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    Great Characters Every Book Should Have

    Great Characters Every Book Should Have

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    • 5 min
    Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing

    Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing

    Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing

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    Hello its Peter here a game from writers

    life and today

    why pays to take risks with your writing when it comes to writing books

    regardless of whether you choose to self

    publish or try to win a traditional

    publishing deal the competition has

    never been fiercer

    readers are overwhelmed with choice and

    writers often find trying to make their

    book stand out from the ground and

    daunting and seemingly impossible tasks

    it can be easy to play it safe with your

    writing just try to stick to the rules

    of a genre and to regurgitates a tried

    and tested story that seems to appeal to

    a mass audience but if you do so your

    book is more than likely to simply

    become an echo of something already out

    there written by someone with more

    experience whose popularity has already

    been established if you choose to take

    risks however while the stakes may be

    higher it's arguable that you stand a

    far greater chance of making your book

    more discoverable distinguishable and

    desirable than those that don't but why

    is that taking risks shows you are

    willing to put your neck on the line a

    risk tic is someone who is brave they

    are willing to take a chance a leap into

    the unknown someone who is willing to

    commit all the time and energy it takes

    to write a book knowing that it does not

    pander to the masses this is undeniably

    impressive and demonstrates a commitment

    to the craft that other writers who are

    simply copycat versions of each other do

    not show taking risks will make your

    work stand out in an overcrowded

    marketplace writers need to do anything

    they can to make their books stand out

    if you are able to write a book which

    appeals to a more niche audience or one

    that grabs reader's attention and they

    might be willing to take a chance on

    your book is more likely to be seen and

    therefore more likely to sell taking

    risks may not always work but when they

    do the payoff is greater of course a

    risk is a risk and therefore the chance

    of failure is greater if you write

    something too obscure too nice too

    complicated it will be harder to find a

    publisher who's willing to take a chance

    on you or find an audience who resonates

    with your work however if you do the

    rewards are huge taking risks wins you

    respect b

    • 4 min
    How To Pick A Genre To Write In

    How To Pick A Genre To Write In

    How To Pick A Genre To Write In
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    Hello its Peter here came from a

    writer's life and today how to pick a

    genre to writing many writers don't

    consider the genre they are writing it

    until their book is written it's easy to

    believe that once you've finished

    writing your novel that it will become

    immediately obvious which category it

    falls into and when you are undertaking

    tasks such as submitting to editors or

    selecting the genres where your book

    should City Amazon that it will be easy

    to define your writing in such a way

    however only considering your genre

    after you have finished your story can

    lead to some problems there are perhaps

    some stories that are easier to define a

    classic romance thriller or horror story

    for example with many contemporary

    fiction books it can be a little more

    tricky and in fact you can find your

    story crosses the boundaries of many

    different genres a little bit of romance

    but mostly a thriller a ghost story with

    some comedy thrown in and so on the

    trouble with not being able to clearly

    define your genre is that you then

    cannot clearly define your audience one

    of the most important things you should

    be able to do and submitting your novel

    to publishers and agents or when

    marketing it yourself is to be able to

    define who your audience is to be able

    to prove that there is a market for your

    book out there that there are readers

    ready and waiting to devour it if you

    are vague about your genre agents of

    publishers will have a harder time being

    convinced they can sell your book where

    will it sit in a bookstore will readers

    be annoyed if they pitch it as a romance

    novel when actually perhaps it is more

    of a fantasy book it's the same when you

    come to choose where to place your book

    if self-publishing on sites such as

    Amazon if readers disagree with your

    choice then you

    could end up with negative reviews

    readers do not like to be mislead after

    all so how do you choose a genre to

    write it first of all right with an

    audience in mind you should always

    consider your reader when you write

    before you start why not try to identify

    who your target audience is sketch out

    an idea of what they like get to know

    them what motivates and inspires them

    what makes them tick what you u

    • 5 min
    Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer?

    Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer?

    Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer?

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      Hello its Peter here a game from writers

    life and today can you really be a

    part-time writer when it comes to

    writing we all hear those stories of

    famous writers you know the ones who are

    ate slept and breathed writing those who

    would guess over three am shaking with

    passion and a fierce unstoppable desire

    to write all their thoughts down those

    who couldn't think of anything other

    than writing who would spend their days

    holed up in their study perhaps a quirky

    just filled share the bottom of their

    garden and not see daylight or eat for

    days on end because their work was so

    consumed well that might be all well and

    good but for most of us the idea of

    being a full-time writer is a bit of a

    luxury we all know how hard it is to get

    published so how much time can we

    realistically spend on our writing while

    still making sure we have a roof over

    our heads

    also it's okay not to want writing to be

    the only thing you do with your life

    writers seem to carry immense amounts of

    guilt around with them they beat

    themselves up for not doing enough for

    not being good enough

    in fact often we are so down on

    ourselves and put so much pressure on

    ourselves it's a wonder we find any joy

    in writing at all sure being a good

    writer requires dedication and

    commitment and discipline there's no

    doubt about it but one can be a

    part-time writer and still progress

    still see targets and still achieve our

    writing dreams when did being a writer

    mean one has to be bleary-eyed neglects

    our friends and families and live on

    crusts of bread and water for weeks on

    end it's like we have to be ashamed if

    we are practically killing ourselves to

    achieve our writing goal

    there's a myth that unless we are waking

    up in the middle of the night and slowly

    becoming reclusive in order to write

    that we can't possibly be passionate

    enough about it or dedicated enough for

    it to be a success writers need to give

    themselves a break at the end of the day

    while it's important to work hard for

    what you want in life it's also

    important to enjoy the process

    so if writing part-time works for you

    and allows you to write at your leisure

    while also enjoy everything else that

    life has to offer

    that's fine in fact achievin

    • 4 min
    How to Make Your Novel Stand Out From the Crowd

    How to Make Your Novel Stand Out From the Crowd

    How to Make Your Novel Stand Out From the Crowd
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    • 3 min
    How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head

    How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head

    How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head
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    Hi it's Peter here again from a writer's

    life and today how to get inside your

    readers head one of the most helpful

    things you can do as a writer is to

    identify who your reader is no matter

    what you're writing about figuring out

    exactly who will want to read your work

    and what their reaction will be - it is

    so important right from when you start

    to create your work through to pitching

    and marketing it to help you create a

    piece of writing that will appeal to

    your reader you need to be able to get

    inside their head the more thorough and

    understanding you have of who they are

    and what they want the more easily you

    will be able to mold and shape your

    writing so it will appeal to them of

    course this might be easier said than


    however by making an effort to get to

    know your reader and to truly understand

    them you'll be able to appeal to them

    more through your writing to influence

    them and to turn them into loyal fans so

    what are the things you can do to try

    and get inside your readers head let's

    take a look first do your research

    start off by doing some simple research

    think about the genre your writing

    falls into and the kind of person that

    might be interested in that type of book

    you could even go into book shops and

    look at the different people browsing in

    that section or join fan clubs and get

    to know the kind of conversations they

    might have next get feedback all along

    the way make sure you don't wait until

    you've already finished your book or

    piece of writing to get that feedback

    ask your readers questions and get

    feedback throughout the writing process

    this will make it so much easier when

    you go back and big

    to edit and reshape your book next look

    at what other writers are doing one of

    the most helpful things you can do is

    follow your fellow writers and look at

    the different techniques they are using

    to engage readers and pique their

    interest look at successful writers in

    genres similar to yours how does your

    writing compare what do their book

    covers look like what does the blurb on

    the back say check out their social

    media accounts their author profiles

    their websites find all the information

    you can and see what reoccurring themes

    on there that you could

    • 5 min

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