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Andy漫谈《老友记 》Season 4 Andy的美语世界

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    Friends S4E23-24:轻而易举坐地铁 严加拷问会妥协

    Friends S4E23-24:轻而易举坐地铁 严加拷问会妥协

    1. ignore 忽视 
    Joey 初到伦敦兴奋不已,对Chandler喊:Do something! Chandlerh回答:I am . I am ignoring you!
    Ignore 是主观的忽视,视而不见。
    Neglect 是忽略,客观的忽视

    Joey: Come on! Do something!
    Chandler: I am, I’m ignoring you.
    2. hands down 轻而易举 
    All right! Westminster Abbey! Hands down, best Abbey I’ve ever seen. 
    hands down 本意是把手放下,这里指轻而易举的,毫不费力的。
    I won the game hands down

    3. crabby 易怒的 
    另外Joey说Chandler是Westminster Crabby. 
    crabby 易怒的,脾气不好的
    Joey: All right! Westminster Abbey! Hands down, best Abbey I’ve ever seen. Hey! Okay. What do you think of the Abbey, Chandler?
    Chandler: I think it’s great. It’s great. Y’know, they’re thinking of changing the name of this place.
    Joey: Really? To what?
    Chandler: To Put the Camera Away!!!
    Joey: Man, you are Westminster Crabby. 
    4. 大牌客串:约克公爵夫人Sarah Ferguson 
    大牌客串:这次不是大明星,而是英国约克公爵夫人Sarah Ferguson.贵为王室同样为《老友记》痴迷,在探班的时候应邀客串扮演她自己,成为本集一大亮点。
    dashing = fashionable 时髦的,华丽的

    dashing eyebrows 剑眉

    Joey: (on tape) Okay, so say hi to my friend and tell him that you like the hat.
    Fergie: (Yep, Sarah, the Duchess of York) Okay, so umm, what’s your friend’s name?
    Joey: (on tape) Oh, Chandler.
    Fergie: Hi Chandler! (Waves)
    Chandler: That’s… That’s was…
    Monica: Oh my God!
    Joey: That’s Fergie baby!!
    Fergie: Joey says you don’t really like his hat, but I think it’s kinda dashing.
    Chandler: How did you? How? How?
    Joey: Well, I was trying to figure out how to get to Buckingham Palace, right? So, I’m in my map and-and…(Ross enters) Hey!
    5. chippy 随便的女子 
    Yeah, I love you too, Rach. Forget that British chippy.
    chippy 本意是花栗鼠和卖fish and chips的店,北美用法,比较随便的女性。菲比说Emily 是British chippy

    Phoebe: I—Rachel, you can’t go! Ross loves Emily!
    Rachel: Yeah, I know, I know, I know he does. But I have to tell him how I feel! He deserves to have all the information and then he can make an informed decision.
    Phoebe: That’s not why you’re going! You’re going because you hope he’s gonna say, "Yeah, I love you too, Rach. Forget that British chippy."
    Rachel: Ohh—Do you think he will?!
    Phoebe: No! Because he’s in love with the British chippy! Look, Rachel, if you go, you’re just gonna mess with his head and ruin his wedding! Y’know, it’s too late! You missed you’re chance! I’m sorry, I know this must be really hard, it’s over.
    Rachel: Y’know what? No. It’s not over until someone says, "I do." (Exits)
    Phoebe: I do! I do! I do! 
    6. tube 地铁(英式英语) 
    英国人把地铁叫tube 美国人叫 subway. Ross的母亲说ride the tube意思是搭地铁。

    Monica: Hey.
    Ross: Hi. Mom. Dad.
    Mrs. Geller: Sweetheart. Oh sorry were late, my fault, I insisted on riding the tube.
    Mr. Geller: (embarrassed) Judy, the kids..
    Mrs. Geller: Jack, that’s what they call the subway.
    Mr. Geller: Ohh, I thought that you....
    Ross and Monica: Dad, dad. We got it!! We Got It!!!
    7. 大牌客串:hugh Laurie 
    大牌客串:Hugh Laurie 此君在1998年不算大牌,连个小牌也算不上,可是近年来却是家喻户晓。他出演的《豪斯医生》成为了热门美剧,他自然也就成了大牌明星。每次看到这里我都能想起周星驰在《射雕英雄传》里的情景。

    Passenger: Oh, oh oh!! I’m sorry, can I interrupt? You know I just want to say..That you are a horrible, horrible person.

