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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast Jacob Kuker (Cub)

    • Religión y espiritualidad

🌈⃤ Unlock the Supernatural Power of Ancient Mysteries.
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    Bible Conspiracies that WILL Haunt Your Dreams!

    Bible Conspiracies that WILL Haunt Your Dreams!

    Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP439

    6. The Serpent as a Truth-Teller

    In Sumerian mythology, the serpent is associated with Enki, a god who was often in conflict with his brother Enlil. Some theorists propose that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was telling the truth about the knowledge of good and evil and that Enki, represented by the serpent, was a benefactor to humanity. This view recasts the serpent as a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment rather than deceit.

    Genesis 3:22: "And Yahweh Elohim said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.'"

    7. Fallen Angels as Heroes

    The ancient astronaut theory also reinterprets the story of the fallen angels. Rather than being purely malevolent, these beings might have been well-intentioned, similar to Prometheus in Greek mythology. They could be seen as bringing knowledge and advancement to humanity, challenging the narrative that casts them solely as rebels against divine authority.

    Genesis 6:4: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.

    8. Enoch, Thoth, and Hermes Trismegistus

    Enoch, from biblical tradition, is often compared to Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus, figures from Egyptian and Greco-Roman mythology. All three are associated with divine wisdom, writing, and the transmission of sacred knowledge. This theory suggests that these characters are different cultural representations of the same archetype of the enlightened scribe.

    Genesis 5:24: "Enoch walked faithfully with Elohim; then he was no more, because God took him away."

    9. Paul as the Antichrist

    Some theories suggest that Paul the Apostle, who played a significant role in the spread of Christianity, was actually the antichrist. They argue that Paul’s teachings diverged from those of Jesus and that early Christianity had two competing factions: the mystical Gnostics and the orthodox followers of Paul. This view contends that Paul’s influence led to the institutionalization of Christianity, which some see as a distortion of Jesus’ original message.

    2 Corinthians 11:13-15: "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

    10. Red Letter Conspiracy

    The words attributed to Jesus in the Bible are often printed in red. Some theorists claim that Jesus’ teachings, when taken at face value, differ significantly from the rest of the Bible’s philosophy. They argue that Jesus never supported many of the religious laws and instead challenged existing constructs. According to this theory, Jesus aimed to awaken individuals to their spiritual potential rather than save them in a traditional religious sense. His question, “Who do you say I am?” emphasizes personal interpretation over doctrinal adherence.

    Matthew 5:17: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

    Bonus Theory: Jesus as Lucifer

    This theory explores the idea that Jesus and Lucifer are connected or even the same entity. The concept arises from interpretations of biblical verses where both figures are referred to as the "morning star" or "light-bringer."

    Revelation 22:16: "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

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    • 1h 36 min
    Heavenly Tablets of Enoch!? (Nobody Will Talk About This)

    Heavenly Tablets of Enoch!? (Nobody Will Talk About This)

    Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP435

    Chapters 80 and 81 from the Book of Enoch:

    In Chapter 80, the angel Uriel explains to Enoch the cosmic and earthly disturbances that will arise due to human sinfulness. The years will be shortened, agricultural productivity will decline, and natural cycles will be disrupted. The sun, moon, and stars will not follow their usual paths and timings; the moon will alter its order, the sun will shine differently, and the stars will deviate from their prescribed courses. This disruption will lead people to confusion and idolatry, as they will erroneously worship the stars as gods. Ultimately, this increase in wickedness will bring divine punishment aimed at destroying the sinners.

    Chapter 81 focuses on Enoch’s encounter with the heavenly tablets, which document the deeds of mankind up to the remotest generations. Enoch praises the Lord for His creations and patience. He is instructed to share his knowledge and revelations with his son Methuselah and all his children, emphasizing that no flesh is righteous before the Creator. Enoch is given one more year on Earth to impart his teachings and record them for future generations before being taken away. The chapter underscores the judgment that will befall both the righteous and the sinners: the righteous will find comfort among their peers, while sinners will perish with other sinners, and the godless actions of humanity will cause the righteous to suffer and be taken away.

