1 hr 16 min

A Girl Has Got to Eat Yes You Can

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A 12 year journey out of an eating disorder learning how to eat intuitively, regaining my relationship with food and my body. Topics discussed: fitness competitions, self-love, body confidence, body positively, working out to love yourself and leave the scale and weight tracking behind. Resources: Eating Disorders Manitoba http://eatingdisordersmanitoba.ca/Want to level up in 2024? Instructor Magic R11 is NOW OPEN - HERE and get an exclusive discount and bonus when you enroll using ...

A 12 year journey out of an eating disorder learning how to eat intuitively, regaining my relationship with food and my body. Topics discussed: fitness competitions, self-love, body confidence, body positively, working out to love yourself and leave the scale and weight tracking behind. Resources: Eating Disorders Manitoba http://eatingdisordersmanitoba.ca/Want to level up in 2024? Instructor Magic R11 is NOW OPEN - HERE and get an exclusive discount and bonus when you enroll using ...

1 hr 16 min