43 min

Embracing Where You Have Been is the Power to Get Where You are Going, with Lia Valencia Key Stop Faking Fine

    • Self-Improvement

EP05. Growing up in a homeless shelter, in an environment Lia describes as hopelessness, Lia Valencia Key had every reason to shrink into a mentality of faking fine. She shares her experiences of all things being possible through the energy in which you choose to radiate. We might not be able to control our current predicament, but the one thing we do have control of is what we choose to emit from the inside out. Lia is the creator of the Valencia Key jewelery brand. She calls the line ...

EP05. Growing up in a homeless shelter, in an environment Lia describes as hopelessness, Lia Valencia Key had every reason to shrink into a mentality of faking fine. She shares her experiences of all things being possible through the energy in which you choose to radiate. We might not be able to control our current predicament, but the one thing we do have control of is what we choose to emit from the inside out. Lia is the creator of the Valencia Key jewelery brand. She calls the line ...

43 min