29 Min.

VOL15. 京郊山水游‪记‬ 情形于声 The Faint Field Recording

    • Kunst

經過我一番考慮,決定將《情形於聲》全新改版。之前都是把錄音剪輯好後,加上文字解說,但是估計沒幾個人會認真去讀,所以我想直接把解說直接念出來。而且以我目前的精力,無法做一個成規模的聲音庫,這樣無疑是最好的選擇。並且把時長加長到 30 分鐘,變成播客的形式,我稱之爲 soundlog。


- 為了不打擾聽眾的心思,我們先來坐纜車 
- 剛從山腳進來,路沿著一條小溪往上走 
- 這裏的水從石板上掛下來 
- 正當我們錄的時候,一個小朋友跑來玩水,爸爸叫他
- 湊巧的是,一隻蜜蜂飛到了防風罩上
- 通身灰黑的山噪鶥不甘示弱
- 當然,還有柳鶯
- 經過一段陡峭的樓梯,遊客要歇歇腳
- 遊人遠去,遠處的普通鳾與微風交融在一起。
- 天色漸晚,餘暉灑下,遊人多半下山了,我們停在一口泉水旁邊。護林員催促快點下山,便走了,我們成了山中唯一的人。左邊泉水,右邊柳鶯,成群結隊,準備回家 
- 纜車也終於停了,我們得以享受絕對寧靜,沒有人,沒有風,只有遙遠的鳥鳴,和山谷中迴盪的低頻共鳴
- 再走到山腳,天已經全黑,小溪給我們指引方向
- 蟋蟀也開始了一天的工作
- 晚上回到住處,刮起了五級大風。海拔八百多米,氣溫降至5度。大風讓松林顫抖,又捲起落葉,剮蹭著地面
- 第二天,我們去了龍門澗景區。這是一條悠長深邃的峽谷,一條小溪貫穿始終。峽谷效應形成的陣風讓人難以走動,更無論錄音。終於找到一處和緩的平地,小溪汩汩而下,葦草簌簌作響 
- 景區的盡頭是一處小瀑布,周圍都是石壁,瀑布流下,聲音在石壁中迴盪,便錄出了濃厚的混響。左右两边是石壁,左邊青苔,一滴一滴落下來,甚是可愛。用全指向錄水聲真的是惡夢,比較含混,變化不明顯。唯一的用處是用來補充一下水破碎的聲音,比重要降到很低 
- 《情形於聲》是一檔實地錄音節目,希望帶領聽者走進一個微眇的聲音王國。錄音、製作、配音:柯棋瀚。本節目在 Apple Podcast、網易雲音樂、喜馬拉雅、bilibili 上同步發布,更多內容見官網 TheFaint.cc 。歡迎提出寶貴意見。背景音乐来源:https://icons8.com, "GODDESS"


- Let's listen to the cableway first
- When I just came in from the foot of the mountain, the road went up along a stream
The water here hung from a stone slab
- While we were recording, a kid came to play. His father called him:
- Along the way, many people were curious about what we were holding. Most people said that we were recording Tiktok. A few people said that we were collecting sounds. There were two parents who told their children that they were recording, and whispered. Of course I don't want to disturb other people, but I still think it would be great if everyone was like them. On a scenetic platform, we recorded the breeze and the birdsong. Magpies have always been the overlord in the mountains
- Coincidentally, a bee flew onto the windshield
- The Pterorhinus davidi in gray-black was not to be outdone
- Of course, there were warblers
- After a steep staircase, visitors had to rest
- As the tourists went away, the common nuthatch in the distance blent with the breeze.
It was getting late, the afterglow was falling, most of the tourists were down the mountain, we stopped by a spring. The forest ranger urged us to left. We be

經過我一番考慮,決定將《情形於聲》全新改版。之前都是把錄音剪輯好後,加上文字解說,但是估計沒幾個人會認真去讀,所以我想直接把解說直接念出來。而且以我目前的精力,無法做一個成規模的聲音庫,這樣無疑是最好的選擇。並且把時長加長到 30 分鐘,變成播客的形式,我稱之爲 soundlog。


- 為了不打擾聽眾的心思,我們先來坐纜車 
- 剛從山腳進來,路沿著一條小溪往上走 
- 這裏的水從石板上掛下來 
- 正當我們錄的時候,一個小朋友跑來玩水,爸爸叫他
- 湊巧的是,一隻蜜蜂飛到了防風罩上
- 通身灰黑的山噪鶥不甘示弱
- 當然,還有柳鶯
- 經過一段陡峭的樓梯,遊客要歇歇腳
- 遊人遠去,遠處的普通鳾與微風交融在一起。
- 天色漸晚,餘暉灑下,遊人多半下山了,我們停在一口泉水旁邊。護林員催促快點下山,便走了,我們成了山中唯一的人。左邊泉水,右邊柳鶯,成群結隊,準備回家 
- 纜車也終於停了,我們得以享受絕對寧靜,沒有人,沒有風,只有遙遠的鳥鳴,和山谷中迴盪的低頻共鳴
- 再走到山腳,天已經全黑,小溪給我們指引方向
- 蟋蟀也開始了一天的工作
- 晚上回到住處,刮起了五級大風。海拔八百多米,氣溫降至5度。大風讓松林顫抖,又捲起落葉,剮蹭著地面
- 第二天,我們去了龍門澗景區。這是一條悠長深邃的峽谷,一條小溪貫穿始終。峽谷效應形成的陣風讓人難以走動,更無論錄音。終於找到一處和緩的平地,小溪汩汩而下,葦草簌簌作響 
- 景區的盡頭是一處小瀑布,周圍都是石壁,瀑布流下,聲音在石壁中迴盪,便錄出了濃厚的混響。左右两边是石壁,左邊青苔,一滴一滴落下來,甚是可愛。用全指向錄水聲真的是惡夢,比較含混,變化不明顯。唯一的用處是用來補充一下水破碎的聲音,比重要降到很低 
- 《情形於聲》是一檔實地錄音節目,希望帶領聽者走進一個微眇的聲音王國。錄音、製作、配音:柯棋瀚。本節目在 Apple Podcast、網易雲音樂、喜馬拉雅、bilibili 上同步發布,更多內容見官網 TheFaint.cc 。歡迎提出寶貴意見。背景音乐来源:https://icons8.com, "GODDESS"


- Let's listen to the cableway first
- When I just came in from the foot of the mountain, the road went up along a stream
The water here hung from a stone slab
- While we were recording, a kid came to play. His father called him:
- Along the way, many people were curious about what we were holding. Most people said that we were recording Tiktok. A few people said that we were collecting sounds. There were two parents who told their children that they were recording, and whispered. Of course I don't want to disturb other people, but I still think it would be great if everyone was like them. On a scenetic platform, we recorded the breeze and the birdsong. Magpies have always been the overlord in the mountains
- Coincidentally, a bee flew onto the windshield
- The Pterorhinus davidi in gray-black was not to be outdone
- Of course, there were warblers
- After a steep staircase, visitors had to rest
- As the tourists went away, the common nuthatch in the distance blent with the breeze.
It was getting late, the afterglow was falling, most of the tourists were down the mountain, we stopped by a spring. The forest ranger urged us to left. We be

29 Min.

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