218 episodios

You may be the farmer or married to the farmer - this podcast will help you balance family and merge your personal needs with your farm demands. You can have a profitable biz AND a lovely, fulfilled life. I teach you personal development tools & strategies to finally conquer overwhelm and the feeling that you're not doing enough in your family or in your business. You'll learn step-by-step how to create the results you want in life!

Profitable Mindset Charlotte Smith

    • Economía y empresa

You may be the farmer or married to the farmer - this podcast will help you balance family and merge your personal needs with your farm demands. You can have a profitable biz AND a lovely, fulfilled life. I teach you personal development tools & strategies to finally conquer overwhelm and the feeling that you're not doing enough in your family or in your business. You'll learn step-by-step how to create the results you want in life!

    #212: How Erica Retired Her Husband from His Factory Job to Farm Full-Time

    #212: How Erica Retired Her Husband from His Factory Job to Farm Full-Time

    Click HERE for 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm

    Erica Benoit was a self-described "hot-mess mom" before she joined my coaching program last summer.
    Even though they were making lots of sales on their meat and raw milk farm in Central Missouri, there was never any money left - every dime went back into the farm.
    She forgot customer orders, dropped all kinds of balls on the farm, and was overwhelmed by everything.
    She lay awake in the middle of every night - looping on everything she still had to do.
    This anxious looping was exhausting, wasn't productive, and didn't move her ahead. 
    I often hear this complaint from so many farmers. Please know that you don't have to live this way any longer.
    It's my greatest joy to share this hope with you—and every farmer everywhere—that Erica turned this around and has created success beyond her wildest dreams.
    >>Tune in and Hear How Erica Made their farm Profitable and Retired Her Husband
    Working on her own, she couldn't see how they'd ever reach their goal of her husband being able to quit his factory job and farm with her full-time!
    However, Erica had started with my marketing program a couple of years earlier and had heard about farmers' success with the mindset coaching I offer.
    Fast forward nine months after joining my coaching program, 5x Your Farm Sales.
    You'll hear Erica talk about the dream come true - her husband was able to quit his factory job this past March to farm full-time. 
    They've paid off their mortgage, saved more than a year's worth of living expenses, and continue to increase that safety net.
    This kind of success is possible for you, too, when you learn the skills Erica learned and then implemented over the past few years working with me.
    It's so important that you hear about these farmers' success in building profitable farms, which I regularly share on the podcast, so you can have hope and confidence that you can build a profitable farm, too.
    The best chance of success in learning and implementing these strategies is to surround yourself (here and in my class) with farmers who are already doing what you want to do.
    >>Tune into Episode 212 of the Profitable Mindset Podcast
    How did she do it? Erica studied and implemented the two main programs I teach. She started with Farm Marketing from the Heart a few years ago to create consistent sales.
    Then, last summer, she added 5X Your Farm Sales to study advanced marketing and time management and used the coaching calls to manage her mind.
    You can do this, too. Please know a huge burden is lifted when you learn the money-making skills I teach, and you learn to calm your stress and overwhelm with the coaching calls.
    See you in episode 212 - Everything you hear Erica did to get profitable is available to you, too.

    • 37 min
    #211: What's Working --- And Not, in Social Media Marketing Today

    #211: What's Working --- And Not, in Social Media Marketing Today

    Click HERE for 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm

    Hi! Have you heard the term "Pay to Play" on social media?

    You'll want to know what this means and why it's crucial to play by the rules (or risk being shut down when you try to sell).

    I cover that and several other strategies that'll help you finally have success getting more customers from Instagram and Facebook, especially.

    ​>>Tune into Today’s episode of The Profitable Mindset Podcast​

    ​#211 of the Profitable Mindset Podcast.​

    Social media is FREE to use, and almost every one of your potential customers is on there, so why's it so darn frustrating to try to sell something using these platforms?

    There’s a lot of skill involved in how to turn them into customers - skills you can learn.

    ​Today’s episode will help.​

    I explain the “pay to play” model used by FB and Instagram. 

    Then, I explain the serious drawbacks to advertising on social media—if you don’t understand them, you’ll struggle.

