22 min

The Power of a Personal Brand Woman Up with The Sister Brand

    • Personal Journals

You don’t need a BUSINESS to have a BRAND.Knowing who you are and what you stand for (and don’t) is all part of your personal brand. Just think of who you admire - chances are you’re aligned with their BRAND.No, that doesn’t mean you don’t need a logo… LOL (although there are exceptions - listen to find out!)Think of your brand as living with intention as your authentic self. Your personal brand is also the backbone of small business branding - different but relative. Building and...

You don’t need a BUSINESS to have a BRAND.Knowing who you are and what you stand for (and don’t) is all part of your personal brand. Just think of who you admire - chances are you’re aligned with their BRAND.No, that doesn’t mean you don’t need a logo… LOL (although there are exceptions - listen to find out!)Think of your brand as living with intention as your authentic self. Your personal brand is also the backbone of small business branding - different but relative. Building and...

22 min