201 Folgen

Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? Listen and learn right now how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what you want to do.

Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things.

This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like:
- How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey?
- What is the most effective meditation technique?
- How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired?
- Is journaling effective?
- How does manifestation work?
- What are affirmations?

Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic!

Manifesting Joy : 52 Weeks of Hope Lauren Abrams

    • Bildung

Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? Listen and learn right now how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what you want to do.

Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things.

This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like:
- How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey?
- What is the most effective meditation technique?
- How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired?
- Is journaling effective?
- How does manifestation work?
- What are affirmations?

Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic!

    Living Without Regrets: Jodi Wellman on Making Your Time Count

    Living Without Regrets: Jodi Wellman on Making Your Time Count

    Imagine waking up and realizing that today could be your last. Not a Debbie Downer, this enjoyable episode brings you ideas sparking so you’re living a life true to you. Are you living intentionally? Do you do things that light you up and bring you joy?  Find out how right now!
    The Power of Simple, Joyful Activities:  From making a list of simple activities that bring joy to spending intentional time with loved ones, get practical tips for living more fully.
    Intentional Living and Personal Growth:  Discover why focusing on one area of life that needs improvement leads to significant changes and a more fulfilling existence.
    Embrace Boldness and Overcome Fear:  Author and inspirational leader Jody Wellman shares how the greater regret often lies in not trying at all, rather than fearing mistakes, urging you to take courageous steps toward your dreams.
    In this episode, Lauren Abrams has a heart-to-heart with Jodi Wellman, author and inspirational leader with a deep well of wisdom about living intentionally and savoring every moment. Jodi shares how the concept of memento mori—remembering that we must die—has fueled her passion for purposeful living. She opens up about her own struggles, including overcoming an eating disorder, and reflects on how her mother’s unfulfilled dreams influenced her own path.
    Join us for a conversation that will inspire you to live more fully and authentically. Tune in and discover how to embrace each day with purpose and joy.
    "My biggest impetus would have been my mom dying in her late 50s. She had a bunch of regrets about things she didn't do, and that was such a wake-up call for me."    – Jodi, (3:44).
    “We are all just fabulous ticking time bombs, and I would hate the idea that any of us gets to the end and says, ‘I really wanted to do this thing, and I didn't’ ” – Jodi, (21:41).
    You will learn the transformative power of facing your fears and embracing the courage to pursue your dreams. In this episode, Lauren and Jodi explore how to tackle the fear of future regrets and find joy in the everyday. They share actionable tips on savoring simple pleasures, surrounding yourself with supportive people, and living with purpose. 
    "I want to be proud of myself that I gave it a go. I want to look back and demonstrate to myself that I care enough about this precious life I've been granted." –  Jodi, (10:51).
    You will learn how to take bold, intentional steps toward your aspirations.  Jodi inspires us to be mindful of our time and make sure it aligns with our deepest values and dreams. In this episode, you will also discover how to focus on what truly matters and create a life filled with purpose and passion.
    “I want every person listening right now to stop and think because there's a thing you want to do. If it matters, you have feelings about it. If it matters, it's usually a cocktail of excitement and energy but also some kind of fear.'” – Jodi, (32:00).
    Hear Jodi share invaluable insights on how to make the most of those precious moments of unexpected free time. Instead of passively waiting for life to slow down, Jodi encourages you to prioritize activities that bring joy and fulfillment proactively. She suggests having a ready list of joyful pursuits so that whenever a free moment arises, you're prepared to dive into experiences that nourish your soul and add meaning to your life. Don't wait for the perfect time; create it with purpose and intention.
    “There's a reason we're on autopilot, and there's a reason we take life for granted. If we're willing to face facts, which is darn it all, we're temporary. That sucks, and let's use that to our advantage– Jodi, (32:51).
    Tune in for an enriching conversation and start your journey to a more intentional and joyful life! Let's dive in!
    In this episode:
    (01:37) - The concept of "memento mori"
    (03:44) - Recognizing regrets and taking action
    (04:32) - Overcoming fear and taking the first step
    (11:31) - Living with

