The Hot Mess to Awesomeness Podcast

Dionne Thomson
The Hot Mess to Awesomeness Podcast

The Hot Mess to Awesomeness Podcast is a show all about inspiring smart, busy women to put their happiness at the top of their to-do list! Join your host, and life coach Dionne Thomson, as she chats with amazing women who have figured out how to make their happiness a priority, and more importantly what it’s really like to go from Hot Mess to Awesomeness!

  1. 2022-07-07

    Art, motherhood & burnout: A unique journey & unifying human experience. (w/Camille Myles)

    Camille Myles is a French-Canadian multi-disciplinary contemporary artist, conservation activist and mom of 3, exploring imagery through portraiture rooted in gender roles, identity, motherhood and the environment. She creates inspiring art that tells a story linked to childhood, self-reflection and our impact on this world.  Trained classically in fine arts, archaeology and conservation she is constantly re-imagining herself and pushing her own boundaries. She pursued an engaging career as an archeologist in England, was a conservation professional in Rome and Park Superintendent of Georgian Bay Islands National Park all before committing 100% of her time and energy to her family and her art.  In this jam-packed episode she explores how her journey from Masters student through to the conservation of historical landscapes led her to the creation of humans, followed by a deep dive into the pit of burnout and back to her true calling; self-reflection and creative expression as a form of community building and heart-ed communication. In the last few years she has created murals & large-scale public art sculptures, shared her work in art residencies and done a number of brilliant solo exhibitions. More recently she’s been showcasing her powerfully moving ‘Just a Moment’ social art exhibit in partnership with galleries all over the world and local mental health organizations. Inspired by her own struggle to stave off burnout and her desire to stay grounded while working full time and parenting small children through the pandemic, ‘Just a Moment’ was brought to life when she invited other mothers to take ‘just a moment’ for themselves in a safe place, close their eyes and take a selfie for her. Through the 100s of photos she received and short writings that accompanied each image, she created a series of powerful pieces that speak to the uniqueness of each person’s journey and the shared human experience of motherhood.  What amazes me most about this conversation is the ease Camille now has with being uncomfortable. And more importantly that she has found a brilliant way to share what she has learned about burnout and creative growth by helping women everywhere to get better at being comfortable with being a messy beginner.  Through her art and community partnerships she teaches that it is our willingness to trust ourselves in the (hot mess) moments of uncertainty that lead to our greatest experiences of life.  Whether you consider yourself an artist, a creative or neither, whether you’re a mother of children or are in the process of bringing any project, passion or creation to life, Camille’s message of self-love and the power of self-reflection is for everyone. Experience her ‘Just a Moment’ exhibit first hand at her free community art event and family workshop on July 13th. Held at the Chigamik Community Health Centre in Midland, ON 5-7pm Follow her on social and sign up for her newsletter to gain full access to all of her brilliant work! Camille Myles Camille’s Dance Party Tunes: 1- Midnight City - M83 2- It’s Happening - Saint Motel 3- I’m on vacation - Dirty Heads __________________________________________________ If… You hope that doing ‘all the things’ will make somehow YOU happy. And you feel like you’re just one Hot Mess away from losing your shit… I’ve got a little #truthbomb for ya… - You are not here to be like everyone else. - You are not here for anyone else. - You are here to be seen, valued & celebrated for your unique F’N awesomeness! You’ve struggled with feeling stuck, frustrated, resentful & angry long enough. It’s time to stop letting your past dictate your future. Get excited to get out of your own way and be inspired to go from Hot Mess to Awesomeness! Book a Call!  You’ve Got This &

    57 min
  2. 2022-06-23

    When your successful dream job turns out to be a nightmare! (w/ Danielle Paulo)

