100 episodes

Every two weeks we’ll speak with game-changing experts to bring you the latest on the fast-changing energy landscape, innovative technologies, eco-conscious efforts, and more. Join Hydro Ottawa’s Trevor Freeman as he demystifies and dives deep into some of the most prominent topics in the energy industry.

Have feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to thinkenergy@hydroottawa.com

ThinkEnergy Hydro Ottawa

    • Technology
    • 3.7 • 18 Ratings

Every two weeks we’ll speak with game-changing experts to bring you the latest on the fast-changing energy landscape, innovative technologies, eco-conscious efforts, and more. Join Hydro Ottawa’s Trevor Freeman as he demystifies and dives deep into some of the most prominent topics in the energy industry.

Have feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to thinkenergy@hydroottawa.com

    Summer Rewind: Climate Communication: Motivating Change with Re.Climate

    Summer Rewind: Climate Communication: Motivating Change with Re.Climate

    Summer rewind: What role do communicators play in motivating change? Specifically, how can they move their audiences to take action against climate change? In thinkenergy episode 122, we delve into the world of climate communication with Amber Bennett, Deputy Director of Re.Climate. Explore the driving forces, opportunities, and challenges of inspiring climate action—from bridging research to practise to empowering change. Listen in for an insightful conversation on shaping a sustainable future.
    Related links
    Amber Bennet on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abennettyyc/ 
    Re.Climate: https://reclimate.ca/ 
    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: https://www.ipcc.ch/ 
    Trevor Freeman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevor-freeman-8b612114/

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    Trevor Freemon
    Everyone, well, it's officially summer. And it's been about four months since I took over the mic as the host of the think energy podcast, which is kind of hard to believe. It's been really fun having great conversations with great people in the energy sector. I now mostly know my way around the recording equipments and the software, and really feel like we're kind of just getting started and looking forward to where we go from here. That said, the think energy team is taking a break to recharge over the next few months, but also to plan our content for the fall. So stay tuned for some great episodes in the fall. Not to worry though, we still have our summer rewind to keep you engaged. This is where we pick out some of the great past episodes that we've done and repost them. So whether you're lucky enough to be sitting on a dock or going on a road trip, or if you're just keeping up with your commute through the summer, it's a great time to revisit our past content. You will hear past episodes from my predecessor and the host chair Dan second, as well as a couple of mine from the past few months. And you're welcome to check out your own favorite past episodes as well, wherever you get your podcasts. We hope you have an amazing summer and we'll be back with new content in September. And until then, happy listening.
    Dan Seguin  00:06
    This is ThinkEnergy, the podcast that helps you better understand the fast changing world of energy through conversations with game changers, industry leaders, and influencers. So join me, Dan Seguin, as I explore both traditional and unconventional facets of the energy industry. Hey, everyone, welcome back. Did you scroll through the news this morning? How many of those articles that you skim covered a topic related to climate change? I guess it was probably a few. It seems. Every couple of weeks there's a new story dominating the headlines about forest fires, hurricanes, floods, heatwaves, and more, both here in Canada and abroad. We are seeing firsthand the effects of climate change and As consumers, we are receiving information about it. Everywhere we look. Have you ever thought about how you are being communicated to? How is climate change presented? What wording was used? And why? And are their calls to action? How does it make you feel? think not only about news articles you read, but also about documentaries, podcasts, Hollywood movies, right down to your everyday life. Think about the newsletter you receive from your municipality. The assembly instruction on the last piece of furniture you purchase, or this section on your favorite clothing

    • 52 min
    Summer Rewind: Decarbonizing Ontario’s electricity grid with the IESO

