30 episodes

If you are a Health Care Professional that wants to grow their business or make an impact beyond the four walls of your practice, then this is the podcast for you. Dr. Glenn Vo will be connecting with Entrepreneurs and Industry Leaders to not only share their stories but to share their pearls of wisdom to get you inspired.

Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast Dr. Glenn Vo

    • Science

If you are a Health Care Professional that wants to grow their business or make an impact beyond the four walls of your practice, then this is the podcast for you. Dr. Glenn Vo will be connecting with Entrepreneurs and Industry Leaders to not only share their stories but to share their pearls of wisdom to get you inspired.

    The Spectacular Mission of Eric L. Dunavant and His Winding Journey to Becoming a Faith-Based Entrepreneur.

    The Spectacular Mission of Eric L. Dunavant and His Winding Journey to Becoming a Faith-Based Entrepreneur.

    For over two decades, Eric L. Dunavant has been redefining access for purpose-driven families and business owners.

    Eric is a “Mindset Disruption Strategist,” which is a coach, mentor, and partner who helps blend the worlds of finance, family, and mindset to create the life you’ve been striving for.

    Eric is an author, speaker, consultant, serial entrepreneur, and philanthropist who has been featured in a variety of media outlets such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Insider. Eric has worked with top wealth advisors and received multiple awards and accolades in the area of business and finance. 

    Eric has dedicated his life to his family and the fight against world poverty. His greatest passion is to empower those on the path to abundance and create transformation that lasts for generations.

    Tune in or read the corresponding blog post to hear about Eric’s inspiring story, the challenges he has faced in life, and how those challenges have shaped him to become a stronger entrepreneur.

    “Big Entrepreneur 3”

    Utilize Audiobooks to Multitask.

    As a faith-based entrepreneur, Eric often feels like he needs to be studying God’s word but he doesn’t know what to do. Maybe you’ve run into similar problems, pledging to read the Bible this year only to get to Leviticus and find yourself too bored to read the whole thing. The minute Eric gave up the idea that he could only consume the Bible by reading it was a very freeing moment for him. He’s learned that listening to audio tapes of the Bible as he works out is a great way to knock out two birds with one stone. Some people might think that this makes it difficult to listen to everything in great detail but, in Eric’s opinion, the same goes when he’s reading—he often feels distractible and as though reading doesn’t leave him feeling fully connected. 

    Learning From the Past

    Anyone who is successful and has made breakthroughs has also gone through very painful experiences. And, by studying the mistakes of others, we can hopefully avoid following in those same footsteps—which is the point of this segment. 

    So, how can we learn from Eric’s past? If you tune in or read the corresponding blog post, you’ll hear about a season of Eric’s life when he was chasing lots of wealth and his relationships weren’t as healthy as he wanted them to be. Worst of all, he was so unhappy with his relationship with his wife that he had an affair. This was 24 or 25 years ago, and it taught Eric a lot. Likewise, the lessons he learned can be relevant to us as well.

    If Eric could offer a younger version of himself some advice, he’d tell him, “Trust the setbacks, because the setback is the setup.” If he could go back in time, he’d change absolutely nothing. Eric is content where he is right now, but he knows he wouldn’t be where he is now without the dark seasons. The good, the bad, and the ugly are what brought him to where he currently is. So, if he could talk to the young Eric, he’d tell him to buckle up and learn as many lessons as he can when the challenges inevitably come.

    Don’t Stop Here!

    If you’re aspiring to be like Eric, he has a piece of advice: “If it’s not broken, then break it.” In Eric’s opinion, the entire finance industry is based on the philosophy of either fear or greed. It’s between scaring someone to buy something or giving them the fear of missing out (otherwise known as “FOMO”) so they become convinced to buy something out of greed. Everyone is thus forced into a mindset of scarcity, fearing that they’re missing out on something. 

    • 44 min
    Short Term Rental Secrets with Diya Liu and Dr. Glenn Vo

    Short Term Rental Secrets with Diya Liu and Dr. Glenn Vo


    In this episode, Dr. Glenn Vo interviews Hotel/Short Term Rental expert Diya Liu. We discuss topics ranging from her former career as an attorney to her new passion of helping others achieve financial freedom through Short Term Rentals. If you’re looking to get started in this niche Real Estate Industry, Diya is hosting an upcoming Masterclass.

    To sign up for the Short Term Rental Live Bootcamp, click here:


    Use promo code: GLENN to get 10% off! To visit her website, click the link below:


    And visit my website for more Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast episodes and Entrepreneur Tips: https://www.drglennvo.com/

    • 15 min
    The Adaptive Abby Springman: Serving Creative Small Business Through "Cool" Brand Photography.

