50 episodes

The Pricing Queen (a.k.a. Sally Farrant) is here to help you get clear on your pricing in your small business and increase your profits so you can create the life you deserve.
If you spend more time working IN your business than ON it, Sally is on hand with simple, jargon free practical advice to help you take control, increase your profits and become a Pricing Queen!

The Pricing Queen Sally Farrant

    • Business

The Pricing Queen (a.k.a. Sally Farrant) is here to help you get clear on your pricing in your small business and increase your profits so you can create the life you deserve.
If you spend more time working IN your business than ON it, Sally is on hand with simple, jargon free practical advice to help you take control, increase your profits and become a Pricing Queen!

    #47 Busting Money Myths

    #47 Busting Money Myths

    What money myths are you running your business by? Your views and beliefs about money can really help propel your business forward or hold it back. I hear it all the time with clients, certain money myths that are said over and over again. But it’s often coupled with a desire to grow the business and reach bigger financial goals. However, if you don’t pick up on those money myths you’re telling yourself, you will not reach the goals you set. So how can you change that?

    It starts with picking up on those myths you’re telling yourself and busting them! So, in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to be covering the most common ones, including:

    Money myth #1: I don’t need to plan as I have enough money [0:52]
    Here’s how to make budgets seem less boring [1:29]
    Money myth #2: Someone else manages my finances, so I don’t have to [2:23]
    The one thing you’re responsible for [3:14]
    Money myth #3: I’m rubbish with money (or with maths)  [4:23]
    My recommended resource for money mindset [4:35]
    Money myth #4: I can’t afford it [5:42]
    What if other people can’t afford you? [7:05]
    Money myth #5: I can’t charge that [7:21]
    A simple pricing increase strategy [7:51]

    Get help with working out your pricing - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator. 

    How to work with me - http://thepricingqueen.com/workwithme.

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    • 9 min
    #46 2023 Planning

    #46 2023 Planning

    Do you want to hit 2023 with a bang? Do you know where you’re headed in the next 12 months? Planning is so important for your business, because without a plan you will not hit those goals, won’t know what content to create and will not understand where your business is going.

    And with no way of being able to plan or make decisions to grow your business, you’ll just end up sort of bumbling along with no actual way of making the money you want or getting your business where you want it to go.

    So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to turn that around! Planning is so beneficial to your business and I’m going to explain why it is and what you need to be looking at to create a great plan. So we’re going to be covering:

    Why it’s so important to plan [0:54]
    If you’re currently bumbling along, here’s why that’s happening [1:27]
    Why planning and pricing go together so well  [1:45]
    Questions to ask if you want to grow your business in 2023 [2:46]
    How 90 day sprints fit into your business planning [3:38]
    Things that are often forgotten when planning for the year ahead [4:13]
    What to do if you’re not a natural planner [4:40]
    What to look at with costs and revenue [5:22]
    Looking at your goals for the year ahead [6:03]

    Get help with working out your pricing - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator. 

    Get details on my planning masterclass on 29th November at 10am - http://thepricingqueen.com/2023plan.

    Listen, rate, and subscribe!
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    • 7 min
    #45 Pricing in a recession

    #45 Pricing in a recession

    How do you price during a recession? It’s going to be a difficult time for many people, especially as prices are going up and inflation is at a record high. So how can you effectively grow your business when things are so tough right now?

    You have to remember that, although it’s a difficult time for some people, it’s not awful for everybody. And some business owners won’t be heavily affected by the recession. And a recession doesn't mean that businesses aren’t investing in your services - people are still spending. 

    But I know what it’s like. You want to continue helping people during a recession, but you don’t want it to adversely affect your business. So, in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering lots of things that will help, including:

    The most important pricing thing to remember during a recession [1:00]
    How to help people during a recession [2:07]
    How to know what to cut (and what not to cut!)  [2:31]
    The one thing you absolutely must pay [3:15]
    The starting point for all your pricing structures [3:29]
    What to do when you’re really struggling [4:13]
    Why lowering your prices shouldn’t me your first action and what to do instead [4:19]
    How to reduce offers, not just prices [4:53]
    The importance of boundaries [5:17]
    Package prices and reduced offers [5:36]
    How to offer a reduced price without adversely affecting your business [6:00]
    My top recommendation for pricing during a recession [6:47]

    Get help with working out your pricing - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator. 

    How to work with me - http://thepricingqueen.com/workwithme.

    Listen, rate, and subscribe!
    Like what you hear? Don’t forget to rate and leave a review to help spread the word!

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    • 8 min
    #44 Online business myths

    #44 Online business myths

    There are so many online business myths and success stories doing the rounds. As an online business owner, you cannot fail to see them or be attracted to them. It can be incredibly difficult to know what is and isn’t real, especially when you’re only being given half the story. 

