61 episódios

Organization Development/Design Learning Lab (od-ll.com) Presents a professional and insightful look into the challenges that organizations of all sizes face. Weekly we will explore and challenge the status quo and disruption that is prevalent in the ever-changing fast pace of the business world.
Powered By Org-ology
Hosted By Cheese and Crackers TV
Org-ology helps organizations think differently about how they will meet future challenges of sustainable future growth and strategic development This only happen by understanding the present and anticipating the future needs. Org-ology has over 20 years’ experience helping organizations understand how people, process and technology can work more effectively together to create that future.

What’s Wrong With My Organization Org-ology Inc.

    • Negócios

Organization Development/Design Learning Lab (od-ll.com) Presents a professional and insightful look into the challenges that organizations of all sizes face. Weekly we will explore and challenge the status quo and disruption that is prevalent in the ever-changing fast pace of the business world.
Powered By Org-ology
Hosted By Cheese and Crackers TV
Org-ology helps organizations think differently about how they will meet future challenges of sustainable future growth and strategic development This only happen by understanding the present and anticipating the future needs. Org-ology has over 20 years’ experience helping organizations understand how people, process and technology can work more effectively together to create that future.

    Who needs organization design? Pragmatic Solutions

    Who needs organization design? Pragmatic Solutions

    Pragmatic solutions. That’s an interesting one.
    Finding pragmatic solutions.  With that cliffhanger, let’s jump back in and look at a few pragmatic solutions that Org-ology has implemented.

    • 10 min
    Does something outlive its usefulness?

    Does something outlive its usefulness?

    We live in an old house—so old, that at one time we actually had a built-in ironing board as a “convenience”. Speaking as someone who hasn’t worn anything but a tshirt since the last time I was required to go to a funeral, it’s rather perplexing how that would be a convenience. I’ve become somewhat fascinated by these leftover things that change and time have left behind. I’m curious as to where our experts see this in organizations.

    • 10 min
    Title: Please don’t make me work stupid: back to the office?

    Title: Please don’t make me work stupid: back to the office?

    Let’s talk a bit about Zoom fatigue, supervision and measuring productivity. All questions that folk should be asking around this. Are we still trying to decide what direction we are going? What are we waiting for?

    • 10 min
    The brick and mortar of a virtual office

    The brick and mortar of a virtual office

    Ah, remember the days when you had that person who was “in the know” at the office? That person who seemed to know not just who was sleeping with whom, but also how to get a conference room when no one else could? That type of office knowledge has gone the way of the telex and the rotary phone—the answer is probably “we’re virtual now and there’s an FAQ for that”. It doesn’t change the fact that there’s a vacuum now, where helpful people used to be. It’s well known that nature hates a vacuum—so what’s filling that space?

    • 13 min
    Does staff have expiration dates?

    Does staff have expiration dates?

    Honest answers here: has anyone ever been motivated to go to work on Friday by the chance of having free pizza for lunch? Or that stale bagel for breakfast? If you happen to know who came up with that motivation plan, please submit your answers. Most folk agree that there’s a reason you’re paid to show up at work—and yet all the talk of work passion. If you talk to business leaders, they expect staff to see their work as the meaning of life. Can an excel spreadsheet be the meaning of life?

    • 10 min
    Change resistance or what exactly was a floppy disc?

    Change resistance or what exactly was a floppy disc?

    In the chronicles of absurd parenting, my young daughter recently asked “dad, why do I click on that funny square thingy when I want to save my work on the computer?” I can only recommend: don’t discuss the details of data storage evolution with a nine year old—you have a vanishingly small chance of success. But it does make you ask: why are we still clicking on an icon image of a technology you probably can’t even buy anymore in our computer programs?

    • 10 min

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