    • 32 Min.
    Unlocking Life's Secrets: Seven Life Lessons

    Unlocking Life's Secrets: Seven Life Lessons

    Are you feeling burned out, overwhelmed by life’s endless responsibilities, and longing for a deeper sense of purpose? Dive into this special episode of "52 Weeks of Hope" as Lauren Abrams distills wisdom from 200 episodes into 7 transformative life lessons that promise to uncover the wisdom of self-compassion, the power of friendships, and the importance of staying true to yourself. Learn how to pause, breathe, and discover that you already have the answers within you.
    Whether you're seeking a burst of motivation, strategies to reset your life, or simply a reason to smile again, this episode offers practical guidance to inspire your path forward. Lauren's personal journey from a dark night of the soul to a beacon of hope will resonate deeply with anyone seeking more meaning and joy in their lives.
    Discover techniques for self-reflection and mindfulness that can reveal your true path.
    The transformative power of self-compassion and the art of staying true to yourself and living a life that's aligned with your own values and dreams, not someone else’s expectations.
    How small acts of kindness and being of service can dramatically increase your happiness and sense of purpose.
    These lessons offer a comprehensive roadmap for personal growth and authentic living, from discovering your innate wisdom and forming meaningful friendships to staying true to yourself and embracing life as it happens. You’ll explore the power of service, the necessity of community, and, above all, the essential role of love in your life.
    Stay tuned if you're prepared to take a deep breath, stop, and discover the solutions on your own. This episode will give you all the knowledge you need to lead a happier, more genuine life. It's time to move beyond the superficial and embrace the profound, living each day with hope and authenticity. 
    Tune in, learn to remove societal expectations, and embrace your unique calling.
    "What lights you up? Not what do other people expect of you. What lights you up? What makes you happy? What brings you meaning?" - Lauren (09:55). 
    Lauren passionately highlights the significance of self-fulfillment through a thought-provoking question: “What lights you up?” Forget about societal pressures and live on your own terms.
    By embracing the things that genuinely bring you happiness and a sense of purpose, you can liberate yourself from external demands and create a life that reflects your authentic self.
    "If you're somebody who doesn't wanna start until you could do it perfect, just know you could never do anything perfectly. It's a fact of nature that you can't. And so just do it. Like, this is your time right now." - Lauren (13:32). 
    When you stop trying to be perfect, you can enjoy the moment and make real progress toward your dreams. It's okay to make mistakes and learn from them.
    This change in thinking can make you less stressed and anxious, and also help you be more creative. Embracing imperfection can give you the courage to take big steps, learn from your experiences, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling and successful life.
    "Wishing you live a life true to yourself instead of the life others expected of you, wishing you didn't work so hard. Nobody ever died. I mean, nobody on their deathbed ever wished they worked harder or made more money. Can't take it with you." - Lauren (19:47)
    Reflecting on the most significant regrets people have on their deathbed, Lauren underscores the vital significance of living a life that aligns with their true selves rather than being shaped by others' expectations. Prioritizing personal fulfillment, relationships, and experiences can lead to a more meaningful and gratifying life.
    Join us in beginning your journey toward a life filled with hope, genuineness, and authentic self-expression.
    In this episode:
    [00:00] - Life lessons from 200 episodes
    [02:53] -  Realizing You Have Your Own Answers
    [03:54] -  The Importance of Taking a

    • 23 Min.
    Unlocking Your Inner Peace: Embracing Spirituality and Finding Your Joy with Lisa McCourt

    Unlocking Your Inner Peace: Embracing Spirituality and Finding Your Joy with Lisa McCourt

