203 episodios

The Grand Rapids Historical Commission Podcast features "A Glance at the Past," a local history radio project. Take a listen to give you a glimpse of Grand Rapids in the past.

Glance at the Past GRHC

    • Gobierno

The Grand Rapids Historical Commission Podcast features "A Glance at the Past," a local history radio project. Take a listen to give you a glimpse of Grand Rapids in the past.

    Roads and Streets

    Roads and Streets

    The early roads into the village of Grand Rapids were along Indian trails, and the influence of these trails on the city can still be seen today.

    • 2 min
    Mill Creek Bass Hatchery

    Mill Creek Bass Hatchery

    The only institution of its kind in the world, the Michigan Fish Commission's hatchery was located within three miles of Grand Rapids.

    • 2 min
    The Irish

    The Irish

    The Irish seemed to have followed the direction of the westward movement on the Erie Canal and later the railroads.

    • 2 min
    Blacksmiths and Carpenters

    Blacksmiths and Carpenters

    The first trade established in the village of Grand Rapids was that of blacksmith, and the carpenters were not far behind.


    • 2 min
    The Nelson Elms

    The Nelson Elms

    Two fine elm trees stood on Bostwick St. At least three feet in diameter, and sixty feet high, their wide tops shaded both sides of the street. The city was ready to cut them down.

    • 2 min
    Historic City Elections

    Historic City Elections

    More than one town has claimed itself the GOP's birthplace. One of those towns was Grand Rapids, back in 1854.

    • 2 min

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