6 episodes

Two Drama teachers.
Playtext and theatre reviewers.
Education talkers.
Never perfect...but always full of 'Fresh Drama'.

Fresh Drama Fresh Drama UK

    • Education

Two Drama teachers.
Playtext and theatre reviewers.
Education talkers.
Never perfect...but always full of 'Fresh Drama'.

    Fresh Drama Episode 6

    Fresh Drama Episode 6

    KS5 Devising Theatre- This is our last episode before we hit the beach for the summer and it is a very special one indeed! This week we are bringing you one of our favourite interviews this series. We are joined by The Paper Birds Theatre Company who have recently made it onto AQA's prescribed practitioner list and are recommended by Edexcel to use when devising drama (particularly with social distancing in mind). The ladies generously shared their process with us and helped us consider what an examiner watching the work should consider when marking a group influenced by their style. We will both be using them come September and will create IG TV clips for you to use in lessons. We also review the playtext Mercury Fur by Philip Ridley exploring how we might use this as a stimulus for devising. Next week we will also upload an interview with Philip himself as a bonus summer listen...It is amazing and a must listen, trust us! Throughout the summer we will continue adding material to our IG platform so keep following. We return on the 28th August for our back to school special! Enjoy your summer!

    • 34 min
    Fresh Drama Episode 5

    Fresh Drama Episode 5

    KS4 GCSE Drama (Blood Brothers)- This week we tackle ways to teach the written exam at KS4 keeping it fresh and relevant, particularly if teaching a three year KS4 curriculum. Whilst primarily focusing on the playtext Blood Brothers, our tips and advice can be used for any set text choice. We are also joined by Michael Southern and Stephen Palfreman, the actors who played Sammy and Mickey in the West End production of Blood Brothers for over ten years. Being a popular GCSE set text, we chat about ways of interpreting the role of the narrator and gain an inside look into the psyche of both characters. We additionally learn more about their company Stage-ed, which brings practical tailormade workshops into schools to help our young people prepare for the exams and develop their cultural capital. We EVEN have time to sneak in some exam responses which fits the top band criteria for both Blood Brothers and The Crucible. Enjoy!

    WWW: Stage-ed, Exam Responses, Singing

    EBI: Internet signal caused a few voice distortions

    Show Notes:

    Stage-ed- https://www.stage-ed.com/about-us/

    Blood Brothers Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz8tURNx7d8

    Susan English (Why I Love...Exploring Blood Brothers for Our Highest Ability Students)- https://susansenglish.wordpress.com/2017/07/14/why-i-love-exploring-blood-brothers-for-our-highest-ability-students/

    • 30 min
    Fresh Drama Episode 4

    Fresh Drama Episode 4

    Curriculum Planning KS3- In this week's episode we begin thinking about what our KS3 curriculum might look like come September with social distancing still at the forefront of our thinking. We speak with Tim Allen, a fantastic Stop Motion Animator, who gives us hints/tips on how to create a stop motion animation project with our students and provide you with a Scheme of Learning to save you time this summer!

    We also review the playtext Brainstorm by Ned Glasier, Emily Lim and Company 3 which we think would be a perfect addition to any KS3 curriculum focusing on content and students' lived experiences. We are also fortunate enough to talk directly to Ned, Emily and one of Brainstorm's actress Segan Yosef, about the staging of this piece and their ethos when working. Enjoy!

    www: Two interviews, Videoed in Two countries, Two funny interruptions

    EBI: 40 minute ZOOM time limit, Forgetting to click record during part 2 of one interview

    Show Notes

    Tim Allen- https://timallenanimation.co.uk/ [CHECK HIS WORK OUT!]

    Company 3- http://www.companythree.co.uk/ [LOADS OF COOL STUFF TO USE COME SEPTEMBER] 

    • 36 min
    Fresh Drama Episode 3

    Fresh Drama Episode 3

    Training to be a Teacher- Our episode this week is a particular treat! Not only is Manny recording from abroad but we also have lots of special guests telling us about their experiences of training to be a PGCE Drama teacher. We are joined by Christopher Bolton, a senior lecturer in Drama Education at Birmingham City University, who gives us insight into what to expect before you begin, how to respond to teaching challenges and suggests ways other teachers might work trainees to ensure they are the best possible mentors. Sticking to the theme, this week's play exploration is AQA'S, Edexcel's and OCR's set text Antigone by Sophocles. We share ways of approaching the play for a written exam response in the initial lessons and Nadia gives some amazing takeaway tips to help make this unit a success. Enjoy!

    WWW: The number of amazing guests and contributors, Speaking to Christopher Bolton, Nadia and her great takeaway set text tips.

    EBI: Our singing.

    • 32 min
    Fresh Drama Episode 2

    Fresh Drama Episode 2

    BLM Movement- In this episode, we discuss ways practitioners might incorporate more playtexts by black actors and playwrights in our lessons. We also discuss with Rianne, a fellow teacher and podcaster on Teacher Talk, ways to increase uptake of BAME students in our subject and what training we need to do in order to ensure we can apply make-up properly on all cast members. Our play for discussion this week is Off The Endz by Bola Agbaje.  

    www: More consistency in volume, resources and content, having the amazing Rianne join us

    EBI: Manny could still work on articulation, Nadia needs to stop calling Manny by her partner's name Matt

    Show Notes (Further Reading)

    National Theatre Black Play Archive: https://www.blackplaysarchive.org.uk/

    Black Theatre Live: https://www.blacktheatrelive.co.uk/

    Black Education Matters: https://blackeducationmatters.org/

    Please subscribe and follow us on Instagram and share if you like we are doing; Never perfect...but always full of 'Fresh Drama'.

    • 32 min
    Fresh Drama Episode 1

    Fresh Drama Episode 1

    Drama In Isolation- In this episode, we discuss ways of teaching Drama during times of social distancing, argue why Frantic Assembly should be firmly in our lessons and have a natter with Mathew David about his experience of self-taping in the industry. We also review the play I Think We Are Alone by Sally Abbott. Below we have given ourselves feedback, but would love to hear from you too! We will be posting all the mentioned resources on our Instagram feed, so keep checking.

    WWW: Enthusiasm, Entertainment, Good content

    EBI: Manny needs to speak clearer, Nadia should contain her excitement, Remember to interview the guest and not each other.


    Show Notes-Edexcel A Level Theatre Comp 1 Top Tips for 'devising at a distance' Summer 2020: 


    Please subscribe and share if you like we are doing; Never perfect...but always full of 'Fresh Drama'. 

    • 30 min

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