    “To be successful you must be constantly working” At the age of 24, while making 6 figures and living her “dream life”, my guest Danielle Paulo believed with every ounce of her being that working nons-top was they only way to the top. But the dream she was living was actually a nightmare. Everything that was supposed to make her happy, was in fact creating dis-ease in her body and in every area of her life! Her success was stuck in a no-win situation… ”Stay in the successful job, no matter how unhappy I get, or leave behind everything I’d ever known in the search for freedom!” The battle between what she thought she should do and what she wanted more of in her life, raged for years… that was until the death of her mother. Immersed in grief, confusion and overwhelm, Danielle decided that she could no longer live her life through or for anyone else, and that the only person who could truly make her happy was her! She didn’t ask for permission or approval.  She just left everything behind. She quit her job, and said no to every toxic environment that thrived on her unhappiness.  In her words… “I put work and my success before everything, but I didn’t think that was a problem until I noticed that it was affecting everything in my life. My relationship, my friendships, I wasn’t seeing my family. I chose work over the people that I love. I chose work over a long term boyfriend. I chose work over going to the hospital to see my mom when she was sick.  And the funny thing is, I felt like I had no choice. I felt really guilty if I wasn’t working. Because I worked so hard to get where I was in my career and I felt like at any given moment, I could lose it. It wasn’t until my mom passed that I was like… This can not be my life!” It took years to unravel the effects of burnout and the beliefs that led Danielle down that path to unhealthy success. And in that time, she found her freedom, launched a marketing agency that fully aligns with her values, built an all female-identified team and committed to serving her female, immigrant, POC community, by helping small business owners to live their most aligned and freedom filled lives! Danielle is an amazing young woman with a powerful and impactful vision. She’s ready and excited to help women to break the glass ceilings that are holding them hostage so they too can find authentic success! And I’M HERE FOR IT! Learn more and connect with Danielle at   Or follow her on IG __________________________________________________ If… You hope that doing ‘all the things’ will make somehow YOU happy. And you feel like you’re just one Hot Mess away from losing your shit… I’ve got a little truthbomb for ya… You CAN break free from the b******t beliefs that are keeping you stuck! You are not here to be like everyone else. You are not here for anyone else. You are here to be seen, valued & celebrated for your unique F’N awesomeness! You’ve struggled with feeling stuck, frustrated, resentful & angry long enough. It’s time to stop letting your past dictate your future. Get excited to get out of your own way and be inspired to go from Hot Mess to Awesomeness! Book a Call!  You’ve Got This & I’ve Got You! _______________________________________________________ Listen to The Awesome Inner Critic Busting Playlist inspired by my guests. Start clearing out your inner critic’s crap with your own kick-ass DANCE PARTY.

    30 min
  3. 2022-06-09

    Burnout or Relaxation: What you practice you get good at! (w/ Denise Eckert)

    She spent years living in burnout!  Denise describes her years living in burnout as ‘go-go-go-colapse-repeat’. And when she finally decided to break free from this extremely unhealthy lifestyle, she realized that busy women like her needed a place where they could test out different ways to relax, practice at their own pace and feel supported through it all. What she learned about burnout She openly speaks about her journey and how she finally came to understand how the mindset and patterns that manifest after years of living inside a system that perpetuates the the burnout cycle, prevent so many women from learning how to truly relax.  A mindset is ultimately the framework on which you build your personal reality. And those (of us) who operated for decades with personal realities built on beliefs that link productivity directly with personal value, alongside a culture that uses shame-based tactics to keep most folk, especially women, from deep self-love and success, are left feeling stuck and unable to truly step into their power. Be inspired to break your burnout cycle.  It takes courage to turn your nose up to years of conditioning about how to achieve success! And unfortunately, because the lack of people in our lives modelling true relaxation and nervous system regulation, most of us trying to jump off the burnout wheel have some pretty warped beliefs about how quickly ‘relaxation’ is supposed to happen. The reality is that to break the habit of being burnt out, to really learn how to relax, you need to be courageous enough to see the world in a whole new way!  And that kind of shift requires you to embrace being a beginner, to be willing to do things imperfectly and to push beyond the need for immediate results. Burnout or Relaxation: What you practice you get good at! Whether you’re currently suffering from burnout, trying to stave it off or have been down the burnout path one too many times, brilliant space’s like Denise’s Relaxation Lounge, are a great place to practice relaxing and build the habit of putting you first!  Learn more and connect with Denise: And... Find out if you’re living a burnout or balanced lifestyle! Denise’s Dance Party Tunes 1 - She Was Hot - The Rolling Stones 2 - 4 Minutes - Madonna  3 - Women of the World - Amy MacDonald ________________________________________________________ If you’re… Doing everything Keeping everyone happy &  Using all your energy just to make it to tomorrow’s to-do list!  If you’re hoping that some day doing ‘all the things’ will make YOU happy, And it feels like you’re just one Hot Mess away from losing your shit… I’ve got a little truthbomb for ya… You CAN break free from the bullshit beliefs that are keeping you stuck! You are NOT here to be like everyone else. You are NOT here for anyone else. You are here to be seen, heard & valued just as you are!  Say goodbye to the anger, frustration and resentment that is weighing you down & find freedom in your F’N Awesomeness!  You’ve Got This & I’ve Got You! _______________________________________________________ Listen to The Awesome Inner Critic Busting Playlist inspired by my guests. Start clearing out your inner critic’s crap with your own kick-ass DANCE PARTY.

