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    第2216期:Was an extinct fox once man's best friend?

    第2216期:Was an extinct fox once man's best friend?

    The fox was about the size of a German shepherd dog and lived across much of South America, only going extinct a few hundred years ago. A near-complete skeleton of the animal was found in a human grave dating back to 1,500 years ago.
    这种狐狸和德国牧羊犬差不多大,曾生活在南美洲的大部分地区,直到几百年前才灭绝。考古人员在一座距今 1500 年前的人类坟墓中发现了一副近乎完整的该动物骨架。
    The study, by researchers at the University of Oxford, shows the fox ate a similar diet to ancient hunter gatherers, suggesting it lived alongside them and might have been a highly valued pet or companion animal.
    There have been other finds of fox teeth in the area, which adds to the evidence that foxes were highly revered by our ancestors and may have formed a strong bond with humans long before domestic dogs came along.
    German shepherd 德国牧羊犬extinct 灭绝的,绝种的dating back 追溯到,距今(时间)hunter gatherers 狩猎采集者highly valued 高度重视,认为非常有价值的finds 发现,考古发现revered 受尊重的,可敬的ancestors 祖先strong bond 牢固的纽带domestic 家养的,家庭的

    • 41 秒
    第2215期:Why is lab-grown meat expensive?

    第2215期:Why is lab-grown meat expensive?

    Imagine a future where we can tuck into meat, but no animals have been sacrificed in the process. 16% of the UK population enjoy a meat-free diet, according to statistics website Finder.com. It seems there is an appeal in lab-grown meat as an alternative to traditional meat consumption. But, despite years of anticipation, this futuristic food is still not on our plates. Why?
    想象一下,未来我们可以吃肉,但在此过程中不会牺牲任何动物。 根据统计网站 Finder.com 的数据,16% 的英国人口享受无肉饮食。 实验室培育的肉类作为传统肉类消费的替代品似乎很有吸引力。 但是,尽管人们期待了多年,这种未来派食物仍然没有出现在我们的餐桌上。 为什么?
    One of the biggest reasons is cost. The first ever lab-grown hamburger was unveiled in 2013 by Dutch scientist Mark Post. It was created from beef cells and cost more than $300,000. Lab-grown meat production stretches from thousands to hundreds of thousands of US dollars per ounce – that's the weight of about two chicken nuggets. This expense is partly due to the cost of raw materials that 'feed' the cells – a combination of sugar, proteins and other nutrients are added to the cells.
    最大的原因之一是成本。 荷兰科学家马克·波斯特 (Mark Post) 于 2013 年推出了第一个实验室培育的汉堡包。 它是用牛肉细胞制成的,成本超过 30 万美元。 实验室培育的肉类产量从每盎司数千美元到数十万美元不等——大约相当于两个鸡块的重量。 这笔费用部分归因于“喂养”细胞的原材料成本——添加到细胞中的糖、蛋白质和其他营养物质的组合。
    In 2023, US-based company Upside Foods received approval from the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration to start selling lab-grown meat. In order to do this, the company has had to take on significant economic losses so that they can price it fairly compared to traditional meat. An investor in Upside Food, Lisa Feria, told Forbes magazine "Profitability is very much years off because the biggest challenge ahead of them is can we make it at millions of tons a year and ultimately remotely compete with conventional meat".
    2023 年,美国公司 Upside Foods 获得美国农业部和食品药品管理局的批准,开始销售实验室培育的肉类。 为了做到这一点,该公司不得不承担巨大的经济损失,以便与传统肉类相比能够公平定价。 Upside Food 的投资者丽莎·费里亚 (Lisa Feria) 告诉《福布斯》杂志,“盈利还需要很多年的时间,因为他们面临的最大挑战是我们能否每年生产数百万吨,并最终与传统肉类进行远程竞争”。
    There are also environmental costs. A 2023 study by the University of California found that the process of producing lab-grown meat could have a four to 25 times higher impact on global warming than beef, which is generally the highest-polluting meat. This is mostly because of the emissions needed to create 'feed'.
    还有环境成本。 加州大学 2023 年的一项研究发现,实验室培育肉类的生产过程对全球变暖的影响可能比牛肉高 4 到 25 倍,而牛肉通常是污染最严重的肉类。 这主要是因为制造“饲料”所需的排放。
    So, it seems unlikely that we'll be eating lab-grown meat just yet, and we possibly never will. 
    tuck into 尽情吃meat-free 无肉的diet (日常)饮食lab-grown 实验室培育的traditional 传统的consumption 食用,消耗plate 餐盘hamburger 汉堡包beef cell 牛肉细胞production 生产ounce (重量单位)盎司;1盎司约等于28克chicken nugget 炸鸡肉raw material 原材料feed 给…提供养分conventional 普通的highest-polluting 最毁坏环境的

