29 min

Why Mindset Matters Thrive the Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Link to free resource: 

Mindset Free Resource

Mindset is perhaps one of the most important factors for thriving and transforming your life. Why is that? Because your mind is incredibly powerful and can be your biggest ally or your greatest adversary. In this podcast, we will explore the impact of mindset on our daily lives and how mindset interacts with your neurobiology. Learn how your nervous system responds to your thinking styles and how the saying “thoughts have a vibration” relates to your neurobiology.

Here is what was covered in this episode: 

Learn what mindset is and how it relates to your well being..

Explore what "monkey mind" is and strategies to manage it.

Get to know how your mindset can influence your perception of others, the world, and yourself!

Dive into the metabolic effects of negative versus positive thinking styles on your neurobiology.

Get in touch with your thinking through reflection and introspection! A few tips for assessing your mindset and identifying areas for growth.

Helpful Links: 


Link to free resource: 

Mindset Free Resource

Mindset is perhaps one of the most important factors for thriving and transforming your life. Why is that? Because your mind is incredibly powerful and can be your biggest ally or your greatest adversary. In this podcast, we will explore the impact of mindset on our daily lives and how mindset interacts with your neurobiology. Learn how your nervous system responds to your thinking styles and how the saying “thoughts have a vibration” relates to your neurobiology.

Here is what was covered in this episode: 

Learn what mindset is and how it relates to your well being..

Explore what "monkey mind" is and strategies to manage it.

Get to know how your mindset can influence your perception of others, the world, and yourself!

Dive into the metabolic effects of negative versus positive thinking styles on your neurobiology.

Get in touch with your thinking through reflection and introspection! A few tips for assessing your mindset and identifying areas for growth.

Helpful Links: 


29 min