27 episodios

Since its inception in 2011, RUSSIAN ART + CULTURE has become the most popular and comprehensive international guide to the world of Russian art and culture. Our new podcast will feature even more creative conversations around tradition, fine art, education and more.

Owned by art collector and professional Natasha Butterwick RUSSIAN ART + CULTURE features listings of the best selected events all over the world, exclusive interviews with the world-renowned professionals of the Russian cultural scene, reviews of the latest books, exhibitions and performances, research articles and opinion pieces, and the latest reports on the art market.

Throughout the year we host seminars, lectures, film screenings, conferences and organise private art tours. In 2014 we published the UK-Russia Year of Culture magazine and, in 2015, commissioned the first-ever in-depth analysis of the Russian Auction Market – an invaluable and much-quoted source of reference for art professionals.

RUSSIAN ART + CULTURE has regularly featured in The Times, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, The Art Newspaper, Huffington Post, Blouin ArtInfo, The Moscow Times and RIA Novosti – and on the BBC. We are the founders of the RUSSIAN ART WEEK in London – an exclusive network uniting the leading auctions of Russian Art at Sotheby’s, Christie's, MacDougalls and Bonhams with the coinciding Russian-themed exhibitions and cultural events.

We publish a comprehensive bi-annual OFFICIAL RUSSIAN ART WEEK GUIDE, coinciding with the June and November auctions of Russian Art at Sotheby’s, Christie’s, MacDougall’s and Bonhams. The Guide is available across London at locations from the Courtauld Institute, via the Saatchi Gallery to the Russian Embassy, to leading auction houses, business centres, restaurants and hotels, including The Dorchester, Claridge’s and The Ritz providing an insight into the most important events and topics.

In Conversation with Art & Culture Izba Arts

    • Arte

Since its inception in 2011, RUSSIAN ART + CULTURE has become the most popular and comprehensive international guide to the world of Russian art and culture. Our new podcast will feature even more creative conversations around tradition, fine art, education and more.

Owned by art collector and professional Natasha Butterwick RUSSIAN ART + CULTURE features listings of the best selected events all over the world, exclusive interviews with the world-renowned professionals of the Russian cultural scene, reviews of the latest books, exhibitions and performances, research articles and opinion pieces, and the latest reports on the art market.

Throughout the year we host seminars, lectures, film screenings, conferences and organise private art tours. In 2014 we published the UK-Russia Year of Culture magazine and, in 2015, commissioned the first-ever in-depth analysis of the Russian Auction Market – an invaluable and much-quoted source of reference for art professionals.

RUSSIAN ART + CULTURE has regularly featured in The Times, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, The Art Newspaper, Huffington Post, Blouin ArtInfo, The Moscow Times and RIA Novosti – and on the BBC. We are the founders of the RUSSIAN ART WEEK in London – an exclusive network uniting the leading auctions of Russian Art at Sotheby’s, Christie's, MacDougalls and Bonhams with the coinciding Russian-themed exhibitions and cultural events.

We publish a comprehensive bi-annual OFFICIAL RUSSIAN ART WEEK GUIDE, coinciding with the June and November auctions of Russian Art at Sotheby’s, Christie’s, MacDougall’s and Bonhams. The Guide is available across London at locations from the Courtauld Institute, via the Saatchi Gallery to the Russian Embassy, to leading auction houses, business centres, restaurants and hotels, including The Dorchester, Claridge’s and The Ritz providing an insight into the most important events and topics.

    27. Zsolt Bodoni - art, hygiene, politics

    27. Zsolt Bodoni - art, hygiene, politics

    Zsolt Bodoni is a Romanian artist, who experiments with a range of media in his paintings to create dimension. His latest venture are semi-transparent multi-layered works with light. In late 2021, his exhibition viewed in darkness at David Kovats London, introduced the artist to the UK. We were really excited to talk to him about his process, the evolution of his practice and what comes next.

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    Music by Alexandr Solodchenko

    • 33 min
    26. Kusochek 2.0 - Irina Kikina

    26. Kusochek 2.0 - Irina Kikina

    Irina is from Moscow and takes much of her creative inspiration from Russian cultural references that she discusses in this episode, especially film, art, and literature. Irina got her MA in graphic design at the Stroganov Academy of the Applied Arts, the alma mater of Rodchenko and Mayakovsky. She moved to Antwerp, Belgium to study Dutch and then to Moscow to work as a designer and art director at magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar and Empire. After 10 years in the industry, she took the leap in 2020 to set up her own business, a sustainable e-commerce brand called Kikina Designs aimed at Gen-Z and Russian culture lovers. On her website you can expect to find futurist manifestoes hand-painted on silk scarves, post-Soviet cult classic movie heroes on t-shirts, and silver age poetry on hoodies. In this episode, Irina describes her favourite Russian food, films, and literature with a passion that would make anyone want to eat, watch, and read all of the above.