    Summer Rewind: Decarbonizing Ontario’s electricity grid with the IESO

    Summer rewind: As demand for electricity increases, the need to
    diversify supply also rises. In Episode 120 of thinkenergy, Lesley
    Gallinger, CEO of Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator
    (IESO), unpacks what’s driving the transformation of the province’s
    power system, the potential opportunities, and the obstacles standing in
    the way. From hydrogen innovation to resource procurement, listen in to
    learn how the IESO is helping Ontario navigate to a cleaner, reliable,
    and affordable energy future.
    Related links

    ● Lesley Gallinger on LinkedIn:

    ● Lesley Gallinger on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/lmgallinger

    ● IESO website: https://www.ieso.ca/

    ● Hydrogen Innovation Fund:

    ● Powering Ontario’s Growth report:

    ● Trevor Freeman on LinkedIn:

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    Keep up with the Tweets at https://twitter.com/thinkenergypod
    Trevir Freeman: Everyone, well, it's officially summer. And it's been about four months since I took over the mic as the host of the think energy podcast, which is kind of hard to believe. It's been really fun having great conversations with great people in the energy sector. I now mostly know my way around the recording equipments and the software, and really feel like we're kind of just getting started and looking forward to where we go from here. That said, the think energy team is taking a break to recharge over the next few months, but also to plan our content for the fall. So, stay tuned for some great episodes in the fall. Not to worry though, we still have our summer rewind to keep you engaged. This is where we pick out some of the great past episodes that we've done and repost them. So, whether you're lucky enough to be sitting on a dock or going on a road trip, or if you're just keeping up with your commute through the summer, it's a great time to revisit our past content. You will hear past episodes from my predecessor and the host chair Dan second, as well as a couple of mine from the past few months. And you're welcome to check out your own favorite past episodes as well wherever you get your podcasts. We hope you have an amazing summer and we'll be back with new content in September. And until then, happy listening.
    Daniel Seguin: This is Think Energy, the podcast that helps you better understand the fast changing world of energy through conversations with game changers, industry leaders and influencers. So join me, Dan Seguin, as I explore both traditional and unconventional facets of the energy industry. Hey everyone, welcome back. In 1902 electrical pioneers met for the first time in Berlin now Kitchener, Ontario to discuss wiring Ontario's customers together to form a provincial electricity grid. Ontario's electricity grid, like all grids around the world was designed as a one way street, to generate, transmit, and deliver electricity to customers. It's no secret that nowadays new technologies are shaking up the way we produce and use electricity. Back then, these pioneers likely couldn't have imagined that the electricity grid would become a two way interactive system capable of supporting variable supply from renewable energy or accommodating electric vehicles, energy storage, home generation, and a host of other innovations. As the demand for elec

    • 39 min
    Current affairs with Francis Bradley, Electricity Canada’s President and CEO

    Current affairs with Francis Bradley, Electricity Canada’s President and CEO

    Electricity Canada’s President and CEO, Francis Bradley, joins thinkenergy in episode 140. Hear about the shift to sustainable electricity, including the difficulties navigating provincial and federal policies, climate change directives, and funding gaps. Plus how Electricity Canada evolved from a technical exchange club into a national advocate for sustainable energy. From challenges to leading the charge, learn how governments and private sectors are working towards a clean, efficient electricity system.

    Related links:  

    Francis Bradley on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francis-bradley-3617802a/

    Electricity Canada: https://www.electricity.ca/

    The state of the Canadian electricity industry 2024 Getting to Yes report: https://www.electricity.ca/advocacy/getting-to-yes-the-state-of-the-canadian-electricity-industry-2024/

    Trevor Freeman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevor-freeman-p-eng-cem-leed-ap-8b612114/

    Hydro Ottawa: https://hydroottawa.com/en   

    To subscribe using Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thinkenergy/id1465129405  

    To subscribe using Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wFz7rdR8Gq3f2WOafjxpl

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    Keep up with the posts on X: https://twitter.com/thinkenergypod


