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Krisz Rokk AKA Strength In Business shares proven, actionable sales and marketing strategies to bulletproof your brand and generate long term consistent results. Discover how to increase your mental toughness, tap into the quantum and unlock your hidden potential in order to catapult your business.

Strength In Business Krisz Rokk

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Krisz Rokk AKA Strength In Business shares proven, actionable sales and marketing strategies to bulletproof your brand and generate long term consistent results. Discover how to increase your mental toughness, tap into the quantum and unlock your hidden potential in order to catapult your business.

    When Business Meets Fiction

    When Business Meets Fiction

    A couple of weeks ago I published my first fiction book. It’s been a magical adventure bar none. Although I’ve written several business books over the past two decades, creating the mystical and galactic pieces that are part of “Spiritual Harvest” has been a blast.

    What led me down this path? How is writing a fiction book different from publishing business-related insights?

    First things first. “Spiritual Harvest” is a collection of stories and poems inspired by the quantum. The book includes more than fifty exclusive pieces that haven’t been published elsewhere. For those of you who want to have a quick taste of my poems and short stories, I invite you to jump over to the decentralized Hive blockchain at @KriszRokk.

    As I mentioned in the intro of “Spiritual Harvest”, I wrote my first story at the age of 7. After that, my gift laid dormant for several decades until September 2022 when I crafted my first poem. Since then, I’ve written over 200 poems and short stories. Some of these creative pieces are included in the book. Others, such as the fiction series “The War on Sirius B” are waiting for a proper director to be turned into a movie or 3D video animation.

    Fiction vs. Non-Fiction

    What a beautiful and mystical ride it has been to put together all the creative pieces that are now part of Spiritual Harvest. It’s been a wonderful journey into the depths of my soul, a self-discovery trip par excellence. This book helped me remember who I am and reactivate many components of myself by connecting to my innate intelligence. I continue this path as it’s so rewarding thus pulling back the layers of the ego while enabling the trifecta brain, heart, and gut to stay balanced and in coherence.

    I witnessed a lot of similarities between the creation process of Spiritual Harvest and the German edition of my business book about podcasting, “Die Podcasting-Goldgrube” which became an Amazon best seller.

    It took me only five days to write the podcasting book but that’s not where the commonality lies, as it required several months to create the stories and poems that are included in my fiction book. The way I’ve written the podcasting book AKA the way the information flooded my senses which I now know happened by intuitively tapping into the quantum field, is where it’s at. I was the vessel for the information. I received a “massive download” for lack of better words.

    Writing the business books except the one mentioned previously, was more of a mechanical job. I would sit down and write from experience. It was a logical process guided almost entirely by the left brain. Today, I’d say it was more of a mental push strategy rather than letting the inner wisdom guide me. I wasn’t in a state of flow although my mind tricked me into thinking I was.

    Quite the opposite is true for the podcasting book and my newly released fiction book.

    I remember sitting down in front of my laptop at 8 AM and starting to type at my podcasting book. I would go on writing until 4 or 5 PM without breakfast or lunch. I would get up briefly to go to the bathroom and have a glass of water but that was about it. This writing pattern continued for five consecutive days after which my book was done. I was in awe as I could barely remember how everything came together.

    The Power of Stillness

    Some of us meditate, others practice yoga,

    • 11 Min.
    Rejected? So What?

    Rejected? So What?

    Your product or service was rejected? Was the answer to your proposal a resonating “no”? How about the deal you’ve put your heart and soul into didn’t close as expected? And what about your date that didn’t even bother to show up?

    If you’re playing this human game on Earth right now, chances are that you’ve been rejected at least once thus far. I don’t want to spoil the enthusiasm, but I’m convinced most of you reading this have learned to cope with rejection.

    Whereas some beautiful souls feed from rejection and have learned to transform this low-frequency vibration into something powerful, such as mental strength, emotional stability, and heightened awareness, others continue to suffer and deploy a variety of tools and strategies to alleviate the pain that surges from the word “no.”

    The Power of “NO”

    YES and NO are the most powerful words, aka spells, in the universe.

    When you innerstand (that’s not a typo!) on a cellular level what I’m about to share with you now, you can alchemize all the “NO’s” that come your way.

    YES and NO are the same thing. They reside at the end of the same spectrum. When we collapse the wave of “NO,” we get a “YES.”

