51 min

Liz Batalla on Women Levelling Up Problem Busters

    • Economía y empresa

Liz Batalla shares how she came to realise her dream of helping women level up both individuals, groups and the organisations lucky enough to have them. This is an inspiring episode from an experienced and finely-honed leadership coach.
We learn how to set about writing a book, what you could expect to learn on Liz' Masterclasses, what issues commonly hold women back at work, and most importantly, how to support the women around you.
About the show:
Problem Busters is a show that explores solutions to the biggest and the smallest of problems. Hosts Jonathan Goodwin and Oliver Happy discuss making the world a better place with guests from far and wide.
About our guest:
​​Liz Batalla is the Founder and Executive Director of The Institute for Achievement and Excellence and the author of the book - Level up to move up. Liz helps women level themselves up and helps businesses educate and promote their female talent.
Show mentions:
A corporate and academic background2020: create the Institute for Achievement and Excellence to help women level up across 9 life areas so they can better navigate the business world and step into leadership roles. As well as assist organisations better educate and promote their female talent.Working in male-dominated environments, finding women had concerns around personal and professional progress.A common question: how to navigate this space, in order to grow professionally and personally?03:30 three things that worry women in the corporate environment. Lack of confidence, a feeling of overwhelm/imposter syndrome, a lack of flexibility in the organisation (e.g. flexible working hours).Women still tend to be the main carer at home. Having flexibility can really help.Female family members are the women I look up to (grandmothers, mum, god-mother, sisters).06:00 Anything I'd do differently if I had my time again? Starting the process of what I'm doing now, earlier i.e. I'd have set up the Institute for Achievement and Excellence earlier.Providing help as a manager or lecturer is different than running the Institute. I am able to touch many more lives due to making my knowledge and experience available via: online, self-paced masterclasses.09:00 What impact are the 3 challenges women are experiencing having on society? Monumental impace because it affects their contribution to their organisations, family and community. If they are unable to give of their best then the everyone they are in contact with never benefits fully from all she can offer.Article: McKenzie and Company (2020) - Women make up just 15% of executive-team membership, and more than a third of companies have no women at all on their executive teams.This due to not putting themselves forward as well as not being sponsored and supported into it. There are both intrinsic and extrinsic challenges.A man may put himself forward with 50-60% understanding of a role, a woman may require 90% upwards to feel confident to do the same.11:00 How can the Institute help? Assisting companies to better educate and promote their femal talent and also helping the woman herself to take responsibility and level up herself so she can rise to the occasion.12:00 The 3 forces in achieving excellence are: Identity of the individual (improving oneself), connections (relationships with self and others), status (managing one’s standard of living).3 life areas in each of the 3 forces in achieving excellence, there are 9 life areas in total.14:30 Women going through the process of a self-assessment. Easiest way to identify areas of strengths and areas for improvement.The three Cs: Courage, Confidence and Charisma.A lot of women coming into corporate environments are lacking the fundamental skills to navigate...

Liz Batalla shares how she came to realise her dream of helping women level up both individuals, groups and the organisations lucky enough to have them. This is an inspiring episode from an experienced and finely-honed leadership coach.
We learn how to set about writing a book, what you could expect to learn on Liz' Masterclasses, what issues commonly hold women back at work, and most importantly, how to support the women around you.
About the show:
Problem Busters is a show that explores solutions to the biggest and the smallest of problems. Hosts Jonathan Goodwin and Oliver Happy discuss making the world a better place with guests from far and wide.
About our guest:
​​Liz Batalla is the Founder and Executive Director of The Institute for Achievement and Excellence and the author of the book - Level up to move up. Liz helps women level themselves up and helps businesses educate and promote their female talent.
Show mentions:
A corporate and academic background2020: create the Institute for Achievement and Excellence to help women level up across 9 life areas so they can better navigate the business world and step into leadership roles. As well as assist organisations better educate and promote their female talent.Working in male-dominated environments, finding women had concerns around personal and professional progress.A common question: how to navigate this space, in order to grow professionally and personally?03:30 three things that worry women in the corporate environment. Lack of confidence, a feeling of overwhelm/imposter syndrome, a lack of flexibility in the organisation (e.g. flexible working hours).Women still tend to be the main carer at home. Having flexibility can really help.Female family members are the women I look up to (grandmothers, mum, god-mother, sisters).06:00 Anything I'd do differently if I had my time again? Starting the process of what I'm doing now, earlier i.e. I'd have set up the Institute for Achievement and Excellence earlier.Providing help as a manager or lecturer is different than running the Institute. I am able to touch many more lives due to making my knowledge and experience available via: online, self-paced masterclasses.09:00 What impact are the 3 challenges women are experiencing having on society? Monumental impace because it affects their contribution to their organisations, family and community. If they are unable to give of their best then the everyone they are in contact with never benefits fully from all she can offer.Article: McKenzie and Company (2020) - Women make up just 15% of executive-team membership, and more than a third of companies have no women at all on their executive teams.This due to not putting themselves forward as well as not being sponsored and supported into it. There are both intrinsic and extrinsic challenges.A man may put himself forward with 50-60% understanding of a role, a woman may require 90% upwards to feel confident to do the same.11:00 How can the Institute help? Assisting companies to better educate and promote their femal talent and also helping the woman herself to take responsibility and level up herself so she can rise to the occasion.12:00 The 3 forces in achieving excellence are: Identity of the individual (improving oneself), connections (relationships with self and others), status (managing one’s standard of living).3 life areas in each of the 3 forces in achieving excellence, there are 9 life areas in total.14:30 Women going through the process of a self-assessment. Easiest way to identify areas of strengths and areas for improvement.The three Cs: Courage, Confidence and Charisma.A lot of women coming into corporate environments are lacking the fundamental skills to navigate...

51 min

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