14 episodios

Chai on Life is a podcast for passionate Jewish women. We speak about all things that go into living an observant lifestyle in a way that's real and welcoming. Come learn from so many inspiring women out there!

Chai on Life Alex Segal

    • Religión y espiritualidad

Chai on Life is a podcast for passionate Jewish women. We speak about all things that go into living an observant lifestyle in a way that's real and welcoming. Come learn from so many inspiring women out there!

    Raising Empowered Children while Nurturing Yourself with Parenting Coach Yael Sunshine

    Raising Empowered Children while Nurturing Yourself with Parenting Coach Yael Sunshine

    Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast. I’m Alex Segal and today we have a big topic to dive into: Motherhood.
    For this conversation, I got connected with Yael Sunshine who is a parenting coach, special educator, speaker and yoga therapist with more than 15 years of experience. She helps parents through many different challenges that come with raising kids like behavior issues, addiction, learning disabilities, relationship challenges and more.

    She is the creator of Soulful Mothering, a holistic parenting framework that supports mothers so they can manage overwhelm, trust their parenting and develop thriving support networks.

    We really got into it in this conversation and covered so many different topics related to parenting including:
    -Strategies to manage tantrums with a young child
    -How to model the behavior we want to see in our kids
    -How to avoid perfectionism as mothers
    -How to make sure your needs are being taken care of
    -How to help kids through a personal or family trauma they may be experiencing
    -How to bring more joy into parenting
    …and so much more!

    For more from Yael, check out these resources:
    Facebook group
    Facebook business Page
    Facebook Digital Creator Page

    If there's someone you want to see on The Chai on Life Podcast, send me a DM on Instagram at @chaionlifemag or an email at alex@chaionlifemag.com.

    Thanks so much for listening!

    • 55 min
    Our Collective Mental Health Check-In with Rachel Tuchman, LMHC

    Our Collective Mental Health Check-In with Rachel Tuchman, LMHC

    Hi everyone! Welcome to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast, I’m Alex Segal and today we are so privileged to have Rachel Tuchman, licensed mental health counselor on our podcast.

    Rachel has worked with many diverse populations including incarcerated women at Riker's Island Correctional Facility, kids and adults with developmental delays, kids with behavior issues, overwhelmed parents looking for skills and support, teens struggling with the pressures of adolescence and life in general, adults going through difficult life circumstances (divorce, infidelity, phase of life challenges), individuals struggling with their relationship with food and their bodies and women experiencing infertility.

    Rachel is a Health At Every Size aligned clinician and dedicates a lot of her time out of office to educating parents and kids on the importance of body respect and the behaviors that truly honor our health. 

    Rachel also does speaking engagements for schools, synagogues, and various community organizations.

    In our conversation, we speak about:
    -What managing your mental health looks like right now in a post October 7 world and how we can do more of that
    -How we can feel closer to each other through feeling this collective pain
    -How we can deal with any survivor’s guilt we may be feeling living our day to day lives when some of our brothers and sisters are in such a horrific situation
    -How to deal with the influx of difficult news that comes at us regularly
    -How to deal with the uncertainty of life in America and what a better mindset might be
    -How to manage anxiety you may be having right now, work on getting rid of it and working on not passing it down to your kids
    -Practical things we CAN do to take action when we’re feeling helpless, or just to boost our mental and emotional state
    -How to create better boundaries in our lives to actually live the life you want to be living

    …and SO MUCH MORE

    It definitely turned into an important conversation and an emotional one — maybe have some tissues nearby. I cried, Rachel cried, I cried again while editing it but it was one of those good cries where you’re allowing your emotions to come to the surface, so I’m excited for you to hear it.

    For more from Rachel, follow her on Instagram at @rachel_tuchman_lmhc.
    If there is someone you want to see on The Chai on Life Podcast, email me at alex@chaionlifemag.com or send me a DM @chaionlifemag.

    Thanks for listening!

    • 1h 4 min
    Trusting Hashem Through Life's Challenges with Dating Coach and Therapist Jackie Glaser

    Trusting Hashem Through Life's Challenges with Dating Coach and Therapist Jackie Glaser

    Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Chai on Life Podcast. I’m Alex Segal and today, we are speaking with Dating Coach and Former Today Show Psychologist Jackie Glaser.

    I’ve known Jackie for 12 years. She was really influential on my Jewish journey. I was on a trip to Israel the summer after I graduated college which is when I met her — she taught us at the seminary Neve Yerushalayim and then she basically convinced me to stay in Israel and do another program for six weeks. That fall, after I was back, she was in New York and started a program that we called Souled — which was a weekly Jewish learning class which changed my life and introduced me to some of my best friends.