    Therefore, the million-dollar question in this 3D reality is this:

    How do we collapse the wave? How do we turn a “NO” into a “YES”?

    Here’s my short and sweet answer to that:

    We do it by zeroing in on “push” and “pull”.

    Now, let me elaborate on the concept mentioned above:

    We live in a game of duality: Up, down. Left, right. Dark, light. Inside, outside.

    While most of the time, we find ourselves bouncing around from one extreme to the other, there are those magical times when things seem to flow easily and effortlessly. This happens when we’re in balance. The chatter in the mind slows down or dissipates entirely, and we start to attract things into our lives at a fast pace. Unfortunately, these moments only last briefly as we are thrown back into the craziness of everyday life, paddling against the tides.

    I’ve been in sales for as long as I can remember. As a child, I accompanied my grandmother to the local market, where we would sell seasonal vegetables and flowers. At this very young age, I was fortunate enough to experience first-hand the pros and cons of both push and pull strategies/techniques. Rarely would a customer show up who was a master of balancing the two.

    Later, when I joined the corporate world, I witnessed the push strategy being deployed to the utmost extremes, harming sales and profits and destroying business relationships. When I transitioned to the entrepreneurial realm, I expected a more careful approach to the push strategy and a better integration of pull methods. My expectations were partly met. Both realms excel at the ends of the spectrum, and there is little understanding of the importance of balancing the two.

    Operating from the Middle of the Infinity Loop

    The most spectacular results are accomplished when zeroing in, aka balancing both push and pull. This goes beyond business; it applies to sports, dating, and life in general.

    While push requires a lot of effort and willpower, it ultimately burns out the individual and the business in the long run. Pull is associated with magnetism and a clear intention of where one wants to go and take the business. A state of constant magnetism might seem desirable from the outside, but the act of “doing nothing” deprives the human mind, body, and soul of fully experiencing life on this beautiful blue planet.

    • 9 Min.
    Failing Doesn’t Mean You’re A Failure

    Failing Doesn’t Mean You’re A Failure

    I failed many times in the past and will continue to do so in the future. I’m addicted to failing fast, readjusting my approach, tweaking the strategy, and moving forward. Does this make you (if you do the same) or me a failure? NO!

    You must move out of the comfort zone bubble to grow and accomplish your dreams. The moment you do that, your rate of failure will increase exponentially. The trick is to fail quickly and learn from those failures. Another trick is to learn from other people’s failures.

    Will you repeat certain “mistakes” or “failures” (for lack of a better word) over and over again? Probably. I do it until my biological computer inside this physical avatar gets it on a deep subatomic level. The moment the cells integrate the information and lesson that comes with it accordingly, I will stop repeating the so-called “failure.”

    This is what people get entirely wrong. They associate failing with being a failure. And that my friends is very dangerous.

    Failing and Succeeding are on the Same Spectrum

    … more specifically, they are one and the same thing.

    What I just wrote is very difficult for the human mind to comprehend. In a world of duality and separation, it’s hard to bring across a concept based on unity.

    Good and bad, young and old, female and male, up and down, left and right, light and dark are all part of everything and, consequently, nothing. We thrive when we are one and struggle when fighting our perceived enemy in the mirror, which merely reflects who we are at the core.

    Let’s take this quantum physics law and apply it to business as it’s one of the most straightforward fields to dissect based on quantifiable metrics such as revenue, profits, company size, number of employees, etc.

    In business and entrepreneurship, we link success to money and failure to lack of it. Obviously, through the rise of social media networks, we added a few more “blurry” components and labels to success, such as influencers or number of followers, to add a couple; however, the main pillar remains money.

    Unless you inherited loads of money from a generational endeavor or married a wealthy fellow/lady, chances are you’ll fail your way to success and, if all goes well, to money and wealth.

    The following quote by Winston Churchill comes to mind:

    “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

    A Failure? Really? Come On, Wake Up

    You’re a Diving Spark, a beautiful soul, a quantum architect, and a powerful being.

    Stop associating failure with you.

    Stop believing all the narratives cleverly perpetrated throughout various mediums and networks. They are meant to keep you small. Their primary purpose is to make you drop into the low-vibrational frequency of fear so that you allow your precious energy and life force to be sucked out of you.

    Remember who you are. Know that you are amazing, a supersonic beacon of light with stellar capabilities.

    Step up to the game of business and life. Fail forward, fail fast, and get up. You’ve done this for billions of years. Trust your innate intelligence. Own your outcomes.


