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    As I walked out one evening.

    As I walked out one evening.

    As I walked out one evening Walking down Bristol Street,晚上我在散步於布里斯托爾大街The crowds upon the pavement街道兩旁黑壓壓的一片,Were fields of harvest wheat.是田裡熟透待割的小麥。And down by the brimming river沿著水波蕩漾的江邊,在一座鐵路拱橋的下麵I heard a lover sing Under an arch of the railway:我聽到一個戀人在歌唱:"Love has no ending.愛情永無止境”。"I'll love you, dear, I'll love you我將永遠愛你,親愛的,我將永遠愛你Till China and Africa meet,直到地域再生天翻地覆 (直到中國和非洲相合)And the river jumps over the mountain直到江水倒流越過高山,And the salmon sing in the street,直到魚兒跳躍離開了水。"I'll love you till the ocean Is folded and hung up to dry我將永遠愛你到海斷裂枯竭And the seven stars go squawking直到天空北斗七星Like geese about the sky.從勺子轉變為鵝揚長頸唱歌的形狀"The years shall run like rabbits,時光像兔子一樣向前飛跑For in my arms I hold但在我的懷中我還擁著The Flower of the Ages,遠古時代那芬芳的鮮花And the first love of the world."和那個世界純真的初戀。But all the clocks in the city但是城裡所有的時鐘Began to whirr and chime:都開始發出嗡嗡轟鳴:"O let not Time deceive you, You cannot conquer Time.別讓時間捉弄了你,你不可能戰勝01 As I Walked Out One EveningBy W.H Auden"In the burrows of the Nightmare在沉沉夢魘的深淵裡Where Justice naked is,正義赤裸裸毫不修飾,Time watches from the shadow時間在陰影下靜靜窺視,And coughs when you would kiss.就在你想接物時乾咳幾聲以示提醒。"In headaches and in worry在煩惱不安和憂慮焦急中Vaguely life leaks away,滾滾生命之河悄然流逝And Time will have his fancy時間卻有著魔幻的力量To-morrow or to-day.不論是今天亦或是明天"Into many a green valley飛旋鑽進綠色蔥蘢的山谷的Drifts the appalling snow;是狂風卷著漫天飛舞的雪花Time breaks the threaded dances時間瞬間凝固了這優美的舞姿,And the diver's brilliant bow.也定格了落入水面閃亮的翻卷。"O plunge your hands in water,哦,快將雙手伸進水裡,Plunge them in up to the wrist;一直到水淹沒了你的手腕Stare, stare in the basin緊緊地、緊緊地盯著水池,And wonder what you've missed.看看你自己到底丟了什麼。"The glacier knocks in the cupboard,冰河漸漸流動撞擊著櫥櫃,The desert sighs in the bed,沙漠哀鳴著飛掠過睡的床And the crack in the tea-cup opens茶杯上的裂紋似乎打開了A lane to the land of the dead.一條通往死亡之國的路徑。02As I Walked Out One EveningBy W.H Auden"Where the beggars raffle the banknotes在那兒乞丐中得了許多鈔票And the Giant is enchanting to Jack,傑克被那巨人迷得神魂顛倒And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer,這個白種男孩瘋狂地咆哮著,And Jill goes down on her back.他的同伴躺在地上盡情表演。"O look, look in the mirror,哦,快看、快看鏡子裡的你,O look in your distress;瞧你那副悲痛欲絕的模樣。Life remains a blessing雖然你不能夠賜福於他人,Although you cannot bless.可是生活它會永遠祝福你。"O stand, stand at the window哦,快快站起來、站到窗前來As the tears scald and start;熱淚潸然灼人,奪眶而出You shall love your crooked neighbour你可要用你那扭曲的心靈,With your crooked heart."去愛你那個不正派的鄰居。It was late, late in the evening,黑夜深沉,萬籟俱寂,The lovers they were gone;情人雙雙,早已遠去The clocks had ceased their chiming,教堂內的鐘悄然無聲,And the deep river ran on.唯似水流年靜靜流淌。

    • 3 Min.
    【Daily Phrase】瑞尔每日一句 Any luck/joy?