    • 8 分钟
    Friends S04E22:迎婴聚会要放松 急躁开心像炮轰

    Friends S04E22:迎婴聚会要放松 急躁开心像炮轰

    1. baby shower 迎婴聚会 
    听到Joey他们要为Ross举办Bachelor Party 告别单身的派对,Monica她们就说要给Phoebe办Baby shower. 
    baby shower 美国的迎婴聚会。在婴儿预产期的前一两个月内,准妈妈的女性好友将准妈妈的女朋友们、女同事们、女亲戚们召集起来,共同把祝福、忠告、礼物连同幽默洒向准妈妈,为的是帮助她做好物质和精神上的双重准备

    Joey: Oh, it’s Ross’s bachelor party.
    Monica: Sooo?
    Joey: Are you bachelors?
    Monica: Nooo!
    Joey: Are you strippers?
    Rachel: Nooo!
    Joey: Then you’re not invited. (Starts for the door again.)
    Rachel: All right fine! You’re not invited to the party we’re gonna have either.
    Joey: Oh-whoa, what party?
    Rachel: Well umm…
    Monica: The baby shower for Phoebe!
    Joey: Baby shower. Wow! That sounds sooo like something I don’t want to do! Later! (Finally, he makes his exit.)
    2. keep it mellow 放松些,把事办稳重 
    Ross不想让Joey把Bachelor party安排地太疯狂于是说keep it on the mellow side
    keep it on the mellow side 在口语里也用作keep it mellow. 把某事办的稳重些,放松些。

    Chandler: (entering) Hey guys, what are you doing?
    Ross: Oh, just planning my bachelor party with my best man.
    Chandler: Yeah, well, good luck trying to top the last one.
    Ross: Yeah, see, I don’t think it’s gonna that difficult considering this one won’t be taking place in the basement of a Pizza Hut.
    Chandler: Oh, I’m Ross. I’m Ross. I’m too good for the Hut; I’m too good for the Hut.
    Ross: Look, I gotta go pick up Ben. Everything so far sounds great Joey, just remember to keep it on the mellow side, okay? Just a couple of guys hanging out playing poker, no-no strippers or anything okay?
    Joey: You got it.
    Ross: Okay, see ya later.
    3. edgy 急躁 
    Phoebe在baby shower后的第二天向朋友们道歉说自己 a tad edgy. Tad 这里指 a little。

    Phoebe: Hi, guys.
    Rachel: Hi! Phoebe. (Both Monica and her try to move out of Phoebe’s way.)
    Monica: Hi Phoebe.
    Phoebe: I-I wanted to apologise if I—y’know seemed a tad edgy yesterday at my shower. Y’know it’s just the hormones, y’know.
    Rachel: No we…
    Monica: Hormones.
    Rachel: …hormones, yeah.
    Phoebe: Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, it was just, it was so sweet. (She goes to hug them and they both flinch, thinking that Phoebe is about to attack them.)
    4. have a blast 玩儿的开心 
    Ross说bachelor party很成功大家都had a blast.
    blast 本意是疾风,爆炸。Have a blast = have a great time 玩儿的开心

    Ross: (entering) Hey guys!
    Chandler: Hey!
    Joey: Hey…
    Ross: I just wanted to thank you again for last night, what a great party! And the guys from work had a blast. Y’know, one of them had never been to a bachelor party before. Yeah! And-and another one had never been to a party before, so…
    Joey: So uh, hey, that uh, that wedding ring, huh? Man, that’s nice!
    Ross: Yeah, right!
    5. Hardy Boyz 哈迪兄弟 
    Stripper对Ross,Joey和Chandler说;who are you, the Hardy Boyz? 
    Hardy Boyz哈迪兄弟,是90年代美国WWF, 职业摔跤大赛的冠军。因为他们的动作危险性大,所以一战成名。现在都因为毒品被禁赛了。

    The Stripper: What’s he talking about?
    Joey: There was a ring, in a box, on my nightstand, after you left, it was gone!
    The Stripper: Wait, you guys think I stole some ring?
    The Guys: Yeah!
    Ross: We know you took so just-just save yourself the time and confess!
    The Stripper: Okay, who are you? The Hardy boys? Look, I don’t need to steal some stupid ring, all right? I make $1,600 a week doing what I do; any of you guys make that?
    Chandler: Marry me. (Both Ross and Chandler hit him.)

