119 episodes

This Podcast is for high-achieving Christian women in the military & other male-dominated environments who want to heal from burnout and balance the call to serve & make an impact with your desire to raise a family. You want to live out your faith, lead a life aligned with your priorities, and be more present -- without the constant stress, guilt, or exhaustion. Whether you’re navigating military service or another demanding job and raising little ones, making a transition, or discerning God’s call for you, if you want to give 100% to all that you do and make an impact, but are tired of feeling forced to compromise your family, faith, values, health & well-being, or what matters most to perform & be successful...if you want more time for your family, and to build your family while building God’s kingdom, this Podcast is for you.

Armed to the Heart - Military Women, Work-life Balance, Female Veterans, Christian Moms, Pregnancy and Postpartum Megan Gephart | Christian Life Coach | Military Mom Advocate | Catholic Working Mom | Pregnancy and Postpartum Coach

    • Kids & Family

This Podcast is for high-achieving Christian women in the military & other male-dominated environments who want to heal from burnout and balance the call to serve & make an impact with your desire to raise a family. You want to live out your faith, lead a life aligned with your priorities, and be more present -- without the constant stress, guilt, or exhaustion. Whether you’re navigating military service or another demanding job and raising little ones, making a transition, or discerning God’s call for you, if you want to give 100% to all that you do and make an impact, but are tired of feeling forced to compromise your family, faith, values, health & well-being, or what matters most to perform & be successful...if you want more time for your family, and to build your family while building God’s kingdom, this Podcast is for you.

    114. Trusting God in Uncertainty, Transitions, Leaving the Military, Pregnancy, Entrepreneurship

    114. Trusting God in Uncertainty, Transitions, Leaving the Military, Pregnancy, Entrepreneurship

    Hey friend. Today I'm sharing an update on where the Lord has been leading me, what I’ve been “giving birth to” and the humbling growth journey I've been on in this season.
    We're talking about big life transitions, leaving the military, learning to trust God more and the internal wrestling we often experience mentally, emotionally and spiritually amidst uncertainty and change. I share an update on this pregnancy, entrepreneurship, and the exciting things my best friend Anna Saucier and I have been cooking up behind the scenes that you won't wanna miss ;)
    I want to invite you to reach out to connect if any of the coaching or team/organizational consulting work we're doing resonates with you! Email me at megan@armedtotheheart.com
    JOIN US FOR SHIFT -- a virtual retreat-like workshop series for women who want to break the burnout cycle and create a sustainable, successful, and more fruitful work-life, grounded in Christ-centered healing. JUN 25-28th covering work-life balance, integrative healing, trauma-informed leadership, business & ethical marketing, and shifting out of the hustle culture that keeps us exhausted & stuck in stress, pressure, and inadequacy. 
    You’ll get access to an Open Coaching call, a live Somatics + Scripture Integration Session plus receive 3 recorded sessions on breaking out of the hustle. All for only $25

    • 29 min
    113. Feeling Pressure to Finish Lent Strong & Prepare More for Easter? 3 Tips to Reduce Overwhelm, Release Pressure & Find Rest

    113. Feeling Pressure to Finish Lent Strong & Prepare More for Easter? 3 Tips to Reduce Overwhelm, Release Pressure & Find Rest

    I felt called to speak to the pressure many of us feel at this time of the year to finish Lent strong and prepare for Easter.
    Today we'll dive into 3 tips and invitations if you're feeling like you're just trying to keep up and have very little breathing room or time to rest, in the midst of everything you're carrying and doing.
    Whether you’ve stuck with what you set out to do for Lent, or feel like you're failing in it…I invite you to come as you are today. I know you want to give your best to your family, to your work, to glorify God in all that you do, but it's hard to feel like you're doing enough.
    Let's find some relief together, by creating space to receive Jesus more fully, along with the peace and rest he desires to give us in this hard, busy, messy, and beautiful everyday life.
    **Want to journey deeper in this with other like-minded women of faith? My incredible friend Anna Saucier is leading a Virtual Retreat on Thurs, March 21st called Release: a last-week-of-lent-internal-spring-cleaning Virtual Retreat that'll be practical, prayerful, and playful. It's $55 and will go from 10am-3pm CST, with a lunch break in the middle. She is so gifted at creating welcoming, connective, loving, supportive, life-giving spaces for meaningful growth in community and with the Lord. Would love to see you there!

    • 19 min
    112. Let Me Be With You: How to Let Jesus Into the Joys and Struggles of Everyday Life

    112. Let Me Be With You: How to Let Jesus Into the Joys and Struggles of Everyday Life

    Today I'm sharing vulnerably what Jesus has been reinforcing to me this week.
    A simple, but profound invitation of "let me be with you."
    It's so easy to compartmentalize our faith, to keep pushing through and doing the best we can to manage all that life is throwing at us from every direction...but how can we let him into everything we do to carry it with us, to be our strength? In our motherhood, our work, our to-do-lists, and everything in between...
    The truth is, he wants to be with us in all things. He wants to be with us in the joyful, the hard and painful, the monotonous. Nothing is too big or small or insignificant to him. He cares about all the details of your life, because he cares so deeply about you. He sees all the things you do that go unseen, and feel thankless.
    This is what we're exploring today -- how to expand our openness toward the Lord, and how much more BEAUTIFUL, fulfilling, and meaningful life can be when we aim to do everything we do in, with, through, and for God.