    【Daily Phrase】瑞尔每日一句 Any luck/joy?

    Any luck/joy? 然后呢?/进展如何?We use this expression to ask if someone has managed to do something.Written: YES Spoken: YES Formal: NO Informal: YESExample 1- You know we talked about buying an amazing gift for my girlfriend for her birthday?- Yes, any joy?-Yes, Sarah was really happy about the perfume that I bought.Example 2-You were trying to find your teacher and apologize for your mistakes. Any luck?-No. He was busy all day long yesterday, so I may go and try my luck again later.

    • 6 Min.
    【Daily Phrase】瑞尔每日一句 I wouldn't go that far!

    【Daily Phrase】瑞尔每日一句 I wouldn't go that far!

    I wouldn’t go that far! 我不是这么认为/我不是很赞同We use this expression when we want to show that we don’t really agree with someone.Written: NO Spoken: YES Formal: NO Informal: YESExample 1- I think this movie is the best of his ever!- I wouldn’t go that far. His previous movie is his best that I have seen.Example 2-Don’t you think that he is a good employee?-Actually I wouldn’t go that far. He only has stunning performance when he is in a good mood, most of the time, he is just a grumpy lad.

    • 5 Min.
    #瑞尔·播客 Yan-The Cat in The Hat

    #瑞尔·播客 Yan-The Cat in The Hat

    The Cat In The Hat By Dr. Seuss  The sun did not shine.  It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day.  I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, “How I wish We had something to do!” Too wet to go out And too cold to play ball.  So we sat in the house. We did nothing at all. So all we could do was to Sit!  Sit!   Sit!    Sit! And we did not like it. Not one little bit. And then Something went BUMP! How that bump made us jump!  We looked! Then we saw him step in on the mat! We looked! And we saw him! The cat in the Hat! And he said to us, “Why do you sit there like that?” “I know it is wet And the sun is not sunny. But we can have Lots of good fun that is funny!” “I know some good games we could play.” Said the cat. “I know some new tricks,” Said the Cat in the Hat. “A lot of good tricks. I will show them to you. Your mother  Will not mind at all if I do.”  But our fish said, “No! No! Make that cat go away! Tell that Cat in the Hat You do NOT want to play. He should not be her. He should not be about. He should not be here  When your mother is out!” “Now! Now! Have no fear. Have no fear!” said the cat. “My tricks are not bad,” Said the Cat in the Hat. “Why, we can have  Lots of good fun, if you wish, With a game that I call UP-UP-UP with a fish!” “Put me down!” said the fish. “This is no fun at all! Put me down!” said the fish. “I do NOT wish to fall!” “Have no fear!” said the cat. “I will not let you fall. I will hold you up high  As I stand on a ball. With a book on one hand! And a cup on my hat! But that is not ALL I can do!” Said the cat… “Look at me! Look at me now!” said the cat. “With a cup and a cake On the top of my hat! I can hold up TWO books! I can hold up the fish! And a little toy ship! And some milk on a dish!  2 And look! I can hop up and down on the ball! But that is not all! Oh, no. That is not all… “Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how. I can hold up the cup And the milk and the cake! I can hold up these books! And the fish on a rake! I can hold the toy ship And a little toy man! And look! With my tail I can fan with the fan As I hop on the ball! But that is not all. Oh, no. That is not all…” That is what the cat said… Then he fell on his head! He came down with a bump From up there on the ball. And Sally and I, We saw ALL the things fall! And our fish came down, too. He fell into a pot! He said, “Do I like this? Oh, no! I do not. This is not a good game, ” Said our fish as he lit. “No, I do not like it,  Not one little bit!”  “Now look what you did!” Said the fish to the cat, “Now look at this house! Look at this! Look at that! You sank our toy ship, Sank it deep in the cake. You shook up our house And you bent our new rake. You SHOULD NOT be here When our mother is not. You get out of this house!” Said the fish in the pot.  “But I like to be here. Oh, I like it a lot!” Said the Cat in the Hat  To the fish in the pot. “I will NOT go away. I do NOT wish to go! And so,” said the Cat in the Hat, “So  so  so … I will show you  Another good game that I know!”  And then he ran o

