7 episodes

"DARE ON AIR" is a podcast brought to you by the FH UPH's Debate and Research Community. This podcast will talk about the issue that is going on right now, especially in Indonesia, and will provide insights based on the Indonesian law.


    • Education

"DARE ON AIR" is a podcast brought to you by the FH UPH's Debate and Research Community. This podcast will talk about the issue that is going on right now, especially in Indonesia, and will provide insights based on the Indonesian law.

    Eps. 6 : Penyandang Disabilitas di Indonesia Masih Susah Mendapatkan Pekerjaan?

    Eps. 6 : Penyandang Disabilitas di Indonesia Masih Susah Mendapatkan Pekerjaan?

    Halo, Intellect People! Pada episode keenam podcast DARE ON AIR, kita akan membahas mengenai permasalahan para penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia yang sayangnya masih terbilang susah mendapatkan pekerjaan. Selamat mendengarkan! ----- Hello Intellect People! In the sixth episode of the DARE ON AIR podcast, we will discuss an issue about people with disabilities who unfortunately only have few opportunities to get jobs in Indonesia. Happy listening!

    • 10 min
    Eps. 5 : Kamu Harus Tahu: UU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual

    Eps. 5 : Kamu Harus Tahu: UU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual

    Halo, Intellect People! Di episode kali ini, host akan membawakan topik mengenai urgensi pengesahan UU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (UU TPKS) yang baru saja disahkan pada 12 April 2022 lalu. Host juga menghadirkan dosen fakultas hukum Universitas Pelita Harapan, Rizky Karo Karo, S.H, M.H. sebagai narasumber di episode kelima Podcast DARE ON AIR. Selamat mendengarkan!


    Hello, Intellect People! In this episode, the host will bring up a topic regarding the urgency of the ratification of the Sexual Violence Law. The host also presented a law faculty lecturer at Pelita Harapan University, Mr. Rizky Karo Karo, S.H., M.H. as a speaker in this fifth episode of DARE ON AIR Podcast. Happy listening!

    • 19 min
    Eps. 4 : Waspada Judi Online Berkedok Trading!

    Eps. 4 : Waspada Judi Online Berkedok Trading!

    Halo Intellect People! Kasus Judi Online yang sedang marak terjadi menjadi pembahasan kami di podcast DARE ON AIR kali ini. Pembahasan ini mencakup dasar hukum judi online di Indonesia, faktor penyebab terjadinya judi online, hingga langkah hukum yang dapat dilakukan apabila terjadi penipuan terhadap trader terkait aktivitas trading. Selamat mendengarkan!


    Hello Intellect People! On the next episode of DARE ON AIR Podcast, we will be discussing the recent case of online gambling. We will cover the fundamental law of online gambling in Indonesia,  factors that cause online gambling, and mitigations that can be done to avoid fraud during trading. Hope you find it interesting and enjoy listening!

    • 13 min
    Eps. 3 : Peduli Privasi, Lindungi Diri Sendiri

    Eps. 3 : Peduli Privasi, Lindungi Diri Sendiri

    Halo Intellect People! Di episode ketiga podcast DARE ON AIR ini, host akan membawakan diskusi terkait pentingnya perlindungan data pribadi, mengingat banyaknya kasus kebocoran data pribadi yang terjadi akhir-akir ini. Tidak dapat dipungkiri, sejak COVID-19 melanda seluruh dunia, hampir semua aktivitas dilakukan secara jarak jauh atau daring. Misalnya melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran, belanja, maupun berkomunikasi dengan kerabat, dimana mengharuskan kita untuk membuat akun-akun sosial. Namun sayangnya, masih banyak masyarakat yang masih belum menyadari terkait pentingnya data pribadi dan malah menyebarkan segala aktivitas termasuk data pribadi kedalam akun sosial tersebut. Dalam diskusi ini akan dibahas mengenai sanksi pidana bagi mereka yang membocorkan data pribadinya, langkah hukum apabila data pribadi sudah tersebar, tips agar data pribadi aman, serta sanksi pidana bagi mereka yang menyebarkan data pribadi orang lain yang berkaitan dengan urgensi pengesahan RUU PDP.


    Hello Intellect People! In the third episode of the DARE ON AIR podcast, the host will bring a discussion regarding the importance of protecting personal data, considering the significant number of personal data leakage that have occurred recently. It is undeniable, since COVID-19 hit the whole world, almost all activities are carried out remotely or online. For example, doing learning activities, shopping, or communicating with relatives, which requires us to create social accounts. But unfortunately, there are still many people who are still not aware of the importance of personal data. Instead, spreading all activities including personal data into these social accounts. In addition, this discussion will deliberate on criminal sanctions for those who leak their personal data, legal steps if personal data has been spread, tips to keep personal data safe, as well as criminal sanctions for those who share other people's personal data related to the urgency of the ratification of the Personal Data Protection Bill.

    • 14 min
    Eps. 2 : S.O.S. Bansos: Masyarakat Terbantu di Tengah Pandemi

    Eps. 2 : S.O.S. Bansos: Masyarakat Terbantu di Tengah Pandemi

    Halo, Intellect People! Pada kesempatan kali ini, podcast DARE ON AIR akan membahas mengenai bantuan sosial atau bansos pada masa pandemi. Pembahasan kali ini mencakup apa itu bansos, jenis-jenis bansos, cara untuk mendapatkan bansos, kriteria penerimaan bansos, hingga hak masyarakat untuk menerima bansos sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku. Selamat mendengarkan! 


    Hello, Intellect People!  On this occasion, the DARE ON AIR podcast will discuss about the social assistance system by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic. This discussion starts with the definition of social assistance, types of social assistance, ways to get social assistance, receivers criteria used to obtain social assistance, and the right of the community to receive social assistance in accordance with applicable laws. Enjoy!

    • 20 min
    Eps. 1 : Penolak Vaksin Covid-19 Terancam Sanksi Pidana?

    Eps. 1 : Penolak Vaksin Covid-19 Terancam Sanksi Pidana?

    Halo, Intellect People! Pada episode DARE On Air kali ini, kita akan berdiskusi mengenai vaksinasi yang sedang terjadi di Indonesia, lebih tepatnya vaksinasi COVID-19 dan juga mengenai sanksi yang akan didapatkan oleh para pihak yang menolak vaksinasi COVID-19. Abraham Ethan yang merupakan mahasiswa dari FH UPH dan juga merupakan anggota DARE akan menemani kita dalam diskusi di episode pertama ini. Selamat mendengarkan!

    - - - - - 

    Hello, Intellect People! In this episode of DARE ON AIR, we’re gonna talk about the vaccination that has been going on in Indonesia, specifically about COVID-19 Vaccines and the issue of criminal sanctions for those who refuses to get the vaccinations. Abraham Ethan as a member of DARE, who's also one of the student from FH UPH will be joining us on this first episode. Enjoy!

    • 28 min

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