    • 2 分钟
    第2214期:How to Protect Your Car from Being Stolen

    第2214期:How to Protect Your Car from Being Stolen

    Most recent cars have an electronic key that lets the owner get into and start the car. 
    The electronic key is called a “fob” to those who know about the technology. The fob sends a short-range signal to the car. As the owner gets close, the fob unlocks the door. 
    对于了解该技术的人来说,电子钥匙被称为“遥控钥匙”。 遥控钥匙向汽车发送短程信号。 当主人靠近时,遥控钥匙就会打开门。 
    But the new technology also makes it easier for criminals to open the car without the key. 
    When you lock your car and take the key with you inside your home, the fob does not stop sending its signal. 
    Thieves, who have special equipment known as scanners, will pass by streets with a lot of cars. If the scanner shows that a fob is sending a signal, the thieves use a device that clones the signal and opens the car doors. 
    拥有被称为扫描仪的特殊设备的窃贼会经过有很多汽车的街道。 如果扫描仪显示密钥正在发送信号,窃贼就会使用克隆信号的设备并打开车门。 
    Government officials around the world have asked carmakers to warn car buyers of the risks of the new technology. They also have asked them to make the fobs more secure. 
    世界各地的政府官员已要求汽车制造商警告汽车购买者新技术的风险。 他们还要求他们让密钥更加安全。 
    Until then, what can you do to prevent your car from being stolen? 
    Steve Launchbury has some suggestions he shared with the Associated Press. He is the head engineer of automotive security company Thatcham Research based in Britain. 
    史蒂夫·朗伯里 (Steve Launchbury) 向美联社分享了一些建议。 他是英国汽车安全公司 Thatcham Research 的首席工程师。
    “It’s relatively easy for drivers to protect themselves,” he said. 
    The first tip is to put your key into a protective container or bag when you get home. One kind is called a Faraday bag. They are not very costly. The bag is made from a special metal material called mesh that blocks the signal from the fob. Just do not forget to put any extra keys you have into that bag, too. 
    第一个建议是回家后将钥匙放入保护容器或袋子中。 一种称为法拉第袋。 它们的成本不是很高。 该包由一种称为网状的特殊金属材料制成,可阻挡来自遥控钥匙的信号。 只是不要忘记将多余的钥匙也放入包中。 
    Some advice that is easy to find online says people should put their keys into the microwave or freezer to prevent their signal from being stolen. Launchbury said that does not work and it could harm your key. 
    一些很容易在网上找到的建议称,人们应该将钥匙放入微波炉或冰箱中,以防止信号被盗。 Launchbury 表示这不起作用,而且可能会损坏您的密钥。
    You may have seen large locks that go across the steering wheel in television advertisements many years ago. It turns out they are still useful. They may be considered “old school,” but the presence of big locks that are easy to see makes car thieves turn away. The only problem is that you must take extra time to unlock the device and put it away before you can drive away. 
    许多年前,您可能在电视广告中看到过横跨方向盘的大锁。 事实证明它们仍然有用。 它们可能被认为是“老派”,但很容易看到的大锁的存在让偷车贼望而却步。 唯一的问题是,你必须花费额外的时间来解锁设备并将其收起来,然后才能开车离开。
    Some car makers permit owners to deactivate the si