    Image by the blowup via Unsplash

    • 7 Min.
    Marketing is a Fancy Word for Test

    Marketing is a Fancy Word for Test

    Test, iterate, and retest. Testing the variables, and refining a product or service through repeated adjustment cycles is in essence marketing and this is what people get wrong.

    I’ve been operating in this space for more than two decades now and whenever I’m asked what precise code will unlock the treasure trove, I humbly reply with: “We’ll need to test it.”

    There is no recipe for success to be replicated 1:1 to achieve the same results. Variables differ across businesses, time, ecosystems, economies, etc. Everything is in a constant flow and therefore you’ll need to test what works best for you in that specific time frame.

    Yes, there are key ingredients to success that are the foundation aka the main pillars required to attain a certain outcome. Those should be included in the recipe. Apart from that, you’ll encounter a plethora of variables that add a specific flavor and a unique spice to what it is you’re offering.

    Indeed, success leaves clues, and there’s a lot of wisdom in adhering to core principles that enable you to mirror processes and fast-track the learning curve.

    However, testing will reveal the good and the bad to help you understand where you’re at.

    Get As Many “NO”’s As Possible Out of Way

    So then, what’s marketing all about?

    Here’s the non-academic and non-mainstream approach to marketing:

    * Test as many variables as you possibly can. Test them in sequence but also test groups of variables at once.

    * Adjust continuously. Be ferocious when it comes to improving your copywriting, the imagery, the color palette, etc.

    * Take ownership of testing results. This will catapult your ability to deal with rejection.

    * Test quickly. Don’t wing it. Communicate the steps to your team.

    * Use the feedback loop to improve.

    * Test again. And again. And again.

    * Build a marketing bouquet of “NO”s. Learn from the journey.

    * Sharpen your skills and acquire new ones.

    * Stay open-minded.

    * Be flexible.

    * Tweak your approach to testing aka marketing as you move along.

    This gives you a fair insight as to what blueprint my team and I follow when we embark on a new marketing adventure with a client.

    Here’s What Marketing Is NOT …

    Marketing is not your brand, story, tagline, website, or some fancy ad on Facebook.

    If we reverse-engineer the concept of marketing we end up with testing.

    Big retail companies continuously test the store layout. They even have a department in charge of this task; it’s the category managers. Ecomm shops always test their color palette, the position and size of the search icon, and how related products and bundles are displayed to ensure their marketing enhances and influences customer behavior.

    Furthermore, marketing works in tandem with sales. Those who understand the power of this lethal combination rarely think and design campaigns in silos.

    So, what’s it going to be? Will you adhere to the mainstream narrative of what marketing is supposed to be, or are you open to new perspectives that embrace the notion of marketing as a gigantic pool of testing?


    • 7 Min.
    The Opportunity is in the Uncertainty

    The Opportunity is in the Uncertainty

    In the world of entrepreneurship, uncertainty prevails. The journey is chaotic, full of traps and pitfalls thus adding a special flavor to the adventure while shaping the individual accordingly.

    Embarking on this journey, putting on the solopreneur or small business owner hat, requires resilience and a strong willingness to learn. While increasing mental stamina, knowing how to juggle with numbers (e.g. cash flow), and being a visionary and avid salesperson are key ingredients, there’s always room for someone to bring on the team to help you with most of the above.

    However, there is one component, you won’t be able to outsource and that’s your ability to deal with or better yet, embrace uncertainty.

    If I say to you, that you’ll have to learn to dance with uncertainty, you might laugh at me.

    But think about it:

    Can you predict your future?

    Yes, you can set time aside to strategize where you want to take your business.

    Obviously, it’s wise to have money parked in the business to grab an opportunity when it shows up or cover certain losses when they arise.

    Indeed, you can hire top people on the team to help you scale the business and increase your base line but at the end of the day, there’s always going to be a blind spot, a space I like to call mystical that will surprise you and take you to places you never thought existed.

    Therefore, instead of dwelling and torturing yourself with the notion of the unknown, rather giving in and embracing the magic of uncertainty is an interesting way of approaching challenges in business and life in general.

    Staying Open to the Marvelous World of All Possibilities

    We see and know so little about our business, life, and the universe, and yet we think we have it all under control. What a fallacy.