    That’s why I loved chatting with Teresa Heath-Wareing for this week’s podcast. Teresa helps business owners from all around the world create a business and life they dream of, not what the rest of the world tells them they should have. Because success isn’t always about six figure launches and working from a beach - it’s about creating something that fits in with you, your family and your life.

    In this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    What having a business and life should look like to you [2:41]
    The reality is having that lifestyle will always include a payoff [3:05]
    What it means to have a personal brand - and the work involved [3:55]
    Why you can't compare yourself to the bigger 'person next door' type of business [6:59]
    Knowing what you can and shouldn't outsource in your business [8.19]
    Why outsourcing your social media is never a great idea [8:46]
    Why exclusivity isn't always authentic [10:55]
    Do yourself the biggest favour by asking yourself this one question! [12:30]
    The reality of building an online business [14:05]
    How attractive the numbers can be and why it's not always that straightforward [15:17]
    The myths and reality of earning money while you sleep and that beach lifestyle [16:35]
    The reality of having a membership and the work involved [18:55]
    Growing an organic list and using testimonials authentically [21:24]
    Why big results can include not falling apart! [24:32]
    The 3 key things to understand if you want your business to be amazing [26:02]
    The reality behind the online space [27:12]
    Why you need to keep it authentic [27:39]
    Looking at the long game rather than the sexy sells [30:27]
    Why affiliating with others isn't always the best lead generating activity [31:18]
    Why small is often better for lead generation [32:07]
    The myths and realities of paid and free speaking events [33:31]
    Why social media celebrities shouldn't be put on a pedestal [34:39]

    Get help with working out your pricing - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator. 

    Learn more about Teresa Heath-Wareing, over on her website - https://teresaheathwareing.com/. 

    Listen to Teresa’s 5 star rated podcast ‘Your Dream Business’ - https://teresaheathwareing.com/dream-business-podcast/. 

    Listen, rate, and subscribe!
    Like what you hear? Don’t forget to rate and leave a review to help spread the word!

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    • 37 min
    #43 Pricing Journey

    #43 Pricing Journey

    Do you take your customer on a pricing journey? It’s a question you need to ask yourself, both when thinking about product creation and also with your marketing. The pricing journey is something that can make the difference between turning a browser into a customer, a new customer into a repeat one, or risking losing the sale altogether.

    So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, I’m going to help you demystify the pricing journey. Here’s we’re going to be covering:

    What a customer pricing journey is [0:46]
    How knowing your client's journey helps with your pricing [1:12]
    If you offer coaching, here's how you can still implement a pricing journey [1:53]
    The importance of being clear about how clients can work more with you [2:57]
    How memberships and masterminds fit into that journey [3:22]
    Why pricing needs to fit the relative value being offered [4:22]
    One of the key things I always say to remember with pricing [5:42]
    It's all about getting scalable and here's why that's important [6:29]

    Get help with working out your pricing - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator. 

    If you’re feeling a little lost or overwhelmed by your pricing, why not book in to have a chat with me about this? You can do so at https://www.thepricingqueen.com/chat.

    Listen, rate, and subscribe!
    Like what you hear? Don’t forget to rate and leave a review to help spread the word!

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    • 8 min
    #42 Demystifying the differences between employees and contractors with Victoria Johnson

    #42 Demystifying the differences between employees and contractors with Victoria Johnson

    Ready to outsource or take on an employee in your business? It’s a question many entrepreneurs have but are terrified of exploring, especially when they’re ready to grow. And at first glance, it may seem that an outsourcer is your best option - but is it the right option for you and your business?
    It’s a subject I chatted with Victoria Johnson of Green Jay Group about for this week’s podcast. Victoria helps STEM startups get their people and culture how they want it to be. She also offers one-to-one leadership coaching, helping founders of businesses decide on the best ways to outsource, because it isn’t always easy deciding between hiring an employee or outsourcing to a freelancer.
    So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    What you should think about before outsourcing or taking on an employee [2:13]

    What questions to ask yourself before looking for a solution [3:03]

    Why flexibility is an important consideration [3:49]

    Understanding why control and demand play a part in the role you fill [4:41]

    Contracts and financial sustainability [6:04]

    The most crucial financial element that gets overlooked [8:42]

    What financial aspects to budget for [10:22]

    Comparing a contractor to an employee [10:46]

    Pseudo employees and what to watch for in terms of IR35 -[11:10]

    Why ignorance is not a defence [13:43]

    The four things to consider when deciding between a freelancer or an employee [14:00]

    Skills gaps and contractors [17:20]

    Packages and the part they play in the role you fill [18:01]


    Help with working out your pricing, check out my pricing calculator - http://www.thepricingqueen.com/pricing-calculator. 

    Learn more about Victoria and Green Jay over on her website - https://greenjaygroup.co.uk/.

    Follow Victoria on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriajohnsongreenjay/.

    Listen, rate, and subscribe!
    Like what you hear? Don’t forget to rate and leave a review to help spread the word!

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    • 21 min

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