    The Adaptive Abby Springman: Serving Creative Small Business Through "Cool" Brand Photography.


    In this episode, Glenn spoke with Abby Springmann of Abby Grace Photography.Glenn has been inspired by the story of how Abby’s prayers were answered after experiencing a setback during the adoption process. Abby’s Abby Grace Photography has allowed her to foster her passion and help support her family. Abby is a brand photographer for “high-performing, creative small business owners.” She loves capturing the images that become eye-catching facets of a brand’s website, from its sales to its funnel opt-in page. Although Abby says this work is her “sweet spot,” she began in another niche. Her business was born after college when she realized she could make a living combining two of her favorite things: photography and weddings. Abby realized that her blooming success came from “approaching brand photography like a marketer, not like a photographer who wanted to come in and take a bunch of cute photographs… the approach itself had not been done before; nobody was doing it like I was.”Soon, photographers flocked to Abby in hopes she could teach them how to emulate her success. That’s when Abby created a course—Brand Photography Academy.Those interested in working with Abby can visit abbygracephotography.com and get on a call to ensure her services are a good fit. Abby emphasizes that she wants her clients to be successful; she’ll help you consider whether your business is in a good place to invest in a full brand session. If not, Abby is willing to refer businesses to other qualified professionals in the industry.

    Big Entrepreneur 3: 

    Stop Running Your To-Do List Out of Your Inbox.

    Stop running your to-do list out of your inbox.” She does not keep emails on her phone— “There’s no such thing as a brand photography emergency,” she says. Abby would rather her clients contact her via phone because, after all, no one gets paid to sort through emails. 

    Consider Downloading the Freedom App.

    Abby considers the “Freedom” app her #1 tool. It’s an app blocker that keeps Abby away from “any sites that I would go to out of boredom” and stops her from “spending time mindlessly scrolling.” You can set the duration of time you need to be distraction-free. Abby sets her block from 5 PM to 7 AM each day, as well as the whole weekend. 

    Read Deep Work by Cal Newport.

    Abby considers Deep Work by Cal Newport to be her favorite book. She’s “sent a copy of that book to more people than [she] could ever count.” Abby says this book isn’t just about getting more done but learning to get the right stuff done. 

    Lessons from the Past:

    She remembers how, in the past, her ego was tied to the successes of her business. “I wanted people to make a big deal out of me,” she says. “If you work in the service industry, that’s not really how service works.” Abby wanted to build a “personal brand” similar to celebrity status with clients and fellow professionals recognizing her name. 

    If Abby could go back in time to speak to her 22-year-old self, she would say the words “good for her, not for you.” Abby wishes she knew that when other people succeed, they’re on their path. Her success does not have to look the same as anyone else’s, and what someone else needs may not be what Abby needs.  

    Don’t Stop Here!

    If someone told Abby they want to do what she does, she would tell them to learn as much about marketing as possible. She recommends following Julie Stoian, especially to learn about funnels. Abby also advises learning all you can about branding— “those two will drive the train.” For her, you can’t follow the same formula as you would in wedding photography for the best results. 

    The best way to get to know Abby as a person and a business owner is by following her Instagram, “abbygracephoto”, or her TikTok under the same name. Also, you can visit her website at  abbygracephotography.com. 

    • 33 min
    Helping Gen X Women Solve The Midlife Confusion

    Helping Gen X Women Solve The Midlife Confusion

    Show Notes

    This week, Dr. Glenn Vo was happy to have Robin Carberry—a business and personal development coach—come on for this week’s episode of the Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast. As an “OG Gen Xer,” Robin helps Gen X women untangle the knot of midlife confusion and uncover their purpose by unleashing more flow, meaning, success, connection, and joy into their lives. In her own words, Robin helps Gen Xers go from “wtf should I do?” to “I got this.”Although these clients are her specialty, you don’t have to be a Gen Xer to work with Robin. As long as it’s a good fit on both sides, you can become her client.Before Robin and Glenn met for this week’s episode of the Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast, Robin had Glenn take a “Sparke Type Assessment.” This is an assessment she has all of her clients take because it showcases the type of work that “lights you up” and gives you joy instead of draining energy. 

