule is foundational to advancing a real estate business. Identify and Serve Ideal Clients
    Understanding and identifying ideal clients is critical in providing valuable services. Jimmy emphasizes the importance of studying ideal clients, learning about their preferences, and seeking to add value to their lives. Differentiate with Unique Value Proposition
    Real estate professionals must define their unique value proposition to set themselves apart from the competition.  Jimmy explains the significance of differentiating oneself as the obvious choice for potential clients. Total Immersion in Client's World
    Real estate professionals are encouraged to immerse themselves in their ideal client's world, participating in activities and clubs where their clients are present.  This strategy facilitates building strong connections and understanding client needs, thus enhancing the ability to provide specific and valuable services. Try and Host Open Houses
    Jimmy advocates for trying various business activities and actively hosting open houses. He highlights that open houses engage potential buyers and sellers and provide insights and opportunities for building a client database. Create Systems for Follow-up
    Establishing a robust follow-up system to ensure no leads fall through the cracks is essential in converting potential leads into successful business transactions.  Jimmy emphasizes the need for consistent follow-up through various communication channels. Overcome Setbacks
    Dealing with setbacks is part of the real estate business, and Jimmy advises facing challenges head-on, maintaining a forward-moving mindset, and consistently adding value to the market. Make Calls and Commit to Consistent Effort
    Create a habit of making real estate-related calls.  Jimmy highlights the direct correlation between these conversations and business transactions. Immerse in Business for 90 Days
    Jimmy suggests dedicating 90 days to going all-in on one's real estate business, focusing on outbound calls, client understanding, and content production. Jimmy's strategic plan provides a roadmap for realtors to thrive in the current market and surpass previous levels of success, ensuring the best is indeed yet to come. Embrace a higher level of action, continuously improve your skills, and take steps to enhance client service. These actions will help y

    • 12 min
    Jimmy Burgess | The 6 Great Paradoxes of Real Estate Sales

    Jimmy Burgess | The 6 Great Paradoxes of Real Estate Sales

    It's difficult to grasp some concepts when starting in a new field, no matter how many times you review them. In this episode of "The Real Estate Sales Podcast," host Jimmy Burgess shares six paradoxes in real estate. Tune in to discover what they are to help grow your real estate business.
    1. Giving Paradox
    People nowadays believe that if they want something, they have to go get it. However, Jimmy discovered this may not always be the case. Instead of always being out there selling, figure out how you give value.  Jimmy shares ideas and examples within the episode. 2. Growth Paradox
    The time it takes to build your real estate business will take longer than you thought it would. However, you'll start seeing growth quickly once you put in the work. Think back to when you felt as though you were stuck in life, and then, out of nowhere, everything you wanted came to fruition. Apply this concept to your business, and you'll see growth within no time if you're doing the work. 3. Problem Paradox
    You may view problems or difficulties as something negative, but in reality, they’re opportunities.  Challenges are chances to deepen relationships, show value, and prove that you can move your business forward. Always trust the process and create relationships to bring positive opportunities. 4. Selling Paradox
    The less you try to sell to someone, the more they will try to buy from you. When you’re not pushing someone to decide, clients can determine what they feel is best for them. Jimmy shares how you can give information to clients to help them make their own decisions. 5. Money Paradox
    To make money, you have to spend money. You may think of holding onto the money once you start making it, but investing it into your real estate business is better.  For example, if video production brings you money, consider investing more in it. Eventually, it will help you grow your business and triple your income. 6. Fear Paradox
    What you fear the most is what you must do to help your business grow. What are you afraid to do? Is it making phone calls, making video content, or putting yourself on social media?  Whatever it is, push your fear aside and start doing it, as it will help you take your business to the next level.  Jimmy Burgess always shares excellent real estate sales advice. Subscribe to the podcast to help you succeed in your real estate business.
    “The more that you give, the more you will receive.” - Jimmy Burgess
    Do you have a video or content idea perfect for your business? Share it with Jimmy! Connect with Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn and Facebook, and his YouTube channel.  If you like what you heard today, we’d love it if you’d share a rating or review and then subscribe to the podcast and tell others about it. You can find The Real Estate Sales Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and our website, The Real Estate Sales Podcast.