    Once you understand the pitfalls and the possibilities - I’ve got some recommendations of what’s working TODAY, things you can implement right now on social media.

    Please tune in, save yourself lots of money, and if you ARE spending money on ads, today’s episode will save you heartache.



    • 21 min
    #210: If you Feel You Have to Apologize for your Prices, This Will Help

    #210: If you Feel You Have to Apologize for your Prices, This Will Help

    Click HERE: 3 Steps to Build Your Profitable Farm - free training

    This ever happen to you?

    Someone asks the price of your lettuce, flowers, or meat—you can fill in the blank with your product.

    And as soon as they ask, you freeze, remembering the person last week who surprised you by asking, “Why’s it so expensive?!”

    Truth is… our farm products MUST be higher priced than the store since we have no economy of scale.

    ​Click HERE to Confidently Charge What You Need​

    Just last week, a farmer requested my coaching because she always feels like she has to apologize for her expensive floral designs.

    I know this is such a struggle among the farmers in my community here. 

    Some women tell me they feel guilty or obligated to keep prices low, others feel angry that people don’t get it - - today’s podcast episode will help you!!

    Like my client, Kathryn, you want to feel confident knowing you must charge that much because of all the work, time, and, of course, hard costs that go into your farming.

    But it can be so hard because these products are often much less expensive at the store.

    And to add salt to the wound, you’ve got neighbors selling similar things for much less money.

    But if you want to farm long-term and not lose money the whole time, you’ll have to charge a sustainable price.

    When you learn the skill I teach today, it becomes much easier to confidently charge a profitable/sustainable price for your meat, milk, eggs, flowers, classes.

    I tell you, when you solve for this in your life, you feel so much lighter, AND you finally start to make and keep money.

    Feeling confident and no longer apologizing for your pricing IS a learned skill, like ALL the things I teach in my marketing Bootcamp.

    The farmers I coach aren’t making money because they’re more gifted, or live in a better place, or have found the magic FB ad or website. 

    NO—they’re making more money than they ever dreamed possible because they’re learning the skills of marketing and mind management, and then money follows.

    Listen to the Profitable Mindset Podcast Episode 210 today and learn how to feel far more confident in your pricing.​

    Thanks for being here!

    Remember - Farm Marketing Bootcamp opens up in July. Plan to join me! A 6 week program to get your marketing started and finessed!

    Let’s get you making and keeping more money.


    • 28 min
    #209: If You Think Your Market is Too Small… This Will Help

    #209: If You Think Your Market is Too Small… This Will Help

    Click HERE for 6 Tools You Need to Build a Profitable Farm

    You work so hard to create the best farm you can - whether it’s meat, milk, flowers, eggs, fiber. Plus all the workshops and tours.

    I even know some of you are farming oysters and salmon and Air BnB’s!
    You bust your buns to get these products & services to people in your community. 
    I know this because I did it, too. I used to wake up thinking - “my product is amazing. People should be flocking to buy - and they aren’t.”
    And despite your best efforts, often you feel like your market just doesn’t want what you have.
    They didn’t buy enough whole chickens, so you had them cut up.
    They didn’t buy the Flower and Vegetable Shares…
    So you made a YouPick and weekly orders.
    They didn’t buy the beef shares…
    So you created bundles and boxes and still have FREEZERS full of meat.
    So the obvious thing to tell yourself is -  that the market is the problem.
    But. This thought is KILLING your business.
    And it’s not true.
    The market is NEVER the problem.
    I know right now a lot of you reading this are tempted to think, “but Charlotte doesn’t know MY market. MY market IS the problem. She doesn’t realize it IS saturated with products just like mine, many cheaper.”
    It’s totally okay you think that - I hear you! I totally thought this, too, until I figured out the solution I offer today. 
    What my experience with thousands of farmers now shows me time and again is it’s NEVER the market that’s the problem.
    There’s ONE reason your market is not buying from you. And that lie you tell yourself (you didn’t know it’s a like, it’s okay) is keeping you stuck.
    Today on the Profitable Mindset Podcast I outline how this dangerous like will cost you thousands of dollars.
    And, I’ll share the three things you have to do to fix this problem.
    When my clients in the 5x Your Farm Sales coaching program discover the solution to this lie in the first two weeks after joining, and implement the solution I offer today, they start to make consistent sales.
    They find their market was never the problem.
    This is the best news ever.
    Because if the market is the problem - it’s out of your hands to fix it.
    I show you how it’s 100% within your control to solve this problem and start making consistent sales at the price you need to charge.
    Click HERE to tune in and hear how to solve for lack of sales.

