25 episodios

Successful entrepreneurs, Cheryl and Liza discuss how to navigate mindfulness while building successful businesses.

Navigating Mindfulness Navigating Mindfulness

    • Economía y empresa

Successful entrepreneurs, Cheryl and Liza discuss how to navigate mindfulness while building successful businesses.

    Women and Leadership

    Women and Leadership

    In this episode, we welcome Belinda Clemmensen, B.Sc., M.Ed., PCC

    Belinda is the Founder and CEO of Women’s Leadership Intensive.  She believes women are not only capable of changing the world, but that we will be a driving force in making it happen.  When we look out at the world, we see that change is needed and that we can help.

    Many women feel that we don't fit the traditional leadership box. We sense there is a better way, and that we have more to contribute, but don’t always know how to reach that potential.  As a leader, it is essential to know who you are and lead as YOU.

    With 25 years of experience, she understands how to help leaders uncover, and step into, their potential.  She helps leaders connect to that place of purpose where their unique strengths meet a need in the world and serve others.

    This passionate belief is what drives her as a leadership development professional and what led her to build the Women's Leadership Intensive; our mission to inspire, empower, support, and equip women to lead the change the world needs.

    Being a relentless champion of purpose-driven leaders is at her core. In addition to founding WLI, she is a proud co-founder of the Leader Coach Intensive, a unique program that builds world-class coaches – Tomorrow’s Leaders Today.

    Some of the topics that we cover in this episode:

    Women in leadership.
    How living in alignment with our values and sense of purpose supports us to live with mindfulness and fulfilment.
    Values and purpose-driven leadership.
    Why it is more important than ever for women in particular to connect values and sense of purpose with leadership.
    How motherhood affects our leadership style.

    Book Recommendation:

    Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

    Women’s Leadership Intensive has fantastic opportunities coming up:

    Upcoming 6 Week Women's Leadership Online Course begins October 28, 2021:


    Free video series - receive free weekly leadership inspiration


    Looking to connect?

    Cheryl Sutherland:



    Liza Magcale:



    Belinda Clemmensen:



    • 32 min


    Authentic: true to one’s own personality, spirit or character. (source: Merriamwebster.com)

    Joined again by the “Magnet for magnificence” Lindsay Johnson, the topic of this episode is Authenticity.  Cheryl and Lindsay tackle the issue of being real about what we want and having the guts to go out and create it, ask for it, or do it.

    Lindsay Johnson, aka The Radical Connector, is a 20-year entrepreneurship nerd and business strategist who's obsessed with teaching new entrepreneurs business skills and strategies for turning their brilliance into a profitable business by working less and playing more. Born into a family of entrepreneurs, Lindsay watched as her family struggled to balance working hard to succeed with burning out and sacrificing their quality of life. She was determined to crack the code to faster growth and more financial abundance with less work; more play and less struggle. Lindsay uses her online business school and private coaching to teach her clients how to use entrepreneurship as a tool to build the life of their dreams while also stepping into deeper radical self-acceptance as a business owner.

    This episode is fun and informative with lots of insight:

    How the journey of self-acceptance affects your business.
    How to grow a business online.
    Knowing when unfollows/unsubscribes is an indication that you are doing something right.
    Understanding the need to test and experiment with social media.
    How to deliver information differently to avoid offending.
    The need to understand your customer’s journey.

    All that and so much more!

    Reading Recommendation:  The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

    Looking to connect?

    Cheryl Sutherland:



    Liza Magcale:



    Lindsay Johnson:


    Instagram: @radicallinds

    Free guide - How Not to Sell to Strangers: https://www.theradicalconnector.com/how-not-to-sell-to-strangers

    • 50 min


    People-pleaser: a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires.  (source: merriam-webster.com)

    According to psychologytoday.com, there are 10 signs that you might be a people-pleaser:

    You pretend to agree with everyone.
    You feel responsible for how other people feel.
    You apologize often.
    You feel burdened by the things you have to do.
    You feel you can’t say no.
    You feel uncomfortable if someone is angry at you.
    You act like the people around you.
    You need praise to feel good.
    You go to great lengths to avoid conflict.
    You don’t admit when your feelings are hurt.

    You guessed it!  In this episode of Navigating Mindfulness, we are talking about ‘People-Pleasers’.  Cheryl has a guest co-host, Lindsay Johnson aka The Radical Connector. They are joined by special guest Elle Rosher.

    Elle Rosher is a mindset coach for millennial women entrepreneurs who want to overcome people-pleasing and self-doubt to freely live their lives the way they want. Once a constant people-pleaser herself, she recognized the detrimental impact of living a life constantly striving to fulfill others' expectations. While completing her neuroscience degree at the University of Toronto, she gained valuable insight into the brain’s neurocircuitry and methods useful to alter unhelpful thoughts and prioritize our well-being. In her downtime, you can usually find Elle cuddled up on the couch reading a romance novel or dancing to her favourite tunes.