    The heavenly tablets are of paramount importance as they document the divine order and the deeds of humanity, guiding righteous living and emphasizing divine judgment and accountability. By reading the tablets, Enoch gains a comprehensive understanding of divine will and human actions, which he is tasked with teaching to his descendants. The tablets also serve as a prophetic warning, revealing the future consequences of human sinfulness and the alterations in the natural world, urging humanity to turn towards righteousness.

    This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment… 


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    *Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.


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    • 1h 51 min
    My BIGGEST Bible Conspiracies Revealed! (Question Everything)

    My BIGGEST Bible Conspiracies Revealed! (Question Everything)

    Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP438

    Over the years, I've developed many Bible conspiracy theories. For the first time, I'm organizing them into one video for you to consider deeply. Please understand that these are just my opinions, but I believe there is substantial data to support them. Let me know what you think.

    1. Jesus as a Practitioner of Metaphysics

    Some theorists suggest that Jesus was not the son of the biblical God but a master of metaphysical principles. They argue that his miracles, teachings, and resurrection were demonstrations of his deep understanding and manipulation of spiritual and natural laws rather than divine intervention. This view aligns with metaphysical traditions that emphasize the power of consciousness and spiritual mastery.

    Matthew 17:20: "He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'"

    2. Jesus as an Anunnaki Deity

    Another theory posits that Jesus was an Anunnaki deity, the full son of Anu, the Sumerian king of heaven. The Anunnaki are ancient Mesopotamian gods often linked to ancient astronaut theories. This perspective suggests that Jesus’ extraordinary abilities and knowledge stemmed from his extraterrestrial heritage rather than a divine origin within the biblical narrative.

    John 10:34: "Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’?''"

    3. Revelation as a Metaphysical Map

    Some interpret the Book of Revelation not as a prophecy of Jesus’ return but as a metaphysical guide. They argue that the seven churches mentioned in Revelation correspond to the seven chakras, or energy centers, within the human body. This reading suggests that Revelation is about spiritual awakening and the alignment of these energy centers rather than an apocalyptic future.

    Revelation 3:12: "The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name."

    4. Ancient Astronauts in the Old Testament

    Proponents of ancient astronaut theories claim that the Old Testament depicts extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth. Verses like Isaiah 19:1, “See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt,” are interpreted as descriptions of advanced spacecraft. This perspective sees many biblical events and miracles as interactions with technologically advanced beings rather than divine acts.

    Isaiah 19:1: "See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear."

    5. The Kingdom of God Within

    This theory interprets Jesus’ statement “basileia theous entos” (the kingdom of God is within) as an indication that the kingdom of God is not a future event but a present reality within each person.

    Luke 17:21: "Nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you."

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    #faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism

    *Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.


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    • 1h 35 min
    Secret of Creation FORBIDDEN by the Ancient gods!!

    Secret of Creation FORBIDDEN by the Ancient gods!!

    Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP437

    Chapter 4 of the Hermetica, titled "Contemplate Creation," focuses on the process and significance of creation in the context of Hermetic philosophy.

    Divine Mind and Creation: The chapter begins with the assertion that all creation originates from the Divine Mind (Nous). It explains that the Divine Mind is the source of all existence, shaping the cosmos through contemplation.

    Process of Creation: It describes how the Divine Mind, by contemplating itself, generates the cosmos. This self-contemplation brings forth order from chaos, leading to the structured universe we observe. The Divine Mind is both the creator and the substance of creation.

    Role of Humanity: Humanity plays a crucial role in this creation. Humans, being endowed with a portion of the Divine Mind, have the ability to contemplate and thus participate in the ongoing process of creation. Through contemplation, humans can ascend to higher levels of understanding and align themselves with the divine order.

    Unity and Duality: The text emphasizes the unity of all things within the Divine Mind, while also acknowledging the duality present in creation. This duality is seen in the material and spiritual realms, which coexist and interact, forming the complete cosmos.

