111 episodes

On the Awaken podcast, host, and Founder of <a href=”https://www.togetherweascend.com”>Together We Ascend</a>, Bryan M. Henry, is joined by lightworkers and leaders in the spirituality and wellness space, for some conscious-expanding conversation. Listen in as Bryan delves into the wisdom and experience of our amazing guests, who have come ready to share in aims of helping you heighten your state of consciousness, rise to your potential, and step into your higher purpose. <br />

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Are you ready to awaken to your truth?

Awaken with Bryan Bryan Henry: Founder of Together We Ascend

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 16 Ratings

On the Awaken podcast, host, and Founder of <a href=”https://www.togetherweascend.com”>Together We Ascend</a>, Bryan M. Henry, is joined by lightworkers and leaders in the spirituality and wellness space, for some conscious-expanding conversation. Listen in as Bryan delves into the wisdom and experience of our amazing guests, who have come ready to share in aims of helping you heighten your state of consciousness, rise to your potential, and step into your higher purpose. <br />

<br />

Are you ready to awaken to your truth?

    Mastering Emotional Fitness & Mindfulness w/ Brian Coones | AWB #93

    Mastering Emotional Fitness & Mindfulness w/ Brian Coones | AWB #93

    Brian Coones is a stress, mindfulness, & meditation coach. He is also the host of the Rewire podcast. Brian uses his energy and influence to help business professionals manage stress, awaken self-awareness, elevate health & happiness, find deeper meaning & inner peace, create resilience, and level up. He has helped transform hundreds of companies and clients with his practical and experiential results-driven coaching, workshops, and retreats.
    the power of connecting to your 'why'
    how to make your mornings a ritual so that you show up as your best and authentic self
    an array of healing tools and practices
    what it means to 'master mindfulness' and how to take steps towards doing so
    how to develop emotional fitness; cultivate self-love, kindness, and compassion
    Brian's goal-setting strategy for achievement
    the most important thing we can do as leaders of the New Earth
    Brian's Website 
    Rewire Podcast with Brian Coones: 
    IG: @briancoones 
    If you've been enjoying the show and have benefitting from the content, two ways that you can support us in continuing to create his content
    1) Leave a Review On Spotify or Apple Podcasts 
    2) Give a donation of any amount
    Highlight Quotes:
    "How do I overcome who I used to be yesterday and the parts of myself that I want change? There's a certain consistency and cadence that creates a momentum.. You just put that time and it creates a momentum and then suddenly you get these bigger signs that come."

    "Mindfulness meditation became my core modality."

    ".. you transcend that old version of yourself for a moment and you have an opportunity to take a little peek under the curtain into something greater. You feel a joy and a love and a bliss that rises from within that no amount of anything on the outside could possibly create that feeling."

    "The breath and cold, no cost natures gifts that are right there. The breath is the biggest lever we have on the nervous system. The cold I found was very important in healing my nervous system."

    "Where you are right now is not where you need to remain."

    "Every single day, I protect time to go within and connect with myself. It wasn't perfect at first. It took a couple of years to really get that flow. But fast forward to this moment, my day is very ritualistic now. If I don't start my day tech-free with my journal, with my meditation, with my breath work and the cold plunge, the day ends up in a very different place for me."

    "Mindfulness at the end of the day is just a synonym for awareness. It's a way of being that allows us to be more in the present moment, moment by moment, free of judgment, more kindness, compassion, and just being here and now."

    "There's an acronym (for) the attitude of mindfulness, COAL: curiosity, openness, accepting what it is, whether it's pleasant or unpleasant equally, and love, self-love, which is the kindness and compassion piece.

    "The most important thing is by being fully authentic, being in absolute integrity, radical transparency with the good, the bad, all of the things, and truly embodying the lifestyle and the practice."

    "Ascension just really just means letting go of the fear, the shame, the guilt, opening up the heart space and getting into that feeling of love, appreciation and gratitude. It's a day-to-day moment-by-moment process of overcoming yourself to ascend to another level. "

    "Awareness is the greatest agent for change. When we start to notice our thinking, the way we're behaving, the way we're feeling - when we start to catch ourselves in those negative thoughts loops we can start to let go of the old story and programming. Get out of our own way as the saying goes and when we do that, we start to connect to that higher sense of wisdom, intuition, truth and beauty."

    • 1 hr 23 min
    How To Connect With Your Higher Self with Bryan M. Henry (REPLAY)

    How To Connect With Your Higher Self with Bryan M. Henry (REPLAY)

    Your Higher Self is here guiding you, and perceives of a more expanded view of reality than you currently do. Learning to connect to and align with the guidance of your Higher Self is how you align with your Highest Timeline, the path on which you'll serve your purpose and live your life to the fullest. 
    In this episode, I share with you a 5-step practice I've come to for connecting to one's Higher Self. You'll be provided with an array of tools and ways for connecting to your highest source of guidance, so that you can walk your path with a sense of knowing and ease.
    This episode was originally published on May 9th, 2023
    Connect with Bryan
    Instagram: @awakenwithbryan
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bryanmhenry10
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@AwakenWithBryan