    • 8 min
    Jimmy Burgess | 7 Ways to Invest $2,500 in Your Real Estate Business for Huge Results

    Jimmy Burgess | 7 Ways to Invest $2,500 in Your Real Estate Business for Huge Results

    Don't you hate it when someone doesn't tell you everything you need to know, especially within the real estate industry?
    You want a broker who is honest with you no matter how hurtful the truth may be. However, most don't have the heart to tell the truth when the real estate market isn't going so well.
    In this "The Real Estate Sales Podcast” episode, host Jimmy Burgess shares five things real estate agents need to know. Subscribe and hear what your broker is too nice to tell you.
    1. The Market Is Getting Tougher
    Jimmy discusses how the real estate market is challenging, and most agents cannot handle the difficulties.  When things get tough, don't become soft; push through the challenges you're facing.  Jimmy also says it's better to face the challenges because when you wait for life to give you whatever, it will typically give you the worst. Start being proactive. Make those phone calls or host that open house you've been putting off.  Now is the time for you to take action and bring positive changes.  2. You’re Blaming Everyone and Everything
    Take ownership instead of pouting about what someone did or a bad situation.  You can't change what happens or make others do something they don't want to do. Focus on what you can do to create a better outcome.  3. You’re Playing Small
    Stop with the negative self-talk. It's holding you back from achieving your goals.  You may be afraid that someone will hang up or be angry that you called them. Even if it happens, it's not the end of the world. You can always call another prospect.  Those who push past their fears while others stay in them will be more likely to succeed. 4. Agents Are Reacting Incorrectly to Adversity
    Remember, adversity means opportunities.  How will you handle things when things don’t go your way? Are you going to freeze and throw the towel in? Are you going to figure out solutions? What about increasing your communications with clients? Jimmy shares that this is the perfect time to build deep relationships with brokers, sellers, and clients. 5. Do Different Things in 2024
    The things you did in 2023 may not work in 2024. Pay attention to your actions from last year and figure out how to expand on them. The real estate market is constantly evolving, so you must be willing to make positive changes to keep your business afloat.  Also, consider the things you have yet to try that you can do this year. Jimmy shares some ideas that real estate agents can do to help improve their success. Jimmy shares these tips to help struggling agents. Now is the time to take action in your real estate business. If you want different results this year, subscribe to The Real Estate Sales Podcast. 
    “Remember, four fingers are pointing back at you when you're pointing one at someone. You're in control of your situation. Take action, and things will change.” -Jimmy Burgess. 
    Do you have a video or content idea perfect for your business? Share it with Jimmy! Connect with Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn and Facebook, and his YouTube channel.  If you like what you heard today, we’d love it if you’d share a rating or review and then subscribe to the podcast and tell others about it. You can find The Real Estate Sales Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and our website, The Real Estate Sales Podcast.

    • 10 min
    Jimmy Burgess | 5 Things Your Broker is Too Nice to Tell You, But You Need to Hear

    Jimmy Burgess | 5 Things Your Broker is Too Nice to Tell You, But You Need to Hear

    Don't you hate it when someone doesn't tell you everything you need to know, especially within the real estate industry?
    You want a broker who is honest with you no matter how hurtful the truth may be. However, most don't have the heart to tell the truth when the real estate market isn't going so well.
    In this "The Real Estate Sales Podcast” episode, host Jimmy Burgess shares five things real estate agents need to know. Subscribe and hear what your broker is too nice to tell you.
    1. The Market Is Getting Tougher
    Jimmy discusses how the real estate market is challenging, and most agents cannot handle the difficulties. 
    When things get tough, don't become soft; push through the challenges you're facing. 
    Jimmy also says it's better to face the challenges because when you wait for life to give you whatever, it will typically give you the worst.
    Start being proactive. Make those phone calls or host that open house you've been putting off. 
    Now is the time for you to take action and bring positive changes. 
    2. You’re Blaming Everyone and Everything
    Take ownership instead of pouting about what someone did or a bad situation. 
    You can't change what happens or make others do something they don't want to do.
    Focus on what you can do to create a better outcome. 
    3. You’re Playing Small
    Stop with the negative self-talk. It's holding you back from achieving your goals. 
    You may be afraid that someone will hang up or be angry that you called them. Even if it happens, it's not the end of the world. You can always call another prospect. 
    Those who push past their fears while others stay in them will be more likely to succeed.
    4. Agents Are Reacting Incorrectly to Adversity
    Remember, adversity means opportunities. 
    How will you handle things when things don’t go your way? Are you going to freeze and throw the towel in? Are you going to figure out solutions? What about increasing your communications with clients?
    Jimmy shares that this is the perfect time to build deep relationships with brokers, sellers, and clients.
    5. Do Different Things in 2024
    The things you did in 2023 may not work in 2024. Pay attention to your actions from last year and figure out how to expand on them.
    The real estate market is constantly evolving, so you must be willing to make positive changes to keep your business afloat. 
    Also, consider the things you have yet to try that you can do this year. Jimmy shares some ideas that real estate agents can do to help improve their success.
    Jimmy shares these tips to help struggling agents. Now is the time to take action in your real estate business. If you want different results this year, subscribe to The Real Estate Sales Podcast. 
    “Remember, four fingers are pointing back at you when you're pointing one at someone. You're in control of your situation. Take action, and things will change.” -Jimmy Burgess. 
    Do you have a video or content idea perfect for your business? Share it with Jimmy! Connect with Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn and Facebook, and his YouTube channel.  If you like what you heard today, we’d love it if you’d share a rating or review and then subscribe to the podcast and tell others about it. You can find The Real Estate Sales Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and our website, The Real Estate Sales Podcast.