    If you know Jackie, you know she is a powerhouse. She has changed so many lives with her teaching and now is helping so many through her dating coaching. She is using her psychology skills and her own experience of working on herself to help other singles do any work that could help them become more ready to meet and marry their soulmate. She also coaches married women in her courses.

    In this podcast, we speak about:
    -Jackie’s experience being single and how she worked on her relationship with Hashem to find peace in that and ultimately, meet her husband
    -What it really means to surrender to Hashem and she shares real exercises you can do today in order to help you get there
    -How to know what type of therapy is right for you and if you’re stuck in talk therapy, where you can go from there
    -Why we may experience trauma and how to work through it so we can heal
    -Why you should run away from someone who is trying to tell you reasons why you’re single
    -How to deal with the pain of being single without turning it into suffering
    -More about her course offerings and why the work she does is so powerful
    -Practical tools and resources we can turn to to work on our trust in Hashem

    …and so much more!

    Other resources mentioned in the podcast:
    -Jackie's website and Instagram (@datingbyjackieg) — follow her there for more dating advice and support!
    -Listen to Jackie on The Inside Out Podcast to learn even more about her journey and get more wisdom from her
    -Build your strength in Hashem with dailybitachon.com
    -Watch Tzipora Grodko's content for more support

    If there is a topic or person you want to see on The Chai on Life Podcast, send me a DM on Instagram at @chaionlifemag or send an email to alex@chaionlifemag.com.

    Thanks for listening!

    • 54 min
    Elevate Your Entire Shavuot Experience with Esteemed Educator and Speaker Nalini Ibragimov

    Elevate Your Entire Shavuot Experience with Esteemed Educator and Speaker Nalini Ibragimov

    Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast. I’m Alex Segal, and today we have a really exciting episode to gear up for Shavuot with Esteemed Educator, Speaker and Kallah Teacher Nalini Ibragimov.
    If you know Nalini, you already know how special she is. I had the privilege of meeting her nearly 12 years ago now when she co-founded a group called Souled, which was a weekly class for young professional women who had been on Israel trips or other programs and wanted to continue their learning while working in New York City. She is a role model to maybe thousands of women at this point through her work on college campuses, as a kallah teacher, someone who prepares brides for their upcoming wedding, Souled and other Jewish organizations.
    Here’s some more formal info for those who aren’t familiar with Nailni and her work:
    Nalini Ibragimov attended Barnard College and Moreshet Institute and studied Jewish history in Touro’s master’s program. She lived in Israel for four years where she taught in various institutions. 
    For the following five years, she and her husband worked at Brooklyn College for JLIC, a joint program of the OU and Hillel, where she taught and ran various programs for Jewish students on campus. Nalini taught in Ateres Naava seminary in Brooklyn for 15 years until moving to Long Island a few years ago. Additionally, Nalini has taught hundreds of kallot and is a speaker for My Gift of Mikvah. She is also part of the educational staff of Core. 
    Today, Nalini is the director of the Olami Women's House, which provides a living space for young professional women who seek to live in a nurturing, Torah immersive environment. If you want to apply to live there, click here!
    If you're a young professional woman, you can also hear Nalini speak Wednesday nights at Safra Synagogue on the Upper East Side at 7:30 p.m.
    Nalini resides in Woodmere, New York with her husband and takes great pride in her six children and the families they are building.

    Now, let’s talk about our episode. In our conversation we speak about:
    -Nalini’s Jewish journey and how she got to where she is today
    -How she manages and balances all of the work she does with being a wife and a mother of six children
    -How she decides what professional responsibilities to take on
    -What Shavuot really means and the perspective we can have going into it
    -How we can manage the heaviness all around us right now and channel that pain we’re still feeling into the holiday and use it to create even more connection with Hashem
    -What a miracle actually looks like and how we can see more of them in our daily lives, right now
    -How we can use the time we have left before Shavuot to prepare for the holiday — and why the process and the preparation are key
    -How to connect on Shavuot when you’re home with little kids and not going to learn all night
    -How the holiday of Shavuot is like a wedding and a beautiful lesson that we can all infuse into our marriages and our relationship to all of klal Yisrael

    …and SO MUCH MORE

    If you have any questions for Nalini, you can reach out to her at Nalini419@gmail.com.

    If there's someone you want to see on The Chai on Life Podcast or a topic you want featured, send me an email at alex@chaionlifemag.com or a DM on Instagram at @chaionlifemag.

    Thanks so much, see you next week!

