37 Min.

Episode 52, Phil Wang Chats (for you)

    • Comedy

This 52nd episode features a chat between James Walker and comedian, Phil Wang.

Topics covered include things comedians CAN joke about, the lengths we go to to make sure our phones won't go off, and Phil TAKES DOWN shows that were on at the same time as his during the Edinburgh Fringe - HE CALLS 'EM OUT BIG TIME.

We also tuck into some Real Homes.

Phil's website: http://philwang.co.uk.

Phil is going around the UK on tour. Dates can be found on his website.

Phil on twitter: twitter.com/PhilNWang.

James on twitter: twitter.com/jameswalkerguy.

Chats (for you) on twitter: twitter.com/chatsforyou.

This 52nd episode features a chat between James Walker and comedian, Phil Wang.

Topics covered include things comedians CAN joke about, the lengths we go to to make sure our phones won't go off, and Phil TAKES DOWN shows that were on at the same time as his during the Edinburgh Fringe - HE CALLS 'EM OUT BIG TIME.

We also tuck into some Real Homes.

Phil's website: http://philwang.co.uk.

Phil is going around the UK on tour. Dates can be found on his website.

Phil on twitter: twitter.com/PhilNWang.

James on twitter: twitter.com/jameswalkerguy.

Chats (for you) on twitter: twitter.com/chatsforyou.

37 Min.

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