31 episodios

Muslims In Your Backyard is a podcast focused on understanding and analyzing 21st Century issues, problems and history from a Muslim perspective. Join me as I examine an Islamic perspective on many 21st Century issues but also seek to reconnect with Islamic history and its impact on our lives in the 21st Century.

Muslims In Your Backyard Khurram Shamim

    • Religión y espiritualidad

Muslims In Your Backyard is a podcast focused on understanding and analyzing 21st Century issues, problems and history from a Muslim perspective. Join me as I examine an Islamic perspective on many 21st Century issues but also seek to reconnect with Islamic history and its impact on our lives in the 21st Century.

    Youth Outreach and Social Media ft. Belal Elkadri

    Youth Outreach and Social Media ft. Belal Elkadri

    Asalam Waliakum! 
    Please to announce the release of a new episode and an amazing interview with my guest Belal Elkadri (@yourbrotherbelal) who is a motivational speaker, youth outreach specialist and Islamic preacher who focuses on issues within the Muslim community. 
    The focus of our discussion will cover a variety of topics within the Muslim community. We’ll begin by discussing Belal’s outreach to younger children, it’s importance as well as how he makes an effective presentation for children to deliver the Islamic message to them. 
    Following this, we will delve into the importance of role models for the youth and their importance in guiding us to become who we want to be.  
    Lastly, we will delve into the rise of social media dawah and its ability to both help and hurt the Muslim community. Social media’s ability to spread Islamic knowledge comes at the cost of replacing or diminishing traditional and more effective methods of Islamic knowledge. 

    ALSO don’t forget to share this episode and to follow my Instagram and Twitter (X) account: @MIYBPodcast

    Belal's Website: https://belalelkadri.com/
    Instagram: @yourbrotherbelal

    • 1h 30 min
    The Modern Workplace

    The Modern Workplace

    Asalam Waliakum! 
    Please to announce the release of a new episode! This episode took longer than I had hoped but I’m glad to be posting episodes again. As always I’m thinking of ways to make a better podcast! 
    The theme of this episode will be the Modern Workplace. Specifically, I’ll be discussing the ideas behind “Hustle Culture” and “Quiet Quitting”, primarily their origin and why they become prevalent within the modern work culture. I’ll then focus on their implications for Muslims as well as what it says about a person’s worldview. 
    You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Stitcher. 
    Don’t forget to share this episode and to follow my Instagram account @MIYBPodcast

    • 1h 13 min
    Overconsumption and Being Grateful

    Overconsumption and Being Grateful

    Today's episode is somewhat later than I expected (my apologies) and will focus on the holiday season within the Western world and specifically in Canada. I wanted to focus on this because there are some rather interesting observations of society and some possibly valuable lessons fro the Muslims community within them.
    I also am not going to nor do I intend to criticize people who do celebrate Christmas or any other holiday, I am more making observations about the holiday season in general.
    As always don't forget to follow me on Instagram and on Twitter, it's @MIYBPodcast! Don't forget to share this podcast with other as well you can listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.

    • 50 min
    Past and Present Muslims: X

    Past and Present Muslims: X

    Asalam Walaikum! Today's episode will analyze the life of Malik El-Shabazz or better known as Malcolm X. The episode will provide an introduction to his early life and then focus on his alignment with the Nation of Islam, before diving into his conversion to Islam. As always I did not cover every detail of his life but I highlighted many of the turning points and essential details that impacted his politics and views. In addition, the episode will also partially cover the Nation of Islam to provide context to Malcolm's early beliefs in comparison to his later conversion to Islam.
    As always I intend these episodes to be a learning journey for myself and for you, the listener. Since I don't cover everything in this episode don't forget to do your own research and to learn more about Malcolm X!
    ALSO, don't forget to follow me on Instagram and on Twitter @MIYBPodcast. I post episode and podcast updates as well as general posts on both platforms.
    Finally, if you did enjoy today's episode don't forget to like and subscribe to the podcast as well as to share it with other as well!

    • 1h 6 min
    Forgotten History: Babri Masjid Pt.2

    Forgotten History: Babri Masjid Pt.2

    Today's episode will be Part 2 of my Babri Masjid episode and will focus on understanding the aftershocks that the destruction of Babri Masjid had on the Indian Muslim population. In examining this, I hope to show how many layers of the Indian justice system failed but also the wide degree of impacts that the destruction of the Masjid had on many average and normal Indian Muslims. At the same time, I also bring the story of one man who brought good from the destruction of the Masjid.
    Also don't forget to follow me on Instagram or Twitter it's @MIYBPodcast. Remember to also follow the podcast and to leave a like or a five star review at the podcast page that you are listening from!

    • 52 min
    Forgotten History: Babri Masjid Pt. 1

    Forgotten History: Babri Masjid Pt. 1

    This episode will focus on the destruction of Babri Masjid and the reasons for its destruction. I give some background history towards the destruction of the Mosque, but I focus on the actions of the Hindu radicals who destroyed the Mosque. In doing so, my goal is to examine their thought process as well as expose the rampant islamophobia behind their actions.
    This is Part 1 of my Babri Masjid episode and Part 2 will focus on understanding the aftermath and direct impact of the destruction of the masjid.
    Also don't forget to follow me on Instagram or Twitter it's @MIYBPodcast. Remember to also follow the podcast and to leave a like or a five star review at the podcast page that you are listening from!

    • 46 min

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