18 min

Weekly Update: Connor≠Funny Channel 15: Practical Essential News

    • Improv

Practical Essential News' weekly update for... What day is it again? Hell we don't even know what year it is. Quarantine brain. Anyways... 
Our top stories: there aren't any. In fact there is no news at all this week! Not even any weather. How funny is that. You probably shouldn't even try to listen to this episode, it would be a waste of time. Maybe go watch some TV? I hear that Rick and Morty show is pretty all right. Or have you heard about that great new Sit-com Friends? Wowzers, amirite?
 Alright well you'll hear from us next week! This has been Practical Essential News: Channel 15, signing off.
 *Our musical services, not that there were any in this episode, because there isn't an episode, is provided by FesliyanStudios, who for whatever reason keeps sending us letters that say CEASE AND DESIST in big letters, but we have no idea what movie or meme he's trying to tell us about, as we have yet to open them.

Practical Essential News' weekly update for... What day is it again? Hell we don't even know what year it is. Quarantine brain. Anyways... 
Our top stories: there aren't any. In fact there is no news at all this week! Not even any weather. How funny is that. You probably shouldn't even try to listen to this episode, it would be a waste of time. Maybe go watch some TV? I hear that Rick and Morty show is pretty all right. Or have you heard about that great new Sit-com Friends? Wowzers, amirite?
 Alright well you'll hear from us next week! This has been Practical Essential News: Channel 15, signing off.
 *Our musical services, not that there were any in this episode, because there isn't an episode, is provided by FesliyanStudios, who for whatever reason keeps sending us letters that say CEASE AND DESIST in big letters, but we have no idea what movie or meme he's trying to tell us about, as we have yet to open them.

18 min