    • 38 min
    She Saw How Our Soul Blueprint Works During Her Near-Death Experience (NDE) with Ginette Biro | AWB #92

    She Saw How Our Soul Blueprint Works During Her Near-Death Experience (NDE) with Ginette Biro | AWB #92

    Ginette Biro is a powerful medium who is claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. Every day she sees things most others don’t see, hears things most others don’t hear, and feels things most others don’t feel. She is a bridge between worlds and can perceive of information beyond our physical dimension.
    In addition to these remarkable gifts, Ginette was able to gain a greater understanding of how our life blueprint and soul journey works, during a near death experience she had years ago.
    In this episode on the podcast, Ginette and Bryan have a conversation in which they delve deep into this understanding. You'll find out about what our 'soul blueprint' is and and how it shapes the trajectory of our lives. You'll also gain practical wisdom for how to apply this understanding to learn the lessons you've come here to learn so that you can step more fully into your power and abilities. If you've been questions like "why we are here we having this physical experience?" or "is 'destiny' a a real thing?", this episode may have some answers in store for you.
    In This Episode You Will Discover:
    [00:24:44] how to overcome the fear of stepping into our power and sharing our gifts
    [00:37:44] how to cultivate 'full body belief' to awaken your abilities
    [00:51:23] what Ginette learnt about our Soul's journey during her near death experience (NDE)
    [00:51:23] what our Soul Blueprint is and how it gets created
    how to heal, transcend cycles, and learn the lessons that we are here to learn
    Notable Quotes:
    "Source energy, the energy of the universe or the Creator, whatever anyone's word is, when that energy flows in harmony through and with you, is when you're in your power." (00:23:05) 
     "There is nobody here at this time right now who hasn't agreed in their sole contract to come here and be a changemaker at this time. Whether you are a changemaker on a really big scale and you start a huge social media platform, or whether you are a changemaker in your family and your community just by being you and people around you benefit. My encouragement is don't let anyone dim your light. And if at first you are just shining your light brightly for yourself in your bedroom, maybe with your journal or your tarot cards or in meditation, that's fine. Start there. And then eventually slowly step out of it into embodying who you are at your fullest because there's no mistake that you're here with these gifts."  (0:25:52)
    "We're at such a significant juncture point right now in human evolution on this planet, moving from a limited 3D view of just a global community to stepping into the recognition that we are part of a galactic community. With that galactic level of awareness comes a much higher level of consciousness, which has greater abilities for healing, renewable energy, time travel, and interdimensional travel. But for Earth as a whole to fully embrace this, there has to be a significant percentage of people in their full light. Standing in their own truth, not limited by fear or preconceived notions. This means we need to step into a higher level of open-mindedness where all things are possible, in science, spirituality, economics, and beyond." (00:45:27)
    "Any of the repeated cycles that people are noticing in their life that they can't quite figure out or just can't get rid of, there's a lesson to be had there. There's healing to be had, there's understandings, there's wisdoms to be gained. And until it's completed, it will continue to cycle. The key is going into it, understanding the trigger, why it's coming up for you, and what you can learn, heal, and change about it. Because when you do, you release that soul journey piece, gain the wisdom of that experience, and move forward" (00:55:09)
    "They have so much respect for souls inhabiting on earth, especially during these massive change points right now because of how polarized it is and how deeply cut the duality is and how much people right now are doing

    • 1 hr 41 min
    How to Step Into Your GREATNESS with Michael O'Shea | AWB #91

    How to Step Into Your GREATNESS with Michael O'Shea | AWB #91

    Michael O'Shea is a coach, mentor, and retreat facilitator who draws upon his transformative experiences with ayahuasca and his extensive journey through self-discovery to guide individuals and businesses towards achieving their full potential. Michael's work is rooted in the integration of ancient wisdom with practical strategies for modern-day transformation.
    In This Episode, You Will Discover:
    Michael's call to adventure into the Amazon forest to embark on a journey of healing and transformation
    how to take ownership and holding yourself accountable for your personal narratives
    how to shift the beliefs that are underlying your 'emotional home'
    a practice for rewriting your stories to create for an empowering one
    how to reconnect to the Heart and experiencing a profound sense of gratitude for life
    the power of vulnerability in creating trust and connection
    a message for men about integrity
    what it means to live in your Greatness and how to do so
    Connect With Michael
    Ayahuasca: Preparing for the Journey Within – Intentions, Fears, and Integration (Michael's Book)
    Men's Sacred Pilmgrimage (Michael's Upcoming Peru Retreat) (May 29 - June 9, 2024):
    Michael's Instagram

    • 1 hr 21 min
    Mindset Expert: How To Overcome Challenges, Follow-Through & Achieve Your Goals with Natascha Schulmeister | AWB #90

    Mindset Expert: How To Overcome Challenges, Follow-Through & Achieve Your Goals with Natascha Schulmeister | AWB #90

