15 min

Exploring Tallinn's Hidden History: A Day in Old Town FluentFiction - Estonian

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Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Exploring Tallinn's Hidden History: A Day in Old Town
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Et: Katrin seisis Toompea lossi ees.
En: Katrin stood in front of the Toompea Castle.

Et: Päike säras heleda taevaga ning lapsed ümberringi naersid ja rääkisid.
En: The sun shone brightly in the clear sky, and children around her laughed and talked.

Et: Oli üleminekuaeg laste jaoks.
En: It was a transitional time for the children.

Et: Nad olid koolireisil, et uurida Tallinna vanalinna keskaegset arhitektuuri.
En: They were on a school trip to explore the medieval architecture of Tallinn's Old Town.

Et: Katrin oli põnevil.
En: Katrin was excited.

Et: Ta armastas ajalugu ja arvas, et Tallinna vanalinn on üks ilusamaid kohti.
En: She loved history and thought Tallinn's Old Town was one of the most beautiful places.

Et: Nende giid, härra Mägi, oli tark ja teadis palju lugusid vanalinnast.
En: Their guide, Mr. Mägi, was knowledgeable and knew many stories about the old town.

Et: Ta viis klassi Niguliste kiriku juurde ja rääkis selle imelisest ajaloost.
En: He led the class to St. Nicholas' Church and spoke about its remarkable history.

Et: "Keskaeg oli täis müsteeriume," ütles härra Mägi.
En: "The medieval era was full of mysteries," said Mr. Mägi.

Et: "Siin on Niguliste kiriku torn.
En: "Here is the tower of St. Nicholas' Church.

Et: Kas sa tead, et kunagi ammu olid tornid valvuri töökohad?
En: Did you know that long ago, towers were the workplaces of guards?

Et: Nad pidid vaatama, et vaenlased ei ründaks."
En: They had to watch to ensure enemies wouldn't attack."

Et: Katrin kuulas huviga.
En: Katrin listened with interest.

Et: Ta kujutas ette valvureid, kes sealt kõrgelt vaatasid.
En: She imagined guards looking out from those heights.

Et: Järgmine peatus oli Raeapteek.
En: The next stop was the Town Hall Pharmacy.

Et: See on üks vanimaid apteeke Euroopas.
En: It is one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe.

Et: Härra Mägi näitas, kuidas vanasti ravimeid valmistati.
En: Mr. Mägi showed how medicines were made in the past.

Et: Katrini sõbrad, Mari ja Kati, vaatasid ravimtaimi.
En: Katrin's friends, Mari and Kati, looked at the medicinal herbs.

Et: Mari küsis Katrinilt, "Kas sa arvad, et meil õnnestub näha vanu rohtusid?"
En: Mari asked Katrin, "Do you think we'll get to see some old remedies?"

Et: Katrin raputas pead.
En: Katrin shook her head.

Et: "Ma ei tea, aga see oleks põnev."
En: "I don't know, but it would be exciting."

Et: Nad liikusid edasi mööda kitsaid tänavaid.
En: They continued along narrow streets.

Et: Vanalinna munakivisillutis oli ebaühtlane, kuid Katrin armastas seda kõike.
En: The cobblestone pavement of the old town was uneven, but Katrin loved it all.

Et: Härra Mägi rääkis iga tänava ja hoone kohta.
En: Mr. Mägi spoke about each street and building.

Et: Lapsed kuulasid tähelepanelikult.
En: The children listened attentively.

Et: Päeva lõpus viidi nad Toompea lossi sisehoovi.
En: At the end of the day, they were taken to the courtyard of the Toompea Castle.

Et: Seal oli suur vaade linnale.
En: There was a great view of the city.

Et: Katrin vaatas kaugusse.
En: Katrin looked into the distance.

Et: Ta tundis end nii väiksena selles suures ajaloos.
En: She...

Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Exploring Tallinn's Hidden History: A Day in Old Town
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Et: Katrin seisis Toompea lossi ees.
En: Katrin stood in front of the Toompea Castle.

Et: Päike säras heleda taevaga ning lapsed ümberringi naersid ja rääkisid.
En: The sun shone brightly in the clear sky, and children around her laughed and talked.

Et: Oli üleminekuaeg laste jaoks.
En: It was a transitional time for the children.

Et: Nad olid koolireisil, et uurida Tallinna vanalinna keskaegset arhitektuuri.
En: They were on a school trip to explore the medieval architecture of Tallinn's Old Town.

Et: Katrin oli põnevil.
En: Katrin was excited.

Et: Ta armastas ajalugu ja arvas, et Tallinna vanalinn on üks ilusamaid kohti.
En: She loved history and thought Tallinn's Old Town was one of the most beautiful places.

Et: Nende giid, härra Mägi, oli tark ja teadis palju lugusid vanalinnast.
En: Their guide, Mr. Mägi, was knowledgeable and knew many stories about the old town.

Et: Ta viis klassi Niguliste kiriku juurde ja rääkis selle imelisest ajaloost.
En: He led the class to St. Nicholas' Church and spoke about its remarkable history.

Et: "Keskaeg oli täis müsteeriume," ütles härra Mägi.
En: "The medieval era was full of mysteries," said Mr. Mägi.

Et: "Siin on Niguliste kiriku torn.
En: "Here is the tower of St. Nicholas' Church.

Et: Kas sa tead, et kunagi ammu olid tornid valvuri töökohad?
En: Did you know that long ago, towers were the workplaces of guards?

Et: Nad pidid vaatama, et vaenlased ei ründaks."
En: They had to watch to ensure enemies wouldn't attack."

Et: Katrin kuulas huviga.
En: Katrin listened with interest.

Et: Ta kujutas ette valvureid, kes sealt kõrgelt vaatasid.
En: She imagined guards looking out from those heights.

Et: Järgmine peatus oli Raeapteek.
En: The next stop was the Town Hall Pharmacy.

Et: See on üks vanimaid apteeke Euroopas.
En: It is one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe.

Et: Härra Mägi näitas, kuidas vanasti ravimeid valmistati.
En: Mr. Mägi showed how medicines were made in the past.

Et: Katrini sõbrad, Mari ja Kati, vaatasid ravimtaimi.
En: Katrin's friends, Mari and Kati, looked at the medicinal herbs.

Et: Mari küsis Katrinilt, "Kas sa arvad, et meil õnnestub näha vanu rohtusid?"
En: Mari asked Katrin, "Do you think we'll get to see some old remedies?"

Et: Katrin raputas pead.
En: Katrin shook her head.

Et: "Ma ei tea, aga see oleks põnev."
En: "I don't know, but it would be exciting."

Et: Nad liikusid edasi mööda kitsaid tänavaid.
En: They continued along narrow streets.

Et: Vanalinna munakivisillutis oli ebaühtlane, kuid Katrin armastas seda kõike.
En: The cobblestone pavement of the old town was uneven, but Katrin loved it all.

Et: Härra Mägi rääkis iga tänava ja hoone kohta.
En: Mr. Mägi spoke about each street and building.

Et: Lapsed kuulasid tähelepanelikult.
En: The children listened attentively.

Et: Päeva lõpus viidi nad Toompea lossi sisehoovi.
En: At the end of the day, they were taken to the courtyard of the Toompea Castle.

Et: Seal oli suur vaade linnale.
En: There was a great view of the city.

Et: Katrin vaatas kaugusse.
En: Katrin looked into the distance.

Et: Ta tundis end nii väiksena selles suures ajaloos.
En: She...

15 min