    “Big Entrepreneur 3”

    Prioritize Sleep.Some people think their life is so hectic prioritizing sleep seems impossible. Through dealing with her lupus, Robin has learned that if she did not prioritize sleep, then she wouldn’t be able to function or show up as her best self. The time you spend winding down, binging on Netflix, or scrolling through your phone is a waste of energy in Robin's eyes. Many people misguage how much sleep and hours they need and put in. Resting isn’t just a matter of maintaining your performance, but also maintaining your health. Track Your Time.As a paralegal when she was required to keep track of her time to get paid. This helped her to realize we often think tasks will take less time than they do. It can be super helpful, Robin says, if you track the time it takes you to do something for a week. It will tell you so much about how you are spending your time and save you more in the long run.Read The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms by Danielle LaPorte.Robin had a copy of it in her hands. It was filled with hundreds of post-it notes—a testimony to how much this book has helped her. 

    Learning From the Past.

    Robin regretted when she didn’t listen to her gut when working with somebody. She made excuses not to trust her gut, thinking she knew better. Then, once this led her to a mistake, she’d compound the error by trying to patch things up and make it all work out. 

    If Robin could go talk to a younger version of herself—back when she was listening to the Smiths, the Cure, or the Psychedelic Furs with an “asymmetrical haircut”—she’d tell her not to be afraid to lose. You’re younger and scared of looking “dumb” in front of other people. When you get older, you look back on those moments and realize that they weren’t as big of a deal as we thought them to be. 

    Don’t Stop Here!

    For those listening to this week’s episode, Robin urges you to take a Sparke Type Assessment. It can help you to understand what the next best steps are for you.

    Robin knows that so many people think that coaching is the next logical step after they’ve built a done-for-you service-based business. They’re tired of overbuilding funnels for people, but they know they have a knack that can rack in the dough. So instead of slaving away and building out those funnels, they decide to make a pivot into teaching people how to do it and coaching them through the process. When things fall apart, it makes sense that their Sparke Types reveal that they’re process-based people rather than service-based people. Had they known their results before making that pivot, perhaps they’d have done things differently and found success. 

    You can reach out to Robin in several ways. One way is to visit her website at https://robincarberry.com/ and book a quick chat with Robin. During your call, you can explore the idea of taking the assessment and see what it might be like to work together.

    • 33 min
    Robyn Bennett—the “Technology Queen”—Helping Her Fellow Entrepreneurs Become Virtual Summit Pros.

    Robyn Bennett—the “Technology Queen”—Helping Her Fellow Entrepreneurs Become Virtual Summit Pros.

    Show Notes

    Many of you listening in on this week’s episode are probably wondering how you can get your messages, products, or services out into the world. Maybe you’re looking for a shortcut or just some simple advice. To those folks, Robyn Bennet—the one and only “Technology Queen”—has some words of wisdom to share.Robyn is the CEO and Founder of The Technology Queen. Robyn has been the “go-to” tech guru for entrepreneurs for their virtual summits for nine years.To Robyn, a virtual summit is like a “list build.” One of the reasons she loves virtual summits is that it builds you a “warm list” where your leads get to know you over time and thus become easier to convert (for her, that length of time could vary from 2 to 45 days). As with Carrie Flynn and Colleen Kochannek, Robyn and Dr. Glenn Vo are in a Mastermind group. Their mutual mentor, Julie Stoian, runs this Mastermind, and she always has glowing things to say about Robyn—she’s constantly citing Robyn as an expert who has made creating her virtual summits so much easier.One of the biggest ways Robyn helps aspiring entrepreneurs involves providing support for their virtual summit, but that’s just half the battle.  After you’ve completed your successful virtual summit, you need to take the right actions. Robyn created the “Step Two Process” to ensure her clients don’t put all that hard work in just to miss out on the opportunities they’ve built for themselves.

    “Big Entrepreneur 3”

    Perform a Daily “Brain Dump.”

    Robyn puts everything in her head into one big pile of “today’s brain dump.” From there, she starts scheduling things in their order of importance; Next, she puts her due dates on everything—no matter their significance. 

    Utilize Google Sheets (And Don’t Be Afraid to Buy Templates!).

    Robyn was once a big fan of Excel and Microsoft Word; she even remembers WordPerfect and Lotus's days. Nowadays, she uses Google Suite. Thanks to Google Suite, communicating with her clients is easier than ever. 

    Read Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson.

    Robyn firmly believes that this book is a classic everyone should know about. After reading it three or four years ago, she immediately told clients all about it while applying its lessons to fulfill their needs.

    Learning From the Past

    To Robyn: she often put herself first—instead of putting her clients first—and it worked to her detriment. 

    It’s always easy to prioritize yourself and further your goals, and Robyn regrets doing this in the past. Your business's success depends on your client's success, and you can’t help your clients succeed if they come second.