    • 7 min
    Jimmy Burgess | If I Wanted to Make $342,987 in 2024, This is What I would Do

    Jimmy Burgess | If I Wanted to Make $342,987 in 2024, This is What I would Do

    How can you make more money in real estate in 2024?
    Subscribe to the Real Estate Sales Podcast to find out. In this week’s episode, host Jimmy Burgess shares a top 5% blueprint to build a thriving real estate business in 2024. 
    He outlines seven specific skills that hold the potential to elevate one's entrepreneurial journey to unprecedented heights. Tune in to hear how personal development helps real estate agents make more money. 
    1. Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Chat GPT
    Real estate agents must leverage AI technology to streamline business operations and enhance marketing strategies.  Jimmy emphasizes the significance of creating efficiencies in the real estate business by seeking knowledge through podcasts and online resources.  Taking the time to become an expert in Chat GPT will maximize your business opportunities. 2. Producing Engaging YouTube Video Content
    Remember, YouTube is the second largest search engine. Jimmy shares that agents must create searchable video content to establish a compelling personal brand. He encourages understanding the specific topics that potential clients search for, such as neighborhood insights and provides examples of successful agents who have harnessed this skill to generate significant listings and contracts. 3. Crafting Compelling Social Media Content
    Jimmy highlights the unparalleled potential of social media in building a personal brand and staying top of mind with clients.  He recommends observing successful agents in diverse markets and learning from their strategies to tailor engaging social media content. Learning from successful real estate agents helps emphasize the value of consistent posting to foster client relationships and generate brand recognition. 4. Sharpening Negotiation Skills
    In light of the evolving real estate market, Coach Jimmy stresses the importance of honing negotiation skills to navigate the challenges of securing and maintaining contracts.  He advocates for a win-win negotiation approach to add value for clients and distinguish oneself as a trusted professional in the industry. 5. Cultivating Referral Relationships
    Jimmy emphasizes the art of seeking referrals in genuine client relationships and positioning oneself as a trusted friend rather than just a salesperson.  Agents who build a personal brand encourage satisfied clients to become enthusiastic advocates, resulting in a steady influx of high-quality referrals. 6. Optimizing Google My Business
    Having a Google My Business page will help bring organic traffic to your real estate business.  Jimmy shares strategies to maximize reviews, upload compelling photos, and integrate social media content to enhance visibility and attract organic leads. 7. Enhancing Communication Skills
    One of the keys to a successful real estate business is developing effective communication skills.  Start by improving your public speaking, try phone communication, or email outreach. Jimmy shares that clear and confident communication will engage potential clients and establish professional credibility. This week’s TRES episode shares a powerful message that will transform your restate business skills. Jimmy's top 5% blueprint will help you evolve and hone essential skills to achieve success.
    "Make sure that you're following up with these folks, you're checking in, you're giving value and make sure that you're the agent they think of when they get ready to possibly list their home for sale." - Jimmy Burgess.
    Do you have a video or content idea perfect for your business? Share it with Jimmy! Connect with Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn and Facebook, and his YouTube channel.  If you like what you heard today, we’d love it if you’d share a rating or review and then subscribe to the podcast and tell others about it. You can find The Real Estate Sales Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and our

    • 23 min

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