    • 4 分钟
    第2213期:Study Explores History of Cockroaches

    第2213期:Study Explores History of Cockroaches

    They are six-legged, hairy home invaders that will not die, no matter how hard you try. 
    Cockroaches are experts at surviving indoors. But they did not start out that way. 
    蟑螂是室内生存的专家。 但他们一开始并不是这样的。 
    A recent study uses genetics to examine cockroaches’ spread across the world, from beginnings in southeast Asia to Europe and beyond. The findings cover thousands of years of cockroach history and suggest the pests may have spread across the world by getting a ride with another species: people. 
    最近的一项研究利用遗传学来研究蟑螂在世界范围内的传播情况,从最初的东南亚到欧洲及其他地区。 这些发现涵盖了蟑螂数千年的历史,并表明这种害虫可能是通过与另一个物种(人类)搭便车而传播到世界各地的。 
    “It’s not just an insect story...It’s an insect and humanity story,” said Stephen Richards of Baylor College of Medicine. Richards was not involved with the study.
    “这不仅仅是一个昆虫的故事......这是一个昆虫和人类的故事,”贝勒医学院的斯蒂芬·理查兹说。 理查兹没有参与这项研究。 
    Researchers studied the genes of over 280 cockroaches from 17 countries and six continents. They confirmed that the German cockroach — a species found worldwide — has its beginnings in southeast Asia. The creature likely evolved from the Asian cockroach around 2,100 years ago. Scientists have long suspected the German cockroach’s Asian beginnings since similar species still live there. 
    研究人员研究了来自六大洲 17 个国家的 280 多种蟑螂的基因。 他们证实德国小蠊——一种在世界范围内发现的物种——起源于东南亚。 这种生物很可能是在大约 2100 年前从亚洲蟑螂进化而来的。 科学家们长期以来一直怀疑德国小蠊起源于亚洲,因为类似的物种仍然生活在那里。
    The research appeared recently in the publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 
    The cockroaches then spread around the world on two major paths. They traveled west to the Middle East about 1,200 years ago, perhaps living in soldiers’ food storage containers. And they may have gotten on Dutch and British East India Company trade ships to get to Europe about 270 years ago, the scientists’ findings suggest. 
    然后蟑螂通过两条主要路径传播到世界各地。 大约 1200 年前,他们向西来到中东,可能住在士兵的食物储存容器里。 科学家的研究结果表明,他们可能在大约 270 年前搭乘荷兰和英国东印度公司的商船到达欧洲。 
    Once the creatures arrived in Europe, inventions like the steam engine and indoor plumbing likely helped the insects travel further and get used to living indoors, where they are most commonly found today. 
    Researchers said exploring how cockroaches conquered past environments may lead to better pest control. 
    Modern-day cockroaches are tough to keep away because they evolve quickly to resist pesticides, said the study’s writer Qian Tang of Harvard University. 

    • 3 分钟
    第2212期:Researchers in Australia Develop a Water Harvester

    第2212期:Researchers in Australia Develop a Water Harvester

    Researchers in Australia recently announced the launch of a new device that, they say, absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water.
    Researchers at the University of Newcastle call the device the Hydro Harvester. They said it can produce up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, adding that it could be “lifesaving during drought or emergencies.” 
    纽卡斯尔大学的研究人员将该设备称为“水力收割机”。 他们表示,它每天可以生产多达 1,000 升饮用水,并补充说,它可以“在干旱或紧急情况下挽救生命”。 
    The Australian team said that unlike other atmospheric water generators, their invention works by heating air instead of cooling it. 
    The device absorbs water from the atmosphere. Solar energy or heat from other industrial processes can be used to produce hot, wet air. After heating, the air cools, producing water for drinking or watering crops. 
    该装置从大气中吸收水分。 太阳能或其他工业过程产生的热量可用于生产热湿空气。 加热后,空气冷却,产生用于饮用或浇灌农作物的水。 
    Behdad Moghtaderi of the University of Newcastle’s Centre for Innovative Energy Technologies told VOA how the technology operates. 
    纽卡斯尔大学创新能源技术中心的贝达德·莫塔德里 (Behdad Moghtaderi) 向美国之音介绍了该技术的运作方式。 
    “Hydro Harvester uses an absorbing material to absorb and dissolve moisture from air. So…we use renewable energy..." Moghtaderi said. He added, "When you condense water contained in that air you would have the drinking water at your disposal.” 
    “水力收割机使用吸收材料来吸收和溶解空气中的水分。 所以……我们使用可再生能源……”莫格塔德里说。他补充说,“当你冷凝空气中的水时,你就可以使用饮用水了。” 
    The researchers say the device can produce enough drinking water each day for a small rural town of up to 400 people. It could also help farmers keep livestock alive during droughts.
    研究人员表示,该设备每天可以为一个最多 400 人的乡村小镇生产足够的饮用水。 它还可以帮助农民在干旱期间保持牲畜的生存。 
    Moghtaderi said the technology could be used in parts of the world where water is limited. 
    Researchers thought their device would be useful because Australia’s climate is dry. 
    "More than 2 billion people around the world, they are in a similar situation where they do not have access to…high-quality water and they deal with water scarcity,” Moghtaderi said 
    “全世界有超过 20 亿人面临着类似的情况,他们无法获得……高质量的水,并且面临着水资源短缺的问题,”Moghtaderi 说 
    Studies of the technology will be done in several Australian communities this year. 
    The World Economic Forum (WEF), a nonprofit group based in Switzerland, says water scarcity continues to be a problem worldwide 
    总部位于瑞士的非营利组织世界经济论坛 (WEF) 表示,水资源短缺仍然是世界范围内的一个问题 
    The WEF said getting water from the atmosphere is a “promising emergency solution that can immediately generate drinkable water using moisture in the air.” 
    However, the group warns that the technology is costly. It estimat