    • 15 Min.
    #瑞尔·播客 Linda & Grace 不同国家的不同习俗

    #瑞尔·播客 Linda & Grace 不同国家的不同习俗

    Different Countries Have Different Customs不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯L:Hello,everyone!My name is Linda.I’m 10 years old.大家好,我是Linda。我10岁了。G:Hi,My name is Grace.I’m 10 years old.大家好,我是Grace。我10岁了。L:Grace,do you like traveling?Grace,你喜欢旅行吗?G:Yes,I do.We travel a lot on summer vacation.是的,我喜欢。我们暑假的时候经常去旅行。L:Traveling is fun,but it is important to learn the local customs.旅行很有意思,但是旅行前学习当地的风俗习惯很重要。G:Yes,different countries have different customs. When you travel to other countries, please follow their customs, just as the saying goes. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".是的,不同国家有不同的风俗习惯。当你去别的国家旅行的时候,请入乡随俗。L:In England, make sure to stand in line even if there are only two of you.  It&`&s important to respect lines there.  It&`&s a good idea to talk about the weather. It&`&s a favourite subject of conversation with the British.在英国,即使只有两个人也要排队。排队在那非常重要。讨论天气是个很好的主意,这是英国人最喜欢的话题。G:Very often people who travel to the United States forget to tip.It is usual to tip porters who help carry your bags, taxi drivers and waiters. Waiters expect to get a 15% tip on the cost of your meal. Taxi drivers expect the same amount.去美国旅游的人经常忘记付小费。在美国给搬运工,出租车司机和服务员小费是非常普遍的。服务员可以拿到你餐费的百分之15作为小费。出租车司机也一样。L:In Spain, it&`&s a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone invites you for dinner.People have dinner very late, and restaurants do not generally open until after 9 p.m.在西班牙,如果有人邀请你去吃晚餐,下午的时候吃点心是个好主意。西班牙人晚餐吃的迟,餐馆一般九点以后才开。G:In Arab countries, men kiss one another on the cheek (脸颊). Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. It is polite of you to do the same.在阿拉伯国家,男人会互相亲吻彼此的脸颊。邀请你去做客的主人会亲吻你的两边脸颊表示对你的欢迎。有礼貌的做法是你也亲吻他。L:In Japan, people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time. When a person gives you a card, don&`&t put it into your pocket right away. The person expects you to read it.在日本,第一次见面的时候他们会互换个人或者商务名片。当有人给你名片时,不要急于把名放进口袋。他希望你可以看他的名片。G:Don&`&t forget to be careful of your body language to express something in conversation. A kind of body language that is acceptable in one culture may be impolite in another.别忘了在谈话期间注意使用肢体语言。某种肢体语言在一种文化是被接受的,也许在另外一种文化是不恰当。L:It is important to learn the local customs before you go to another country.当你去一个新的国家时,提前学习当地的风俗习惯是非常重要的。G:That’s all for today.今天就到这里。L:I’m Linda.我是Linda.G:I’m Grace.我是Grace.L,G:See you next time,bye-bye!下次再见。

    • 6 Min.
    #瑞尔·每日地道英语-魅力湛江 Glamorous Zhanjiang

    #瑞尔·每日地道英语-魅力湛江 Glamorous Zhanjiang

    地理位置:Zhanjiang lies at the southernmost tip of the Chinese mainland, facing Hainan to the south.靠山吃山靠水吃水:Zhanjiang is famous throughout China for its seafood. Seafood is fresh, fabulous and ubiquitous.气候有如何呢:Zhanjiang has a humid subtropical climate, with short mild winters and long, very hot humid summers.有好玩的:Huguanyan National Geopark,it has the most typical largest maar lake in the world.

    • 9 Min.

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