    If Robyn could speak to a younger version of herself, she’d tell her not to worry. She’d encourage her to keep working towards her goals because, in the end, she will make it. That’s why, if she met her younger self, Robyn would emphasize the importance of keeping her head up.

    Don’t Stop Here!

    Before taking on a client, Robyn always likes to speak with them first and discern if they’re a good fit, if she can offer what they need, and so on. Robyn needs to have fun with whoever she works with—to share some laughter—and she also wants her clients to have fun.

    Many of you are interested in sharing some laughs with Robyn as she helps you create your virtual summit, build a “warm list,” and get your messages, products, or services out into the world. The best way to work with Robyn is by going to her website at thetechnologyqueen.com. From there, you can schedule a call with her by going to the Contact page or engaging with the little popup that should appear as you land on her web page. 

    To take it one step further, you can go to “thetechnologyqueen.com/waitlist.” You can join the waitlist for an upcoming virtual summit where Robyn shows people exactly how to launch their virtual summit, how their team can launch their virtual summit for them and make it a mor

    • 30 min
    Nicole McDonough - Enneagram Expert - Helping Entrepreneurs Navigate the Labyrinths of Life.

    Nicole McDonough - Enneagram Expert - Helping Entrepreneurs Navigate the Labyrinths of Life.

    Show Notes

    Let’s welcome Nicole McDonough for this week’s episode of the Doctor Entrepreneur Podcast. Nicole is a life coach, super mom, Enneagram expert, and an all-around fantastic person. You may be unfamiliar with what an Enneagram test even is, let alone what it can do. In Nicole’s words, an Enneagram is a map that helps us plot our “unique starting point.” It tells us about our motivations, beliefs, values, etc. that form when we’re young.Most people get their Enneagram results and need a “translator” like Nicole who can help listen on a deeper level; people like Nicole bring out what they’re feeling and help validate these emotions as well as identify ways to honor them.

    “Big Entrepreneur 3”

    Take Everything Everybody Says with a Grain of Salt; Figure Out What Works Best for You.Recently, Nicole read something about the “workhorses” vs. the “thoroughbreds” within the entrepreneur “breed.” For workhorses, their superpower is in their steadiness—they work a little bit each day and consistently make progress. Thoroughbreds, on the other hand, operate in between two modes: sprints and rests. It does neither type any good to look at the other and wish they had those qualities—they’re different breeds. As an Enneagram Four, Nicole deems herself a thoroughbred. Unfortunately, most of her earlier productivity was advised by workhorses. It was driving her to the ground; she was losing both her inspiration and connection to her natural rhythm. Take Yourself on “Artist Field Trips.”Nicole believes many entrepreneurs discount themselves by believing they aren’t artists—everyone has creativity. You might not be Pablo Picasso, but every entrepreneur is creative in some aspects. Read “Helping People Change” by Richard Boyatzis and/or “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni.Thanks to her academic background, Nicole found the first book—“Helping People Change” by Richard Boyatzis —through the Harvard Business Review. This book was what introduced Nicole to coaching, and one of the most powerful things she took away from it was the concept of “Self-Mastery.” The second book recommendation—“The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni—is a book that’s on Glenn’s list. 

    Learning From the Past

    People often think life is like a line with an arc: you start here and you go there in between the stages of development with a beginning, middle, and end. One of the most powerful things Nicole has been taught is that life is not a point—it’s not linear, it’s not A to B—it’s a labyrinth. In a labyrinth, you’re going around and experiencing seasons, cycles, and deja vu. 

    The goal is not to move through issues and be done with them for good. The goal is to prepare yourself so that when you come back to those issues again, you have more tools to navigate them than you did the last time around. This sort of mindset removes the pressure; there’s no arrival, point B, or end-game. It’s all about building your repertoire and becoming a stronger version of yourself.

    Don’t Stop Here!

    If you want to take the test and launch your journey, the best way to start is by doing just that: take the test. From there, you can give your results some legs and unpack by scheduling an Enneagram typing session with Nicole at :https://nicolemcdonoughcoaching.com/enneagramtyping.

    Nicoles holds her paid Enneagram typing sessions every week with a small group of up to four people. If the idea of a group session makes you take a step back, don’t give in to skepticism: it's beneficial to hear the differing results of others, compare them to your own, and undergo a more holistic experience. This is especially the case if you invite people you’re close with to the session. 

    In these sessions, you’ll take the test, get your results, and Nicole will ask you questions. After you discuss your results, you’ll get a free follow-up ca

    • 36 min

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