    29 min
  4. 2022-05-18

    When anger is the right feeling to have... but the wrong place to act from!

    The Hot Mess to Awesomeness Podcast has ALWAYS been about amplifying women’s voices. And about highlighting the tenacity, capacity and resilience of women. In the early days of the pandemic I felt compelled to speak with and support women, who like myself, were struggling to find their way through so much uncertainty.  Over the past 2 years my mission, and reason for showing up every week, has deepened to include my need to shine a light into the dark places where so many women feel alone. The women I get to speak have, or are, facing uncertainties and unknowns involving Trauma Sovereignty Race Autonomy Anatomy Motherhood Mothering Flourishing Authentic living And how they learned to thrive through the hot mess oppressive conditioning that for generations has normalized the debasement of women.   Right now, I’m shocked by whats happening in the US (re: Roe v Wade) I’m overwhelmed with emotion and reminded that in these moments when rage wants to take over, if I want to make a difference I must focus on what I can do then go and do it.  I’m not famous my words won’t ring out in political arenas (anytime soon) but I have a voice and today I offer it here for anyone who feels powerless against the patriarchy.  My story is unique and I know shared by many.  I played the role of the ”good girl” for a long time. And the constant negating of ME for the good of everyone else, led to years of feeling like I wasn’t … 1- Good enough  2- Worthy without giving part of myself away  3- And Powerless in almost every area of my life.  I spent decades focusing on  how I was failing at doing enough, pleasing enough, being worthy enough and sadly I missed out on celebrating all the ways that I am in fact fucking AWESOME!  Have you felt the depths of this failure? Endured constant bad mouthing from inside your own head and are exhausted by always trying to do more?  You are not alone contrary to how they want you to feel! Saying that reminds me of the scene in Harry Potter when Harry comes back from the tri-wizard tournament, Cedric is dead and no one believes him that Voldemort is back! And Luna tells Harry that she doesn’t think he’s crazy, and that if she was Voldemort she would want him to feel alone because... Then it would be easier to destroy him!  That’s what this reminds me. The socialized belief that each of us is alone, crazy!  Today, aside of sharing one of the many life lessons from Harry Potter, in this episode I want to share with you the TOP 10 made up, b******t, unrealistic “good girl” expectations I was conditioned to believe, and failed to ”live up to” in hopes that it helps you to define and highlight where some of the b******t your inner critic stays comes from!  For the full transcript of this episode, including the 10 B******t Good Girl rules, along with my strong and warranted opinion of them, check out the Hot Mess to Awesomeness blog.

