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Join me, your HDBFF, Brandi Daniels as I navigate the ups and downs of life. Blending ideas from new age to the analytical and sprinkling in a bit of woo here and there - Living Your Human Design is all about bringing different perspectives to the table. Each month you'll find a mixture of personal experiences about various topics, AstroLOVE which is all about blending Human Design + Astrology. We're playing in the deep end and the shallow end... so grab your floaties 'cause it's about to get WAVY, BABY! No Limits. No Filters. Just Real life. xx B

Human Design Radio Brandi daniels

    • Bildung

Join me, your HDBFF, Brandi Daniels as I navigate the ups and downs of life. Blending ideas from new age to the analytical and sprinkling in a bit of woo here and there - Living Your Human Design is all about bringing different perspectives to the table. Each month you'll find a mixture of personal experiences about various topics, AstroLOVE which is all about blending Human Design + Astrology. We're playing in the deep end and the shallow end... so grab your floaties 'cause it's about to get WAVY, BABY! No Limits. No Filters. Just Real life. xx B

    Aries Edition - AstroLOVE!

    Aries Edition - AstroLOVE!

    Hey hey hey! I know we're a few days late - between Mercury retrograde, Chiron and that badass Solar Eclipse - we've had our butts handed to us. BIG TIME.

    We hope you enjoy the reminder of April and Aries season. We promise to be back on schedule in May!

    Welcome to Aries Season, AstroLOVE listeners! As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries ushers in the energies of new beginnings, pioneering spirit, and bold action. This fire sign is ruled by Mars, the planet of drive and desire, so expect a significant boost in confidence and assertiveness.

    During Aries Season, you might find yourself feeling more adventurous and ready to take the lead on new projects or challenges. It's a fantastic time to initiate plans and express your individuality. Aries is all about moving forward, often with a fearless approach, which can be incredibly liberating if you've felt stuck or hesitant in previous months.

    However, watch out for impulsive decisions or a short temper, typical challenges during this fiery season. Aries' energy can make us quick to react. Channel this dynamic energy into productive endeavors rather than conflicts.

    In love, Aries Season encourages bold romantic gestures and straightforward communication. It’s a time for passion and spontaneity, making it perfect for rekindling existing relationships or for sparking new ones.

    So, AstroLOVE audience, harness the fiery energy of Aries to ignite your passions and embark on new adventures. Be bold, be daring, and most importantly, be true to yourself as you navigate the exciting opportunities this season brings!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livingyourhumandesign/message

    • 29 Min.
    Listener Questions: Projectors + Dating Apps; Biological Clocks and the Stress of upcoming birthdays

    Listener Questions: Projectors + Dating Apps; Biological Clocks and the Stress of upcoming birthdays

    Episode Transcripts -

    @Heather Fisk answers questions on Love and Projectors

    Welcome to another heart-opening episode of AstroLOVE, where the cosmos aligns with your love life. Today, we're diving into a heartfelt message from Amy, a listener navigating the choppy waters of modern dating, the ticking of her biological clock, and the unique challenges of being a Projector in Human Design. As Amy's birthday approaches, the pressure mounts, making her journey to find love and start a family feel more urgent than ever.

    **Amy's Dilemma**: Frustrated with dating apps and feeling the weight of her biological clock, Amy, a Projector, is finding the search for a meaningful connection increasingly challenging. With her birthday on the horizon, the desire for marriage and children adds an extra layer of pressure to her quest for love.

    **Understanding Projectors**: For those unfamiliar, Projectors are one of the five types in Human Design, known for their ability to guide and direct others. However, they often face challenges in initiating, making the passive nature of waiting for recognition in relationships particularly taxing. This can make the world of dating, especially through apps, feel daunting and misaligned with their energy.

    **Navigating Dating as a Projector**: Amy's experience highlights the unique struggles Projectors face in the dating scene. The key for Projectors is to focus on self-understanding and to value their own worth, knowing that the right connections will come in time. It's about trusting the process and allowing space for genuine recognition to occur naturally.