    Trevor Freeman  00:07
    Welcome to think energy, a podcast that dives into the fast changing world of energy through conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and people on the frontlines of the energy transition. Join me Trevor Freeman, as I explore the traditional, unconventional and up and coming facets of the energy industry. If you have any thoughts, feedback or ideas for topics we should cover, please reach out to us at think energy at hydro ottawa.com. Hi, everyone, welcome back. On the show before we have talked about how energy is primarily a provincial jurisdiction in Canada, so that means that provinces and provincial governments set energy policy provincial grids are structured both in a regulatory sense as well as a physical infrastructure sense. at the provincial level, we've gone into some detail about Ontario's grid and talked about how it's kind of a distributed grid meeting most electricity customers in Ontario get their electricity from a local distribution company. Not every province is the same in any of those senses. Some are a little bit more vertically integrated, meaning there are you know, maybe a single entity that gets you all the way from generation to distribution. There's different regulatory frameworks. The point is there's a lot of diversity across the country. Now, as much as that is a provincial jurisdiction, there is a role for the federal government to play here at that national level. There are some national policy directions that are important and that impacts energy policy. Climate change is a great example. So the federal government has jurisdiction to set targets and come up with strategies to address climate change for the country. Things that the federal government is doing currently is enacting a clean electricity standard with the goals of decarbonizing electricity generation in the country, so making sure that we stop using fossil fuels to generate electricity on a large scale. The federal government also supports decarbonisation efforts for buildings and for transportation, and they put money into those things. And those efforts impact electricity grids and impact markets. The federal government also has a role to play when it comes to major projects and providing approvals for those projects to move forward. And that includes energy projects. So new generation or new transmission, you know, things that are using la

    • 58 min
    Energy Policy Deep Dive with Nicholas Rivers (Part 2)

    Energy Policy Deep Dive with Nicholas Rivers (Part 2)

    Get to the bottom of how policy is ushering along the energy transition. In part two of the series, Associate Professor Nicholas Rivers shares how energy policies are helping shape the actions taken to address climate change. From decarbonizing buildings and transportation to the hard-to-tackle parts of Canada’s economy and its major industries. Plus policy’s role in supporting distributed energy and resources. Dive back into the conversation in episode 139 of thinkenergy.

    Related links
    ●       Listen to part one: https://thinkenergypodcast.com/episodes/energy-policy-deep-dive-with-nicholas-rivers-part-1/
    ●       More about Nicholas Rivers: https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/969
    ●       uOttawa Institute of the Environment: https://www.uottawa.ca/research-innovation/environment
    ●       The Canadian Climate Institute: https://climateinstitute.ca/
    ●       Trevor Freeman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevor-freeman-p-eng-cem-leed-ap-8b612114/
    ●       Hydro Ottawa: https://hydroottawa.com/en 
    To subscribe using Apple Podcasts:
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    Subscribe so you don't miss a video: https://www.youtube.com/user/hydroottawalimited
    Follow along on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hydroottawa
    Stay in the know on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HydroOttawa
    Keep up with the posts on X: https://twitter.com/thinkenergypod
    Trevor Freeman  00:07
    Welcome to think energy, a podcast that dives into the fast changing world of energy through conversations with industry leaders, innovators and people on the frontlines of the energy transition. Join me Trevor Freeman, as I explore the traditional, unconventional and up and coming facets of the energy industry. If you have any thoughts, feedback or ideas for topics we should cover, please reach out to us at think energy at hydro ottawa.com. Hi, everyone, welcome back. Okay, so this is part two of my conversation with Nicholas rivers about policy, and specifically how policy is and will in the future, shaping the different solutions and different actions that we can take to address climate change and to usher along the energy transition that has already started. As a refresher, Nicholas rivers is a Professor of Public Policy and International Affairs from the University of Ottawa. And his area of focus is really the sort of research into an evaluation of environmental policies. So this is a great conversation. And if you haven't listened to the previous episode with Nicolas, I really encourage you to do that it kind of lays the groundwork and really helps feed into this part of the conversation. On today's episode, we're going to talk about decarbonizing buildings, decarbonizing transportation, about some of those hard to tackle parts of our economy, kind of those major industries, as well as the role of policy and supporting distributed energy resources. So solar panels and batteries and things like that. So it's really a great conversation, start with the previous episode, if you haven't already. And then thanks for joining us here for this one. And happy listening. Okay, so we've talked about generation at the grid level, but let's talk about what we call distributed energy resources. And for our listeners, just a reminder, this is things like rooftop solar behind the meter storage, so having batteries at homes or businesses, which we are going to need a lot more of in the future. And we're going to see a lot more of on our grid in the future. What policy tools are out there that could help ramp up the implementation of these resources? Is it as simple as you know, incentives to lower the upfront cost?
    Nicholas Rivers  02:21
    Okay, good question. Ma