    • 20 min
    #208: 3 Steps To Get Daily Personal Time This Summer

    #208: 3 Steps To Get Daily Personal Time This Summer

    Click HERE for my free live training: 6 Tools You Need to Build A Profitable Farm

    If you’re like many farmers, you probably struggle with being overwhelmed, exhausted, and burnt out for years. 
    You know you can’t keep living this way — so why haven’t you DONE anything about it yet?
    You can’t find the time!

    Or, if you do find time, such as Grandma showed up to take the kids for a couple of hours… you’re faced with 
    “... but I can’t because I feel guilty or I don’t deserve to spend time on myself when there is so much to do.”

    All farmers tell me they struggle with taking personal time, but especially as women, we carry so much guilt around taking time for ourselves because we’ve been conditioned to think this way.
    We think we need to provide physically, mentally, emotionally, and often financially -  to our families - and we’ve placed ourselves last on the to-do list.

    This costs us a great deal—especially in terms of our health, energy, and profitability. It's ironic that thinking we need to be doing it all is keeping us from even making money.

    Then, we end up beating ourselves up for it all.

    Well, I say, “No more!”

    Today’s episode is about learning 3 simple steps to start creating more personal time for yourself without feeling guilty.

    I hope you’ll try this. There’s a direct correlation between feeling fulfilled in life and having an hour of personal time each day. NOT time folding laundry or working out… I mean legit, do-nothing downtime, just for you.

    Sounds crazy-impossible?! Trust me, I’ve been right where you are. And when I saw how just an hour a day to myself changed my whole life, I had to share with you.

    Now, I spend my life teaching farmers how to make money. And it starts with learning to manage your time.  And step one in learning to manage your time… is the skill I teach today.

    Tune in to this episode and give it a try!



    • 37 min
    #207: How I Hit the Ground Running with a Sold-Out Farm from Day One

    #207: How I Hit the Ground Running with a Sold-Out Farm from Day One

    Click HERE for the Free Email Marketing Course

    It’s crucial that you learn marketing from people who’ve created long-term success with it.

    There are no ‘make money fast’ schemes out there that work. 

    Oh, there are plenty of people trying to sell you one! 

    But from years of experience with thousands of farmers, I know that you can’t spend enough money to compensate for not learning marketing. 

    By that, I mean you won’t successfully spend enough money hiring someone to do your marketing to get profitable.

    You can’t spend enough money on FB ads to make yourself profitable. 

    Nothing will build your profitable farm without you learning marketing. So, if you’ve got to learn it, it might as well be fun and fulfilling. 

    Today, on the Profitable Mindset Podcast, I’m in the hot seat answering Jonathan Kilpatrick’s burning questions about our marketing workshop I taught in Minnesota.

    Hear how I used the marketing skills I teach farmers to create my own successful, profitable farm. 

    Hear about the ‘cash cows’ farmers are building today using the same foundational principles.

    Tune in and learn several things, including:
    The one task you can do each week to build loyalty and connection How to build trust with people online so they’ll buy from you consistently The number one way to build SEO on your website - and it’s NOT by hiring expensive SEO consultants or programs It’s crucial that you learn to market your farm products. There’s no fast or easy way to do it! 

    If there was a fast, easy way… you know everyone would be doing it successfully. The fact that learning is “hard” weeds out those who are not willing to do hard things.

    But that’s not you, insert first name here.

    I set up my marketing a year before I brought my first cow home, so I hit the ground running and was sold out the day I opened for sales.

    Now I teach farmers to do the same.

    Listen TODAY and learn.



    • 1h

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