    **Episode Insights**:

    1. **Embrace Your Design**: Amy, and fellow Projectors, remember that your worth isn't tied to societal timelines or expectations. Embrace your unique approach to life and love, knowing that your energy is best spent on those who truly value and recognize you.

    2. **Quality Over Quantity**: In the world of dating apps, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game. Focus on creating meaningful connections, even if they're few and far between. Your energy is precious; invest it wisely.

    3. **Patience is Key**: The pressure of a ticking biological clock is real, but patience is crucial. Rushing can lead to misaligned connections. Trust that the universe has a plan for you, and everything will unfold in perfect timing.

    4. **Self-Care and Growth**: Use this time to focus on personal growth and self-care. Cultivating a fulfilling life outside of a relationship ensures that when the right person comes along, you'll be ready to welcome them with open arms.

    To Amy and all our listeners, we'd love to hear your stories, questions, and insights on navigating love and life's pressures. Your experiences enrich our community and remind us that we're all in this cosmic dance together. Reach out, share your journey, and let's continue to support each other through the highs and lows of love.

    Remember to like, subscribe, and engage with us. Your participation lights up the AstroLOVE community, guiding us to explore the universe of relationships together. Until next time, keep aligning with your design, embracing your journey, and trusting the stars to lead you to love.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livingyourhumandesign/message

    • 8 Min.
    How Masculinity Has Been Weaponized/ Bringing Masculinity Into Astrology

    How Masculinity Has Been Weaponized/ Bringing Masculinity Into Astrology

    Episode Transcripts:

    In this episode of AstroLOVE, we're addressing a thought-provoking question from Alex, a male listener who's keen on exploring how to work with masculine energy within the realms of astrology and spirituality. Alex appreciates the key dates segment of our show and seeks advice on incorporating a masculine perspective into his practices. This opens up a fascinating dialogue about the balance between masculine and feminine energies, not just in terms of gender, but as distinct qualities that we all embody.

    **Masculine Energy in Astrology**: Masculine energy is often seen as more logical, structured, and grounded, contrasting with the fluid, creative, and nurturing aspects of feminine energy. In astrology, signs alternate between masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies, providing a dynamic balance throughout the zodiac. With Aries season approaching, we're entering a phase of masculine, yang energy, offering a powerful time for action and initiative.

    **Balancing Energies**: Alex's question brings to light the importance of recognizing and integrating both masculine and feminine energies in our lives, regardless of our gender. It challenges us to consider how we can make astrological practices more inclusive and accessible to everyone, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that honors the full spectrum of human experience.

    **Embracing Emotional Intelligence**: A key part of our discussion revolves around the societal expectations placed on men to suppress their emotions, a narrative deeply ingrained in many cultures. We explore the importance of emotional intelligence and the courage it takes for men to break free from these generational cycles. By acknowledging and working through emotions, men can foster deeper connections with themselves and others, challenging the outdated notion that vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

    **Action Steps for Alex and Our Listeners**:

    1. **Explore Your Energies**: Reflect on how both masculine and feminine energies manifest in your life. Consider how you can balance these energies to foster growth, creativity, and emotional well-being.

    2. **Embrace Vulnerability**: Recognize that showing emotions and seeking help when needed are signs of strength. Engaging in practices that encourage emotional expression can lead to deeper self-awareness and connection.

    3. **Break the Cycle**: Challenge societal norms by openly discussing emotions and mental health, especially in spaces where these topics have been taboo. This not only aids personal growth but also supports others in their journey towards emotional intelligence.

    **A Call to Our Community**: Alex's question is a reminder of the diverse audience AstroLOVE reaches and the unique perspectives each listener brings. We're excited to delve deeper into topics that resonate with everyone, regardless of gender, and to explore how astrology can be a tool for personal and collective transformation.

    Alex, and to all our listeners, we're thrilled to have you on this cosmic journey with us. Your questions and insights enrich our community, encouraging us to explore new horizons together. Let's continue to break down barriers and build a more inclusive and emotionally intelligent world, one episode at a time.

