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开口英‪语‬ 开口英语

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    • 3.8 • 11 个评分





    • 22 分钟


    145 Breakfast Improves Mental Sharpness If you are not in the habit of having breakfast, then you should start doing so. A recent study shows that not only is breakfast the most important meal of the day, but it is also important to eat it at the right time. The timing of breakfast may affect one's performance in school or at work. For instance, if children eat breakfast 30 minutes before school, they will probably do better than those who eat it two hours earlier. What you eat is also an important factor. If you eat sweet foods, they will probably improve your ability to think and remember. In brief, the study claims that they improve mental sharpness. If I were you, I would give it a try. After all, what's there to lose?

    • 56 秒


    147 Let Experience Be the Teacher It has often been said that there's no better teacher than experience. So how does a student of English learn the language through experience? Obviously, to "experience" English, you'll have to use it as often as possible. That is why more and more teachers use role plays, dramas and field trips to teach English. What you see, hear and feel will more likely stick in your mind than what you read in a book. Should you have the opportunity to take part in a school drama one day, you will probably try to memorize your lines to perfection. If you are anything of an actor, you will probably say your lines with emotion. In other words, you may "experience" the use of the language as it is really used in everyday life. So if I were you, I would let experience be the teacher.

    • 1 分钟


    148 what a Terrible Experience!Jeff is in a school play with his classmates. (C=classmate; J=Jeff) C: Hey, Jeff! What's the matter? J: I forgot my lines. C: If you forgot your lines, you should make something up. J: What should I say? C: Anything! If you don't say anything soon, you'll ruin the whole play. J: OK. OK...(to the audience) I love you!(laughter) C: You're an idiot! What on earth was that about? J: I think I'm gonna faint. C: Don't. If you do, that will be the end of the play. J: Good!(to the audience) Goodbye! (He faints.)

    • 44 秒


    146 Doing It in the Pants Donald is in class. He raises his hand to get the teacher's attention again. (T=teacher; D=Donald) T: Yes, Donald. What do you want? D: Excuse me, sir. May I go to the washroom? T: But this is the third time in half an hour. D: I know. But my mother made me eat a big breakfast this morning. T: Why? D: She said that if I eat a big breakfast, I will do better in my schoolwork. T: But if you go to the toilet every ten minutes, you won't be able to do any work. D: Uh... but if I don't go now, I'll do it in my pants. T: Well, I guess if you've got to go, you've got to go.

    • 52 秒


    144 Go for It Vicky is talking to her teacher about her English. (V=Vicky; T=teacher) V: How can I improve my English, sir? T: Well, the more you read, the better you'll write. V: And what about my spoken English? T: Practice makes perfect. Speak English whenever you have the chance. V: But I don't get many opportunities to speak English. T: Remember: You'll have to create opportunities yourself. V: What do you mean by that? T: You can't sit on your behind and hope that good things will come to you. You've got to go for it. V: I see what you mean. T: Good. Now go and put what you have learnt into practice.

    • 44 秒


3.8(满分 5 分)
11 个评分

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