    Over the years, I’ve come to understand, appreciate, and value the importance of bouncing ideas back and forth with people who have a different perspective on business and life.

    Realizing that I can’t see the picture when I’m in the frame has opened my mind to a plethora of new, revolutionary insights. For example, a few weeks ago, I visited an exhibition on astrophotography and was struck by the concept of making sophisticated patterns look easy to grasp and for the mind to digest.

    We tend to over-complicate processes in business ending up mesmerized by the sheer amount of tasks that cripple our creativity and drain our most vital source of energy, our life force.

    Stress, frustration, anxiety, and similar low-vibration feelings hijack our consciousness thus urging us to avoid the unknown and run away from everything that is unfamiliar or might sprinkle a dust of uncertainty onto our well-shaped reality. We think that protecting our ‘Escape-land’ will somehow move us forward and bring us closer to our goals while the exact opposite happens.

    “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” – Tony Robbins

    We’ve heard this quote so often and despite being regurgitated all over the web, we continue to run after the first part of the equation which more often than not is associated with money and fame, disregarding the crucial second part.

    How well is numbing your senses working out for you?

    For well over a decade, I played the success roulette running around like a hamster convinced that climbing at the top of some random mountain would give me everything I always wanted, only to end up feeling empty.

    It was one of the most precious lessons I learned in ...

    • 9 Min.
    Juggling Boxes without Friction

    Juggling Boxes without Friction

    How many boxes can you juggle in life without burning out? Have you discovered the sweet spot that enables you to move swiftly and friction-free between your pots?

    Some boxes are more important than others. The core ones stay with us our whole lives whereas the seasonal ones will leave us at a certain stage aka cycle in life. The fundamental boxes are pretty much the same for all of us: health, love in the form of family, relationships and friendships, and career or business.

    Is there a main box? And if so, which one is it?

    Well, it’s the one that is with us from the first until the last breath we take. It’s the SELF box – not to be confused with the “shelf” box, although more often than not, we place ourselves last.

    And then, there are the seasonal boxes as I like to call them. Some of the most prevalent ones are the sports, hobbies, and passion boxes.

    Obviously, none of the boxes will ever be 100% pure; in the sense that you will have sports, passion, hobby, health, and love, for example, intertwined.

    Stacking or Juggling Boxes – What’s it going to be?

    Let me start by confessing that I’ve not figured this out for myself either. More so, I’m not over-analyzing or obsessing with it, as I think we’re here to experiment and try out as many things as possible.

    Recently, I published an article on the Hive blockchain where I shared some insights about the act of balancing my core boxes in life. I defined my three main pots as health, family/relationships/friendships, and business. Furthermore, I shared Baroness Karren Brady’s three boxes which are similar to mine, except that she has “self” instead of my “health” box.

    Yes, we can argue whether health is part of the “self” box and so forth, but that’s not the point of this topic. What I want to emphasize, is the importance of the following two aspects:

    1. Knowing your boxes

    2. Consciously choosing between boxes

    How often have you tried to multi-task and have gloriously failed at it?

    If the answer is “always”, you’re at least not lying to yourself.

    This is where the SELF box comes into play. Investing time into knowing ourselves is crucial. As we move along in life and things get thrown at us aka life happens, we need time to adjust to external factors. This enables us to navigate the stormy waters with a heightened consciousness, without destroying ourselves and those around us.

    Let’s tackle the terminology of “truth” in this context.

    We all define and perceive truth differently. There is no universal truth albeit there are physical laws that apply to our physical reality as well as quantum principles that govern higher dimensions.

    I’ve seen the concept of truth best play out in presentations and conversations. A couple of weeks ago I was part of an exercise where we had someone recite 20 words that were associated with going to bed at night. Funny enough, the word “bed” was never mentioned. Instead, words such as a pillow, dreams, snooze, alarm, night, etc. were enumerated.

    When asked what words were used, one-third of the audience said “bed”. And here’s the kicker: This very same third of the audience was convinced that the word “bed” was among the 20 words spoken out loud. Even when the words were played back from a recording some of them couldn’t deal with the fact that they were wrong.

    So, what’s the truth when we have such discrepancies when hearing a message?

    • 10 Min.


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Killditsch ,

Just Do It

Krisz Rokk is one of the most amazing people I know - I know, because I had the honor to coach her for one year. You have to take your business seriously and you need a marketing plan and you need an expert to keep you on track. Don't wast time - take action NOW.

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