39 Min.

McBryde and WIlson - Ep 15 Political Blunders from the Poisoned Falafel McBryde & Wilson: An Unlabelled Affair

    • Comedy

This week we reflect on the new low to which we took the podcast in episode 14. We also cover the Wizard of Christchurch, shaved recycling monkeys, more DJ Skink in the Twink, Tom Cruise, Politics with Alex D. Wilson, stone age chimps, Little Lols and more.

This week we reflect on the new low to which we took the podcast in episode 14. We also cover the Wizard of Christchurch, shaved recycling monkeys, more DJ Skink in the Twink, Tom Cruise, Politics with Alex D. Wilson, stone age chimps, Little Lols and more.

39 Min.

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