    • 1h 3 min
    A Deep Dive into the Mystical World of Mikvah with Renowned Educator Miriam Goldberg

    A Deep Dive into the Mystical World of Mikvah with Renowned Educator Miriam Goldberg

    Hi everyone! Welcome to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast. I’m Alex Segal and today, we’re diving into the deep, spiritual world of mikvah and the mitzvah of Taharat HaMishpacha, or the laws of family purity.
    NOTE: While all of our podcasts are targeted to women, this one specifically is for women, as per the request of the speaker.
    Also an important note, I know this is a mitzvah that not everyone may be able to participate in right now for various reasons, so if it’s a sensitive topic, that is totally okay and you can feel free to skip this one if it’s not for you.
    This is a big one. Mikvah is kind of a mystical topic and has so much power.
    So this week, I am speaking with Miriam Goldberg. Miriam is a renowned educator who lives in Sanhedria, Jerusalem with her husband Rabbi Yitzchak Goldberg. Both she and her husband have been involved in teaching and guiding chassanim and kallahs for more than a decade as well as providing halachic and martial counseling for married couples.
    Together, they wrote a book called Wellsprings of Taharah, which is a guide complete with halachic and hashkafic guidance about this important mitzvah.
    They are also the founders of the Chizuk Series website, where they offer in-person and recorded sessions for men and women in taharat hamishpacha, shalom bait, emunah and tefilah which have become popular internationally.
    Miriam is actually launching a new series that goes way more in-depth into this topic starting on June 16 so if you like what you hear in this episode and want to learn more, you can join here!

    In this episode, we speak about:
    -Why the mitzvah of mikvah can become bland and rote over time and what to do about it
    -Why it’s so important to continue learning about the mitzvah and its laws after you’re married, not just before
    -Important perspective on how to love the mitzvah more if it’s one you’re struggling with
    -Why the investment in the mitzvah is so important and some really powerful stories around that
    -Why the mitzvah of mikvah may be harder in our generation
    -Why the mikvah waters provide a unique spiritual environment to connect to Hashem
    -How to get more out of your entire mikvah prep and the experience once you’re there
    -Tips to make the niddah period easier if it’s hard for you
    -How to connect to mikvah night after you've had an argument with your husband and feel emotionally disconnected
    …and SO MUCH MORE

    Miriam is just a fountain of information and a wealth of knowledge and she shares deep and powerful concepts in a really attainable and truly thought-provoking way. Hope you enjoy!
    If there's a woman you want to see here or a topic you want featured, send an email to alex@chaionlifemag.com or send a DM to @chaionlifemag. Thanks so much!

    • 45 min
    How to Articulate Your Needs, Wants and Desires to Create More Love in Your Marriage with Relationship Expert Chana Deutsch

    How to Articulate Your Needs, Wants and Desires to Create More Love in Your Marriage with Relationship Expert Chana Deutsch

    Hi everyone, welcome back to another episode of The Chai on Life Podcast! I’m Alex Segal and today I am so excited to bring you this episode with Chana Deutsch. 

    Chana lives in the Old City in Israel and is currently devoted to helping women feel their best and create their best marriages. She is a mom, a wife, a relationship expert and coach. She specializes in helping women in relationships (and not-yet-in relationships) foster the connection, intimacy and love they desire in their marriage and in their home.

    Chana teaches down-to-earth strategies designed for women to get in touch with, and bring forth, their authentic and vulnerable feminine self through her coaching program, Absolutely Feminine.

    She has become a beacon of light for women around the world who want to transform their relationships from a state of disconnect, frustration and lack of understanding to one of mutual respect, happiness, intimate communication and connection.

    Chana is also the host of the popular With All Your Heart Interview Series: The Jewish Woman’s Path to Experiencing Joy and Fulfillment in Love where she speaks with other experts all about building new patterns and habits for greater connection in their relationships. She just launched this year’s series which is going on until May 30th — a new interview is sent out every day. If you want to check it out, you can visit withallyourheartseries.com.

    In this interview, we speak about—
    -How she ended up living in Israel and meeting her husband at 19
    -What challenges came up and how she learned to work through them
    -What a “normal” marriage actually means and entails
    -If religious dating versus secular dating makes a difference in how the marriage ends up down the road
    -What she offers in her “Absolutely Feminine” course
    -A real life example and how she would guide someone through it
    -How we can help our children develop the skills they need to succeed in and build a beautiful marriage of their own

    …and so much more!

    Get a free class from Chana all about creating a playful and passionate marriage. You can access it at chanadeutsch.com/passion.
    Listen to Chana's podcast on Spotify called: Coffee and Connection.
    If you want to reach out to Chana, you can email her at absolutelyfeminine@gmail.com or Chana@absolutelyfeminine.com.
    Thanks for listening!

    • 55 min

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