    • 49 min
    Energy Policy Deep Dive with Nicholas Rivers (Part 1)

    Energy Policy Deep Dive with Nicholas Rivers (Part 1)

    In this first of a two-part series, we unpack the vital role of policy in driving the energy transition with Nicholas Rivers, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and the Institute of the Environment at the University of Ottawa. Join us as we explore the layers of policy implementation, the interplay of social and technological solutions, and the challenge of designing policies that balance data with public opinion and emotion.

    Related links
    More about Nicholas Rivers: https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/969
    uOttawa Institute of the Environment: https://www.uottawa.ca/research-innovation/environment
    The Canadian Climate Institute: https://climateinstitute.ca/
    Trevor Freeman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevor-freeman-p-eng-cem-leed-ap-8b612114/
    Hydro Ottawa: https://hydroottawa.com/en  
    To subscribe using Apple Podcasts: 
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    Subscribe so you don't miss a video: https://www.youtube.com/user/hydroottawalimited
    Follow along on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hydroottawa
    Stay in the know on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HydroOttawa
    Keep up with the posts on X: https://twitter.com/thinkenergypod
    Energy Policy Deep Dive with Nicholas Rivers (Part 1)

    Fri, May 24, 2024 11:55AM • 52:17
    emissions, policy, carbon, price, work, canada, carbon pricing, technology, government, cost, climate change, electricity, big, emitters, action, ontario, regulations, podcast, climate, energy
    Nicholas Rivers, Trevor Freeman
    Trevor Freeman  00:07
    Welcome to think energy, a podcast that dives into the fast changing world of energy through conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and people on the frontlines of the energy transition. Join me Trevor Freeman, as I explore the traditional, unconventional and up and coming facets of the energy industry. If you have any thoughts, feedback or ideas for topics we should cover, please reach out to us at think energy at hydro ottawa.com. Hi, everyone. Welcome back. We've talked a lot on the podcast about how climate change is a big complex problem. And the entity transition that is already underway is also a big complex undertaking. These things require complex solutions to address them, it's not a single thing that's going to solve this for us. You know, we often think about solutions as being some kind of technology, either an existing technology or something that we're going to innovate on or invent in the future. And we talk about a lot of those on the podcasts, everything from heat pumps, to renewable generation to grid modernization. But technology doesn't just exist and grow in a bubble. And we can't just rely on technological solutions on their own to solve climate change or to help continue the energy transition. There is also a need for other approaches, for example, Social approaches, you know, we need to educate people on what climate change is and how it works and what we need to do to change it. We need to motivate people, we need to rile up people to create that desire for change, and create the political and social will to go behind that. What are the key drivers to help advance all of these different moving parts, if you will, is policy our policy solutions, you can really think of policy as the foundation or the bedrock upon which all these other things are built. And when we talk about policy, we're talking about all different levels. So from the federal government, to provincial governments, who are municipal governments, and you know, this is the Canadian context, we're in Canada speaking about this. So if you're listening from a different country, you know, slot in your various levels of g

    • 52 min
    Heat Pump Check In with Shawn Carr

    Heat Pump Check In with Shawn Carr

    Heat pumps are proving as one method to combat climate change and decarbonize Canada—because they can operate at 300% efficiency (or greater!), while a standard furnace runs between 93–94%. In this episode of thinkenergy, Hydro Ottawa’s Shawn Carr, Manager, Customer Experience, chats his experience using a heat pump in his home. From the upfront costs to how it works and its role in reducing carbon emissions. Listen in for practical benefits of heat pumps and their future in our homes and businesses.

