54 min

πŸŽ‰ Every Body Belongs on a Bike: Inclusive Fitness with Jordan Reichert Yes You Can

    • Marketing

Jordan Reichert believes every BODY belongs on a bike (and hey, so do I!). As the lead instructor at a Cyclebar studio, Jordan faced rejection- more than 15 times in fact- on her way to the podium.Now, Jordan inspires other instructors and fit pros through relatable content, inspirational messages and sharing her light with others on IG- and now through merchandise.We talk about how to come back from failed auditions, feeling confident in being yourself on social media (and how to put yoursel...

Jordan Reichert believes every BODY belongs on a bike (and hey, so do I!). As the lead instructor at a Cyclebar studio, Jordan faced rejection- more than 15 times in fact- on her way to the podium.Now, Jordan inspires other instructors and fit pros through relatable content, inspirational messages and sharing her light with others on IG- and now through merchandise.We talk about how to come back from failed auditions, feeling confident in being yourself on social media (and how to put yoursel...

54 min