    Natascha Schulmeister was told she would be unlikely to ever run long-distances due to major injuries. She was told that she didn't have the 'right body-type' to compete in bodybuilding. She's faced trauma and years of feeling unworthy. Since then, she has: competed and placed in a bodybuilding competition, is well on her way to completing a marathon, and has become a coach helping others become unbreakable through mindset, movement, and nutrition.
    Natascha Schulmeister is a coach, an athlete, and a healer who helps purpose driven humans to heal, grow, and create freedom. She's had clients achieve outcomes like quitting smoking after years of failing and healing their relationship with food, their body, and themselves.
    In this conversation, Natascha and Bryan get into a mindset-expanding conversation in which they explore topics including: how to follow-through we can build a sense of self-trust, how to hear and build a relationship with the voice of your soul, and how to expand your mindset to achieve things that you once didn't think were possible. You'll hear practical strategies for overcoming your perceived limitations and following through to achieve your goals.
    You're about to hear from someone who has proven first-hand that we are capable of so much more than we imagine (or what we may've been told), and is an expert on how we can elevate our mindset to discover this for ourselves. Tune in to this episode of Awaken with Natascha Schulmeister to discover why mindset matters, and how you can cultivate one of a winner.
    In This Episode Bryan and Natascha Discuss:
    (05:50) - Natascha's story of going through trauma and not feeling worthy(18:15) - Finding hope, taking responsibility, and building self-trust(29:35) - Hearing and building a relationship with the voice of your heart and soul(36:11) - The daily intention-setting and reflection practice that Natascha used to build a relationship with herself and change(46:20) - A presence hack(51:56) - Overcoming the fear that you're not enough by showing up and discovering that you are(1:07:39) - Challenging yourself, following-through, and breaking through what you believed was possible for you(1:21:26) - Why mindset matters
    Notable Quotes:
    "The moment your trauma happened is the only moment it truly existed, and everything past that point is your responsibility." (20:04)
    "Consistency isn't about perfection, it's about persistence." (37:41)
    "Action is the cure to self-doubt, and action is also the motivator. People often ask, 'What motivates you to keep going?' It's the action itself. Once you start moving, once you start doing, you find reasons to continue. You find the motivation in the progress, in the small wins, and in the changes you see in yourself. It's not about waiting for motivation to strike; it's about creating it through action." (1:07:36)
    "Your mindset can get you through any single challenge that you're going. Your mindset can also take you down deeper. You have to choose what depth you're going to, am I going into depth of love or am I going into depth of portraying self-hate? It's powerful either way, it can destroy you or it can build you into something that is beyond anything that you can ever imagine." (1:22:52)
    "Our current mindset dictates what we believe is possible for us, and that's what we'll experience as being possible. But when we we open up and expand our mindset to greater possibility, then those those possibilities become possible for us yeah" (1:24:18)
    "Improving myself over proving myself has been the biggest shift for me recently." (12:27:56)
    Connect With Natascha
    Natascha's Instagram
    Natascha's YouTube

    • 1 hr 33 min
    Quantum Mastery: Activating What You Desire (Arcturian Channeling) with Yolanda Marie | AWB #89

    Quantum Mastery: Activating What You Desire (Arcturian Channeling) with Yolanda Marie | AWB #89

    Yolanda Marie is what can be called a Blue Ray Arcturian Channel. She has a direct conscious connection with the 9th dimensional Arcturian Council for the purpose of bringing in and teaching information to elevate us to our next level of consciousness and evolution.
    For over 4 years, Yolanda has been sharing her channeled messages from the Arcturians on her YouTube channel, and her videos have been profoundly impacting those who come across it. Now, in this Awaken LIVE experience, you will have the unique opportunity to ask Yolanda and Arcturians your own questions directly, to gain insight and guidance from their higher dimensional perspective.
    The Arcturians are a highly evolved and benevolent collective consciousness known for their advanced spiritual and metaphysical insights. They are often regarded as cosmic guides and mentors, offering profound wisdom and guidance to individuals seeking to expand their consciousness and connect with higher realms of existence. Originating from the Arcturus star system, they are playing a pivotal role in assisting humanity’s collective ascension, offering insights into topics including quantum physics, manifestation, energy healing, and the interconnectedness of all life.
    Shifting from lack consciousness to Heart consciousness
    Stabilizing and activating the thoughts forms of what you wish to create
    A quantum visualization technique for activating desires
    Being in the flow of your desired quantum stream
    Yolanda’s YouTube Channel 
    Yolanda’s Website
    🌎✨Join our free community of Awakened Leaders to accelerate your ascension process and join us at future Awaken LIVE experiences:
    ► https://academy.togetherweascend.com

    • 1 hr 15 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
16 Ratings

16 Ratings

Abhishek2 ,

Simply Amazing

Thank you Bryan for delivering such amazing content. Its definitely worth a listen and can provide you with so much knowledge and insight. Appreciate your energy and wholesome content.

Snips46874 ,

This podcast is a game changer Love, Light and Gratitude radiate throughout!

The calm loving presences produced by the host sets the tone and mood for growth, evolution and expansion.

The Ideas, skills, and life lessons we learn in this podcast are game-changers for everyone in the planet!

Bluestarfishsea ,


Powerful and insightful information that helps us to learn that there is so much more to our reality than realize. Beneficial to anyone with an open mind and anyone looking for more answers in their life. Thanks Bryan!

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