    • 5 分钟
    Friends S04E21:格雷伯爵要分娩 虎胆龙威太突然

    Friends S04E21:格雷伯爵要分娩 虎胆龙威太突然

    1. all of sudden 突然 
    It seems like all of a sudden; so much has happened.
    all of a sudden着重于动作的迅猛程度,也就是“刹那之间”、“一眨样的功夫”或“千钧一发”
    all of a sudden 有时可以和suddenly互换,但还是有细微差别,suddenly着重于动作在没有预兆而突然发生,也就是“意料之外地”
    Family values are suddenly the name of the game. 家庭价值观突然变得重要起来。
    All of sudden he was attacked by a robber. 突然他遭到一个强盗的袭击. 
    说到这两个短语还有一个关于文豪海明威的小故事。海明威写作风格是能用两个字说清楚的,坚决不用三个字,砍掉所有无谓的形容词副词,他的儿子一次故意试探他父亲,将屠格涅夫的一篇短篇(当然是翻成英语的)稍稍修改以后,谎称是自己的作品,让父亲看看,海明威看了后,说:“大体上写的不错,不过这个 all of a sudden可以改成suddenly,这样会更好”而原文恰恰就是suddenly,只是儿子故意改成了all of a sudden可见海明威文笔之洗练。

    Chandler: Y’know what? It seems like all of a sudden; so much has happened.
    Joey: I know. Ross is getting married.
    Chandler: Phoebe is, making people.
    Joey: Everybody’s doing stuff!
    2. die hard 难以消除,根深蒂固 
    Chanlder和Joey决定要干一番大事,想到去攀登Everest(珠穆朗玛峰),后来决定放弃,不如在家看Die Hard. 
    Die Hard 好莱坞著名动作系列电影,中文翻译《虎胆龙威》,由动作影星Bruce Willis主演,一共拍了五部。后来Bruce Willis也客串过老友记。
    die hard 这个短语的意思是难改掉; 难消减; 顽固到底; 根深蒂固;
    The prejudice dies hard. 偏见很难消除

    Joey: And while we’re down at the video store, you know what else we could rent? Die Hard! (Chandler’s excited.) Oh, y’know what? I just remembered, that Everest thing is only available through mail order.
    Chandler: (dejected) Oh, well…
    Phoebe: So you guys’ll stay here and hang out with me?
    Chandler: Yeeeeahhhh.
    Joey: Yeah. Yeah.
    Chandler: But I’ll tell you something. One of these days we’re get off of our buts and rent Die Hard again!
    Joey: Yeah we are!
    3. never do sth in a million years 绝不会做某事 
    he’d never fly to London in a million years
    never do sth in a million years 绝对不会

    Emily: So what did he decide? Does your Uncle Nathan get an invite or not?
    Ross: Ohh, God, nobody likes him, and he’s so cheap, he’d never fly to London in a million years. Yeah, invite him? 
    4. Eeal Greay 格雷伯爵茶 
    Emily问Ross要不要喝Earl Grey, 分神的Ross以为是问要不要邀请这个人,随口说invite him too. 
    Earl Grey 英国茶叶品牌 著名的格雷伯爵。是以中国正山小种或锡兰红茶等优质红茶为基茶,加入佛手柑油的一种调味茶。格雷伯爵茶是当今世界最流行的红茶调味茶,也是「英式下午茶」的最经典饮品。

