7 min

Being Fine is Not Good Enough Stop Faking Fine

    • Self-Improvement

EP01. I have a problem with fine. When someone asks you how you are, and you reply with "I’m fine," what does that actually mean? "Fine" is a curtain we often hide behind to protect ourselves from living more authentically.I spent a lot of time faking fine after the death of my husband, living in a state of stress and complete overwhelm. Then I realized 'fine' wasn’t enough. In this episode, I get honest about my journey to a more joyful way to live.If you feel the weight of how others think ...

EP01. I have a problem with fine. When someone asks you how you are, and you reply with "I’m fine," what does that actually mean? "Fine" is a curtain we often hide behind to protect ourselves from living more authentically.I spent a lot of time faking fine after the death of my husband, living in a state of stress and complete overwhelm. Then I realized 'fine' wasn’t enough. In this episode, I get honest about my journey to a more joyful way to live.If you feel the weight of how others think ...

7 min