    Remember to like, subscribe, and reach out with your thoughts and questions. Your engagement is the heartbeat of AstroLOVE, guiding us through the stars and into each other's lives. Until next time, keep embracing the full spectrum of your energies and let the cosmos guide you to deeper understanding and connection.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livingyourhumandesign/message

    • 7 Min.
    Listener Q+A - How Your Sun + Rising Sign Can Help Your Business

    Listener Q+A - How Your Sun + Rising Sign Can Help Your Business

    Welcome to another episode of AstroLOVE, where the cosmos meets the heart. Today, we're diving into a listener's question that's as intriguing as the stars themselves. Caroline, a dynamic health coach specializing in PCOS, reached out with a stellar question about blending her astrological blueprint into her business strategy, especially on social media platforms like TikTok.

    Caroline's cosmic makeup is fascinating: an Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Cancer Rising. This combination is a powerhouse for anyone in the entrepreneurial world, especially in the health and wellness sector.

    **Aries Sun**: Caroline, your Aries Sun lights up the path of innovation and courage. It's that spark that drives you to explore uncharted territories, making you a natural leader in your field. Think of Natalia Benson, an Aries Sun who's carved her unique path as an astrologer and coach. She's a beacon of how to use Aries' fiery energy to illuminate the dark, turning challenges into triumphs. Your journey, especially in raising awareness about PCOS, is fueled by this same fiery spirit.

    **Scorpio Moon and Cancer Rising**: Now, let's add some water to your fire. Your Scorpio Moon and Cancer Rising bring depth, empathy, and nurturing to the mix. This emotional intelligence allows you to connect deeply with your audience, understanding their struggles and offering a comforting hand. It's about diving into the emotional and psychological realms of PCOS, offering insights and solutions that resonate on a soul level.

    **Marketing with Heart and Soul**: When it comes to marketing, Caroline, shine a light on the hope and transformation that comes with managing PCOS. Share stories of empowerment, the joys of overcoming, and the beauty of the journey. It's this positive, uplifting message that will truly connect with your audience.

    **Choosing Your Platform**: With your rich emotional landscape, pick platforms where you can express yourself fully and connect authentically. Whether it's TikTok or another space, what matters most is that it feels right for you, allowing you to share your passion and knowledge with joy and sincerity.

    **Astrological Strategy**: For a tailored business strategy, look to your Mercury placement and the activities in your 3rd, 10th, and 11th houses. These astrological insights will guide your communication style, community building, and how you establish your authority in the wellness world.

    In summary, Caroline, your unique blend of Aries fire, Scorpio depth, and Cancer nurturing is a potent formula for making a profound impact in the health coaching realm. By focusing on the transformative power of your work and choosing platforms that resonate with your soul, you're set to inspire and heal, one star at a time.

    Thanks for tuning in, everyone. Remember to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts and questions. Your engagement lights up our AstroLOVE community, guiding us through the cosmic journey together. Until next time, keep your hearts open and your eyes on the stars.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livingyourhumandesign/message

    • 5 Min.
    AstroLOVE March Edition - Time For A Piscean Adventure

    AstroLOVE March Edition - Time For A Piscean Adventure

    Dive deep into the mystical waters of Pisces with this month's episode of AstroLOVE! March is all about exploring the essence of Pisces, the zodiac's dreamy fish. We're peeling back the layers to uncover what truly makes a Pisces tick. From their imaginative minds to their empathetic hearts, we're covering it all - the good, the bad, and everything in between.

    Pisces are known for their artistic flair, intuitive nature, and sometimes, their tendency to swim away from reality. But there's so much more to this water sign than meets the eye. We're talking about their boundless creativity, their unparalleled compassion, and yes, their occasional escapism. It's a Pisces world, and we're just living in it!

    But wait, there's more! We've got the scoop on celebrities who embody the Piscean spirit through and through. Ever wondered which of your favorite stars share this zodiac sign? Stay tuned to find out – you might be surprised by who's in the Pisces club.