    Ross: Wait-wait-wait, do you, do you think, maybe we shouldn’t invite her?
    Emily: Oh, no-no, y’know I absolutely adore Rachel it’s just that, well it might be a awkward for you. But it’s absolutely your decision. (Gets up.) More tea?
    Ross: Yeah sure.
    Emily: Earl Grey?
    Ross: Huh? Yeah, fine, invite whoever you want.
    5. go into labour 分娩 
    Rachel决定不去Ross的婚礼,给自己找了一个借口就是照顾即将分娩的Phoebe. 她说
     Y’know she’s gonna be pretty big by then, and she needs someone to help her tie her shoes; drive her to the hospital in case she goes into labour.
    go into labour 分娩,这是一个委婉语,例如怀孕的委婉语就是 in her family way

    Monica: (seeing the decision) Nooooo. You’re really not going?
    Rachel: Yeah. It

    • 9 分钟
    Friends S04E20: 没话找话走正轨 将来肯定被拆毁

    Friends S04E20: 没话找话走正轨 将来肯定被拆毁

    1. fill the silence 没话找话 
    Gunther给Chandler倒咖啡时,Chandler试图寒暄打破尴尬,Gunther对Chandler说 You don’t need to fill these silences. 
    fill the silence 把沉默填满,意思是没话找话
    Chandler: Gunther, can I get another cup of coffee, please? (Gunther starts to pour him another cup.) So uh, what do you do when you’re not working here?
    Gunther: You don’t need to fill these silences.
    Chandler: Oh, okay, thanks. 
    2. rush into sth 匆忙做某事 
    rush into sth 匆忙做某事。
    Rachel说Ross , rush into the marriage.
    Rachel: Come on! They rushed into this thing so fast it’s ridiculous! I mean, they’re gonna be engaged for like what? A year? And somewhere along the way, one of them is gonna realise what they’ve done and they’re call the whole thing off. I’m telling ya, you’re gonna be dancing at my wedding before you’re dancing at there’s.
    Chandler: Yeah, well, I don’t dance at weddings.
    Rachel: Why not?
    Chandler: Because weddings are a great place to meet women, and when I dance, I look like this… (Starts to dancing really, really, really badly. Ross enters behind him and he stops.)
    3. be torn down 被拆毁 
    be torn down 被拆毁
    be torn apart 被撕碎

    Ross: Great! Because Emily and I are getting married in a month!
    Joey and Chandler: What?!
    Ross: Yep!
    Rachel: In a month?
    Ross: Yeah!
    Rachel: You mean, you mean 30 days?
    Ross: Yeah.
    Rachel: From now?
    Ross: Yeah.
    Rachel: Well, that’s great.
    Ross: Yeah! Yeah, Emily always wanted to get married in this beautiful place that her parents got married, but it’s going to be torn down, so… I mean, I-I know it’s crazy, but everything up ‘til now has been so crazy, and I don’t know, this just feels right. Y’know?
    4. on the right track 走上正路 
    受到Ross结婚的刺激,Rachel也想向男友逼婚,所以她大加赞赏了一下两人的关系,其中说到两人on the right track.
    on the right track 做对了,走上正路

    Rachel: Yeah! (She sits down) Sit!
    Joshua: (sitting) You okay?
    Rachel: I’m more than okay, I am really, really happy! Wanna know why?
    Joshua: Do I?
    Rachel: ‘Cause I am really happy about us. I think we are, I think we are so on the right track! Y’know? I mean, I think we are working, I think we are clicking. Y’know?
    Joshua: Yeah, sure-sure, yeah, we’re-we’re-we’re-we’re-we’re clicking.
    5. sad 可悲 
    Monica和Phoebe穿上婚纱自娱自乐后说We are really sad.
    这里sad等于pathetic 可悲的
    Monica: Okay, ready?
    Phoebe: Yeah.
    Monica: Okay.
    (She turns around and throws the bouquet to Phoebe.)
    Phoebe: (catching it) I got it! Mine! (They both hug)
    Monica: Congratulations!
    Phoebe: Thank you!
    Monica: Okay! My turn! My turn!
    Phoebe: Okay! (Gets into position) Okay, ready?
    Monica: (cocking her head from side to side in some pre-bouquet-catching ritual) Yeah.
    Phoebe: Okay. (Phoebe turns and throws it on the couch.)
    Monica: (upset) That was a terrible throw!!
    Phoebe: I’m not gonna right to you! That’s not real!
    Monica: Look at me! My big concern is what’s real?! (Finally realises) Oh my God. We’re really sad, aren’t we?
    Phoebe: Yeah, I think we are.
    6. I bet