    10 min
  5. 2022-04-28

    Embrace Your Unicorn-ness & Celebrate What Makes You Unique! With Amanda Gobatto

    What makes women Unique Unicorns of Awesomeness Amanda Gobatto, known to her clients and friends as a unique unicorn of awesomeness, is back for her second episode of the podcast. Since her first last appearance on the podcast, in the Spring of 2020, she, like most of us, has been riding a non-stop hot mess roller coaster. And throughout this talk we unpack what has carried her through; specifically how she leaned into the idea of flourishing (over languishing) her willingness to embrace her values & why it’s so important to celebrate what makes us unique. What impressed me the most is how she has been able to amplify her learning & growth, (while still in the thick of things) by sharing her flourishing skills with others! What’s unique about this conversation What I absolutely loved and am so grateful for is how easily it was for Amanda to share her story and weave together the personal, professional, heartfelt and hilarious moments of her life. She has a gift for sharing her wisdom in a way that allows the listener to feel, seen supported and captivated at the same time. The big aha moments for me came when she dove into... The power of knowing & trusting yourself The insidiousness of the imposter syndrome How deep the hot mess pit can feel & The importance of staying grounded. Her unique perspective Throughout her life (as a Manifesting-Generator for those who are interested in Human Design) Amanda has explored and flourished in a number of unique business ventures. More recently, she has been using her flourishing skills to manifest and generate an amazing community with her business Digital Girl Consulting, last month she launched her own podcast for Heartledpreneurs and through it all models how important it is to reflect and realign regularly in business and in life. She shared that by keeping her ’flashlight of awareness’ of what truly matters, even when what lurked in the dark felt like it would swallow her up, she learned how to persevere, embrace her values, own her uniqueness and find the courage to step through the fire of some pretty profound experiences. Embrace what makes you unique! The glorious impact of embracing what makes you unique, comes from taking the time to “fill your cup first” but instead of going through the process of emptying and refilling,  when you focus on giving only from what overflows, not what’s inside the cup, you can create a state of perpetual growth and expansion. Keeping your attention on what fills you up and allowing what spills out to be taken in by those around you creates a win-win state; you stay fulfilled, they get to benefit from your high vibe state. Ultimately, if they choose to, they can learn how to do the same for themselves. What really speaks to me is the potential global impact When more of us adopt this way of viewing ourselves, (and the world around us) and shift away from the win-lose mentality perpetuated by patriarchal ideals, generations of souls can then be empowered to love their unique gifts and learn to celebrate the uniqueness of others. In doing so there is a greater chance that they’ll amplify and expand into a deeper sense of authentic connections and belonging, leading to less pain, shame and suffering. Yes f#cking please! Tribe of Unique Unicorns Amanda is a brilliant woman and what I love most about this talk is how she modelled, for all us busy women, that the magic, the art, the science of flourishing is experienced when we embrace what makes us unique! She is a unique unicorn of awesomeness and her energy, passion and willingness to share what it’s really like to go from hot mess to awesomeness is a beautiful reminder of what every woman is capable of! Do you self-identify as a Heartledpreneur? Take advantage of Amanda’s FREE GIFT, learn her flourishing strategies and tap into your unique gifts! Let Amanda help you feel good and aligned with your marketing. The Heartledpreneurs™ formula for marketing with hea

    49 min
  6. 2022-04-14

    Saying yes to your best life, means saying no to a good enough one! With Elesha Tsui

    Courage: saying no to something you love when it doesn’t love you back What would you do if the job you loved made it impossible to take part in special family activities, like your child’s first day of school? Would you have the courage to leave it? No matter how great the job is…there comes a point when you have to find the courage to question how you want to spend the precious moments of your life. The toughest decisions we make are often between the good we have and the great we could have. And it requires that we, sometimes for the first time, courageously dig deep into our values and get super clear on what really matters most. Have you noticed that the safety of some careers makes it possible to skate through a good life without having to really question why we do what we do? Many are lucky enough to embark on the “good on paper” path when we’re young and some get to reap the benefits that that path offers us…And for many it takes a crisis of mind, body or spirit to expand our awareness and see that the ”good life” we said yes to, has been keeping us from an absolutely GREAT one! The courage to say ”I want more than good enough” My guest Elesha experienced that moment of existential crisis - courage after suffering a concussion. She spent years trying to make it all work and she realized that her good life was no longer good enough. Tired of missing out on the day-to-day joys of her family, and no longer feeling the excitement and love for her teaching life; both her and her husband decided to leave the security of their teaching careers to follow their passion for health and wellness. Saying yes can be scary  & 100% worth it! Each uniquely created businesses that are flourishing due to their commitment to inspiring, empowering and educating others to step beyond the social conventions, into their most optimal lives! Her courageous Hot Mess to Awesomeness journey landed her in some deep pits of uncertainty and through it all she trusted herself enough to continue to lean into what felt right and learned that her success, and ability to embrace her awesomeness, came directly from the strong relationships she built with her family and most importantly, the courage to put herself first! Connect with Elesha: Elesha’s Dance Party Tunes: 1 - Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars 2 - Confident - Demi Lovato 3 - Happy - Pharrell Williams _____ I SEE YOU BUSY AF SUPERWOMEN Doing everything you should, keeping everyone happy & using every ounce of energy to keep everything running smoothly. I know you’re hoping that doing EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE will somehow make YOU happy … And like trying to hold sand in your hands, no matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to keep it all together!  Honey that’s because…  Happiness comes when you embrace your Awesomeness & build the habit of Putting YOU 1st!! You can bust through all the shitty shoulds, end the battle with your inner critic and learn to embrace your true fucking awesomeness…my job is to help YOU to believe in YOU again!