    March also brings some special astrological events that you won't want to miss. We're breaking down what these cosmic occurrences mean for you and how they amplify the Piscean energy swirling around us. Whether you're a Pisces or just Pisces-adjacent, these insights are sure to add a little magic to your month.

    And because we love hearing from you, we've included answers to questions from three of our listeners. Curious about Piscean compatibility? Wondering how to tap into your inner Pisces power? We've got the tea, and we're spilling it all in this episode.

    Don't forget to watch the video, listen to the full episode, and hit that like and subscribe button. Your support means the world to us and keeps the AstroLOVE coming. Got a burning question or want to share your thoughts? Send them our way! We're always looking to connect with our listeners and dive into your cosmic curiosities.

    So, whether you're a Pisces sun, moon, or just a zodiac enthusiast, this episode is for you. Let's navigate the Piscean seas together, uncovering the mysteries of the zodiac's most enigmatic sign. Tune in, get cozy, and let the astrological adventure begin!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livingyourhumandesign/message

    • 1 Std. 13 Min.
    AstroLOVE February 2024 Hello Aquarius!

    AstroLOVE February 2024 Hello Aquarius!

    Hey there, cosmic explorers! Welcome back to another episode of "AstroLOVE" on Human Design Radio. It's your host, Brandi and Heather, and we're thrilled to be your guide through the astrological wonders of February 2024.For those born under the Aquarius sign, this episode's dedicated to you! We'll unravel the mysteries of your zodiac traits, from your innovative thinking to your passion for change. Get ready for some engaging insights and anecdotes about Aquarians.**Important Astrological Events in February 2024:**1. **Mercury in Aquarius:** On February 5th, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Aquarius. This cosmic shift is all about innovative thinking, open-mindedness, and a desire to connect with your inner visionary.2. **New Super Moon in Aquarius:** Mark your calendars for February 9th! A powerful New Super Moon in Aquarius arrives, offering a fresh start, innovative ideas, and a chance to manifest your dreams. It's time to set your intentions and let your uniqueness shine.3. **Venus Joins Aquarius:** On February 16th, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Aquarius. Get ready for an infusion of love with a touch of eccentricity. This is an excellent time to explore unconventional relationships and express your individuality in matters of the heart.4. **Pisces Season Begins:** February 18th marks the transition from Aquarius to Pisces as the sun enters the final sign of the astrological year. Pisces brings an aura of sensitivity, compassion, and dreaminess. We'll delve into how to make the most of this introspective time.5. **Full Moon in Pisces:** On February 24th, we'll experience a Full Moon in Pisces, illuminating our emotions and intuition. It's a time to release what no longer serves you and embrace your inner spiritual wisdom.**Leap Year Extra:**Did you know that 2024 is a leap year? That means we get an extra day in February, February 29th! It's a day to celebrate this cosmic quirk and do something special. Whether it's pursuing a passion project, connecting with loved ones, or simply taking a leap of faith, make the most of this bonus day in the year.We love hearing from you, our amazing listeners! If you enjoyed this episode or have any burning questions about February's astrological happenings, hit that "Like" button, drop us a comment, and share your thoughts. We'd be delighted to respond and explore topics that interest you.Also, don't forget to share this podcast with someone you believe would be captivated by the cosmic vibes we're serving. Let's spread the love and knowledge far and wide!Host: That's a wrap on our AstroLOVE journey for February 2024. Remember, the universe has a spectacular show in store for us this month. Embrace the Aquarian energy, make the most of the leap year, and bask in the Piscean dreaminess.Stay tuned for more cosmic insights in our next episode, and until then, keep your hearts open, your minds curious, and your spirits soaring.  






    Connect with Heather Fisk and Get Your Astrological + Human Design Reading: 

    Podcast - ⁠https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/retroshade-podcast/id1613521037⁠ 

    Website - ⁠https://www.heatherkatherine.co/⁠ 

    Instagram - ⁠https://www.instagram.com/theheatherfisk/⁠ 

    YouTube - ⁠https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKuTAfqStGTX


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livingyourhumandesign/message

    • 1 Std. 32 Min.

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