    Purpose of Contemplation: The chapter underscores the importance of contemplation as a means to connect with the Divine Mind. By contemplating creation, individuals can gain insight into the nature of the cosmos and their place within it, ultimately leading to spiritual enlightenment.

    Reflection and Insight: It encourages readers to reflect on the beauty and order of the natural world as a way to understand the divine principles at work. This contemplation helps to reveal the interconnectedness of all things and the presence of divine intelligence in every aspect of creation.

    Overall, Chapter 4 of the Hermetica highlights the profound connection between the Divine Mind, creation, and human contemplation, illustrating how understanding and engaging with these concepts can lead to a deeper spiritual awareness and harmony with the cosmos.

    This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment… 


    🌈⃤  Explore the Supernatural Mythos of Faith, Spirituality and Paranormal. 🐦‍⬛

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    *Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.


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    • 1h 37 min
    Above Top SECRET: Theories That Keep Me Up At Night! Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP436

    Above Top SECRET: Theories That Keep Me Up At Night! Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP436

    Unlock the mysteries and delve deep into some of the most intriguing theories that have captivated my mind. From children born with extraordinary abilities, echoing the speculative project 'MK-Ultra', to the secrecy surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial life, this episode explores the theoretical depths of 'Above Top Secret' information.

    I believe there are hidden layers of secrecy, including the alleged concealment of UFO evidence by 'Project Blue Book' and the elusive Majestic 12. Uncover the speculative truth behind folklore legends like the Chupacabra and Bigfoot, rumored to be the result of genetic experiments, and the existence of subterranean cities with unknown races like Reptilians.

    There are also fascinating theories surrounding advanced technologies and hidden knowledge. Learn about futurist cybernetics that could revolutionize human capabilities, and the mysterious SETI signals hinting at alien communications. Understand the significance of the 'Eye of Providence' on the U.S. dollar bill, and how it fuels the belief in secret societies controlling global affairs.

    While these topics are speculative, some say they are backed by actual data that you can explore further. But how and where?

    Join me as we navigate through these controversial yet captivating subjects. Whether it's the secrets held by powerful councils, the classified information on unusual phenomena, or the ancient astronaut theory, this video provides a comprehensive overview.

    Challenge your perceptions and explore the possible hidden truths that lie beneath the surface of official narratives. Don't forget to check the links in the description for more detailed information and sources.

    This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment… 


    🌈⃤  Explore the Supernatural Mythos of Faith, Spirituality and Paranormal. 🐦‍⬛

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    *Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.


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    • 1h 40 min
    The BEING of Atum! (Thoth’s Description of GOD)

    The BEING of Atum! (Thoth’s Description of GOD)

    Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP434

    Chapter 3 of "The Hermetica: Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs" delves into the concept of Atum, a significant deity in ancient Egyptian mythology. Atum is often regarded as the primordial creator god, representing the essence of creation and the origin of all things. The chapter explores Atum's nature and attributes, shedding light on the philosophical and metaphysical aspects associated with this deity.

    The text likely discusses Atum as the "being" or essence from which everything originates. This concept aligns with the Egyptian creation myth, where Atum is often depicted as self-created or self-generated, emerging from the primordial waters of chaos (Nun). Atum's creative act is symbolized by his self-masturbation or self-pleasuring, which leads to the creation of other deities and ultimately the universe.

    The chapter might also touch upon Atum's role as a unifying force, bringing together opposing elements to form a harmonious whole. This aspect of Atum reflects the Egyptian worldview of balance and interconnectedness, where divine forces work together to maintain cosmic order (Ma'at).

    Additionally, the text may explore Atum's association with the sun and the concept of regeneration and renewal. Atum is sometimes equated with the setting sun and the evening sun, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.

    Overall, Chapter 3 of "The Hermetica: Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs" likely presents Atum as a central figure in Egyptian cosmology, embodying the creative, unifying, and cyclical aspects of existence.

    This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment… 


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    #faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism

    *Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.


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    • 40 min

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