    Find Kikina designs here: https://irinakikina.com/ and here: https://www.instagram.com/kikina_designs/
    Find Zviagintsev’s quote here: https://www.indiewire.com/2004/02/return-of-the-prodigal-father-andrey-zvyagintsev-talks-about-the-return-79164/
    Find Pozner’s interview (in Russian) with Zviagintsev here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS7oTyY__zs
    Find the film “I am Twenty” part 1 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5NzS4h4MOg
    Find the film “I am Twenty” part 2 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFmPXhadAHk
    Find the film “July Rain” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohakjwIYkrE

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    • 44 min
    25. Kusochek 2.0 - Saffy Mirghani

    25. Kusochek 2.0 - Saffy Mirghani

    Saffy talks about her research into the influence of literary legend Fyodor Dostoevsky on African American literature and the Blackness of Alexander Pushkin. Saffy talks about her favourite novels and recommends the best way for newbies to Russian literature to get into Dostoevsky. She also discusses the existential themes of suffering, salvation and oppression that appear in Dostoevsky’s work and subsequently relate to African American slave culture in African American literature. Saffy also explains why it is argued that Pushkin had an affinity to black culture through his own suffering and feeling like an outsider due to his heritage. Tune in to hear more of Saffy’s fascinating perspective on Russian literature and her and recommendation on how to get a well-rounded insight into Russian culture. Saffy is in her second year of her PhD and hopes to contribute a valuable piece of scholarship to an otherwise not hugely written about topic. She has ambitions to pursue either academia or creative writing or both once her thesis is done.

    Find Saffy here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/saffy-mirghani
    Find Slovo, UCL SSEES’s academic journal here: https://student-journals.ucl.ac.uk/slovo/
    Find Nabokov’s lecture on Dostoevsky here: https://www.nytimes.com/1981/08/23/magazine/nabokov-on-dostoyevsky.html
    Find the SRB podcast here: https://srbpodcast.org/

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    • 24 min
    24. Talking Music with Olga Jegunova - War & Music

    24. Talking Music with Olga Jegunova - War & Music

    This episode is about Music and War.
    While preparing I came across an mazing work by Brent Thomas Yorgason who wrote a dissertation on the subject in 1997 for Utah State University. I found it very informative and complete, so todays episode is based on this work.

    War has always had a powerful influence on music. At times it has the ability to motivate composers even more than love, religious belief, or money. Throughout the ages, both war and music about war have changed dramatically. The destructive power of war has reached its ultimate capabilities -- the potential to eliminate all life. As war has become more and more horrible, and has caused unprecedented amounts of needless deaths, the world's view of war has changed completely. This change in attitude toward war is evident also in the development of war music.

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    • 23 min
    23. Kusochek 2.0 - Curse Like a Russian with Elmira Kuznetsova and Jess Pollard

    23. Kusochek 2.0 - Curse Like a Russian with Elmira Kuznetsova and Jess Pollard

    Jess is a Canadian born and raised, Elmira a Muscovite. Both currently reside in Vancouver and met for the first time when they became flatmates. Jess is an illustrator and Elmire a piano teacher and copywriter. Jess had lived in Siberia for a few months and speaks Russian, meaning that Elmira and she would talk often about Russian language and culture, including swearing. Together over lockdown they decided it would be fun to create and Instagram account of the most inventive Russian swearwords to entertain their friends. Suddenly their account became an internet sensation and people from all corners of the globe were sharing their content.

    Now, the pair have released 3 volumes of their favourite curses and are working on volume 4. Listeners beware, there will be a fair amount of effing and blinding on this week’s episode so if that’s not your cup of chai, move on to episode 3. However, we strongly suggest you get acquainted with the most creative swearing you’ve ever heard and enjoy the curses in all their glory.

    Follow @curselikearussian on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curselikearussian/
    Purchase Curse Like A Russian volumes 1-4 here: http://jesspollard.squarespace.com/new-products
    Watch a clip from Не горюй! here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=198965181961597
    Find Jess here: http://jesspollard.squarespace.com/
    Find Yuri Dud here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMCgOm8GZkHp8zJ6l7_hIuA
    Find Redaktsiya here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1eFXmJNkjITxPFWTy6RsWg
    Find Ivan Bilibin here: https://visualmelt.com/Ivan-Bilibin and here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Bilibin

    Find Yuri Dud here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMCgOm8GZkHp8zJ6l7_hIuA
    Find Redaktsiya here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1eFXmJNkjITxPFWTy6RsWg
    Find Ivan Bilibin here: https://visualmelt.com/Ivan-Bilibin and here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Bilibin

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    • 40 min
    22. Talking Music with Olga Jegunova - Rita Wagner

    22. Talking Music with Olga Jegunova - Rita Wagner

    Many of Rita’s students remember her luminous nature, her laughter and positivity, which is very rare amongst music teachers. Often, too often teacher’s authority is based on fear, humiliation and suppression of a student. But how is it related to Rita? 

    In this episode I’ll tell you how Rita (probably totally unconsciously) broke a cliché of dominant teaching method and introduced a loving, kind and patient approach. You will also hear various people talk about Rita: amongst them pianist sir Andras Schiff, cellist Steven Isserlis and her students. At the end you’ll hear a composition dedicated to Rita by classical pianist and composer Prach Boondiskulchok. 

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    • 19 min

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