    • 27 min
    111. We're Never Enough in the Eyes of the World: A Loving Invitation to Let the Lord Define Who you Are Instead

    111. We're Never Enough in the Eyes of the World: A Loving Invitation to Let the Lord Define Who you Are Instead

    This will be a polar opposite message from what you've most likely been seeing, feeling, and the pressures you've been inundated with at this time of the year about New Years' Resolutions and goals.
    There are so many voices of the world, environments we're in, and our culture that shame and guilt us, that reinforce these narratives that we're never enough no matter how much we give or how hard we try or how much we do, that we're a failure, and we're so unworthy of love, until we fix all these things that are wrong with us. And only if and when we measure up in each of these ways, we're good enough.
    My goal today is to help you get more deeply rooted in how the Lord sees you, and your identity in Him. To speak some encouragement and truth into your heart in places you need it most.

    • 28 min
    110. How’s your Mind & Heart around Exercise? Is it Serving you or Guilting you? 12 Mindset Shifts to Maintain Fitness Without all the Stress, Anxiety, Pressure or Shame

    110. How’s your Mind & Heart around Exercise? Is it Serving you or Guilting you? 12 Mindset Shifts to Maintain Fitness Without all the Stress, Anxiety, Pressure or Shame

    Oh sister, we’re getting vulnerable & going deep here.
    The tough truth is that it doesn't matter how fit we are, or how much fitness we're able to maintain, if we're imprisoned by it.
    For those of us who want to maintain our health & fitness and take pride in it, it can be hard to find the right balance.
    The holidays are a time when society speaks very harshly & judgmentally about food & exercise. The narratives & opinions out there are filled with a bunch of really harmful messages & associations that can drive a ton of anxiety, guilt, shame, & pressure. Everything from making “healthier versions” of our favorite treats, to avoiding them altogether, indulging in “treats”, saving up for or making up for extra calories, cheating, letting go, being “bad” or “good”, and all the “shoulds” in the air.
    I was VERY trapped in these painful cycles for years, and in early motherhood before God brought me through so much healing. Both personally, and as a coach in the holistic health & fitness space, I’ve sought to create more distinction between all these pressures & triggers to protect my peace & help the women I work with find more freedom, joy & appreciation for movement, food, & heal their body image and concept of their self worth. In these last couple years of motherhood and military service, I’ve come a long way on this journey but the holidays can still reopen some wounds.
    My prayer is that these 12 Tips are a healing balm for your heart & mind as you navigate these societal messages, so that you can fully enjoy the holidays, and reclaim the joy around your experience of fitness & food to celebrate with your loved ones, but WITHOUT all the guilt & shame.
    (This series on fitness and food was recorded last year. So many of you loved these and found them really helpful, so I wanted to share them again!)

    1:1 Coaching Call (I can support you through fitness, pregnancy, postpartum, or anything you may be struggling with in motherhood or military life!)
    Postpartum Fitness Program (4 month Training Plan for Busy, Active Mamas in the military + beyond who want to get stronger, heal their core + pelvic floor + regain confidence in their bodies again after giving birth, get back to the military fitness test & fitness goals, and have an empowering postpartum experience where you & your family can truly thrive)
    Work-Life Balance Masterclass: An $37 on-demand, self-paced video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. If you need somewhere to start to give you more breathing room and help you move out of the constant burnout, exhaustion, and guilt, I've got you!
    Let's connect at megan@armedtotheheart.com

    • 32 min
    109. The 7 Biggest Mistakes Keeping you in Spirals of Shame around Nutrition, Fitness, & your Body (and How to Break Free to Reclaim the Joy around Food!)

    109. The 7 Biggest Mistakes Keeping you in Spirals of Shame around Nutrition, Fitness, & your Body (and How to Break Free to Reclaim the Joy around Food!)

    How do we keep up our healthy habits & nutrition during the Thanksgiving & Christmas celebrations?
    Last episode we dove into 8 simple but powerful ways to find balance in staying on track with your goals while enjoying the holiday celebrations.
    This Part 2 focuses on the 7 biggest mistakes you may be making when approaching the holiday season, and simple strategies to avoid them.
    Pop in those headphones as you prep your Thanksgiving meal, and settle in my friend!
    Today you’ll learn the main mistakes that are most likely keeping you stuck, overthinking, and stressed with food — what to release, shift, & what to do/focus on instead so you can find your balance to nourish yourself fully AND enjoy food this Thanksgiving & Christmas season to make lasting memories with the people you love!
    I'll give you practical steps, strategies, tips & how to ditch the guilt, shame spirals, & anxiety in enjoying the celebrations, while still staying on track — even when your routines, norms, eating, drinking, sleep, & exercise habits are shifting due to travel or so many holiday events.
    We’ll cover how you can have more mental space to enjoy the holiday celebrations without feeling out of control, over-restricting then overindulging or binge eating.
    Peace with food is possible & you don't deserve anything less!
    You deserve the freedom to actually treasure the memories & moments with your family and pursue those goals & dreams of yours with dedication, with a healthy balance physically AND mentally.
    (This series on fitness and food was recorded last year. So many of you loved these and found them really helpful, so I wanted to share them again!)

    1:1 Coaching Call (I can support you through fitness, pregnancy, postpartum, or anything you may be struggling with in motherhood or military life!)
    Postpartum Fitness Program (4 month Training Plan for Busy, Active Mamas in the military + beyond who want to get stronger, heal their core + pelvic floor + regain confidence in their bodies again after giving birth, get back to the military fitness test & fitness goals, and have an empowering postpartum experience where you & your family can truly thrive)
    Work-Life Balance Masterclass: An $37 on-demand, self-paced video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. If you need somewhere to start to give you more breathing room and help you move out of the constant burnout, exhaustion, and guilt, I've got you!
    Let's connect at megan@armedtotheheart.com

    • 36 min

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