    Related links
    ●       Shawn Carr, LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawn-carr-6797b612/
    ●       Air Source Heat Pump Toolkit: https://natural-resources.canada.ca/maps-tools-and-publications/tools/modelling-tools/toolkit-for-air-source-heat-pump-sizing-and-selection/23558
    ●       Building Decarbonization Alliance heat pump report: https://buildingdecarbonization.ca/report/the-cool-way-to-heat-homesinstalling-heat-pumps-instead-of-central-air-conditioners-in-canada/
    ●       Trevor Freeman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevor-freeman-p-eng-cem-leed-ap-8b612114/
    ●       Hydro Ottawa: https://hydroottawa.com/en 
    To subscribe using Apple Podcasts:
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    Subscribe so you don't miss a video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hydroottawalimited
    Follow along on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hydroottawa
    Stay in the know on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HydroOttawa
    Keep up with the posts on X: https://twitter.com/thinkenergypod
    Fri, May 10, 2024 12:03PM • 37:12
    heat pump, electrification, heat, air conditioner, electrify, technology, energy, people, backup, costs, emissions, work, trevor, installed, cold climate, project, ottawa, gas furnace, temperature, ev
    Shawn Carr, Trevor Freeman
    Trevor Freeman  00:07
    Hi, welcome to think energy, a podcast that dives into the fast changing world of energy through conversations with industry leaders, innovators and people on the frontlines of the energy transition. Join me Trevor Freeman as I explore the traditional, unconventional and even up and coming facets of the energy industry. If you've got thoughts, feedback or ideas for topics that we should cover, we'd love to hear from you. Please reach out to us, at thinkenergy@hydro ottawa.com Hi everyone, welcome back. On today's show, we're going to do something a little bit different. We're going to check back in with a previous guests. Just over a year ago, Dan, my predecessor in the host chair, interviewed Sean Carr hydro Ottawa's manager of customer experience about residential heat pumps, and in particular about his own experience with a heat pump installation for his own home. At the time, his heat pump was only about five months old. So now that he's been through another full winter with his heat pump, I thought it would be good to check back in and see how things are going. But before we do that, let me give a quick refresher on heat pumps. Now for those of you energy nerds or people in the sector, you may not need a refresher. But even those of you who aren't too sure what a heat pump is, are probably familiar with the technology. A heat pump is just a device that moves heat from one place to another. The most common example of this that you would be familiar with is a home air conditioner or a refrigerator. Both of those devices take heat, either from the air in your home or from the inside of your refrigerator and move it elsewhere. So over an air conditioner and moves the heat outside and for a refrigerator and moves the heat to the back of the refrigerator onto those coils that gather dust in you mi

    • 37 min

Customer Reviews

3.7 out of 5
18 Ratings

18 Ratings

mitch8484 ,

Great podcast

Very interesting local podcast. Forward thinking outreach/marketing on hydro Ottawa’s part. More companies should do this

Wondering if you could do an episode describing the process Hydro Ottawa executes when parts of the grid go offline (cause, response, re feeding or back feeding, and some data on turn around time When services go down) how does it all work?

Hydro Ottawa response time to outages seems to be very efficient

Dallard_ ,

Not worth your time

I could not get into this podcast. The host is very dry and uninformative. He brings nothing worthwhile to the table.

AnimalCrosser242342 ,

Great Show!

Enjoying the show and great to see energy companies innovating.

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