4 Min.

Powerful women across generations Dr. Simone’s Mind Space

    • Biowissenschaften

Female role models inside and outside the family are crucial, to develop a sense of nonchalance and self-evident attitude towards gender equality. Wise women of previous generations have insights and knowledge that is of great importance to pave the path for younger ones to dare to try and reach new territories, yet always remembering their save harbors. Having a strong woman in a previous generation, has impact on following generations of women within the family. A feeling of yes we can, if grandma could. This feeling is of great importance and one of the reasons for generations of strong women, within a single family.
Seeing other women accomplishing things outside the box, is empowering and inspiring. It further takes away lots of self-doubts and some of the pressure to conform. Women across the world have passed on their wisdom to younger generations. This tradition is of immense value, not only for young women themselves, but their families, and their entire societies. Strong women have shaped societies and cultures around the world. The more we keep these women in mind and strive to conquer new territories, the more we can achieve for future generations and present female selves. The more we live up to our strong female heritage, the less exposed we feel and the better we can shelled off the winds, blowing from all directions. Internalising the nonchalance of our great grandmothers fighting for rights, completely unimaginable. It show us how we can change the world to a more gender equal place. The rights and benefits our great grandmothers achieve, so often is neglected. We take many things for granted.  It’s important to keep fighting for freedom, not all women around the world have the responsibility rights they deserve to have.

Female role models inside and outside the family are crucial, to develop a sense of nonchalance and self-evident attitude towards gender equality. Wise women of previous generations have insights and knowledge that is of great importance to pave the path for younger ones to dare to try and reach new territories, yet always remembering their save harbors. Having a strong woman in a previous generation, has impact on following generations of women within the family. A feeling of yes we can, if grandma could. This feeling is of great importance and one of the reasons for generations of strong women, within a single family.
Seeing other women accomplishing things outside the box, is empowering and inspiring. It further takes away lots of self-doubts and some of the pressure to conform. Women across the world have passed on their wisdom to younger generations. This tradition is of immense value, not only for young women themselves, but their families, and their entire societies. Strong women have shaped societies and cultures around the world. The more we keep these women in mind and strive to conquer new territories, the more we can achieve for future generations and present female selves. The more we live up to our strong female heritage, the less exposed we feel and the better we can shelled off the winds, blowing from all directions. Internalising the nonchalance of our great grandmothers fighting for rights, completely unimaginable. It show us how we can change the world to a more gender equal place. The rights and benefits our great grandmothers achieve, so often is neglected. We take many things for granted.  It’s important to keep fighting for freedom, not all women around the world have the responsibility rights they deserve to have.

4 Min.