    35 min
  7. 2022-03-31

    Her story will end with Huntington’s Disease & knowing that has been a gift. With Erin Paterson

    Erin’s unique story began when she tested gene positive for Huntington’s Disease in 2007. Shortly afterwards she started suffering from depression, then received more crushing news, she was infertile. Despite those diagnoses she was determined to have a family and live a joy-FULL life Now she is on a mission to positively impact other people’s lives by sharing her story and speaking about genetic disease, depression, and infertility. She is the author of, All Good Things:  A Memoir About Genetic Testing, Infertility and One Woman’s Relentless Search for Happiness  She shows it is possible to live a meaningful life even when faced with unexpected obstacles. In this conversation we covered decades of Erin’s story from agony through to joy and I asked her how she found the strength to keep going and (fortunately for all of us) write her inspiring memoir… Listen and Hear Her Story in Her Words… Yes, there are parts of Erin’s future that are certain and destined to be filled with pain. And by choosing to fully embrace her story, she is showing the world what it means to truly thrive. From her Hot Mess moments she has learned, and is now teaching others, how to flourish; how to choose emotions, activities and thoughts that give this one precious life we’ve been given infinite joy, meaning and purpose. I’m honoured to have had the chance to speak with her. Get your copy of Erin’s book:  “All Good Things” Connect with Erin: Erin’s Dance Party Tunes: 1 - Kings of Leon - Around the World 2 - Coldplay - My Universe 3 - The Lumineers - Brightside I SEE YOU BUSY AF SUPERWOMEN Doing everything you should, keeping everyone happy & using every ounce of energy to keep everything running smoothly. I know you’re hoping that doing EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE will somehow make YOU happy … And like trying to hold sand in your hands, no matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to keep it all together!  Honey that’s because…  Happiness comes when you Embrace your Awesomeness & Build the Habit of Putting YOU 1st!! YOU CAN... 1 - Bust through all the shitty shoulds 2 - End the battle with your inner critic & 3 - Learn to embrace your true fucking awesomeness My job is to help YOU to believe in YOU again! Learn More...

    38 min
  8. 2022-03-17

    Fitting in takes as much time and energy as a full-time job. Is it worth it? With Deirdre Maloney

    Fitting in will ALWAYS leave you feeling less-than... So why do we fight so hard to fit in? Why do we sacrifice so much of ourselves for a life filled with exhaustion, shame & self-loathing? What are we being told (sold), from a young age, that conditions us to believe that it’s ok to suffer and hate ourselves as long as we are liked by everyone else? These are simple questions with deep complex answers that are rooted in the antiquated patriarchal system we find ourselves in. And they are questions that my guest Deirdre asked herself when she could no longer keep up the socially acceptable facade she had created. What her fitting in looked like... She is a successful mom of 4, Author, Speaker, Wellness Influencer, Founder of HighGate Racing (Canada’s largest all female competitive cycling team) and, unbeknownst to just about everyone in her life, she was once a crack smoking hooker. We all have our own reasons for fighting so hard to fit in I know it sometimes feels like the only option and that the alternative is lonely & unfathomable. But through beautiful and powerful stories like Deirdre’s we get to be reminded that ... “Shame depends on you buying into the belief that you’re alone, and the bottom line is that it cannot survive being spoken.” ~ Brene Brown ~  Let Deirdre’s story inspire you to find a way to speak your truth, own your story and embrace your F’N awesomeness! Connect with Deirdre: Deirdre’s Dance Party Tunes: Shake It Off - Taylor Swift I Don’t Care - Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber Unforgettable - French Montana ft. Swae Lee I SEE YOU BUSY AF SUPERWOMEN Doing everything you should, keeping everyone happy & using every ounce of energy to keep everything running smoothly. I know you’re hoping that doing EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE will somehow make YOU happy … And like trying to hold sand in your hands, no matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to keep it all together!  Honey that’s because…  Happiness comes when you Embrace your Awesomeness & Build the Habit of Putting YOU 1st!! You CAN bust through all the shitty shoulds, end the battle with your inner critic and learn to embrace your true fucking awesomeness…my job is to help YOU to believe in YOU again! Pop over and learn how!

    38 min

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8 Ratings


The Hot Mess to Awesomeness Podcast is a show all about inspiring smart, busy women to put their happiness at the top of their to-do list! Join your host, and life coach Dionne Thomson, as she chats with amazing women who have figured out how to make their happiness a priority, and more importantly what it’s really like to go from Hot Mess to Awesomeness!

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