    We’re so excited to present this episode to you!  Some of the topics include:

    Worth vs. self-worth
    Setting boundaries

    And of course, we share lots of anecdotes and stories of our own as we have worked through many of these issues.

    Join us for this relevant and important topic.

    We would love to hear your thoughts on this episode!

    Looking to connect?

    Cheryl Sutherland:



    Liza Magcale:



    Lindsay Johnson:


    Instagram: @radicallinds

    Free guide - How Not to Sell to Strangers: https://www.theradicalconnector.com/how-not-to-sell-to-strangers

    Elle Rosher:


    Instagram: @ellerosher

    Free guide - How to Handle Difficult Conversations: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fde415452a55d70d1be5a9c

    • 51 min
    How do you know it's time to move on?

    How do you know it's time to move on?

    How do you know it’s time to move on?

    It’s important to take time to check in with yourself.  Not only on a personal level but also professionally. Ask yourself how you are feeling, acknowledge it and develop your course of action.

    Some of the topics we cover in this episode:

    How the pandemic has forced some to reconsider their professional path.

    Pivot the business vs. moving on from it.

    How to know when to continue the evolution of yourself and your business.

    Recognizing when you continue doing something, or offering something out of obligation instead of what makes sense for the growth of your business.

    Do you ever ask yourself, what would I do if I had to quit my company or sell my business?  If your answer is something along the lines of “exactly the same thing” then you know you’re on the right path.  If not, then you may need to take a look at what you would rather be doing.

    Both Cheryl and Liza share their experiences with this topic.  Cheryl talks about how she has decided to stop consulting because it no longer brings satisfaction to her life and to focus more on her Affirmation products.  Liza has chosen to empower her team to lead the way in one of her businesses so she can focus her energies on other endeavours.

    Please join us on this journey of building businesses while living a mindful life.

    If you’d like to suggest a topic or join us for an episode, please contact us at:


    We’re also found on Facebook and Instagram @navigatingmindfulness.  We’d love to

    Looking to connect?

    Cheryl Sutherland:



    Liza Magcale:



    • 47 min
    Imposter Syndrome

    Imposter Syndrome

    In this week’s episode, we tackle the topic of Imposter Syndrome.

    What is Imposter Syndrome?  According to verywellmind.com it “refers to an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. While this definition is usually narrowly applied to intelligence and achievement, it has links to perfectionism and the social context”

    Some common characteristics of Imposter Syndrome are:


    An inability to realistically assess your competence and skills

    Attributing your success to external factors

    Berating your performance

    Fear that you won't live up to expectations


    Sabotaging your own success

    Setting very challenging goals and feeling disappointed when you fall short

    If you have ever experienced any of these symptoms, then this is the episode for you!

    Did you know that Imposter Syndrome (or Phenomenon) disproportionately affects high-achieving people and can affect a person at many points in life?

    Cheryl shares her experiences with Imposter Syndrome and the steps she is taking to overcome it.

    For more information about Imposter Syndrome, please visit https://impostorsyndrome.com/

    Looking to connect?

    Cheryl Sutherland:



    Liza Magcale:



    • 30 min
    Coaching with special guest Jessica Williamson

    Coaching with special guest Jessica Williamson

    On this episode of Navigating Mindfulness, we welcome entrepreneur and business coach, Jessica Williamson.  She is joining us from Perth Australia to talk about her experiences as an entrepreneur and how she became a respected and sought-after business coach.  She explains her coaching philosophy and how she guides her clients in finding their true goals.

    “If you want it, you’ll make it happen or you will find a way to make it happen” ~ Jessica Williamson

    About Jessica:

    An award-winning mindset & business coach and serial entrepreneur having run 4 businesses in the last 5 years… it’s safe to say, she loves to keep busy!

    Hailing from a background in digital marketing and advertising, and with no formal training in fashion, she launched her first business Ete Swimwear at just 22 years of age in 2016. It was an almost instantaneous success, receiving an invitation to showcase at New York Fashion Week just one week after launching.  Ete Swimwear is now one of Australia’s most coveted swimwear brands with loyal customers worldwide.  Since then, Jessica has owned a wildly popular and successful event rental space, and a social media influencer travel agency and she continues to run a photography business.

    In the last 2 years, she found her true passion in her work as a certified business coach. She loves helping other female entrepreneurs unleash their potential through her 1:1 coaching and believes that anything is truly possible! Jessica combines her experience in business with her innovative strategies for growth and passion for helping you reach your goals and live your dream life!

    When she’s not busy supporting her incredible clients and getting them epic results in their businesses… or running her own empires… Jessica loves to explore and go on adventures or relax at the beach!

    Looking to connect?

    Cheryl Sutherland:



    Liza Magcale:



    Jessica Williamson:



    • 44 min

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