    Are you ready to transform fear into excitement and find true inner peace? Embrace fear as a signpost for growth? Learn how to release those things that trigger you?Hear Lauren Abrams and Lisa McCourt discuss embracing fear as a signal for potential growth and change. Learn how to shift your mindset from fear to excitement and allow it to guide you toward your most fulfilling life. Discover the profound difference between conditioned wants and soul wants, and how aligning your actions with your true desires can bring unparalleled joy.
    "That fear means that, oh, there's something potentially big and juicy in front of me here."    - Lisa (15:06) 
    “Emotion is meant to flow through us and be released. And when we have traumatic situations or little traumas, it doesn't have to be what we think of as traumas.” -Lisa (8:46)
    Uncover techniques for managing emotional triggers and practicing self-compassion to release stored emotional pain.
    “When we have these triggers happen, the tendency is to tense up either our physical bodies or just our energetic body. And usually, you can feel somewhere in your physical body got tense, whether your brow is furrowed or your shoulders. So then it's just relaxing your whole physical body when you have the ability to do this in the moment.” - Lisa (10:07)
    Discover from Lisa how adding mindfulness and meditation into your everyday routine can help you see things differently and experience general emotional development. 
    “It's giving yourself compassion around your anxiety. We compound everything. We feel anxiety, and then we get mad at ourselves for feeling anxiety, or we feel, you know, like annoyed or stressed. And then it's like, what do you have to be stressed about? You should be so good. You know, it's like we compound it by judging ourselves for our negative emotions.” - Lisa (13:19) 
    Find out the deep insights Lisa shares as she explores how these transformational strategies act as triggers for you to re-establish a deep connection with yourself. Learn more about how mindfulness and meditation help you distinguish between the critical and loving voices inside of you.
    “Our negative emotions are just human. They're beautiful, and they're there because of something that took place. And it's okay. And we just have to love ourselves through it.” - Lisa (13:34) 
    The Path to True Happiness: "We have to learn how to have the peace, the joy, the calm in our inner landscape, and then that energy goes out and so effortlessly starts changing everything in our external landscape."      - Lisa (16:50) 
    One of the standout segments in this episode is Lisa’s advice on discerning between conditioned wants and what your soul truly desires. This guidance is a game-changer for anyone feeling unfulfilled, despite ticking off all the metaphorical boxes of success. Lisa passionately emphasizes aligning your actions with what genuinely brings you fulfillment.
    “It's really just, again, getting some discernment between the voices in our head like that super loud voice of our inner critic and that ticker tape that's constantly going by. We have to be able to quiet that to hear the little bit more sensitive, delicate voice behind it.” - Lisa (20:30)
    Learn self-compassion techniques. Be gentle with yourself. Recognize and release negative thoughts, and practice self-compassion to overcome past conditioning and emotional pain.
    “Hear the voice in your head, take some distance to, to watch the thoughts that are going by. We bring so much additional interior muck into our worlds with that voice in our heads, which goes on to create all these problems that we have out here. The whole game of whack a mole could basically be avoided if we would learn to be more compassionate with ourselves and not let our thoughts take us down all these dark roads.” - Lisa (27:55)
    In this episode: 
    (00:34) - Introduction of the guest, Lisa McCourt
    (07:13) - Discussion on taking pauses and managing stres

    • 31 Min.
    How to Break Free from Fear: Embracing Change with Becky Vollmer

    How to Break Free from Fear: Embracing Change with Becky Vollmer

    Do you feel stuck? Like you’re enduring your job, relationship, or habits? Not doing what you want and knowing you’re meant for greater? Listen and learn how it isn’t courage but feeling like you don't have options that keep you where you are.
    Learn the surprising statistics of how many feel stuck and how few actually make a change. Hear how to make choices through small deliberate actions for the transformation you long for. 
    Listen to learn practical, easy-to-use insights (and you’ll laugh) as Lauren and author, speaker, and yoga teacher Becky Vollmer help you learn how to unlock your inner compass so you can take actions aligned with your unique vision.
    “I think the biggest aspect of hope comes in when we don't believe that we are stuck and suddenly when we can say, I feel stuck. That's different than saying I am stuck. (Becky, (27:24).
    When Becky Vollmer felt stuch and finally took that leap of faith,  jumped, then figured out what she really wanted to do with her life, then listened to her inner voice, she’s made it her mission to help you do the same. She’s helped 1000’s get “unstuck” and helps you, too, on this episode!
    Journey Through Fear: Hear the common fears that paralyze us —fear of failure, judgment, and uncomfortable change. Learn insights into overcoming your fears.
    Tools for Transformation: Becky shares the incredible role that yoga and meditation played in her personal growth and recovery. Whether navigating professional burnout or personal challenges like sobriety and divorce, Becky gives you practical steps and thought processes to reclaim your inner strength.
    Embracing Self-Care: Tune in to understand why making time for self-care isn't just beneficial but essential for your productivity and mental health.
    Beyond Limiting Beliefs:  Find inspiration in Becky's own path to breaking free from self-limiting beliefs and discover how to start listening to your own inner voice.
    “About 2 thirds of people said they felt like they needed to change. 40% of people said they were ready to change. I asked people how many of you feel empowered to change, and that number plummeted down to 14%” Becky, (11:30).
    How does Becky help people get unstuck? She empowers them to realize that they don't need external validation to make a change. Many of us feel disempowered, lacking the agency to make our own choices. Learn how to reclaim your power and create a life that resonates with your true desires.
    "I help them see that they don't need anybody else's permission to make a change " –  Becky (11:12).
    As a yoga teacher, Becky experienced firsthand the transformative power of this ancient practice. Yoga was her sanctuary during a tumultuous time, offering not just physical and mental benefits but also a spiritual awakening. It taught her to control her body, breath, and mind, leading to a deeper self-understanding and a realization of her potential.
    "There was something about [yoga] that I couldn't quite name, but it was quiet, and I liked that enough that I was willing to sit through the discomfort of not knowing what the hell I was doing to try to do that again." – Becky, (14:46)
    Tune in and discover why  Becky's personal and professional experiences are a beacon of hope for many. Her insights on making guided choices from the soul rather than the ego, and the role of yoga and self-reflection in her transformation, are invaluable lessons for us all.
    Remember, you are not stuck. You have the power to transform fear into freedom and to make choices that align with your soul's purpose.
    “Maybe we have been doing what we're supposed to be doing for that period of time and maybe it's just time to do something different.” – Becky, (2:48).
    In this episode:
    [00:57] Introduction to Becky Vollmer  
    [01:21] Becky's journey and her book "You Are Not Stuck"  
    [02:34] Recognizing the need for change  
    [03:38] Becky's transition from corporate role to intuitive coaching  

