The Stock Trading App Generation : Wall Street Blues - by Alfred Wall Street Blues

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  MP3 Download Link: Click Here To Download: The Stock Trading App Generation : Wall Street Blues - by Alfred Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast: Proverbs 24:3 TLB Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.  {Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}: hello everybody you're listening to wall street blues i'm your host alfred the topic of today's broadcast is the stock trading app generation let's open our bibles to the book of proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 i'm reading from the living bible translation i read any enterprise is built by wise planning become strong through common sense and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts praise the lord you see you have to keep up to date with the facts about your profession or the business you're into or the industry as a whole you know that that business is a part of and of course there is the cross-linking of industries because um businesses and industries you know feed off each other for example the school needs computers and that is tech industry you can see that's linking between the education you know industry and the tech industry you know so there is that relationship between industries you have to keep up to date with all the latest innovations and news about your industry and i'm talking about news not gossip a lot of news today is unhelpful if someone gives you news that does not help you you know it says a lot you know of of course unfortunately you know now news is mostly about propaganda and ridiculous propaganda and it you know it's self-serving it's all about trying to manipulate the minds of the masses on a mass scale you know so that's unfortunately what news is but you have to personally be somebody who understands the importance of keeping up to date with important facts about the industry that you are in or things that really matter that can affect it's relations that can be helpful to you and the intention is that a lot of these kinds of things are boring they are not exciting you know they are not going to be on mainstream news because mainstream news likes to function on the premise of you know if a dog bites a man it's not news but if a man bites a dog it's news so number one they want something um crazy they want the headline and they want something that is unusual you know and it's often bad news that the the faithful because you know people are more concerned about bad news than good news you know that's why a lot of newspapers have obituary sections but they don't have um bad sections you know if something good happens to somebody it is not going to make the front page unless that business is a celebrity and it's selling on their celebrity and of course they will put another slant to it because good news on itself doesn't seem to so people are not excited people are not trained to go after good news and to be excited about about good news and you can see that madness extended into a bunch of differences like you see all the people who are um always trying to give a new day to a new sickness oh it is cancer months oh it is this type of cancer day or it is this kind of um mental illness i mean think about people who call themselves mental health health advocates what are they advocating are they trying to make people aware that crazy people exist how can you say that you're a mental health advocate what are you talking about you think that people don't know that crazy people exist and you feel it is your responsibility now some of you hear this may say that i'm trying to make people more um sensitive to people who are going through mental stress you want people to be to to feel a certain way that has nothing to do with awareness and that in itself is crazy because you see they are crazy you know if you want to promote sympathy towards people who are mentally ill that is one thing and keep in mind that um as a christian we don'

  MP3 Download Link: Click Here To Download: The Stock Trading App Generation : Wall Street Blues - by Alfred Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast: Proverbs 24:3 TLB Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.  {Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}: hello everybody you're listening to wall street blues i'm your host alfred the topic of today's broadcast is the stock trading app generation let's open our bibles to the book of proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 i'm reading from the living bible translation i read any enterprise is built by wise planning become strong through common sense and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts praise the lord you see you have to keep up to date with the facts about your profession or the business you're into or the industry as a whole you know that that business is a part of and of course there is the cross-linking of industries because um businesses and industries you know feed off each other for example the school needs computers and that is tech industry you can see that's linking between the education you know industry and the tech industry you know so there is that relationship between industries you have to keep up to date with all the latest innovations and news about your industry and i'm talking about news not gossip a lot of news today is unhelpful if someone gives you news that does not help you you know it says a lot you know of of course unfortunately you know now news is mostly about propaganda and ridiculous propaganda and it you know it's self-serving it's all about trying to manipulate the minds of the masses on a mass scale you know so that's unfortunately what news is but you have to personally be somebody who understands the importance of keeping up to date with important facts about the industry that you are in or things that really matter that can affect it's relations that can be helpful to you and the intention is that a lot of these kinds of things are boring they are not exciting you know they are not going to be on mainstream news because mainstream news likes to function on the premise of you know if a dog bites a man it's not news but if a man bites a dog it's news so number one they want something um crazy they want the headline and they want something that is unusual you know and it's often bad news that the the faithful because you know people are more concerned about bad news than good news you know that's why a lot of newspapers have obituary sections but they don't have um bad sections you know if something good happens to somebody it is not going to make the front page unless that business is a celebrity and it's selling on their celebrity and of course they will put another slant to it because good news on itself doesn't seem to so people are not excited people are not trained to go after good news and to be excited about about good news and you can see that madness extended into a bunch of differences like you see all the people who are um always trying to give a new day to a new sickness oh it is cancer months oh it is this type of cancer day or it is this kind of um mental illness i mean think about people who call themselves mental health health advocates what are they advocating are they trying to make people aware that crazy people exist how can you say that you're a mental health advocate what are you talking about you think that people don't know that crazy people exist and you feel it is your responsibility now some of you hear this may say that i'm trying to make people more um sensitive to people who are going through mental stress you want people to be to to feel a certain way that has nothing to do with awareness and that in itself is crazy because you see they are crazy you know if you want to promote sympathy towards people who are mentally ill that is one thing and keep in mind that um as a christian we don'

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