    • 3 分钟
    第2211期:Study Reveals History, Travels of Baobab Tree

    第2211期:Study Reveals History, Travels of Baobab Tree

    The baobab tree is a special thing to see. During the dry season, its leafless branches look like roots coming from a thick trunk. It appears as if someone took a tree from the ground, flipped it on its head and put it back into the earth. 
    猴面包树是一处特别值得一看的东西。 在旱季,它光秃秃的树枝看起来就像从粗大的树干上长出来的根。 看起来就像有人从地上取下一棵树,将其翻转,然后将其放回土中。 
    That is why the tree is sometimes called the "upside down tree." 
    Baobab trees grow in Madagascar, mainland Africa and Australia. The origins and history of the baobab have been something of a mystery. But a new study that looked at all eight recognized species helps tell the baobab's story. 
    猴面包树生长在马达加斯加、非洲大陆和澳大利亚。 猴面包树的起源和历史一直是个谜。 但一项针对所有八种已识别物种的新研究有助于讲述猴面包树的故事。 
    The baobab originated in Madagascar about 21 million years ago. It reached the African continent and Australia sometime in the past 12 million years, researchers found. Madagascar, an island off Africa's southeastern coast, has a large ecosystem. It is home to many kinds of plants. 
    猴面包树起源于大约 2100 万年前的马达加斯加。 研究人员发现,它在过去 1200 万年的某个时候到达了非洲大陆和澳大利亚。 马达加斯加是非洲东南沿海的一个岛屿,拥有庞大的生态系统。 它是多种植物的家园。 
    Two baobab lineages went extinct in Madagascar. But the lineages established themselves elsewhere, one in mainland Africa and one in Australia, the study showed. 
    马达加斯加的两个猴面包树谱系灭绝了。 但研究显示,这些谱系在其他地方建立起来,一个在非洲大陆,一个在澳大利亚。 
    It appears that baobab seed pods floated from Madagascar to mainland Africa, located about 400 kilometers to the west. The seeds also traveled to Australia, nearly 7,000 kilometers to the east. 
    看来,猴面包树的种子荚是从马达加斯加飘到了以西约 400 公里处的非洲大陆。 这些种子还到达了以东近7000公里的澳大利亚。
    "The plants almost certainly got to Africa and Australia floating on or with vegetation rafts," said plant expert Tao Wan of the Wuhan Botanical Garden in China. He is one of the writers of the study, which appeared recently in the publication Nature. 
    中国武汉植物园的植物专家陶万说:“这些植物几乎肯定是漂浮在植被筏上或随植筏一起到达非洲和澳大利亚的。” 他是该研究的作者之一,该研究最近发表在《自然》杂志上。
    Wan added that the seeds were able to travel to Australia because of the Indian Ocean gyre, an oceanic current. 
    Baobab trees provide food, shelter and nesting places for wildlife, including bees, birds and various mammals. Their fruits also provide important nutrients and medicines for people. Baobab leaves can be eaten, too. 
    猴面包树为蜜蜂、鸟类和各种哺乳动物等野生动物提供食物、庇护所和筑巢地。 它们的果实还为人们提供重要的营养物质和药物。 猴面包树的叶子也可以吃。
    The trees produce large, sweet-smelling flowers. Their sugary nectar appeals to nighttime pollinators like fruit bats and hawk moths. Their flowers also attract two kinds of primates -- lemurs in Madagascar and bush babies in Africa. 
    这些树会开出大而芳香的花朵。 它们含糖的花蜜吸引了果蝠和天蛾等夜间传粉者。 它们的花还吸引了两种灵长类动物——马达加斯加的狐猴和非洲的丛林宝宝。 
    Ilia Leitch is a plant geneticist at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in London. He is also a study co-w

    • 3 分钟


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