    • 30 Min.
    Transform Your Self Talk from Negative to Positive with These Powerful Steps

    Transform Your Self Talk from Negative to Positive with These Powerful Steps

    Have you ever found yourself stuck in a loop of self-criticism? Questioning your abilities, picking apart your appearance. But dwelling on this negativity can take a toll on your mental well-being. In this enlightening episode, Lauren shares her personal journey and simple expert strategies to help you break free from the grip of negative self-talk.
    Discover how to cultivate self-compassion and confidence and embrace a brighter outlook. Explore three powerful methods to silence your inner critic, including a refreshing social media detox, personalized affirmations, and grounding techniques. Step away from the "compare and despair" trap and reclaim your mental clarity. 
    “Spending less time on social media will definitely help with that negative self-talk and giving your self-compassion.” –Lauren (4:23).
    Explore the impact of social media on your self-perception as you navigate through seemingly flawless lives displayed on your screens daily. Hear a bold yet practical remedy: stepping away from social media to rediscover your authentic emotions and reconnect with your true selves.
    "I can listen to the negative self-talk, or I can look at the truth and do a gratitude list really quick. That is the fastest way to get out of that negative self-talk." - Lauren (11:09)
    Unlock the Power of Grounding: Discover the transformative potential of physical grounding exercises and affirmations. Reconnect with yourself and embrace the positivity around you by engaging in activities like walking barefoot on the earth and practicing affirmations in front of the mirror.
    Cultivate Positivity: Redirect your attention from negative spirals to the abundance of positivity in your life. By focusing on gratitude and positivity, you can attract more fulfilling experiences and enrich your journey.
    "Humility isn't thinking less of yourself; it's thinking about yourself less."  – Lauren (03:32).
    Discover the Significance of Humility. Gain valuable insights into the power of humility—shifting from self-criticism to self-awareness. Explore how this nuanced approach prompts us to break free from self-absorption, fostering deeper connections with the world and minimizing the influence of negative self-talk.
    Keep in mind that the path to self-compassion is a continuous journey, and every small step you take leads you closer to a more confident and fulfilled version of yourself. Stay committed to positivity, embrace gratitude, and don't underestimate the power of a smile—it's a simple yet powerful tool for you to use against negative self-talk. 
    In this episode:
    [00:33] Getting off social media  
    [00:56] Feeling and moving emotions  
    [01:50] Spotting judgment and self-talk  
    [02:43] The power of affirmations and humility  
    [04:38] The benefits of grounding, smiling, and releasing endorphins 
    [06:38] Embracing mistakes, showing self-compassion  
    [08:26] Importance of connection and community  
    [10:20] Utilizing gratitude lists, visualizing dreams
    [13:03] The importance of breathing, sharing struggles  
    [15:01] Embracing self-love and laughter 
    Resources and Links
    52 Weeks of Hope
    Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
    Are you tired of the relentless negative self-talk that whispers doubts and fears, undermining your confidence? If so, it’s time to tune in to the empowering episode.
    Key Takeaways
    “People aren't giving you the kind of thought that you're giving you. They're not thinking about you like you think they are.” -Lauren (02:52).
    “I don't think we'd appreciate the good times if we didn't go through those hard times.” – Lauren (09:55). 
    Feel Better Instantly with Actress Amanda Payton

