1 hr 11 min

Ep 35 - iMEDIA Call-In Extravaganza (Digital Marketing Tips from a Range of Experts‪)‬ Don't Call Me a Guru

    • Marketing

In Episode 35 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang is joined by former co-host and co-founder Tyler Jack Butler, along with a cast of characters in a special iMEDIA Call-In Extravaganza featuring digital and social media marketing tips from experts who would have spoken at the 2020 iMEDIA Conference had it not been postponed due to COVID-19. We also discuss social and crisis comms related to COVID-19! Excuse the poor and differing audio quality, this episode was recorded creatively using Google Hangouts.  
Thanks to special guests:
Tyler Jack Butler @tylerjackbutler
Morgan Hrynyk @iMEDIA_yeg
Karen Unland @KarenUnland
Liz Pittman @LizPittman_
Amanda Wagner 
Ameet Khabra @adwordsgirl
Karine Parthenais @Connexionista
Avery Johnson @johnsonave
Crystal Jones @eissyrc

In Episode 35 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang is joined by former co-host and co-founder Tyler Jack Butler, along with a cast of characters in a special iMEDIA Call-In Extravaganza featuring digital and social media marketing tips from experts who would have spoken at the 2020 iMEDIA Conference had it not been postponed due to COVID-19. We also discuss social and crisis comms related to COVID-19! Excuse the poor and differing audio quality, this episode was recorded creatively using Google Hangouts.  
Thanks to special guests:
Tyler Jack Butler @tylerjackbutler
Morgan Hrynyk @iMEDIA_yeg
Karen Unland @KarenUnland
Liz Pittman @LizPittman_
Amanda Wagner 
Ameet Khabra @adwordsgirl
Karine Parthenais @Connexionista
Avery Johnson @johnsonave
Crystal Jones @eissyrc

1 hr 11 min