    • 8 分钟
    Friends S04E19: 开始结束上发条,正大光明谢罪了

    Friends S04E19: 开始结束上发条,正大光明谢罪了

    1. blimey 哎呀,天啊 
    blimey 哎呀,天啊。

    在Emily惊讶之后,Ross自诩自己带耳环的形象是David Bowie. 
    David Bowie原名David Robert Jones,出生于伦敦,是摇滚史上的传奇人物之一。他是英国代表性的音乐家,与披头士、皇后合唱团并列为英国20世纪最重要的摇滚明星,并在2000年被NME杂志获选为20世纪最具影响力的艺人。 60 年代末期出道的David Bowie被称为摇滚变色龙,因为他的音乐理念游走于民谣、迷幻、庞克、摇滚、电子乐,并结合电影、舞台剧与佛学概念、超现实主义。

    Emily: Oh, blimey, I still can’t believe you’ve got an earring!
    Ross: Huh? I know, I know. Who am I? David Bowe?
    Emily: He does that?!
    Ross: Uh, I don’t know, whatever.
    2. Wham 威猛乐团 
    看到Ross的耳环,Chandler说You do know Wham broke up. 
    Wham中文译为“威猛”乐团。George Michael和他的小学同学Andrew Ridgeley 1981年,他俩组成了Wham,音乐史上重要的一支乐团就此诞生。1982年推出了首支单曲“Enjoy What You Do”。这首歌让人们开始认识这两名漂亮的男孩。很快,Wham!的第二首单曲“Young Guns”问世了。这首歌开启了Wham!的成功之门,一举打进英国单曲榜上前十名。全英国都在谈论Wham!。1983年,Wham!的首张专辑《Fantastic》发行,问市后马上以迅雷不及掩耳之势夺得全英专辑榜榜首桂冠。1984年Wham!的第二张专辑《Make It Big》大获成功,在英美两地都创下专辑排行冠军的骄人成绩,销售数字也冲破五百万大关。1985年4月,如日中天的Wham!还来到中国大陆进行表演,成为第一支冲破铁幕的西方流行乐团。我们最熟悉的歌曲应该是Careless Whisper 无心快语

    Ross: Hey, guys! 
    Joey: Hey!
    Chandler: Oh my God!
    Joey: We don’t make enough fun of you already?
    Ross: Oh yeah, Emily convinced me to do it.
    Chandler: You do know that Wham broke up?
    Ross: I like it, and Emily likes it, and that’s what counts. So uh, how are you guys doing?
    Joey: Oh-no, don’t try and talk all normal with that thing in your ear.
    3. wind up 上发条,结束 
    Ross说I wound up divorced from a pregnant lesbian. 
    wind up 本意是上发条。另外wind up还可以表示结束。
    wind up a speech with a joke 以笑话结束演讲

    Emily: We’ve only known each other for six weeks!
    Ross: Yeah, I know, so what? I mean, who’s-who’s to say? Does that me we-we can’t do it? Look, huh, I was with Carol for four years before we got married and I wound updivorced from a pregnant lesbian. I mean, this, this makes sense for us. Come on! I mean, on our first date we ended up spending the whole weekend in Vermont! I mean, last night I got my ear pierced! Me! This feels right. Doesn’t it?
    Emily: My parents are going to be really mad.
    Ross: Is that—are you saying yes? Is that yes?
    Emily: Yes.
    Emily: Yes!
    4. peace offering 示好,和解 
    Joey和Chandler商量给Rachle和Monica一份peace offering.
    peace offering 示好,表示和解, 或者叫谢罪礼

    Chandler: Those were like the best seats ever.

    • 7 分钟
    Friends S04E18:提起来气顺便说 培养感情使劲搓

    Friends S04E18:提起来气顺便说 培养感情使劲搓

    Friends S04E18:提起来气顺便说 培养感情使劲搓

    • 7 分钟


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