    • 20 Min.
    The Secret to Captivating Conversations: Unlocking the Power of Connection with Sam Horn

    The Secret to Captivating Conversations: Unlocking the Power of Connection with Sam Horn

    How do you make a lasting impression? Baffled about how to intrigue people you meet within that first critical minute? Want to know how to inspire positive dialogue in any situation? Listen and learn how to reboot your introduction strategy and captivate any audience, from the dog park to the conference room. You’ll be tongue-tied no more!
    Learn these (and more) while focusing on kindness and authentic connections:
    The Power of the First 60 Seconds: Learn to capture anyone's attention within the first minute using startling statistics, imaginative scenarios, and compelling evidence.
    Mastering the Art of the Introduction: Discover Sam Horn's techniques for making a memorable impression on someone in any setting.
    Proactive Grace: Understand this vital concept and how to apply it in your daily interactions to find solutions and inspire positive dialogues, with practical tips on using warm words and maintaining composure.
    “Imagine knowing exactly what to say, the moment you need to say it.” – Sam, (4:15).
    Hear communication expert Sam Horn discuss how to make a lasting impression and the essentials of connecting authentically and fostering meaningful relationships. 
    Sam is a renowned author and speaker known for her practical advice on engaging and inspiring people within the first minute of meeting them. Her insights are game-changers for anyone looking to elevate their communication skills personally and professionally.
    “Your introduction is your audition for attention. Make it count.” – Sam, (5:27).
    "How can we hit the ground running so that what we say is so interesting, so relevant, so actionable, that even the busiest, most skeptical people choose to give us their attention? " –  Sam (03:16).
    One of Sam's most striking points is about capturing your audience's attention within the first 60 seconds. She recounts assisting an entrepreneur in crafting an irresistible opening for a pitch to investors.
    “If people are preoccupied, they're not really paying attention. As soon as you say, imagine this; they're picturing your point. They're seeing what you're saying.” – Sam, (8:22).
    In this insightful but light-hearted episode, you'll learn to speak and engage, turning monologues into dialogues and fostering meaningful and memorable connections. Discover how to employ your personal experiences, like Sam’s journey of introspection and change following her divorce and a significant life simplification, to inspire others and refine your legacy and sense of purpose.
    “Helping people find solutions, not fault, turns conflicts into conversations.” – Sam, (12:03).
    “Every encounter is an opportunity to create a meaningful connection.” – Sam Horn, (22:15)
    Don’t miss this compelling episode with actionable advice on finding and sharing your purpose. Tune in now to unlock the secrets of communication that lead to real connections and discover how to engage any listener within the first minute!
    "Proactive grace is helping people find solutions, not fault. It's turning a conflict into a clarifying conversation.. – Sam"(32:48)
    In this episode:
    (0:36) – Introduction
    (2:38) – The power of storytelling
    (3:36) – How you can capture attention in the first 60 seconds 
    (5:23) –  The impact of raising your eyebrows 
    (7:20) – Three steps for crafting your compelling 60-second introduction
    (9:31) – Your 60-second introduction in casual settings
    (12:12) – How to create meaningful connections
    (16:04) – Replacing negative language with positive
    (19:06) – Beliefs and behaviors that sabotage your success
    (20:31) – Overcoming your self-doubt and procrastination
    (23:38) - The experience of overcoming a toxic divorce
    (24:59) – Taking a pause and living purposefully
    (28:01) – Finding clarity in life. Your purpose and legacy
    (30:48) –The concept of proactive grace for you
    (33:01) – The significance of your mission statement 
    Resources and Links 
    Weeks of Hope

    • 35 Min.

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